%%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @doc Common Test Framework functions handling test specifications. %%% %%%

This module creates a junit report of the test run if plugged in %%% as a suite_callback.

-module(cth_surefire). %% Suite Callbacks -export([id/1, init/2]). -export([pre_init_per_suite/3]). -export([post_init_per_suite/4]). -export([pre_end_per_suite/3]). -export([post_end_per_suite/4]). -export([pre_init_per_group/3]). -export([post_init_per_group/4]). -export([pre_end_per_group/3]). -export([post_end_per_group/4]). -export([pre_init_per_testcase/3]). -export([post_end_per_testcase/4]). -export([on_tc_fail/3]). -export([on_tc_skip/3]). -export([terminate/1]). -record(state, { filepath, axis, properties, package, hostname, curr_suite, curr_suite_ts, curr_group = [], curr_log_dir, timer, tc_log, url_base, test_cases = [], test_suites = [] }). -record(testcase, { log, url, group, classname, name, time, result, timestamp }). -record(testsuite, { errors, failures, skipped, hostname, name, tests, time, timestamp, id, package, properties, testcases, log, url }). -define(default_report,"junit_report.xml"). -define(suite_log,"suite.log.html"). %% Number of dirs from log root to testcase log file. %% ct_run..//run./.html -define(log_depth,3). id(Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(path, Opts) of undefined -> ?default_report; Path -> filename:absname(Path) end. init(Path, Opts) -> {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(), #state{ filepath = Path, hostname = proplists:get_value(hostname,Opts,Host), package = proplists:get_value(package,Opts), axis = proplists:get_value(axis,Opts,[]), properties = proplists:get_value(properties,Opts,[]), url_base = proplists:get_value(url_base,Opts), timer = now() }. pre_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,#state{ test_cases = [] } = State) -> TcLog = proplists:get_value(tc_logfile,Config), CurrLogDir = filename:dirname(TcLog), Path = case State#state.filepath of ?default_report -> RootDir = get_test_root(TcLog), filename:join(RootDir,?default_report); P -> P end, {Config, init_tc(State#state{ filepath = Path, curr_suite = Suite, curr_suite_ts = now(), curr_log_dir = CurrLogDir}, Config) }; pre_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,State) -> %% Have to close the previous suite pre_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,close_suite(State)). post_init_per_suite(_Suite,Config, Result, State) -> {Result, end_tc(init_per_suite,Config,Result,State)}. pre_end_per_suite(_Suite,Config,State) -> {Config, init_tc(State, Config)}. post_end_per_suite(_Suite,Config,Result,State) -> {Result, end_tc(end_per_suite,Config,Result,State)}. pre_init_per_group(Group,Config,State) -> {Config, init_tc(State#state{ curr_group = [Group|State#state.curr_group]}, Config)}. post_init_per_group(_Group,Config,Result,State) -> {Result, end_tc(init_per_group,Config,Result,State)}. pre_end_per_group(_Group,Config,State) -> {Config, init_tc(State, Config)}. post_end_per_group(_Group,Config,Result,State) -> NewState = end_tc(end_per_group, Config, Result, State), {Result, NewState#state{ curr_group = tl(NewState#state.curr_group)}}. pre_init_per_testcase(_TC,Config,State) -> {Config, init_tc(State, Config)}. post_end_per_testcase(TC,Config,Result,State) -> {Result, end_tc(TC,Config, Result,State)}. on_tc_fail(_TC, _Res, State = #state{test_cases = []}) -> State; on_tc_fail(_TC, Res, State) -> TCs = State#state.test_cases, TC = hd(TCs), NewTC = TC#testcase{ result = {fail,lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Res]))} }, State#state{ test_cases = [NewTC | tl(TCs)]}. on_tc_skip(Tc,{Type,_Reason} = Res, State0) when Type == tc_auto_skip -> TcStr = atom_to_list(Tc), State = case State0#state.test_cases of [#testcase{name=TcStr}|TCs] -> State0#state{test_cases=TCs}; _ -> State0 end, do_tc_skip(Res, end_tc(Tc,[],Res,init_tc(State,[]))); on_tc_skip(_Tc, _Res, State = #state{test_cases = []}) -> State; on_tc_skip(_Tc, Res, State) -> do_tc_skip(Res, State). do_tc_skip(Res, State) -> TCs = State#state.test_cases, TC = hd(TCs), NewTC = TC#testcase{ result = {skipped,lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Res]))} }, State#state{ test_cases = [NewTC | tl(TCs)]}. init_tc(State, Config) when is_list(Config) == false -> State#state{ timer = now(), tc_log = "" }; init_tc(State, Config) -> State#state{ timer = now(), tc_log = proplists:get_value(tc_logfile, Config, [])}. end_tc(Func, Config, Res, State) when is_atom(Func) -> end_tc(atom_to_list(Func), Config, Res, State); end_tc(Name, _Config, _Res, State = #state{ curr_suite = Suite, curr_group = Groups, curr_log_dir = CurrLogDir, timer = TS, tc_log = Log0, url_base = UrlBase } ) -> Log = case Log0 of "" -> LowerSuiteName = string:to_lower(atom_to_list(Suite)), filename:join(CurrLogDir,LowerSuiteName++"."