%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%


-import(lists, [reverse/1]).

module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs0,Lc}, _Opts) ->
    Fs = [split_blocks(F) || F <- Fs0],

%% We must split the basic block when we encounter instructions with labels,
%% such as catches and BIFs. All labels must be visible outside the blocks.

split_blocks({function,Name,Arity,CLabel,Is0}) ->
    Is = split_blocks(Is0, []),

split_blocks([{block,Bl}|Is], Acc0) ->
    Acc = split_block(Bl, [], Acc0),
    split_blocks(Is, Acc);
split_blocks([I|Is], Acc) ->
    split_blocks(Is, [I|Acc]);
split_blocks([], Acc) -> reverse(Acc).

split_block([{set,[R],[_,_,_]=As,{bif,is_record,{f,Lbl}}}|Is], Bl, Acc) ->
    %% is_record/3 must be translated by beam_clean; therefore,
    %% it must be outside of any block.
    split_block(Is, [], [{bif,is_record,{f,Lbl},As,R}|make_block(Bl, Acc)]);
split_block([{set,[R],As,{bif,N,{f,Lbl}=Fail}}|Is], Bl, Acc) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    split_block(Is, [], [{bif,N,Fail,As,R}|make_block(Bl, Acc)]);
split_block([{set,[R],As,{alloc,Live,{gc_bif,N,{f,Lbl}=Fail}}}|Is], Bl, Acc)
  when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    split_block(Is, [], [{gc_bif,N,Fail,Live,As,R}|make_block(Bl, Acc)]);
	    Bl, Acc) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    split_block(Is, [], [{put_map,Fail,Op,S,D,R,{list,Puts}}|
			 make_block(Bl, Acc)]);
split_block([{set,[D],[S],{get_map_element,K,{f,Lbl}=Fail}}|Is], Bl, Acc)
  when Lbl =/= 0 ->
    split_block(Is, [], [{get_map_element,Fail,S,K,D}|make_block(Bl, Acc)]);
split_block([{set,[R],[],{'catch',L}}|Is], Bl, Acc) ->
    split_block(Is, [], [{'catch',R,L}|make_block(Bl, Acc)]);
split_block([{set,[],[],{line,_}=Line}|Is], Bl, Acc) ->
    split_block(Is, [], [Line|make_block(Bl, Acc)]);
split_block([I|Is], Bl, Acc) ->
    split_block(Is, [I|Bl], Acc);
split_block([], Bl, Acc) -> make_block(Bl, Acc).

make_block([], Acc) -> Acc;
make_block([{set,[D],Ss,{bif,Op,Fail}}|Bl]=Bl0, Acc) ->
    %% If the last instruction in the block is a comparison or boolean operator
    %% (such as '=:='), move it out of the block to facilitate further
    %% optimizations.
    Arity = length(Ss),
    case erl_internal:comp_op(Op, Arity) orelse
	erl_internal:new_type_test(Op, Arity) orelse
	erl_internal:bool_op(Op, Arity) of
	false ->
	true ->
	    I = {bif,Op,Fail,Ss,D},
	    case Bl =:= [] of
		true -> [I|Acc];
		false -> [I,{block,reverse(Bl)}|Acc]
make_block([{set,[Dst],[Src],move}|Bl], Acc) ->
    %% Make optimization of {move,Src,Dst}, {jump,...} possible.
    I = {move,Src,Dst},
    case Bl =:= [] of
	true -> [I|Acc];
	false -> [I,{block,reverse(Bl)}|Acc]
make_block(Bl, Acc) -> [{block,reverse(Bl)}|Acc].