%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2010. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%% @doc Common Test Framework test execution control module. %%% %%%

This module exports functions for installing and running tests %%% withing the Common Test Framework.

-module(ct_run). %% Script interface -export([script_start/0,script_usage/0]). %% User interface -export([install/1,install/2,run/1,run/2,run/3,run_test/1, run_testspec/1,step/3,step/4,refresh_logs/1]). %% Exported for VTS -export([run_make/3,do_run/3,tests/1,tests/2,tests/3]). %% Misc internal functions -export([variables_file_name/1,script_start1/2,run_test1/1]). -include("ct_event.hrl"). -include("ct_util.hrl"). -define(abs(Name), filename:absname(Name)). -define(testdir(Name, Suite), ct_util:get_testdir(Name, Suite)). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @spec script_start() -> void() %%% %%% @doc Start tests via the run_test script. %%% %%%

./run_test -config config.ctc -dir %%% $TEST_DIR

%%% %%%

./run_test -config config.ctc -suite %%% $SUITE_PATH/$SUITE_NAME [-case $CASE_NAME]

%%% script_start() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Args = merge_arguments(init:get_arguments()), Tracing = start_trace(Args), Res = case ct_repeat:loop_test(script, Args) of false -> {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), CTVsn = case filename:basename(code:lib_dir(common_test)) of CTBase when is_list(CTBase) -> case string:tokens(CTBase, "-") of ["common_test",Vsn] -> " v"++Vsn; _ -> "" end end, io:format("~nCommon Test~s starting (cwd is ~s)~n~n", [CTVsn,Cwd]), Self = self(), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> script_start1(Self, Args) end), receive {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} -> case Reason of {user_error,What} -> io:format("\nTest run failed!\nReason: ~p\n\n", [What]), {error,What}; _ -> io:format("Test run crashed! This could be an internal error " "- please report!\n\n" "~p\n\n", [Reason]), {error,Reason} end; {Pid,{error,Reason}} -> io:format("\nTest run failed! Reason:\n~p\n\n",[Reason]), {error,Reason}; {Pid,Result} -> Result end; Result -> Result end, stop_trace(Tracing), Res. script_start1(Parent, Args) -> case lists:keymember(preload, 1, Args) of true -> preload(); false -> ok end, VtsOrShell = case lists:keymember(vts, 1, Args) of true -> vts; false -> case lists:keymember(shell, 1, Args) of true -> shell; false -> false end end, LogDir = case lists:keysearch(logdir, 1, Args) of {value,{logdir,[LogD]}} -> LogD; false -> "." end, EvHandlers = case lists:keysearch(event_handler, 1, Args) of {value,{event_handler,Handlers}} -> lists:map(fun(H) -> {list_to_atom(H),[]} end, Handlers); false -> [] end, Cover = case lists:keysearch(cover, 1, Args) of {value,{cover,CoverFile}} -> {cover,?abs(CoverFile)}; false -> false end, case lists:keysearch(ct_decrypt_key, 1, Args) of {value,{_,[DecryptKey]}} -> application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, {key,DecryptKey}); false -> case lists:keysearch(ct_decrypt_file, 1, Args) of {value,{_,[DecryptFile]}} -> application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, {file,filename:absname(DecryptFile)}); false -> application:unset_env(common_test, decrypt) end end, case lists:keysearch(no_auto_compile, 1, Args) of {value,_} -> application:set_env(common_test, auto_compile, false); false -> application:set_env(common_test, auto_compile, true), InclDirs = case lists:keysearch(include,1,Args) of {value,{include,Incl}} when is_list(hd(Incl)) -> Incl; {value,{include,Incl}} when is_list(Incl) -> [Incl]; false -> [] end, case os:getenv("CT_INCLUDE_PATH") of false -> application:set_env(common_test, include, InclDirs); CtInclPath -> InclDirs1 = string:tokens(CtInclPath,[$:,$ ,$,]), application:set_env(common_test, include, InclDirs1++InclDirs) end end, case lists:keysearch(basic_html, 1, Args) of {value,_} -> application:set_env(common_test, basic_html, true); false -> application:set_env(common_test, basic_html, false) end, Result = case lists:keysearch(refresh_logs, 1, Args) of {value,{refresh_logs,Refresh}} -> LogDir1 = case Refresh of [] -> LogDir; [RefreshDir] -> ?abs(RefreshDir) end, {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), file:set_cwd(LogDir1), timer:sleep(500), % give the shell time to print version etc io:nl(), case catch ct_logs:make_all_suites_index(refresh) of {'EXIT',ASReason} -> file:set_cwd(Cwd), {error,{all_suites_index,ASReason}}; _ -> case catch ct_logs:make_all_runs_index(refresh) of {'EXIT',ARReason} -> file:set_cwd(Cwd), {error,{all_runs_index,ARReason}}; _ -> file:set_cwd(Cwd), io:format("Logs in ~s refreshed!~n~n", [LogDir1]), timer:sleep(500), % time to flush io before quitting ok end end; false -> Config = ct_config:prepare_config_list(Args), case Config of [] -> case install([{config,[]}, {event_handler,EvHandlers}], LogDir) of ok -> script_start2(VtsOrShell, [], EvHandlers, Args, LogDir, Cover); Error -> Error end; Config -> case lists:keysearch(spec, 1, Args) of false -> case check_and_install_configfiles(Config, LogDir, EvHandlers) of ok -> script_start2(VtsOrShell, Config, EvHandlers, Args, LogDir, Cover); Error -> Error end; _ -> script_start2(VtsOrShell, Config, EvHandlers, Args, LogDir, Cover) end end end, Parent ! {self(), Result}. check_and_install_configfiles(Configs, LogDir, EvHandlers) -> case ct_config:check_config_files(Configs) of false-> install([{config,Configs}, {event_handler,EvHandlers}], LogDir); {value, {nok, {nofile, File}}} -> {error,{cant_read_config_file,File}}; {value, {nok, {wrong_config, Message}}}-> {error,{wrong_config, Message}}; {value, {nok, {callback, File}}} -> {error,{cant_load_callback_module,File}} end. script_start2(false, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, Args, LogDir, Cover) -> case lists:keysearch(spec, 1, Args) of {value,{spec,[]}} -> {error,no_testspec_specified}; {value,{spec,Specs}} -> Relaxed = lists:keymember(allow_user_terms, 1, Args), %% using testspec as input for test case catch ct_testspec:collect_tests_from_file(Specs, Relaxed) of {error,Reason} -> {error,Reason}; TS -> {LogDir1,TSCoverFile,ConfigFiles1,EvHandlers1,Include1} = get_data_for_node(TS,node()), UserInclude = case application:get_env(common_test, include) of {ok,Include} -> Include++Include1; _ -> Include1 end, application:set_env(common_test, include, UserInclude), LogDir2 = which_logdir(LogDir,LogDir1), CoverOpt = case {Cover,TSCoverFile} of {false,undef} -> []; {_,undef} -> [Cover]; {false,_} -> [{cover,TSCoverFile}] end, case check_and_install_configfiles( ConfigFiles++ConfigFiles1, LogDir2, EvHandlers++EvHandlers1) of ok -> {Run,Skip} = ct_testspec:prepare_tests(TS, node()), do_run(Run, Skip, CoverOpt, Args, LogDir2); Error -> Error end end; false -> script_start3(false, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, Args, LogDir, Cover) end; script_start2(VtsOrShell, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, Args, LogDir, Cover) -> script_start3(VtsOrShell, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, Args, LogDir, Cover). script_start3(VtsOrShell, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, Args, LogDir, Cover) -> case lists:keysearch(dir, 1, Args) of {value,{dir,[]}} -> {error,no_dir_specified}; {value,{dir,Dirs}} -> script_start4(VtsOrShell, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, tests(Dirs), Cover, Args, LogDir); false -> case lists:keysearch(suite, 1, Args) of {value,{suite,[]}} -> {error,no_suite_specified}; {value,{suite,Suites}} -> StepOrCover = case lists:keysearch(step, 1, Args) of {value,Step} -> Step; false -> Cover end, S2M = fun(S) -> {filename:dirname(S), list_to_atom( filename:rootname(filename:basename(S)))} end, DirMods = lists:map(S2M, Suites), {Specified,GroupsAndCases} = case {lists:keysearch(group, 1, Args), lists:keysearch('case', 1, Args)} of {{value,{_,Gs}},{value,{_,Cs}}} -> {true,Gs++Cs}; {{value,{_,Gs}},_} -> {true,Gs}; {_,{value,{_,Cs}}} -> {true,Cs}; _ -> {false,[]} end, if Specified, length(GroupsAndCases) == 0 -> {error,no_case_or_group_specified}; Specified, length(DirMods) > 1 -> {error,multiple_suites_and_cases}; length(GroupsAndCases) > 0, length(DirMods) == 1 -> GsAndCs = lists:map(fun(C) -> list_to_atom(C) end, GroupsAndCases), script_start4(VtsOrShell, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, tests(DirMods, GsAndCs), StepOrCover, Args, LogDir); not Specified, length(DirMods) > 0 -> script_start4(VtsOrShell, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, tests(DirMods), StepOrCover, Args, LogDir); true -> {error,incorrect_suite_and_case_options} end; false when VtsOrShell=/=false -> script_start4(VtsOrShell, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, [], Cover, Args, LogDir); false -> script_usage(), {error,incorrect_usage} end end. script_start4(vts, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, Tests, false, _Args, LogDir) -> vts:init_data(ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, ?abs(LogDir), Tests); script_start4(shell, ConfigFiles, EvHandlers, _Tests, false, Args, LogDir) -> Opts = [{config,ConfigFiles},{event_handler,EvHandlers}], if ConfigFiles == [] -> ok; true -> io:format("\nInstalling: ~p\n\n", [ConfigFiles]) end, case install(Opts) of ok -> ct_util:start(interactive, LogDir), log_ts_names(Args), io:nl(), ok; Error -> Error end; script_start4(vts, _CfgFs, _EvHs, _Tests, _Cover={cover,_}, _Args, _LogDir) -> %% Add support later (maybe). script_usage(), erlang:halt(); script_start4(shell, _CfgFs, _EvHs, _Tests, _Cover={cover,_}, _Args, _LogDir) -> %% Add support later (maybe). script_usage(); script_start4(false, _CfgFs, _EvHs, Tests, Cover={cover,_}, Args, LogDir) -> do_run(Tests, [], [Cover], Args, LogDir); script_start4(false, _ConfigFiles, _EvHandlers, Tests, false, Args, LogDir) -> do_run(Tests, [], [], Args, LogDir); script_start4(false, _ConfigFiles, _EvHandlers, Test, Step, Args, LogDir) -> do_run(Test, [], [Step], Args, LogDir); script_start4(vts, _ConfigFiles, _EvHandlers, _Test, _Step, _Args, _LogDir) -> script_usage(), erlang:halt(); script_start4(shell, _ConfigFiles, _EvHandlers, _Test, _Step, _Args, _LogDir) -> script_usage(). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @spec script_usage() -> ok %%% @doc Print script usage information for run_test. script_usage() -> io:format("\n\nUsage:\n\n"), io:format("Run tests in web based GUI:\n\n" "\trun_test -vts [-browser Browser]" "\n\t[-config ConfigFile1 ConfigFile2 .. ConfigFileN]" "\n\t[-decrypt_key Key] | [-decrypt_file KeyFile]" "\n\t[-dir TestDir1 TestDir2 .. TestDirN] |" "\n\t[-suite Suite [-case Case]]" "\n\t[-include InclDir1 InclDir2 .. InclDirN]" "\n\t[-no_auto_compile]" "\n\t[-basic_html]\n\n"), io:format("Run tests from command line:\n\n" "\trun_test [-dir TestDir1 TestDir2 .. TestDirN] |" "\n\t[-suite Suite1 Suite2 .. SuiteN [-case Case1 Case2 .. CaseN]]" "\n\t[-step [config | keep_inactive]]" "\n\t[-config ConfigFile1 ConfigFile2 .. ConfigFileN]" "\n\t[-userconfig CallbackModule ConfigFile1 .. ConfigFileN]" "\n\t[-decrypt_key Key] | [-decrypt_file KeyFile]" "\n\t[-logdir LogDir]" "\n\t[-silent_connections [ConnType1 ConnType2 .. ConnTypeN]]" "\n\t[-stylesheet CSSFile]" "\n\t[-cover CoverCfgFile]" "\n\t[-event_handler EvHandler1 EvHandler2 .. EvHandlerN]" "\n\t[-include InclDir1 InclDir2 .. InclDirN]" "\n\t[-no_auto_compile]" "\n\t[-basic_html]" "\n\t[-repeat N [-force_stop]] |" "\n\t[-duration HHMMSS [-force_stop]] |" "\n\t[-until [YYMoMoDD]HHMMSS [-force_stop]]\n\n"), io:format("Run tests using test specification:\n\n" "\trun_test -spec TestSpec1 TestSpec2 .. TestSpecN" "\n\t[-config ConfigFile1 ConfigFile2 .. ConfigFileN]" "\n\t[-decrypt_key Key] | [-decrypt_file KeyFile]" "\n\t[-logdir LogDir]" "\n\t[-allow_user_terms]" "\n\t[-silent_connections [ConnType1 ConnType2 .. ConnTypeN]]" "\n\t[-stylesheet CSSFile]" "\n\t[-cover CoverCfgFile]" "\n\t[-event_handler EvHandler1 EvHandler2 .. EvHandlerN]" "\n\t[-include InclDir1 InclDir2 .. InclDirN]" "\n\t[-no_auto_compile]" "\n\t[-basic_html]" "\n\t[-repeat N [-force_stop]] |" "\n\t[-duration HHMMSS [-force_stop]] |" "\n\t[-until [YYMoMoDD]HHMMSS [-force_stop]]\n\n"), io:format("Refresh the HTML index files:\n\n" "\trun_test -refresh_logs [LogDir]" "[-logdir LogDir] " "[-basic_html]\n\n"), io:format("Run CT in interactive mode:\n\n" "\trun_test -shell" "\n\t[-config ConfigFile1 ConfigFile2 .. ConfigFileN]" "\n\t[-decrypt_key Key] | [-decrypt_file KeyFile]\n\n"). