-module(telnet_server). -compile(export_all). %% telnet control characters -define(SE, 240). -define(NOP, 241). -define(DM, 242). -define(BRK, 243). -define(IP, 244). -define(AO, 245). -define(AYT, 246). -define(EC, 247). -define(EL, 248). -define(GA, 249). -define(SB, 250). -define(WILL, 251). -define(WONT, 252). -define(DO, 253). -define(DONT, 254). -define(IAC, 255). %% telnet options -define(BINARY, 0). -define(ECHO, 1). -define(SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD, 3). -define(TERMINAL_TYPE, 24). -record(state, {listen, client, users, authorized=false, suppress_go_ahead=false, buffer=[], break=false}). -type options() :: [{port,pos_integer()} | {users,users()}]. -type users() :: [{user(),password()}]. -type user() :: string(). -type password() :: string(). -spec start(Opts::options()) -> Pid::pid(). start(Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> spawn_link(fun() -> init(Opts) end). -spec stop(Pid::pid()) -> ok. stop(Pid) -> Ref = erlang:monitor(process,Pid), Pid ! stop, receive {'DOWN',Ref,_,_,_} -> ok end. init(Opts) -> Port = proplists:get_value(port,Opts), Users = proplists:get_value(users,Opts,[]), {ok, LSock} = listen(5, Port, [list, {packet, 0}, {active, true}, {reuseaddr,true}]), State = #state{listen=LSock,users=Users}, accept(State), ok = gen_tcp:close(LSock), dbg("telnet_server closed the listen socket ~p\n", [LSock]), timer:sleep(1000), ok. listen(0, _Port, _Opts) -> {error,eaddrinuse}; listen(Retries, Port, Opts) -> case gen_tcp:listen(Port, Opts) of {error,eaddrinuse} -> dbg("Listen port not released, trying again..."), timer:sleep(5000), listen(Retries-1, Port, Opts); Ok = {ok,_LSock} -> Ok; Error -> exit(Error) end. accept(#state{listen=LSock}=State) -> Server = self(), Acceptor = spawn_link(fun() -> do_accept(LSock,Server) end), receive {Acceptor,Sock} when is_port(Sock) -> dbg("Connected to client on socket ~p\n", [Sock]), case init_client(State#state{client=Sock}) of stopped -> dbg("telnet_server stopped\n"), ok; R -> dbg("Connection to client " "closed with reason ~p~n",[R]), accept(State) end; {Acceptor,closed} -> dbg("Listen socket closed unexpectedly, " "terminating telnet_server\n"), ok; stop -> dbg("telnet_server stopped\n"), ok end. do_accept(LSock,Server) -> case gen_tcp:accept(LSock) of {ok, Sock} -> ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Sock,Server), Server ! {self(),Sock}; {error,closed} -> %% This will happen when stop/1 is called, since listen %% socket is closed. Then the server is probably already %% dead by now, but to be 100% sure not to hang, we send a %% message to say what happened. Server ! {self(),closed} end. init_client(#state{client=Sock}=State) -> dbg("Server sending: ~p~n",["login: "]), R = case gen_tcp:send(Sock,"login: ") of ok -> loop(State, 1); Error -> Error end, _ = gen_tcp:close(Sock), R. loop(State, N) -> receive {tcp,_,Data} -> try handle_data(Data,State) of {ok,State1} -> loop(State1, N); closed -> closed catch throw:Error -> Error end; {tcp_closed, _} -> closed; {tcp_error,_,Error} -> {error,tcp,Error}; disconnect -> Sock = State#state.client, dbg("Server closing connection on socket ~p~n", [Sock]), ok = gen_tcp:close(Sock), closed; stop -> stopped end. handle_data(Cmd,#state{break=true}=State) -> dbg("Server got data when in break mode: ~p~n",[Cmd]), handle_break_cmd(Cmd,State); handle_data([?IAC|Cmd],State) -> dbg("Server got cmd: ~p~n",[Cmd]), handle_cmd(Cmd,State); handle_data(Data,State) -> dbg("Server got data: ~p~n",[Data]), case get_line(Data,[]) of {Line,Rest} -> WholeLine = lists:flatten(lists:reverse(State#state.buffer,Line)), case do_handle_data(WholeLine,State) of {ok,State1} -> case Rest of [] -> {ok,State1}; _ -> handle_data(Rest,State1) end; {close,State1} -> dbg("Server closing connection~n",[]), gen_tcp:close(State1#state.client), closed end; false -> {ok,State#state{buffer=[Data|State#state.buffer]}} end. %% Add function clause below to handle new telnet commands sent with %% ?IAC from client. This can be done from ct_telnet:send or %% ct_telnet:cmd if using the option {newline,false}. Also, ct_telnet %% sends DONT SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD. handle_cmd([?DO,?SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD|T],State) -> send([?IAC,?WILL,?SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD],State), handle_data(T,State#state{suppress_go_ahead=true}); handle_cmd([?DONT,?SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD|T],State) -> send([?IAC,?WONT,?SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD],State), handle_data(T,State#state{suppress_go_ahead=false}); handle_cmd([?BRK|T],State) -> %% Used