%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File: ct_log_SUITE %%% %%% Description: Test that ct:log, ct:pal and io:format print to %%% the test case log file as expected, with or without special HTML %%% characters being escaped. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ct_log_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct_event.hrl"). -define(eh, ct_test_support_eh). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% TEST SERVER CALLBACK FUNCTIONS %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> Config. end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) -> ok. suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> [{group,print_and_verify}]. groups() -> [{print_and_verify,[sequence],[print,verify]}]. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% TEST CASES %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% print(Config) -> TcLogFile = proplists:get_value(tc_logfile, Config), Pid = self(), String = atom_to_list(?MODULE), %% START mark io:format("LOGGING START~n"), %% io:format io:format("1. Printing nothing~n", []), io:format("2. Printing a string: ~s~n", [String]), io:format("3. Printing a string: ~p~n", [String]), io:format("4. Printing a tuple: ~w~n", [{module,?MODULE}]), io:format("5. Printing a pid: ~w~n", [Pid]), io:format("6. Printing HTML: <pre>~s</pre>~n", [String]), %% ct:pal ct:pal("1. Printing nothing"), ct:pal("2. Printing nothing", []), ct:pal("3. Printing a string: ~s", [String]), ct:pal("4. Printing a string: ~p", [String]), ct:pal("5. Printing a tuple: ~w", [{module,?MODULE}]), ct:pal("6. Printing a pid: ~w", [Pid]), ct:pal("7. Printing HTML: <pre>~s</pre>", [String]), ct:pal(ct_internal, "8. Printing with category"), ct:pal(ct_internal, "9. Printing with ~s", ["category"]), ct:pal(50, "10. Printing with importance"), ct:pal(50, "11. Printing with ~s", ["importance"]), ct:pal(ct_internal, 50, "12. Printing with ~s", ["category and importance"]), ct:pal("13. Printing with heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:pal(ct_internal, "14. Printing with category and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:pal(50, "15. Printing with importance and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:pal(ct_internal, 50, "16. Printing with category, importance and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), %% ct:log ct:log("1. Printing nothing"), ct:log("2. Printing nothing", []), ct:log("3. Printing a string: ~s", [String]), ct:log("4. Printing a string: ~p", [String]), ct:log("5. Printing a tuple: ~w", [{module,?MODULE}]), ct:log("6. Printing a pid: ~w", [Pid]), ct:log("7. Printing HTML: <pre>~s</pre>", [String]), ct:log("8. Printing a pid escaped: ~w", [Pid], [esc_chars]), ct:log("9. Printing a string escaped: ~p", [String], [esc_chars]), ct:log("10. Printing HTML escaped: <pre>~s</pre>", [String], [esc_chars]), ct:log("11. Printing a string, no css: ~s", [String], [no_css]), ct:log("12. Printing a pid escaped, no css: ~w", [Pid], [esc_chars, no_css]), ct:log(ct_internal, "13. Printing with category"), ct:log(ct_internal, "14. Printing with ~s", ["category"]), ct:log(ct_internal, "15. Printing with ~s, no_css", ["category"], [no_css]), ct:log(50, "16. Printing with importance"), ct:log(50, "17. Printing with ~s", ["importance"]), ct:log(50, "18. Printing with ~s, no_css", ["importance"], [no_css]), ct:log(ct_internal, 50, "19. Printing with category and importance"), ct:log(ct_internal, 50, "20. Printing with ~s", ["category and importance"]), ct:log(ct_internal, 50, "21. Printing a pid escaped with ~s, no_css: ~w", ["category and importance",Pid], [esc_chars,no_css]), ct:log("22. Printing with heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:log(ct_internal, "23. Printing with category and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:log(50, "24. Printing with importance and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:log(ct_internal, 50, "25. Printing with category, importance and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), %% END mark ct:log("LOGGING END", [], [no_css]), %% ct:print ct:print("1. Does this show??"), ct:print("2. Does this ~s", ["show??"]), ct:print("3. Is this a non-html pid?? ~w", [self()]), ct:print(ct_internal, "4. Printing with category"), ct:print(ct_internal, "5. Printing with ~s", ["category"]), ct:print(50, "6. Printing with importance"), ct:print(50, "7. Printing with ~s", ["importance"]), ct:print(ct_internal, 50, "8. Printing with ~s", ["category and importance"]), ct:print("9. Printing with heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:print(ct_internal, "10. Printing with category and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:print(50, "11. Printing with importance and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), ct:print(ct_internal, 50, "12. Printing with category, importance and heading", [], [{heading,"This is a heading"}]), {save_config,[{the_logfile,TcLogFile},{the_pid,Pid},{the_string,String}]}. verify(Config) -> {print,SavedCfg} = proplists:get_value(saved_config, Config), TcLogFile = proplists:get_value(the_logfile, SavedCfg), Pid = proplists:get_value(the_pid, SavedCfg), StrPid = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Pid])), EscPid = "<" ++ string:substr(StrPid, 2, length(StrPid)-2) ++ ">", String = proplists:get_value(the_string, SavedCfg), ct:log("Read from prev testcase: ~p & ~p", [TcLogFile,Pid]), {ok,Dev} = file:open(TcLogFile, [read]), ok = read_until(Dev, "LOGGING START\n"), ct:pal("VERIFYING LOG ENTRIES...", []), %% io:format match_line(Dev, "1. Printing nothing", []), read_nl(Dev), match_line(Dev, "2. Printing a string: ~s", [String]), read_nl(Dev), match_line(Dev, "3. Printing a string: ~p", [String]), read_nl(Dev), match_line(Dev, "4. Printing a tuple: ~w", [{module,?MODULE}]), read_nl(Dev), match_line(Dev, "5. Printing a pid: ~s", [EscPid]), read_nl(Dev), match_line(Dev, "6. Printing