%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%% @doc Callback module for ct_telnet, for connecting to a telnet %%% server on a unix host. %%% %%% <p>It requires the following entry in the config file:</p> %%% <pre> %%% {unix,[{telnet,HostNameOrIpAddress}, %%% {port,PortNum}, % optional %%% {username,UserName}, %%% {password,Password}, %%% {keep_alive,Bool}, % optional %%% {tcp_nodely,Bool}]} % optional</pre> %%% %%% <p>To communicate via telnet to the host specified by %%% <code>HostNameOrIpAddress</code>, use the interface functions in %%% <code>ct_telnet</code>, e.g. <code>open(Name), cmd(Name,Cmd), ...</code>.</p> %%% %%% <p><code>Name</code> is the name you allocated to the unix host in %%% your <code>require</code> statement. E.g.</p> %%% <pre> suite() -> [{require,Name,{unix,[telnet]}}].</pre> %%% <p>or</p> %%% <pre> ct:require(Name,{unix,[telnet]}).</pre> %%% %%% <p>The "keep alive" activity (i.e. that Common Test sends NOP to the server %%% every 10 seconds if the connection is idle) may be enabled or disabled for one %%% particular connection as described here. It may be disabled for all connections %%% using <c>telnet_settings</c> (see <c>ct_telnet</c>).</p> %%% %%% <p>Note that the <code>{port,PortNum}</code> tuple is optional and if %%% omitted, default telnet port 23 will be used. Also the <c>keep_alive</c> tuple %%% is optional, and the value defauls to true (enabled).</p> %%% %%% @see ct %%% @see ct_telnet -module(unix_telnet). -compile(export_all). %% Callbacks for ct_telnet.erl -export([connect/7,get_prompt_regexp/0]). -import(ct_telnet,[start_gen_log/1,log/4,end_gen_log/0]). -define(username,"login: "). -define(password,"Password: "). -define(prx,"login: |Password: |\\\$ |> "). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @spec get_prompt_regexp() -> PromptRegexp %%% PromptRegexp = ct_telnet:prompt_regexp() %%% %%% @doc Callback for ct_telnet.erl. %%% %%% <p>Return a suitable regexp string that will match common %%% prompts for users on unix hosts.</p> get_prompt_regexp() -> ?prx. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @spec connect(ConnName,Ip,Port,Timeout,KeepAlive,Extra) -> %%% {ok,Handle} | {error,Reason} %%% ConnName = ct:target_name() %%% Ip = string() | {integer(),integer(),integer(),integer()} %%% Port = integer() %%% Timeout = integer() %%% KeepAlive = bool() %%% TCPNoDelay = bool() %%% Extra = ct:target_name() | {Username,Password} %%% Username = string() %%% Password = string() %%% Handle = ct_telnet:handle() %%% Reason = term() %%% %%% @doc Callback for ct_telnet.erl. %%% %%% <p>Setup telnet connection to a unix host.</p> connect(ConnName,Ip,Port,Timeout,KeepAlive,TCPNoDelay,Extra) -> case Extra of {Username,Password} -> connect1(ConnName,Ip,Port,Timeout,KeepAlive,TCPNoDelay, Username,Password); KeyOrName -> case get_username_and_password(KeyOrName) of {ok,{Username,Password}} -> connect1(ConnName,Ip,Port,Timeout,KeepAlive,TCPNoDelay, Username,Password); Error -> Error end end. connect1(Name,Ip,Port,Timeout,KeepAlive,TCPNoDelay,Username,Password) -> start_gen_log("unix_telnet connect"), Result = case ct_telnet_client:open(Ip,Port,Timeout,KeepAlive,TCPNoDelay,Name) of {ok,Pid} -> case ct_telnet:silent_teln_expect(Name,Pid,[], [prompt],?prx,[]) of {ok,{prompt,?username},_} -> log(Name,send,"Logging in to ~p:~p", [Ip,Port]), ok = ct_telnet_client:send_data(Pid,Username), log(Name,send,"Username: ~ts",[Username]), case ct_telnet:silent_teln_expect(Name,Pid,[], prompt,?prx,[]) of {ok,{prompt,?password},_} -> ok = ct_telnet_client:send_data(Pid,Password), Stars = lists:duplicate(length(Password),$*), log(Name,send,"Password: ~s",[Stars]), % ok = ct_telnet_client:send_data(Pid,""), case ct_telnet:silent_teln_expect(Name,Pid,[], prompt, ?prx,[]) of {ok,{prompt,Prompt},_} when Prompt=/=?username, Prompt=/=?password -> {ok,Pid}; Error -> log(Name,recv,"Password failed\n~p\n", [Error]), {error,Error} end; Error -> log(Name,recv,"Login to ~p:~p failed\n~p\n",[Ip,Port,Error]), {error,Error} end; {ok,[{prompt,_OtherPrompt1},{prompt,_OtherPrompt2}],_} -> {ok,Pid}; Error -> log(Name,conn_error, "Did not get expected prompt from ~p:~p\n~p\n", [Ip,Port,Error]), {error,Error} end; Error -> log(Name,conn_error, "Could not open telnet connection to ~p:~p\n~p\n", [Ip,Port,Error]), Error end, end_gen_log(), Result. get_username_and_password(Name) -> case ct:get_config({Name,username}) of undefined -> {error,{no_username,Name}}; Username -> case ct:get_config({Name,password}) of undefined -> {error,{no_password,Name}}; Password -> {ok,{Username,Password}} end end.