when testing 'newline' option in ct_telnet:send and ct_telnet:cmd. send("# ",State), handle_data(T,State#state{break=true}); handle_cmd([?AYT|T],State) -> %% Used when testing 'newline' option in ct_telnet:send and ct_telnet:cmd. send("yes\r\n> ",State), handle_data(T,State); handle_cmd([?NOP|T],State) -> %% Used for 'keep alive' handle_data(T,State); handle_cmd([_H|T],State) -> %% Not responding to this command handle_cmd(T,State); handle_cmd([],State) -> {ok,State}. handle_break_cmd([$q|T],State) -> %% Dummy cmd allowed in break mode - quit break mode send("\r\n> ",State), handle_data(T,State#state{break=false}); handle_break_cmd([],State) -> {ok,State}. %% Add function clause below to handle new text command (text entered %% from the telnet prompt) do_handle_data(Data,#state{authorized=false}=State) -> check_user(Data,State); do_handle_data(Data,#state{authorized={user,_}}=State) -> check_pwd(Data,State); do_handle_data("echo " ++ Data,State) -> send(Data++"\r\n> ",State), {ok,State}; do_handle_data("echo_sep " ++ Data,State) -> Msgs = string:tokens(Data," "), lists:foreach(fun(Msg) -> send(Msg,State), timer:sleep(10) end, Msgs), send("\r\n> ",State), {ok,State}; do_handle_data("echo_no_prompt " ++ Data,State) -> send(Data,State), {ok,State}; do_handle_data("echo_ml " ++ Data,State) -> Lines = string:tokens(Data," "), ReturnData = string:join(Lines,"\n"), send(ReturnData++"\r\n> ",State), {ok,State}; do_handle_data("echo_ml_no_prompt " ++ Data,State) -> Lines = string:tokens(Data," "), ReturnData = string:join(Lines,"\n"), send(ReturnData,State), {ok,State}; do_handle_data("echo_loop " ++ Data,State) -> [TStr|Lines] = string:tokens(Data," "), ReturnData = string:join(Lines,"\n"), send_loop(list_to_integer(TStr),ReturnData,State), {ok,State}; do_handle_data("echo_delayed_prompt "++Data,State) -> [MsStr|EchoData] = string:tokens(Data, " "), send(string:join(EchoData,"\n"),State), timer:sleep(list_to_integer(MsStr)), send("\r\n> ",State), {ok,State}; do_handle_data("disconnect_after " ++WaitStr,State) -> Wait = list_to_integer(string:strip(WaitStr,right,$\n)), dbg("Server will close connection in ~w ms...", [Wait]), erlang:send_after(Wait,self(),disconnect), {ok,State}; do_handle_data("disconnect" ++_,State) -> {close,State}; do_handle_data([],State) -> send("> ",State), {ok,State}; do_handle_data(_Data,State) -> send("error: unknown command\r\n> ",State), {ok,State}. check_user(User,State) -> case lists:keyfind(User,1,State#state.users) of {User,Pwd} -> dbg("user ok\n"), send("Password: ",State), {ok,State#state{authorized={user,Pwd}}}; false -> throw({error,unknown_user}) end. check_pwd(Pwd,#state{authorized={user,Pwd}}=State) -> dbg("password ok\n"), send("Welcome to the ultimate telnet server!\r\n> ",State), {ok,State#state{authorized=true}}; check_pwd(_,_State) -> throw({error,authentication}). send(Data,State) -> dbg("Server sending: ~p~n",[Data]), case gen_tcp:send(State#state.client,Data) of ok -> ok; {error,Error} -> throw({error,send,Error}) end. send_loop(T,Data,State) -> dbg("Server sending ~p in loop for ~w ms...~n",[Data,T]), send_loop(os:timestamp(),T,Data,State). send_loop(T0,T,Data,State) -> ElapsedMS = trunc(timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(),T0)/1000), if ElapsedMS >= T -> ok; true -> send(Data,State), timer:sleep(500), send_loop(T0,T,Data,State) end. get_line([$\r,$\n|Rest],Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),Rest}; get_line([$\r,0|Rest],Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),Rest}; get_line([$\n|Rest],Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),Rest}; get_line([H|T],Acc) -> get_line(T,[H|Acc]); get_line([],_) -> false. dbg(_F) -> dbg(_F,[]). dbg(_F,_A) -> TS = timestamp(), io:format("[telnet_server, ~s]\n" ++ _F,[TS|_A]). timestamp() -> {MS,S,US} = os:timestamp(), {{Year,Month,Day}, {Hour,Min,Sec}} = calendar:now_to_local_time({MS,S,US}), MilliSec = trunc(US/1000), lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0B " "~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B.~3.10.0B", [Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec,MilliSec])).