%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% CT hook for logging of connections. %% %% HookOptions can be hardcoded in the test suite: %% %% suite() -> %% [{ct_hooks, [{cth_conn_log, %% [{ct_netconfc:conn_mod(),ct_netconfc:hook_options()}]}]}]. %% %% or specified in a configuration file: %% %% {ct_conn_log,[{ct_netconfc:conn_mod(),ct_netconfc:hook_options()}]}. %% %% The conn_mod() is the common test module implementing the protocol, %% e.g. ct_netconfc, ct_telnet, etc. This module must log by calling %% %% error_logger:info_report(ConnLogInfo,Data). %% ConnLogInfo = #conn_log{} | {ct_connection,Action,ConnName} %% Action = open | close | send | recv | term() %% ConnName = atom() - The 'KeyOrName' argument used when opening the connection %% %% ct_conn_log_h will print to html log or separate file (depending on %% log_type() option). conn_mod() must implement and export %% %% format_data(log_type(), Data). %% %% If logging to separate file, ct_conn_log_h will also log error %% reports which are witten like this: %% %% error_logger:error_report([{ct_connection,ConnName} | Report]). %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(cth_conn_log). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -export([init/2, pre_init_per_testcase/3, post_end_per_testcase/4]). -spec init(Id, HookOpts) -> Result when Id :: term(), HookOpts :: ct:hook_options(), Result :: {ok,[{ct_netconfc:conn_mod(), {ct_netconfc:log_type(),[ct_netconfc:key_or_name()]}}]}. init(_Id, HookOpts) -> ConfOpts = ct:get_config(ct_conn_log,[]), {ok,merge_log_info(ConfOpts,HookOpts)}. merge_log_info([{Mod,ConfOpts}|ConfList],HookList) -> {Opts,HookList1} = case lists:keytake(Mod,1,HookList) of false -> {ConfOpts,HookList}; {value,{_,HookOpts},HL1} -> {ConfOpts ++ HookOpts, HL1} % ConfOpts overwrites HookOpts! end, [{Mod,get_log_opts(Opts)} | merge_log_info(ConfList,HookList1)]; merge_log_info([],HookList) -> [{Mod,get_log_opts(Opts)} || {Mod,Opts} <- HookList]. get_log_opts(Opts) -> LogType = proplists:get_value(log_type,Opts,html), Hosts = proplists:get_value(hosts,Opts,[]), {LogType,Hosts}. pre_init_per_testcase(TestCase,Config,CthState) -> Logs = lists:map( fun({ConnMod,{LogType,Hosts}}) -> case LogType of LogType when LogType==raw; LogType==pretty -> Dir = ?config(priv_dir,Config), TCStr = atom_to_list(TestCase), ConnModStr = atom_to_list(ConnMod), DefLogName = TCStr ++ "-" ++ ConnModStr ++ ".txt", DefLog = filename:join(Dir,DefLogName), Ls = [{Host, filename:join(Dir,TCStr ++ "-"++ atom_to_list(Host) ++ "-" ++ ConnModStr ++ ".txt")} || Host <- Hosts] ++[{default,DefLog}], Str = "<table borders=1>" "<b>" ++ ConnModStr ++ " logs:</b>\n" ++ [io_lib:format( "<tr><td>~p</td><td><a href=~p>~s</a></td></tr>", [S,L,filename:basename(L)]) || {S,L} <- Ls] ++ "</table>", io:format(Str,[]), {ConnMod,{LogType,Ls}}; _ -> {ConnMod,{LogType,[]}} end end, CthState), error_logger:add_report_handler(ct_conn_log_h,{group_leader(),Logs}), {Config,CthState}. post_end_per_testcase(_TestCase,_Config,Return,CthState) -> error_logger:delete_report_handler(ct_conn_log_h), {Return,CthState}.