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @hidden %%% @equiv ct:install/1 install(Opts) -> install(Opts, "."). install(Opts, LogDir) -> case application:get_env(common_test, decrypt) of {ok,_} -> ok; _ -> case lists:keysearch(decrypt, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,KeyOrFile}} -> application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, KeyOrFile); false -> application:unset_env(common_test, decrypt) end end, case whereis(ct_util_server) of undefined -> VarFile = variables_file_name(LogDir), case file:open(VarFile, [write]) of {ok,Fd} -> [io:format(Fd, "~p.\n", [Opt]) || Opt <- Opts], file:close(Fd), ok; {error,Reason} -> io:format("CT failed to install configuration data. Please " "verify that the log directory exists and that " "write permission is set.\n\n", []), {error,{VarFile,Reason}} end; _ -> io:format("It is not possible to install CT while running " "in interactive mode.\n" "To exit this mode, run ct:stop_interactive().\n" "To enter the interactive mode again, " "run ct:start_interactive()\n\n", []), {error,interactive_mode} end. variables_file_name(Dir) -> filename:join(Dir, "variables-"++atom_to_list(node())). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @hidden %%% @equiv ct:run_test/1 %% Opts = [OptTuples] %% OptTuples = {config,CfgFiles} | {dir,TestDirs} | {suite,Suites} | %% {testcase,Cases} | {spec,TestSpecs} | {allow_user_terms,Bool} | %% {logdir,LogDir} | {cover,CoverSpecFile} | {step,StepOpts} | %% {silent_connections,Conns} | {event_handler,EventHandlers} | %% {include,InclDirs} | {auto_compile,Bool} | %% {repeat,N} | {duration,DurTime} | {until,StopTime} | {force_stop,Bool} | %% {decrypt,KeyOrFile} run_test(Opt) when is_tuple(Opt) -> run_test([Opt]); run_test(Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> case lists:keysearch(refresh_logs, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,RefreshDir}} -> refresh_logs(?abs(RefreshDir)), ok; false -> Tracing = start_trace(Opts), {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), io:format("~nCommon Test starting (cwd is ~s)~n~n", [Cwd]), Res = case ct_repeat:loop_test(func, Opts) of false -> case catch run_test1(Opts) of {'EXIT',Reason} -> file:set_cwd(Cwd), {error,Reason}; Result -> Result end; Result -> Result end, stop_trace(Tracing), Res end. run_test1(Opts) -> LogDir = case lists:keysearch(logdir, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,LD}} when is_list(LD) -> LD; false -> "." end, CfgFiles = ct_config:get_config_file_list(Opts), EvHandlers = case lists:keysearch(event_handler, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,H}} when is_atom(H) -> [{H,[]}]; {value,{_,H}} -> Hs = if is_tuple(H) -> [H]; is_list(H) -> H; true -> [] end, lists:flatten( lists:map(fun(EH) when is_atom(EH) -> {EH,[]}; ({HL,Args}) when is_list(HL) -> [{EH,Args} || EH <- HL]; ({EH,Args}) when is_atom(EH) -> {EH,Args}; (_) -> [] end, Hs)); _ -> [] end, SilentConns = case lists:keysearch(silent_connections, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,all}} -> []; {value,{_,Conns}} -> Conns; _ -> undefined end, Cover = case lists:keysearch(cover, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,CoverFile}} -> [{cover,?abs(CoverFile)}]; _ -> [] end, Include = case lists:keysearch(auto_compile, 1, Opts) of {value,{auto_compile,ACBool}} -> application:set_env(common_test, auto_compile, ACBool), []; _ -> application:set_env(common_test, auto_compile, true), InclDirs = case lists:keysearch(include, 1, Opts) of {value,{include,Incl}} when is_list(hd(Incl)) -> Incl; {value,{include,Incl}} when is_list(Incl) -> [Incl]; false -> [] end, case os:getenv("CT_INCLUDE_PATH") of false -> application:set_env(common_test, include, InclDirs), InclDirs; CtInclPath -> InclDirs1 = string:tokens(CtInclPath, [$:,$ ,$,]), AllInclDirs = InclDirs1++InclDirs, application:set_env(common_test, include, AllInclDirs), AllInclDirs end end, case lists:keysearch(decrypt, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,Key={key,_}}} -> application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, Key); {value,{_,{file,KeyFile}}} -> application:set_env(common_test, decrypt, {file,filename:absname(KeyFile)}); false -> application:unset_env(common_test, decrypt) end, case lists:keysearch(basic_html, 1, Opts) of {value,{basic_html,BasicHtmlBool}} -> application:set_env(common_test, basic_html, BasicHtmlBool); _ -> application:set_env(common_test, basic_html, false) end, case lists:keysearch(spec, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,Specs}} -> Relaxed = case lists:keysearch(allow_user_terms, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,true}} -> true; _ -> false end, %% using testspec(s) as input for test run_spec_file(LogDir, CfgFiles, EvHandlers, Include, Specs, Relaxed, Cover, replace_opt([{silent_connections,SilentConns}], Opts)); false -> case lists:keysearch(prepared_tests, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,{Run,Skip},Specs}} -> % use prepared tests run_prepared(LogDir, CfgFiles, EvHandlers, Run, Skip, Cover, replace_opt([{silent_connections,SilentConns}, {spec,Specs}],Opts)); false -> % use dir|suite|case StepOrCover = case lists:keysearch(step, 1, Opts) of {value,Step} -> [Step]; false -> Cover end, run_dir(LogDir, CfgFiles, EvHandlers, StepOrCover, replace_opt([{silent_connections,SilentConns}], Opts)) end end. replace_opt([O={Key,_Val}|Os], Opts) -> [O | replace_opt(Os, lists:keydelete(Key, 1, Opts))]; replace_opt([], Opts) -> Opts. run_spec_file(LogDir, CfgFiles, EvHandlers, Include, Specs, Relaxed, Cover, Opts) -> Specs1 = case Specs of [X|_] when is_integer(X) -> [Specs]; _ -> Specs end, AbsSpecs = lists:map(fun(SF) -> ?abs(SF) end, Specs1), log_ts_names(AbsSpecs), case catch ct_testspec:collect_tests_from_file(AbsSpecs, Relaxed) of {error,CTReason} -> exit(CTReason); TS -> {LogDir1,TSCoverFile,CfgFiles1,EvHandlers1,Include1} = get_data_for_node(TS, node()), application:set_env(common_test, include, Include++Include1), LogDir2 = which_logdir(LogDir, LogDir1), CoverOpt = case {Cover,TSCoverFile} of {[],undef} -> []; {_,undef} -> Cover; {[],_} -> [{cover,TSCoverFile}] end, case check_and_install_configfiles(CfgFiles++CfgFiles1, LogDir2, EvHandlers++EvHandlers1) of ok -> {Run,Skip} = ct_testspec:prepare_tests(TS, node()), do_run(Run, Skip, CoverOpt, replace_opt([{spec,AbsSpecs}], Opts), LogDir2); {error,GCFReason} -> exit(GCFReason) end end. run_prepared(LogDir, CfgFiles, EvHandlers, Run, Skip, Cover, Opts) -> case check_and_install_configfiles(CfgFiles, LogDir, EvHandlers) of ok -> do_run(Run, Skip, Cover, Opts, LogDir); {error,Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. check_config_file(Callback, File)-> case Callback:check_parameter(File) of {ok, {file, File}}-> ?abs(File); {ok, {config, _}}-> File; {nok, {wrong_config, Message}}-> exit({wrong_config, {Callback, Message}}); {nok, {nofile, File}}-> exit({no_such_file, ?abs(File)}) end. run_dir(LogDir, CfgFiles, EvHandlers, StepOrCover, Opts) -> AbsCfgFiles = lists:map(fun({Callback, FileList})-> case code:is_loaded(Callback) of {file, _Path}-> ok; false-> case code:load_file(Callback) of {module, Callback}-> ok; {error, _}-> exit({no_such_module, Callback}) end end, {Callback, lists:map(fun(File)-> check_config_file(Callback, File) end, FileList)} end, CfgFiles), case install([{config,AbsCfgFiles},{event_handler,EvHandlers}], LogDir) of ok -> ok; {error,IReason} -> exit(IReason) end, case lists:keysearch(dir,1,Opts) of {value,{_,Dirs=[Dir|_]}} when not is_integer(Dir), length(Dirs)>1 -> %% multiple dirs (no suite) do_run(tests(Dirs), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir); false -> % no dir %% fun for converting suite name to {Dir,Mod} tuple S2M = fun(S) when is_list(S) -> {filename:dirname(S), list_to_atom(filename:rootname(filename:basename(S)))}; (A) -> {".",A} end, case lists:keysearch(suite, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,Suite}} when is_integer(hd(Suite)) ; is_atom(Suite) -> {Dir,Mod} = S2M(Suite), case listify(proplists:get_value(group, Opts, [])) ++ listify(proplists:get_value(testcase, Opts, [])) of [] -> do_run(tests(Dir, listify(Mod)), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir); GsAndCs -> do_run(tests(Dir, Mod, GsAndCs), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir) end; {value,{_,Suites}} -> do_run(tests(lists:map(S2M, Suites)), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir); _ -> exit(no_tests_specified) end; {value,{_,Dir}} -> case lists:keysearch(suite, 1, Opts) of {value,{_,Suite}} when is_integer(hd(Suite)) ; is_atom(Suite) -> Mod = if is_atom(Suite) -> Suite; true -> list_to_atom(Suite) end, case listify(proplists:get_value(group, Opts, [])) ++ listify(proplists:get_value(testcase, Opts, [])) of [] -> do_run(tests(Dir, listify(Mod)), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir); GsAndCs -> do_run(tests(Dir, Mod, GsAndCs), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir) end; {value,{_,Suites=[Suite|_]}} when is_list(Suite) -> Mods = lists:map(fun(Str) -> list_to_atom(Str) end, Suites), do_run(tests(delistify(Dir), Mods), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir); {value,{_,Suites}} -> do_run(tests(delistify(Dir), Suites), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir); false -> % no suite, only dir do_run(tests(listify(Dir)), [], StepOrCover, Opts, LogDir) end end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @hidden %%% %% using testspec(s) as input for test run_testspec(TestSpec) -> {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), io:format("~nCommon Test starting (cwd is ~s)~n~n", [Cwd]), case catch run_testspec1(TestSpec) of {'EXIT',Reason} -> file:set_cwd(Cwd), {error,Reason}; Result -> Result end. run_testspec1(TestSpec) -> case ct_testspec:collect_tests_from_list(TestSpec,false) of {error,CTReason} -> exit(CTReason); TS -> {LogDir,TSCoverFile,CfgFiles,EvHandlers,Include} = get_data_for_node(TS,node()), case os:getenv("CT_INCLUDE_PATH") of false -> application:set_env(common_test, include, Include); CtInclPath -> EnvInclude = string:tokens(CtInclPath, [$:,$ ,$,]), application:set_env(common_test, include, EnvInclude++Include) end, CoverOpt = if TSCoverFile == undef -> []; true -> [{cover,TSCoverFile}] end, case check_and_install_configfiles(CfgFiles,LogDir,EvHandlers) of ok -> {Run,Skip} = ct_testspec:prepare_tests(TS,node()), do_run(Run,Skip,CoverOpt,[],LogDir); {error,GCFReason} -> exit(GCFReason) end end. get_data_for_node(#testspec{logdir=LogDirs, cover=CoverFs, config=Cfgs, event_handler=EvHs, include=Incl}, Node) -> LogDir = case lists:keysearch(Node,1,LogDirs) of {value,{Node,Dir}} -> Dir; false -> "." end, Cover = case lists:keysearch(Node,1,CoverFs) of {value,{Node,CovFile}} -> CovFile; false -> undef end, ConfigFiles = [F || {N,F} <- Cfgs, N==Node], EvHandlers = [{H,A} || {N,H,A} <- EvHs, N==Node], Include = [I || {N,I} <- Incl, N==Node], {LogDir,Cover,ConfigFiles,EvHandlers,Include}. refresh_logs(LogDir) -> {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), case file:set_cwd(LogDir) of E = {error,_Reason} -> E; _ -> case catch ct_logs:make_all_suites_index(refresh) of {'EXIT',ASReason} -> file:set_cwd(Cwd), {error,{all_suites_index,ASReason}}; _ -> case catch ct_logs:make_all_runs_index(refresh) of {'EXIT',ARReason} -> file:set_cwd(Cwd), {error,{all_runs_index,ARReason}}; _ -> file:set_cwd(Cwd), io:format("Logs in ~s refreshed!~n",[LogDir]), ok end end end. which_logdir(".",Dir) -> Dir; which_logdir(Dir,_) -> Dir. listify([C|_]=Str) when is_integer(C) -> [Str]; listify(L) when is_list(L) -> L; listify(E) -> [E]. delistify([E]) -> E; delistify(E) -> E. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @hidden %%% @equiv ct:run/3 run(TestDir, Suite, Cases) -> install([]), do_run(tests(TestDir, Suite, Cases), []). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @hidden %%% @equiv ct:run/2 run(TestDir, Suite) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) -> install([]), do_run(tests(TestDir, Suite), []). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @hidden %%% @equiv ct:run/1 run(TestDirs) -> install([]), do_run(tests(TestDirs), []). tests(TestDir, Suites, []) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) -> [{?testdir(TestDir,Suites),ensure_atom(Suites),all}]; tests(TestDir, Suite, Cases) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) -> [{?testdir(TestDir,Suite),ensure_atom(Suite),Cases}]. tests([{Dir,Suite}],Cases) -> [{?testdir(Dir,Suite),ensure_atom(Suite),Cases}]; tests(TestDir, Suite) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) -> tests(TestDir, ensure_atom(Suite), all). tests(DirSuites) when is_list(DirSuites), is_tuple(hd(DirSuites)) -> [{?testdir(Dir,Suite),ensure_atom(Suite),all} || {Dir,Suite} <- DirSuites]; tests(TestDir) when is_list(TestDir), is_integer(hd(TestDir)) -> tests([TestDir]); tests(TestDirs) when is_list(TestDirs), is_list(hd(TestDirs)) -> [{?testdir(TestDir,all),all,all} || TestDir <- TestDirs]. do_run(Tests, Opt) -> do_run(Tests, [], Opt, [], "."). do_run(Tests, Opt, LogDir) -> do_run(Tests, [], Opt, [], LogDir). do_run(Tests, Skip, Opt, Args, LogDir) -> case code:which(test_server) of non_existing -> exit({error,no_path_to_test_server}); _ -> Opt1 = case lists:keysearch(cover, 1, Opt) of {value,{_,CoverFile}} -> case ct_cover:get_spec(CoverFile) of {error,Reason} -> exit({error,Reason}); Spec -> [{cover_spec,Spec} | lists:keydelete(cover, 1, Opt)] end; _ -> Opt end, %% This env variable is used by test_server to determine %% which framework it runs under. case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK") of false -> os:putenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK", "ct_framework"); "ct_framework" -> ok; Other -> erlang:display(list_to_atom("Note: TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK = " ++ Other)) end, case ct_util:start(LogDir) of {error,interactive_mode} -> io:format("CT is started in interactive mode. " "To exit this mode, run ct:stop_interactive().\n" "To enter the interactive mode again, " "run ct:start_interactive()\n\n",[]), {error,interactive_mode}; _Pid -> %% save style sheet info case lists:keysearch(stylesheet, 1, Args) of {value,{_,SSFile}} -> ct_util:set_testdata({stylesheet,SSFile}); _ -> ct_util:set_testdata({stylesheet,undefined}) end, case lists:keysearch(silent_connections, 1, Args) of {value,{silent_connections,undefined}} -> ok; {value,{silent_connections,[]}} -> Conns = ct_util:override_silence_all_connections(), ct_logs:log("Silent connections", "~p", [Conns]); {value,{silent_connections,Cs}} -> Conns = lists:map(fun(S) when is_list(S) -> list_to_atom(S); (A) -> A end, Cs), ct_util:override_silence_connections(Conns), ct_logs:log("Silent connections", "~p", [Conns]); _ -> ok end, log_ts_names(Args), TestSuites = suite_tuples(Tests), {SuiteMakeErrors,AllMakeErrors} = case application:get_env(common_test, auto_compile) of {ok,false} -> SuitesNotFound = verify_suites(TestSuites), {SuitesNotFound,SuitesNotFound}; _ -> {SuiteErrs,HelpErrs} = auto_compile(TestSuites), {SuiteErrs,SuiteErrs++HelpErrs} end, case continue(AllMakeErrors) of true -> SavedErrors = save_make_errors(SuiteMakeErrors), ct_repeat:log_loop_info(Args), {Tests1,Skip1} = final_tests(Tests,[],Skip,SavedErrors), R = do_run_test(Tests1, Skip1, Opt1), ct_util:stop(normal), R; false -> io:nl(), ct_util:stop(clean), BadMods = lists:foldr( fun({{_,_},Ms}, Acc) -> Ms ++ lists:foldl( fun(M, Acc1) -> lists:delete(M, Acc1) end, Acc, Ms) end, [], AllMakeErrors), {error,{make_failed,BadMods}} end end end. %% attempt to compile the modules specified in TestSuites auto_compile(TestSuites) -> io:format("~nCommon Test: Running make in test directories...~n"), UserInclude = case application:get_env(common_test, include) of {ok,UserInclDirs} when length(UserInclDirs) > 0 -> io:format("Including the following directories:~n"), [begin io:format("~p~n",[UserInclDir]), {i,UserInclDir} end || UserInclDir <- UserInclDirs]; _ -> [] end, SuiteMakeErrors = lists:flatmap(fun({TestDir,Suite} = TS) -> case run_make(suites, TestDir, Suite, UserInclude) of {error,{make_failed,Bad}} -> [{TS,Bad}]; {error,_} -> [{TS,[filename:join(TestDir,"*_SUITE")]}]; _ -> [] end end, TestSuites), %% try to compile other modules than SUITEs in the test directories {_,HelpMakeErrors} = lists:foldl( fun({Dir,Suite}, {Done,Failed}) -> case lists:member(Dir, Done) of false -> Failed1 = case run_make(helpmods, Dir, Suite, UserInclude) of {error,{make_failed,BadMods}} -> [{{Dir,all},BadMods}|Failed]; {error,_} -> [{{Dir,all},[Dir]}|Failed]; _ -> Failed end, {[Dir|Done],Failed1}; true -> % already visited {Done,Failed} end end, {[],[]}, TestSuites), {SuiteMakeErrors,lists:reverse(HelpMakeErrors)}. %% verify that specified test suites exist (if auto compile is disabled) verify_suites(TestSuites) -> io:nl(), Verify = fun({Dir,Suite},NotFound) -> case locate_test_dir(Dir, Suite) of {ok,TestDir} -> if Suite == all -> NotFound; true -> Beam = filename:join(TestDir, atom_to_list(Suite)++".beam"), case filelib:is_regular(Beam) of true -> NotFound; false -> Name = filename:join(TestDir, atom_to_list(Suite)), io:format("Suite ~w not found in directory ~s~n", [Suite,TestDir]), [{{Dir,Suite},[Name]} | NotFound] end end; {error,_Reason} -> io:format("Directory ~s is invalid~n", [Dir]), Name = filename:join(Dir, atom_to_list(Suite)), [{{Dir,Suite},[Name]} | NotFound] end end, lists:reverse(lists:foldl(Verify, [], TestSuites)). save_make_errors([]) -> []; save_make_errors(Errors) -> Suites = get_bad_suites(Errors,[]), ct_logs:log("MAKE RESULTS", "Error compiling or locating the following suites: ~n~p",[Suites]), %% save the info for logger file:write_file(?missing_suites_info,term_to_binary(Errors)), Errors. get_bad_suites([{{_TestDir,_Suite},Failed}|Errors], BadSuites) -> get_bad_suites(Errors,BadSuites++Failed); get_bad_suites([], BadSuites) -> BadSuites. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @hidden %%% @equiv ct:step/3 step(TestDir, Suite, Case) -> step(TestDir, Suite, Case, []). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @hidden %%% @equiv ct:step/4 step(TestDir, Suite, Case, Opts) when is_list(TestDir), is_atom(Suite), is_atom(Case), Suite =/= all, Case =/= all -> do_run([{TestDir,Suite,Case}], [{step,Opts}]). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal suite_tuples([{TestDir,Suites,_} | Tests]) when is_list(Suites) -> lists:map(fun(S) -> {TestDir,S} end, Suites) ++ suite_tuples(Tests); suite_tuples([{TestDir,Suite,_} | Tests]) when is_atom(Suite) -> [{TestDir,Suite} | suite_tuples(Tests)]; suite_tuples([]) -> []. final_tests([{TestDir,Suites,_}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) when is_list(Suites), is_atom(hd(Suites)) -> % Separate = % fun(S,{DoSuite,Dont}) -> % case lists:keymember({TestDir,S},1,Bad) of % false -> % {[S|DoSuite],Dont}; % true -> % SkipIt = {TestDir,S,"Make failed"}, % {DoSuite,Dont++[SkipIt]} % end % end, % {DoSuites,Skip1} = % lists:foldl(Separate,{[],Skip},Suites), % Do = {TestDir,lists:reverse(DoSuites),all}, Skip1 = [{TD,S,"Make failed"} || {{TD,S},_} <- Bad, S1 <- Suites, S == S1, TD == TestDir], Final1 = [{TestDir,S,all} || S <- Suites], final_tests(Tests, lists:reverse(Final1)++Final, Skip++Skip1, Bad); final_tests([{TestDir,all,all}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) -> MissingSuites = case lists:keysearch({TestDir,all}, 1, Bad) of {value,{_,Failed}} -> [list_to_atom(filename:basename(F)) || F <- Failed]; false -> [] end, Missing = [{TestDir,S,"Make failed"} || S <- MissingSuites], Final1 = [{TestDir,all,all}|Final], final_tests(Tests, Final1, Skip++Missing, Bad); final_tests([{TestDir,Suite,Cases}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) when Cases==[]; Cases==all -> final_tests([{TestDir,[Suite],all}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad); final_tests([{TestDir,Suite,Cases}|Tests], Final, Skip, Bad) -> case lists:keymember({TestDir,Suite}, 1, Bad) of false -> Do = {TestDir,Suite,Cases}, final_tests(Tests, [Do|Final], Skip, Bad); true -> Do = {TestDir,Suite,Cases}, Skip1 = Skip ++ [{TestDir,Suite,Cases,"Make failed"}], final_tests(Tests, [Do|Final], Skip1, Bad) end; final_tests([], Final, Skip, _Bad) -> {lists:reverse(Final),Skip}. continue([]) -> true; continue(_MakeErrors) -> io:nl(), OldGl = group_leader(), case set_group_leader_same_as_shell() of true -> S = self(), io:format("Failed to compile or locate one or more test suites\n" "Press \'c\' to continue or \'a\' to abort.\n" "Will continue in 15 seconds if no answer is given!\n"), Pid = spawn(fun() -> case io:get_line('(c/a) ') of "c\n" -> S ! true; _ -> S ! false end end), group_leader(OldGl, self()), receive R when R==true; R==false -> R after 15000 -> exit(Pid, kill), io:format("... timeout - continuing!!\n"), true end; false -> % no shell process to use true end. set_group_leader_same_as_shell() -> %%! Locate the shell process... UGLY!!! GS2or3 = fun(P) -> case process_info(P,initial_call) of {initial_call,{group,server,X}} when X == 2 ; X == 3 -> true; _ -> false end end, case [P || P <- processes(), GS2or3(P), true == lists:keymember(shell,1,element(2,process_info(P,dictionary)))] of [GL|_] -> group_leader(GL, self()); [] -> false end. check_and_add([{TestDir0,M,_} | Tests], Added) -> case locate_test_dir(TestDir0, M) of {ok,TestDir} -> case lists:member(TestDir, Added) of true -> check_and_add(Tests, Added); false -> true = code:add_patha(TestDir), check_and_add(Tests, [TestDir|Added]) end; {error,_} -> {error,{invalid_directory,TestDir0}} end; check_and_add([], _) -> ok. do_run_test(Tests, Skip, Opt) -> case check_and_add(Tests, []) of ok -> ct_util:set_testdata({stats,{0,0,{0,0}}}), ct_util:set_testdata({cover,undefined}), test_server_ctrl:start_link(local), case lists:keysearch(cover_spec, 1, Opt) of {value,{_,CovData={CovFile, CovNodes, _CovImport, CovExport, #cover{app = CovApp, level = CovLevel, excl_mods = CovExcl, incl_mods = CovIncl, cross = CovCross, src = _CovSrc}}}} -> ct_logs:log("COVER INFO","Using cover specification file: ~s~n" "App: ~w~n" "Cross cover: ~w~n" "Including ~w modules~n" "Excluding ~w modules", [CovFile,CovApp,CovCross,length(CovIncl),length(CovExcl)]), %% cover export file will be used for export and import %% between tests so make sure it doesn't exist initially case filelib:is_file(CovExport) of true -> DelResult = file:delete(CovExport), ct_logs:log("COVER INFO", "Warning! Export file ~s already exists. " "Deleting with result: ~p", [CovExport,DelResult]); false -> ok end, %% tell test_server which modules should be cover compiled %% note that actual compilation is done when tests start test_server_ctrl:cover(CovApp, CovFile, CovExcl, CovIncl, CovCross, CovExport, CovLevel), %% save cover data (used e.g. to add nodes dynamically) ct_util:set_testdata({cover,CovData}), %% start cover on specified nodes if (CovNodes /= []) and (CovNodes /= undefined) -> ct_logs:log("COVER INFO", "Nodes included in cover session: ~w", [CovNodes]), cover:start(CovNodes); true -> ok end, true; _ -> false end, %% let test_server expand the test tuples and count no of cases {Suites,NoOfCases} = count_test_cases(Tests, Skip), Suites1 = delete_dups(Suites), NoOfTests = length(Tests), NoOfSuites = length(Suites1), ct_util:warn_duplicates(Suites1), {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), io:format("~nCWD set to: ~p~n", [Cwd]), if NoOfCases == unknown -> io:format("~nTEST INFO: ~w test(s), ~w suite(s)~n~n", [NoOfTests,NoOfSuites]), ct_logs:log("TEST INFO","~w test(s), ~w suite(s)", [NoOfTests,NoOfSuites]); true -> io:format("~nTEST INFO: ~w test(s), ~w case(s) in ~w suite(s)~n~n", [NoOfTests,NoOfCases,NoOfSuites]), ct_logs:log("TEST INFO","~w test(s), ~w case(s) in ~w suite(s)", [NoOfTests,NoOfCases,NoOfSuites]) end, ct_event:notify(#event{name=start_info, node=node(), data={NoOfTests,NoOfSuites,NoOfCases}}), CleanUp = add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opt, []), unlink(whereis(test_server_ctrl)), catch test_server_ctrl:wait_finish(), %% check if last testcase has left a "dead" trace window %% behind, and if so, kill it case ct_util:get_testdata(interpret) of {_What,kill,{TCPid,AttPid}} -> ct_util:kill_attached(TCPid, AttPid); _ -> ok