%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2011. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% Purpose: Run the Erlang compiler. -module(compile). %% High-level interface. -export([file/1,file/2,noenv_file/2,format_error/1,iofile/1]). -export([forms/1,forms/2,noenv_forms/2]). -export([output_generated/1,noenv_output_generated/1]). -export([options/0]). %% Erlc interface. -export([compile/3,compile_beam/3,compile_asm/3,compile_core/3]). -export_type([option/0]). -include("erl_compile.hrl"). -include("core_parse.hrl"). -import(lists, [member/2,reverse/1,reverse/2,keyfind/3,last/1, map/2,flatmap/2,foreach/2,foldr/3,any/2]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -type option() :: atom() | {atom(), term()} | {'d', atom(), term()}. -type err_info() :: {erl_scan:line(), module(), term()}. %% ErrorDescriptor -type errors() :: [{file:filename(), [err_info()]}]. -type warnings() :: [{file:filename(), [err_info()]}]. -type mod_ret() :: {'ok', module()} | {'ok', module(), cerl:c_module()} %% with option 'to_core' | {'ok', module(), warnings()}. -type bin_ret() :: {'ok', module(), binary()} | {'ok', module(), binary(), warnings()}. -type err_ret() :: 'error' | {'error', errors(), warnings()}. -type comp_ret() :: mod_ret() | bin_ret() | err_ret(). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Exported functions %% %% file(FileName) %% file(FileName, Options) %% Compile the module in file FileName. -define(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, [verbose,report_errors,report_warnings]). -spec file(module() | file:filename()) -> comp_ret(). file(File) -> file(File, ?DEFAULT_OPTIONS). -spec file(module() | file:filename(), [option()] | option()) -> comp_ret(). file(File, Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> do_compile({file,File}, Opts++env_default_opts()); file(File, Opt) -> file(File, [Opt|?DEFAULT_OPTIONS]). forms(File) -> forms(File, ?DEFAULT_OPTIONS). forms(Forms, Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> do_compile({forms,Forms}, [binary|Opts++env_default_opts()]); forms(Forms, Opt) when is_atom(Opt) -> forms(Forms, [Opt|?DEFAULT_OPTIONS]). %% Given a list of compilation options, returns true if compile:file/2 %% would have generated a Beam file, false otherwise (if only a binary or a %% listing file would have been generated). -spec output_generated([option()]) -> boolean(). output_generated(Opts) -> noenv_output_generated(Opts++env_default_opts()). %% %% Variants of the same function that don't consult ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS %% for default options. %% -spec noenv_file(module() | file:filename(), [option()] | option()) -> comp_ret(). noenv_file(File, Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> do_compile({file,File}, Opts); noenv_file(File, Opt) -> noenv_file(File, [Opt|?DEFAULT_OPTIONS]). noenv_forms(Forms, Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> do_compile({forms,Forms}, [binary|Opts]); noenv_forms(Forms, Opt) when is_atom(Opt) -> noenv_forms(Forms, [Opt|?DEFAULT_OPTIONS]). -spec noenv_output_generated([option()]) -> boolean(). noenv_output_generated(Opts) -> {_,Passes} = passes(file, expand_opts(Opts)), any(fun ({save_binary,_F}) -> true; (_Other) -> false end, Passes). %% %% Local functions %% -define(pass(P), {P,fun P/1}). env_default_opts() -> Key = "ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS", case os:getenv(Key) of false -> []; Str when is_list(Str) -> case erl_scan:string(Str) of {ok,Tokens,_} -> case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens ++ [{dot, 1}]) of {ok,List} when is_list(List) -> List; {ok,Term} -> [Term]; {error,_Reason} -> io:format("Ignoring bad term in ~s\n", [Key]), [] end; {error, {_,_,_Reason}, _} -> io:format("Ignoring bad term in ~s\n", [Key]), [] end end. do_compile(Input, Opts0) -> Opts = expand_opts(Opts0), Self = self(), Serv = spawn_link(fun() -> internal(Self, Input, Opts) end), receive {Serv,Rep} -> Rep end. expand_opts(Opts0) -> %% {debug_info_key,Key} implies debug_info. Opts = case {proplists:get_value(debug_info_key, Opts0), proplists:get_value(encrypt_debug_info, Opts0), proplists:get_bool(debug_info, Opts0)} of {undefined,undefined,_} -> Opts0; {_,_,false} -> [debug_info|Opts0]; {_,_,_} -> Opts0 end, foldr(fun