%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File: ct_cover_SUITE %%% %%% Description: %%% Test code cover analysis support %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ct_cover_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct_event.hrl"). -define(eh, ct_test_support_eh). -define(suite, cover_SUITE). -define(mod, cover_test_mod). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% TEST SERVER CALLBACK FUNCTIONS %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Description: Since Common Test starts another Test Server %% instance, the tests need to be performed on a separate node (or %% there will be clashes with logging processes etc). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_suite(Config) -> case test_server:is_cover() of true -> {skip,"Test server is running cover already - skipping"}; false -> ct_test_support:init_per_suite(Config) end. end_per_suite(Config) -> ct_test_support:end_per_suite(Config). init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) -> ct_test_support:init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config). end_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) -> try apply(?MODULE,TestCase,[cleanup,Config]) catch error:undef -> ok end, ct_test_support:end_per_testcase(TestCase, Config). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> [ default, cover_stop_true, cover_stop_false, slave, slave_start_slave, cover_node_option, ct_cover_add_remove_nodes, otp_9956, cross, export_import, relative_incl_dirs, absolute_incl_dirs, relative_excl_dirs, absolute_excl_dirs ]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% TEST CASES %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Check that cover is collected from test node %% Also check that cover is by default stopped after test is completed default(Config) -> {ok,Events} = run_test(default,Config), false = check_cover(Config), check_calls(Events,1), ok. %% Check that cover is stopped when cover_stop option is set to true cover_stop_true(Config) -> {ok,_Events} = run_test(cover_stop_true,[{cover_stop,true}],Config), false = check_cover(Config). %% Check that cover is not stopped when cover_stop option is set to false cover_stop_false(Config) -> {ok,_Events} = run_test(cover_stop_false,[{cover_stop,false}],Config), {true,[],[?mod]} = check_cover(Config), CTNode = proplists:get_value(ct_node, Config), ok = rpc:call(CTNode,cover,stop,[]), false = check_cover(Config), ok. %% Let test node start a slave node - check that cover is collected %% from both nodes slave(Config) -> {ok,Events} = run_test(slave,slave,[],Config), check_calls(Events,2), ok. %% Let test node start a slave node which in turn starts another slave %% node - check that cover is collected from all three nodes slave_start_slave(Config) -> {ok,Events} = run_test(slave_start_slave,slave_start_slave,[],Config), check_calls(Events,3), ok. %% Start a slave node before test starts - the node is listed in cover %% spec file. %% Check that cover is collected from test node and slave node. cover_node_option(Config) -> DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config), {ok,Node} = start_slave(existing_node_1, "-pa " ++ DataDir), false = check_cover(Node), CoverSpec = default_cover_file_content() ++ [{nodes,[Node]}], CoverFile = create_cover_file(cover_node_option,CoverSpec,Config), {ok,Events} = run_test(cover_node_option,cover_node_option, [{cover,CoverFile}],Config), check_calls(Events,2), {ok,Node} = ct_slave:stop(existing_node_1), ok. cover_node_option(cleanup,_Config) -> _ = ct_slave:stop(existing_node_1), ok. %% Test ct_cover:add_nodes/1 and ct_cover:remove_nodes/1 %% Check that cover is collected from added node ct_cover_add_remove_nodes(Config) -> DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config), {ok,Node} = start_slave(existing_node_2, "-pa " ++ DataDir), false = check_cover(Node), {ok,Events} = run_test(ct_cover_add_remove_nodes,ct_cover_add_remove_nodes, [],Config), check_calls(Events,2), {ok,Node} = ct_slave:stop(existing_node_2), ok. ct_cover_add_remove_nodes(cleanup,_Config) -> _ = ct_slave:stop(existing_node_2), ok. %% Test that the test suite itself can be cover compiled and that %% data_dir is set correctly (OTP-9956) otp_9956(Config) -> CoverFile = create_cover_file(otp_9956,[{incl_mods,[?suite]}],Config), {ok,Events} = run_test(otp_9956,otp_9956,[{cover,CoverFile}],Config), check_calls(Events,{?suite,otp_9956,1},1), ok. %% Test cross cover mechanism cross(Config) -> {ok,Events1} = run_test(cross1,Config), check_calls(Events1,1), CoverFile2 = create_cover_file(cross1,[{cross,[{cross1,[?mod]}]}],Config), {ok,Events2} = run_test(cross2,[{cover,CoverFile2}],Config), check_calls(Events2,1), %% Get the log dirs for each test and run cross cover analyse [D11,D12] = lists:sort(get_log_dirs(Events1)), [D21,D22] = lists:sort(get_log_dirs(Events2)), ct_cover:cross_cover_analyse(details,[{cross1,D11},{cross2,D21}]), ct_cover:cross_cover_analyse(details,[{cross1,D12},{cross2,D22}]), %% Get the cross cover logs and read for each test [C11,C12,C21,C22] = [filename:join(D,"cross_cover.html") || D <- [D11,D12,D21,D22]], {ok,CrossData} = file:read_file(C11), {ok,CrossData} = file:read_file(C12), {ok,Def} = file:read_file(C21), {ok,Def} = file:read_file(C22), %% A simple test: just check that the test module exists in the %% log from cross1 test, and that it does not exist in the log %% from cross2 test. TestMod = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(?mod)), {_,_} = binary:match(CrossData,TestMod), nomatch = binary:match(Def,TestMod), {_,_} = binary:match(Def, <<"No cross cover modules exist for this application">>), ok. export_import(Config) -> DataDir = ?config(data_dir,Config), false = check_cover(Config), CoverSpec1 = default_cover_file_content() ++ [{export,"export_import.coverdata"}], CoverFile1 = create_cover_file(export_import1,CoverSpec1,Config), {ok,Events1} = run_test(export_import1,default,[{cover,CoverFile1}],Config), check_calls(Events1,1), CoverSpec2 = default_cover_file_content() ++ [{import,"export_import.coverdata"}], CoverFile2 = create_cover_file(export_import2,CoverSpec2,Config), {ok,Events2} = run_test(export_import2,default,[{cover,CoverFile2}],Config), check_calls(Events2,2), ok. relative_incl_dirs(Config) -> false = check_cover(Config), RelDir = rel_path(?config(priv_dir, Config), ?config(data_dir, Config)), CoverSpec = [{incl_dirs, [RelDir]}], CoverFile = create_cover_file(rel_incl_dirs, CoverSpec, Config), Opts = [{cover, CoverFile}], {ok, Events} = run_test(rel_incl_dirs, default, Opts, Config), check_calls(Events, 1), ok. absolute_incl_dirs(Config) -> false = check_cover(Config), CoverSpec = [{incl_dirs, [?config(data_dir, Config)]}], CoverFile = create_cover_file(abs_incl_dirs, CoverSpec, Config), Opts = [{cover, CoverFile}], {ok, Events} = run_test(abs_incl_dirs, default, Opts, Config), check_calls(Events, 1), ok. relative_excl_dirs(Config) -> false = check_cover(Config), RelDir = rel_path(?config(priv_dir, Config), ?config(data_dir, Config)), CoverSpec = default_cover_file_content() ++ [{excl_dirs, [RelDir]}], CoverFile = create_cover_file(rel_excl_dirs, CoverSpec, Config), Opts = [{cover, CoverFile}], {ok, Events} = run_test(rel_excl_dirs, default_no_cover, Opts, Config), check_no_cover_compiled(Events), ok. absolute_excl_dirs(Config) -> false = check_cover(Config), AbsDir = ?config(data_dir, Config), CoverSpec = default_cover_file_content() ++ [{excl_dirs, [AbsDir]}], CoverFile = create_cover_file(abs_excl_dirs, CoverSpec, Config), Opts = [{cover, CoverFile}], {ok, Events} = run_test(abs_excl_dirs, default_no_cover, Opts, Config), check_no_cover_compiled(Events), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% HELP FUNCTIONS %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- run_test(Label,Config) -> run_test(Label,[],Config). run_test(Label,ExtraOpts,Config) -> run_test(Label,default,ExtraOpts,Config). run_test(Label,Testcase,ExtraOpts,Config) -> DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config), Suite = filename:join(DataDir, ?suite), CoverFile = case proplists:get_value(cover,ExtraOpts) of undefined -> create_default_cover_file(Label,Config); CF -> CF end, RestOpts = lists:keydelete(cover,1,ExtraOpts), {Opts,ERPid} = setup([{suite,Suite},{testcase,Testcase}, {cover,CoverFile},{label,Label}] ++ RestOpts, Config), execute(Label, Testcase, Opts, ERPid, Config). setup(Test, Config) -> Opts0 = ct_test_support:get_opts(Config), Level = ?config(trace_level, Config), EvHArgs = [{cbm,ct_test_support},{trace_level,Level}], Opts = Opts0 ++ [{event_handler,{?eh,EvHArgs}}|Test], ERPid = ct_test_support:start_event_receiver(Config), {Opts,ERPid}. execute(Name, Testcase, Opts, ERPid, Config) -> ok = ct_test_support:run(Opts, Config), Events = ct_test_support:get_events(ERPid, Config), ct_test_support:log_events(Name, reformat(Events, ?eh), ?config(priv_dir, Config), Opts), TestEvents = events_to_check(Testcase), R = ct_test_support:verify_events(TestEvents, Events, Config), {R,Events}. reformat(Events, EH) -> ct_test_support:reformat(Events, EH). events_to_check(Testcase) -> OneTest = [{?eh,start_logging,{'DEF','RUNDIR'}}] ++ [{?eh,tc_done,{?suite,Testcase,ok}}] ++ [{?eh,stop_logging,[]}], %% 2 tests (ct:run_test + script_start) is default OneTest ++ OneTest. check_cover(Config) when is_list(Config) -> CTNode = proplists:get_value(ct_node, Config), check_cover(CTNode); check_cover(Node) when is_atom(Node) -> case rpc:call(Node,test_server,is_cover,[]) of true -> {true, rpc:call(Node,cover,which_nodes,[]), rpc:call(Node,cover,modules,[])}; false -> false end. %% Get the log dir "ct_run.<timestamp>" for all (both!) tests get_log_dirs(Events) -> [LogDir || {ct_test_support_eh, {event,start_logging,_Node,LogDir}} <- Events]. %% Check if a module was compiled without cover check_no_cover_compiled(Events) -> check_no_cover_compiled(Events, ?mod). check_no_cover_compiled(Events, Mod) -> [ {error, {not_cover_compiled, Mod}} = analyse_log(CoverLog, Mod) || CoverLog <- cover_logs(Events) ]. %% Check that each coverlog includes N calls to ?mod:foo/0 check_calls(Events,N) -> check_calls(Events,{?mod,foo,0},N). check_calls(Events,MFA,N) -> do_check_logs(cover_logs(Events),MFA,N). do_check_logs([CoverLog|CoverLogs],{Mod,_,_} = MFA,N) -> {ok, Calls} = analyse_log(CoverLog, Mod), {MFA,N} = lists:keyfind(MFA,1,Calls), do_check_logs(CoverLogs,MFA,N); do_check_logs([],_,_) -> ok. cover_logs(Events) -> [filename:join(D,"all.coverdata") || D <- get_log_dirs(Events)]. analyse_log(CoverLog, Mod) -> {ok, _} = cover:start(), ok = cover:import(CoverLog), Result = cover:analyse(Mod, calls, function), ok = cover:stop(), Result. fullname(Name) -> {ok,Host} = inet:gethostname(), list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "@" ++ Host). default_cover_file_content() -> [{incl_mods,[?mod]}]. create_default_cover_file(Filename,Config) -> create_cover_file(Filename,default_cover_file_content(),Config). create_cover_file(Filename,Terms,Config) -> PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config), File = filename:join(PrivDir,Filename) ++ ".cover", {ok,Fd} = file:open(File,[write]), lists:foreach(fun(Term) -> file:write(Fd,io_lib:format("~p.~n",[Term])) end,Terms), ok = file:close(Fd), File. start_slave(Name,Args) -> {ok, HostStr}=inet:gethostname(), Host = list_to_atom(HostStr), ct_slave:start(Host,Name, [{erl_flags,Args}, {boot_timeout,10}, % extending some timers for slow test hosts {init_timeout,10}, {startup_timeout,10}]). rel_path(From, To) -> Segments = do_rel_path(filename:split(From), filename:split(To)), filename:join(Segments). do_rel_path([Seg|RestA], [Seg|RestB]) -> do_rel_path(RestA, RestB); do_rel_path(PathA, PathB) -> lists:duplicate(length(PathA), "..") ++ PathB.