HTML: <pre>~s</pre>", [String]), read_nl(Dev), %% ct:pal read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "1. Printing nothing", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "2. Printing nothing", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "3. Printing a string: ~s", [String]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "4. Printing a string: ~p", [String]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "5. Printing a tuple: ~w", [{module,?MODULE}]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "6. Printing a pid: ~s", [EscPid]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "7. Printing HTML: <pre>~s</pre>", [String]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\""), match_line(Dev, "8. Printing with category", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\""), match_line(Dev, "9. Printing with ~s", ["category"]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "10. Printing with importance", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "11. Printing with ~s", ["importance"]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\""), match_line(Dev, "12. Printing with ~s", ["category and importance"]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"default\"", "This is a heading"), match_line(Dev, "13. Printing with heading", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\"", "This is a heading"), match_line(Dev, "14. Printing with category and heading", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"default\"", "This is a heading"), match_line(Dev, "15. Printing with importance and heading", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\"", "This is a heading"), match_line(Dev, "16. Printing with category, importance and heading", []), read_footer(Dev), %% ct:log read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "1. Printing nothing", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "2. Printing nothing", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "3. Printing a string: ~s", [String]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "4. Printing a string: ~p", [String]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "5. Printing a tuple: ~w", [{module,?MODULE}]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "6. Printing a pid: ~w", [Pid]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "7. Printing HTML: <pre>~s</pre>", [String]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "8. Printing a pid escaped: ~s", [EscPid]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "9. Printing a string escaped: ~p", [String]), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "10. Printing HTML escaped: <pre>~s</pre>", [String]), read_footer(Dev), match_line(Dev, "11. Printing a string, no css: ~s", [String]), match_line(Dev, "12. Printing a pid escaped, no css: ~s", [EscPid]), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\""), match_line(Dev, "13. Printing with category", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\""), match_line(Dev, "14. Printing with ~s", ["category"]), read_footer(Dev), match_line(Dev, "15. Printing with ~s, no_css", ["category"]), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "16. Printing with importance", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev), match_line(Dev, "17. Printing with ~s", ["importance"]), read_footer(Dev), match_line(Dev, "18. Printing with ~s, no_css", ["importance"]), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\""), match_line(Dev, "19. Printing with category and importance", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\""), match_line(Dev, "20. Printing with ~s", ["category and importance"]), read_footer(Dev), match_line(Dev, "21. Printing a pid escaped with ~s, no_css: ~s", ["category and importance",EscPid]), read_header(Dev, "\"default\"", "This is a heading"), match_line(Dev, "22. Printing with heading", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\"", "This is a heading"), match_line(Dev, "23. Printing with category and heading", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"default\"", "This is a heading"), match_line(Dev, "24. Printing with importance and heading", []), read_footer(Dev), read_header(Dev, "\"ct_internal\"", "This is a heading"), match_line(Dev, "25. Printing with category, importance and heading", []), read_footer(Dev), file:close(Dev), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% HELP FUNCTIONS %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- read_until(Dev, Pat) -> case file:read_line(Dev) of {ok,Pat} -> file:read_line(Dev), % \n ok; eof -> file:close(Dev), {error,{not_found,Pat}}; _ -> read_until(Dev, Pat) end. match_line(Dev, Format, Args) -> Pat = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Args)), Line = element(2, file:read_line(Dev)), %% for debugging purposes: ct:pal("L: ~tp", [Line], [no_css]), case re:run(Line, Pat) of {match,_} -> ok; nomatch -> ct:pal("ERROR! No match for ~p", [Pat]), file:close(Dev), ct:fail({mismatch,Pat,Line}) end. read_header(Dev) -> read_header(Dev, "\"default\"", "User"). read_header(Dev, Cat) -> read_header(Dev, Cat, "User"). read_header(Dev, Cat, Heading) -> file:read_line(Dev), % \n "</pre>\n" = element(2, file:read_line(Dev)), {ok,Hd} = file:read_line(Dev), %% for debugging purposes: ct:pal("H: ~tp", [Hd], [no_css]), Pat = "<div class="++Cat++"><pre><b>"++ "\\*\\*\\* "++Heading++" \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} "++ "\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d{1,} \\*\\*\\*</b>", case re:run(Hd, Pat) of {match,_} -> ok; _ -> ct:pal("ERROR! No match for ~p", [Pat]), file:close(Dev), ct:fail({mismatch,Pat,Hd}) end. read_footer(Dev) -> "</pre></div>\n" = element(2, file:read_line(Dev)), "<pre>\n" = element(2, file:read_line(Dev)), %% for debugging purposes: ct:pal("F: </pre></div><pre>", [], [no_css]). read_nl(Dev) -> file:read_line(Dev).