expand_opt/2, [], Opts). expand_opt(basic_validation, Os) -> [no_code_generation,to_pp,binary|Os]; expand_opt(strong_validation, Os) -> [no_code_generation,to_kernel,binary|Os]; expand_opt(report, Os) -> [report_errors,report_warnings|Os]; expand_opt(return, Os) -> [return_errors,return_warnings|Os]; expand_opt(r12, Os) -> [no_recv_opt|Os]; expand_opt(r13, Os) -> [no_recv_opt|Os]; expand_opt({debug_info_key,_}=O, Os) -> [encrypt_debug_info,O|Os]; expand_opt(no_float_opt, Os) -> %%Turn off the entire type optimization pass. [no_topt|Os]; expand_opt(O, Os) -> [O|Os]. %% format_error(ErrorDescriptor) -> string() format_error(no_native_support) -> "this system is not configured for native-code compilation."; format_error(no_crypto) -> "this system is not configured with crypto support."; format_error(bad_crypto_key) -> "invalid crypto key."; format_error(no_crypto_key) -> "no crypto key supplied."; format_error({native, E}) -> io_lib:fwrite("native-code compilation failed with reason: ~P.", [E, 25]); format_error({native_crash,E,Stk}) -> io_lib:fwrite("native-code compilation crashed with reason: ~P.\n~P\n", [E,25,Stk,25]); format_error({open,E}) -> io_lib:format("open error '~s'", [file:format_error(E)]); format_error({epp,E}) -> epp:format_error(E); format_error(write_error) -> "error writing file"; format_error({rename,From,To,Error}) -> io_lib:format("failed to rename ~s to ~s: ~s", [From,To,file:format_error(Error)]); format_error({delete_temp,File,Error}) -> io_lib:format("failed to delete temporary file ~s: ~s", [File,file:format_error(Error)]); format_error({parse_transform,M,R}) -> io_lib:format("error in parse transform '~s': ~p", [M, R]); format_error({core_transform,M,R}) -> io_lib:format("error in core transform '~s': ~p", [M, R]); format_error({crash,Pass,Reason}) -> io_lib:format("internal error in ~p;\ncrash reason: ~p", [Pass,Reason]); format_error({bad_return,Pass,Reason}) -> io_lib:format("internal error in ~p;\nbad return value: ~p", [Pass,Reason]); format_error({module_name,Mod,Filename}) -> io_lib:format("Module name '~s' does not match file name '~s'", [Mod,Filename]). %% The compile state record. -record(compile, {filename="" :: file:filename(), dir="" :: file:filename(), base="" :: file:filename(), ifile="" :: file:filename(), ofile="" :: file:filename(), module=[], code=[], core_code=[], abstract_code=[], %Abstract code for debugger. options=[] :: [option()], errors=[], warnings=[]}). internal(Master, Input, Opts) -> Master ! {self(), try internal(Input, Opts) catch error:Reason -> {error, Reason} end}. internal({forms,Forms}, Opts) -> {_,Ps} = passes(forms, Opts), internal_comp(Ps, "", "", #compile{code=Forms,options=Opts}); internal({file,File}, Opts) -> {Ext,Ps} = passes(file, Opts), Compile = #compile{options=Opts}, internal_comp(Ps, File, Ext, Compile). internal_comp(Passes, File, Suffix, St0) -> Dir = filename:dirname(File), Base = filename:basename(File, Suffix), St1 = St0#compile{filename=File, dir=Dir, base=Base, ifile=erlfile(Dir, Base, Suffix), ofile=objfile(Base, St0)}, Run = case member(time, St1#compile.options) of true -> io:format("Compiling ~p\n", [File]), fun run_tc/2; false -> fun({_Name,Fun}, St) -> catch Fun(St) end end, case fold_comp(Passes, Run, St1) of {ok,St2} -> comp_ret_ok(St2); {error,St2} -> comp_ret_err(St2) end. fold_comp([{delay,Ps0}|Passes], Run, #compile{options=Opts}=St) -> Ps = select_passes(Ps0, Opts) ++ Passes, fold_comp(Ps, Run, St); fold_comp([{Name,Test,Pass}|Ps], Run, St) -> case Test(St) of false -> %Pass is not needed. fold_comp(Ps, Run, St); true -> %Run pass in the usual way. fold_comp([{Name,Pass}|Ps], Run, St) end; fold_comp([{Name,Pass}|Ps], Run, St0) -> case Run({Name,Pass}, St0) of {ok,St1} -> fold_comp(Ps, Run, St1); {error,_St1} = Error -> Error; {'EXIT',Reason} -> Es = [{St0#compile.ifile,[{none,?MODULE,{crash,Name,Reason}}]}], {error,St0#compile{errors=St0#compile.errors ++ Es}}; Other -> Es = [{St0#compile.ifile,[{none,?MODULE,{bad_return,Name,Other}}]}], {error,St0#compile{errors=St0#compile.errors ++ Es}} end; fold_comp([], _Run, St) -> {ok,St}. run_tc({Name,Fun}, St) -> Before0 = statistics(runtime), Val = (catch Fun(St)), After0 = statistics(runtime), {Before_c, _} = Before0, {After_c, _} = After0, Mem0 = erts_debug:flat_size(Val)*erlang:system_info(wordsize), Mem = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.1f kB", [Mem0/1024])), io:format(" ~-30s: ~10.2f s ~12s\n", [Name,(After_c-Before_c) / 1000,Mem]), Val. comp_ret_ok(#compile{code=Code,warnings=Warn0,module=Mod,options=Opts}=St) -> case