++Name++".html"); _ -> Log0 end, Url = make_url(UrlBase,Log), ClassName = atom_to_list(Suite), PGroup = string:join([ atom_to_list(Group)|| Group <- lists:reverse(Groups)],"."), TimeTakes = io_lib:format("~f",[timer:now_diff(now(),TS) / 1000000]), State#state{ test_cases = [#testcase{ log = Log, url = Url, timestamp = now_to_string(TS), classname = ClassName, group = PGroup, name = Name, time = TimeTakes, result = passed }| State#state.test_cases], tc_log = ""}. % so old tc_log is not set if next is on_tc_skip close_suite(#state{ test_cases = [] } = State) -> State; close_suite(#state{ test_cases = TCs, url_base = UrlBase } = State) -> {Total,Fail,Skip} = count_tcs(TCs,0,0,0), TimeTaken = timer:now_diff(now(),State#state.curr_suite_ts) / 1000000, SuiteLog = filename:join(State#state.curr_log_dir,?suite_log), SuiteUrl = make_url(UrlBase,SuiteLog), Suite = #testsuite{ name = atom_to_list(State#state.curr_suite), package = State#state.package, hostname = State#state.hostname, time = io_lib:format("~f",[TimeTaken]), timestamp = now_to_string(State#state.curr_suite_ts), errors = 0, failures = Fail, skipped = Skip, tests = Total, testcases = lists:reverse(TCs), log = SuiteLog, url = SuiteUrl}, State#state{ test_cases = [], test_suites = [Suite | State#state.test_suites]}. terminate(State = #state{ test_cases = [] }) -> {ok,D} = file:open(State#state.filepath,[write,{encoding,utf8}]), io:format(D, "", []), io:format(D, to_xml(State), []), catch file:sync(D), catch file:close(D); terminate(State) -> %% Have to close the last suite terminate(close_suite(State)). to_xml(#testcase{ group = Group, classname = CL, log = L, url = U, name = N, time = T, timestamp = TS, result = R}) -> ["", case R of passed -> []; {skipped,Reason} -> ["", sanitize(Reason),""]; {fail,Reason} -> ["", sanitize(Reason),""] end,""]; to_xml(#testsuite{ package = P, hostname = H, errors = E, failures = F, skipped = S, time = Time, timestamp = TS, tests = T, name = N, testcases = Cases, log = Log, url = Url }) -> ["", [to_xml(Case) || Case <- Cases], ""]; to_xml(#state{ test_suites = TestSuites, axis = Axis, properties = Props }) -> ["",properties_to_xml(Axis,Props), [to_xml(TestSuite) || TestSuite <- TestSuites],""]. properties_to_xml([],[]) -> []; properties_to_xml(Axis,Props) -> ["", [[""] || {Name,Value} <- Axis], [[""] || {Name,Value} <- Props], "" ]. sanitize([$>|T]) -> ">" ++ sanitize(T); sanitize([$<|T]) -> "<" ++ sanitize(T); sanitize([$"|T]) -> """ ++ sanitize(T); sanitize([$'|T]) -> "'" ++ sanitize(T); sanitize([$&|T]) -> "&" ++ sanitize(T); sanitize([H|T]) -> [H|sanitize(T)]; sanitize([]) -> []. now_to_string(Now) -> {{YY,MM,DD},{HH,Mi,SS}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now), io_lib:format("~w-~2..0B-~2..0BT~2..0B:~2..0B:~2..0B",[YY,MM,DD,HH,Mi,SS]). make_url(undefined,_) -> undefined; make_url(_,[]) -> undefined; make_url(UrlBase0,Log) -> UrlBase = string:strip(UrlBase0,right,$/), RelativeLog = get_relative_log_url(Log), string:join([UrlBase,RelativeLog],"/"). get_test_root(Log) -> LogParts = filename:split(Log), filename:join(lists:sublist(LogParts,1,length(LogParts)-?log_depth)). get_relative_log_url(Log) -> LogParts = filename:split(Log), Start = length(LogParts)-?log_depth, Length = ?log_depth+1, string:join(lists:sublist(LogParts,Start,Length),"/"). count_tcs([#testcase{name=ConfCase}|TCs],Ok,F,S) when ConfCase=="init_per_suite"; ConfCase=="end_per_suite"; ConfCase=="init_per_group"; ConfCase=="end_per_group" -> count_tcs(TCs,Ok,F,S); count_tcs([#testcase{result=passed}|TCs],Ok,F,S) -> count_tcs(TCs,Ok+1,F,S); count_tcs([#testcase{result={fail,_}}|TCs],Ok,F,S) -> count_tcs(TCs,Ok,F+1,S); count_tcs([#testcase{result={skipped,_}}|TCs],Ok,F,S) -> count_tcs(TCs,Ok,F,S+1); count_tcs([#testcase{result={auto_skipped,_}}|TCs],Ok,F,S) -> count_tcs(TCs,Ok,F,S+1); count_tcs([],Ok,F,S) -> {Ok+F+S,F,S}.