end, lists:foreach(fun(Suite) -> maybe_cleanup_interpret(Suite, Opt) end, CleanUp); Error -> Error end. delete_dups([S | Suites]) -> Suites1 = lists:delete(S, Suites), [S | delete_dups(Suites1)]; delete_dups([]) -> []. count_test_cases(Tests, Skip) -> SendResult = fun(Me, Result) -> Me ! {no_of_cases,Result} end, TSPid = test_server_ctrl:start_get_totals(SendResult), Ref = erlang:monitor(process, TSPid), add_jobs(Tests, Skip, [], []), {Suites,NoOfCases} = count_test_cases1(length(Tests), 0, [], Ref), erlang:demonitor(Ref), test_server_ctrl:stop_get_totals(), {Suites,NoOfCases}. count_test_cases1(0, N, Suites, _) -> {lists:flatten(Suites), N}; count_test_cases1(Jobs, N, Suites, Ref) -> receive {no_of_cases,{Ss,N1}} -> count_test_cases1(Jobs-1, add_known(N,N1), [Ss|Suites], Ref); {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> {[],0} end. add_known(unknown, _) -> unknown; add_known(_, unknown) -> unknown; add_known(N, N1) -> N+N1. add_jobs([{TestDir,all,_}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp) -> Name = get_name(TestDir), case catch test_server_ctrl:add_dir_with_skip(Name, TestDir, skiplist(TestDir,Skip)) of {'EXIT',_} -> CleanUp; _ -> wait_for_idle(), add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opt, CleanUp) end; add_jobs([{TestDir,[Suite],all}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp) when is_atom(Suite) -> add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,all}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp); add_jobs([{TestDir,Suites,all}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp) when is_list(Suites) -> Name = get_name(TestDir) ++ ".suites", case catch test_server_ctrl:add_module_with_skip(Name, Suites, skiplist(TestDir,Skip)) of {'EXIT',_} -> CleanUp; _ -> wait_for_idle(), add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opt, CleanUp) end; add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,all}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp) -> case maybe_interpret(Suite, all, Opt) of ok -> Name = get_name(TestDir) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Suite), case catch test_server_ctrl:add_module_with_skip(Name, [Suite], skiplist(TestDir,Skip)) of {'EXIT',_} -> CleanUp; _ -> wait_for_idle(), add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opt, [Suite|CleanUp]) end; Error -> Error end; add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,[Case]}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp) when is_atom(Case) -> add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,Case}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp); add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,Cases}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp) when is_list(Cases) -> case maybe_interpret(Suite, Cases, Opt) of ok -> Name = get_name(TestDir) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Suite) ++ ".cases", case catch test_server_ctrl:add_cases_with_skip(Name, Suite, Cases, skiplist(TestDir,Skip)) of {'EXIT',_} -> CleanUp; _ -> wait_for_idle(), add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opt, [Suite|CleanUp]) end; Error -> Error end; add_jobs([{TestDir,Suite,Case}|Tests], Skip, Opt, CleanUp) when is_atom(Case) -> case maybe_interpret(Suite, Case, Opt) of ok -> Name = get_name(TestDir) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Suite) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Case), case catch test_server_ctrl:add_case_with_skip(Name, Suite, Case, skiplist(TestDir,Skip)) of {'EXIT',_} -> CleanUp; _ -> wait_for_idle(), add_jobs(Tests, Skip, Opt, [Suite|CleanUp]) end; Error -> Error end; add_jobs([], _, _, CleanUp) -> CleanUp. wait_for_idle() -> ct_util:update_last_run_index(), Notify = fun(Me) -> Me ! idle end, case catch test_server_ctrl:idle_notify(Notify) of {'EXIT',_} -> error; TSPid -> %% so we don't hang forever if test_server dies Ref = erlang:monitor(process, TSPid), Result = receive idle -> ok; {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> error end, erlang:demonitor(Ref), ct_util:update_last_run_index(), Result end. skiplist(Dir, [{Dir,all,Cmt}|Skip]) -> %% we need to turn 'all' into list of modules since %% test_server doesn't do skips on Dir level Ss = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Dir, "*_SUITE.beam")), [{list_to_atom(filename:basename(S,".beam")),Cmt} || S <- Ss] ++ skiplist(Dir,Skip); skiplist(Dir, [{Dir,S,Cmt}|Skip]) -> [{S,Cmt} | skiplist(Dir, Skip)]; skiplist(Dir, [{Dir,S,C,Cmt}|Skip]) -> [{S,C,Cmt} | skiplist(Dir, Skip)]; skiplist(Dir, [_|Skip]) -> skiplist(Dir, Skip); skiplist(_Dir, []) -> []. get_name(Dir) -> TestDir = case filename:basename(Dir) of "test" -> filename:dirname(Dir); _ -> Dir end, Base = filename:basename(TestDir), case filename:basename(filename:dirname(TestDir)) of "" -> Base; TopDir -> TopDir ++ "." ++ Base end. run_make(TestDir, Mod, UserInclude) -> run_make(suites, TestDir, Mod, UserInclude). run_make(Targets, TestDir0, Mod, UserInclude) when is_list(Mod) -> run_make(Targets, TestDir0, list_to_atom(Mod), UserInclude); run_make(Targets, TestDir0, Mod, UserInclude) -> case locate_test_dir(TestDir0, Mod) of {ok,TestDir} -> %% send a start_make notification which may suspend %% the process if some other node is compiling files %% in the same directory ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=start_make, node=node(), data=TestDir}), {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), ok = file:set_cwd(TestDir), TestServerInclude = get_dir(test_server, "include"), CtInclude = get_dir(common_test, "include"), XmerlInclude = get_dir(xmerl, "include"), ErlFlags = UserInclude ++ [{i,TestServerInclude}, {i,CtInclude}, {i,XmerlInclude}, debug_info], Result = if Mod == all ; Targets == helpmods -> case (catch ct_make:all([noexec|ErlFlags])) of {'EXIT',_} = Failure -> Failure; MakeInfo -> FileTest = fun(F, suites) -> is_suite(F); (F, helpmods) -> not is_suite(F) end, Files = lists:flatmap(fun({F,out_of_date}) -> case FileTest(F, Targets) of true -> [F]; false -> [] end; (_) -> [] end, MakeInfo), (catch ct_make:files(Files, [load|ErlFlags])) end; true -> (catch ct_make:files([Mod], [load|ErlFlags])) end, ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd), %% send finished_make notification ct_event:notify(#event{name=finished_make, node=node(), data=TestDir}), case Result of {up_to_date,_} -> ok; {'EXIT',Reason} -> io:format("{error,{make_crashed,~p}\n", [Reason]), {error,{make_crashed,TestDir,Reason}}; {error,ModInfo} -> io:format("{error,make_failed}\n", []), Bad = [filename:join(TestDir, M) || {M,R} <- ModInfo, R == error], {error,{make_failed,Bad}} end; {error,_} -> io:format("{error,{invalid_directory,~p}}\n", [TestDir0]), {error,{invalid_directory,TestDir0}} end. get_dir(App, Dir) -> filename:join(code:lib_dir(App), Dir). maybe_interpret(Suite, Cases, [{step,StepOpts}]) -> %% if other suite has run before this one, check if last testcase %% has left a "dead" trace window behind, and if so, kill it case ct_util:get_testdata(interpret) of {_What,kill,{TCPid,AttPid}} -> ct_util:kill_attached(TCPid, AttPid); _ -> ok end, maybe_interpret1(Suite, Cases, StepOpts); maybe_interpret(_, _, _) -> ok. maybe_interpret1(Suite, all, StepOpts) -> case i:ii(Suite) of {module,_} -> i:iaa([break]), case get_all_testcases(Suite) of {error,_} -> {error,no_testcases_found}; Cases -> maybe_interpret2(Suite, Cases, StepOpts) end; error -> {error,could_not_interpret_module} end; maybe_interpret1(Suite, Case, StepOpts) when is_atom(Case) -> maybe_interpret1(Suite, [Case], StepOpts); maybe_interpret1(Suite, Cases, StepOpts) when is_list(Cases) -> case i:ii(Suite) of {module,_} -> i:iaa([break]), maybe_interpret2(Suite, Cases, StepOpts); error -> {error,could_not_interpret_module} end. maybe_interpret2(Suite, Cases, StepOpts) -> set_break_on_config(Suite, StepOpts), [i:ib(Suite, Case, 1) || Case <- Cases], test_server_ctrl:multiply_timetraps(infinity), WinOp = case lists:member(keep_inactive, ensure_atom(StepOpts)) of true -> no_kill; false -> kill end, ct_util:set_testdata({interpret,{{Suite,Cases},WinOp, {undefined,undefined}}}), ok. set_break_on_config(Suite, StepOpts) -> case lists:member(config, ensure_atom(StepOpts)) of true -> i:ib(Suite, init_per_suite, 1), i:ib(Suite, init_per_testcase, 2), i:ib(Suite, end_per_testcase, 2), i:ib(Suite, end_per_suite, 1); false -> ok end. maybe_cleanup_interpret(Suite, [{step,_}]) -> i:iq(Suite); maybe_cleanup_interpret(_, _) -> ok. log_ts_names(Args) -> case lists:keysearch(spec, 1, Args) of {value,{_,Specs}} -> List = lists:map(fun(Name) -> Name ++ " " end, Specs), ct_logs:log("Test Specification file(s)", "~s", [lists:flatten(List)]); _ -> ok end. merge_arguments(Args) -> merge_arguments(Args, []). merge_arguments([LogDir={logdir,_}|Args], Merged) -> merge_arguments(Args, handle_arg(replace, LogDir, Merged)); merge_arguments([CoverFile={cover,_}|Args], Merged) -> merge_arguments(Args, handle_arg(replace, CoverFile, Merged)); merge_arguments([Arg={_,_}|Args], Merged) -> merge_arguments(Args, handle_arg(merge, Arg, Merged)); merge_arguments([], Merged) -> Merged. handle_arg(replace, {Key,Elems}, [{Key,_}|Merged]) -> [{Key,Elems}|Merged]; handle_arg(merge, {Key,Elems}, [{Key,PrevElems}|Merged]) -> [{Key,PrevElems++Elems}|Merged]; handle_arg(Op, Arg, [Other|Merged]) -> [Other|handle_arg(Op, Arg, Merged)]; handle_arg(_,Arg,[]) -> [Arg]. locate_test_dir(Dir, Suite) -> TestDir = case ct_util:is_test_dir(Dir) of true -> Dir; false -> ct_util:get_testdir(Dir, Suite) end, case filelib:is_dir(TestDir) of true -> {ok,TestDir}; false -> {error,invalid} end. is_suite(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) -> is_suite(atom_to_list(Mod)); is_suite(ModOrFile) when is_list(ModOrFile) -> case lists:reverse(filename:basename(ModOrFile, ".erl")) of [$E,$T,$I,$U,$S,$_|_] -> true; _ -> case lists:reverse(filename:basename(ModOrFile, ".beam")) of [$E,$T,$I,$U,$S,$_|_] -> true; _ -> false end end. get_all_testcases(Suite) -> %%! this needs to be updated to handle testcase groups later!! case catch Suite:all() of {'EXIT',Why} -> {error,Why}; {skip,_} -> []; Cases -> AllCases = lists:foldl(fun({sequence,SeqName}, All) -> case catch Suite:sequences() of {'EXIT',_} -> All; Seqs -> case proplists:get_value(SeqName, Seqs) of undefined -> All; SeqCases -> lists:reverse(SeqCases) ++ All end end; (Case,All) -> [Case|All] end, [], Cases), lists:reverse(AllCases) end. %% Internal tracing support. If {ct_trace,TraceSpec} is present, the %% TraceSpec file will be consulted and dbg used to trace function %% calls during test run. Expected terms in TraceSpec: %% {m,Mod} or {f,Mod,Func}. start_trace(Args) -> case lists:keysearch(ct_trace,1,Args) of {value,{ct_trace,File}} -> TraceSpec = delistify(File), case file:consult(TraceSpec) of {ok,Terms} -> case catch do_trace(Terms) of ok -> true; {_,Error} -> io:format("Warning! Tracing not started. Reason: ~p~n~n", [Error]), false end; {_,Error} -> io:format("Warning! Tracing not started. Reason: ~p~n~n", [Error]), false end; false -> false end. do_trace(Terms) -> dbg:tracer(), dbg:p(self(), [sos,call]), lists:foreach(fun({m,M}) -> case dbg:tpl(M,[{'_',[],[{return_trace}]}]) of {error,What} -> exit({error,{tracing_failed,What}}); _ -> ok end; ({f,M,F}) -> case dbg:tpl(M,F,[{'_',[],[{return_trace}]}]) of {error,What} -> exit({error,{tracing_failed,What}}); _ -> ok end; (Huh) -> exit({error,{unrecognized_trace_term,Huh}}) end, Terms), ok. stop_trace(true) -> dbg:stop_clear(); stop_trace(false) -> ok. preload() -> io:format("~nLoading Common Test and Test Server modules...~n~n"), preload_mod([ct_logs, ct_make, ct_telnet, ct, ct_master, ct_testspec, ct_cover, ct_master_event, ct_util, ct_event, ct_master_logs, ct_framework, teln, ct_ftp, ct_rpc, unix_telnet, ct_gen_conn, ct_line, ct_snmp, test_server_sup, test_server, test_server_ctrl, test_server_h, test_server_line, test_server_node]). preload_mod([M|Ms]) -> case code:is_loaded(M) of false -> {module,M} = code:load_file(M), preload_mod(Ms); _ -> ok end; preload_mod([]) -> ok. ensure_atom(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> Atom; ensure_atom(String) when is_list(String), is_integer(hd(String)) -> list_to_atom(String); ensure_atom(List) when is_list(List) -> [ensure_atom(Item) || Item <- List]; ensure_atom(Other) -> Other.