member(warnings_as_errors, Opts) andalso length(Warn0) > 0 of true -> case member(report_warnings, Opts) of true -> io:format("~p: warnings being treated as errors\n", [?MODULE]); false -> ok end, comp_ret_err(St); false -> Warn = messages_per_file(Warn0), report_warnings(St#compile{warnings = Warn}), Ret1 = case member(binary, Opts) andalso not member(no_code_generation, Opts) of true -> [Code]; false -> [] end, Ret2 = case member(return_warnings, Opts) of true -> Ret1 ++ [Warn]; false -> Ret1 end, list_to_tuple([ok,Mod|Ret2]) end. comp_ret_err(#compile{warnings=Warn0,errors=Err0,options=Opts}=St) -> Warn = messages_per_file(Warn0), Err = messages_per_file(Err0), report_errors(St#compile{errors=Err}), report_warnings(St#compile{warnings=Warn}), case member(return_errors, Opts) of true -> {error,Err,Warn}; false -> error end. %% messages_per_file([{File,[Message]}]) -> [{File,[Message]}] messages_per_file(Ms) -> T = lists:sort([{File,M} || {File,Messages} <- Ms, M <- Messages]), PrioMs = [erl_scan, epp, erl_parse], {Prio0, Rest} = lists:mapfoldl(fun(M, A) -> lists:partition(fun({_,{_,Mod,_}}) -> Mod =:= M; (_) -> false end, A) end, T, PrioMs), Prio = lists:sort(fun({_,{L1,_,_}}, {_,{L2,_,_}}) -> L1 =< L2 end, lists:append(Prio0)), flatmap(fun mpf/1, [Prio, Rest]). mpf(Ms) -> [{File,[M || {F,M} <- Ms, F =:= File]} || File <- lists:usort([F || {F,_} <- Ms])]. %% passes(forms|file, [Option]) -> {Extension,[{Name,PassFun}]} %% Figure out the extension of the input file and which passes %% that need to be run. passes(Type, Opts) -> {Ext,Passes0} = passes_1(Opts), Passes1 = case Type of file -> Passes0; forms -> tl(Passes0) end, Passes = select_passes(Passes1, Opts), %% If the last pass saves the resulting binary to a file, %% insert a first pass to remove the file (unless the %% source file is a BEAM file). {Ext,case last(Passes) of {save_binary,_Fun} -> case Passes of [{read_beam_file,_}|_] -> %% The BEAM is both input and output. %% Don't remove it. Passes; _ -> [?pass(remove_file)|Passes] end; _ -> Passes end}. passes_1([Opt|Opts]) -> case pass(Opt) of {_,_}=Res -> Res; none -> passes_1(Opts) end; passes_1([]) -> {".erl",[?pass(parse_module)|standard_passes()]}. pass(from_core) -> {".core",[?pass(parse_core)|core_passes()]}; pass(from_asm) -> {".S",[?pass(beam_consult_asm)|asm_passes()]}; pass(asm) -> pass(from_asm); pass(from_beam) -> {".beam",[?pass(read_beam_file)|binary_passes()]}; pass(_) -> none. %% select_passes([Command], Opts) -> [{Name,Function}] %% Interpret the lists of commands to return a pure list of passes. %% %% Command can be one of: %% %% {pass,Mod} Will be expanded to a call to the external %% function Mod:module(Code, Options). This %% function must transform the code and return %% {ok,NewCode} or {error,Term}. %% Example: {pass,beam_codegen} %% %% {Name,Fun} Name is an atom giving the name of the pass. %% Fun is an 'fun' taking one argument: a compile record. %% The fun should return {ok,NewCompileRecord} or %% {error,NewCompileRecord}. %% Note: ?pass(Name) is equvivalent to {Name,fun Name/1}. %% Example: ?pass(parse_module) %% %% {Name,Test,Fun} Like {Name,Fun} above, but the pass will be run %% (and listed by the `time' option) only if Test(St) %% returns true. %% %% {src_listing,Ext} Produces an Erlang source listing with the %% the file extension Ext. (Ext should not contain %% a period.) No more passes will be run. %% %% {listing,Ext} Produce an listing of the terms in the internal %% representation. The extension of the listing %% file will be Ext. (Ext should not contain %% a period.) No more passes will be run. %% %% {done,Ext} End compilation at this point. Produce a listing %% as with {listing,Ext}, unless 'binary' is %% specified, in which case the current %% representation of the code is returned without %% creating an output file. %% %% {iff,Flag,Cmd} If the given Flag is given in the option list, %% Cmd will be interpreted as a command. %% Otherwise, Cmd will be ignored. %% Example: {iff,dcg,{listing,"codegen}} %% %% {unless,Flag,Cmd} If the given Flag is NOT given in the option list, %% Cmd will be interpreted as a command. %% Otherwise, Cmd will be ignored. %% Example: {unless,no_kernopt,{pass,sys_kernopt}} %% select_passes([{pass,Mod}|Ps], Opts) -> F = fun(St) -> case catch Mod:module(St#compile.code, St#compile.options) of {ok,Code} -> {ok,St#compile{code=Code}}; {ok,Code,Ws} -> {ok,St#compile{code=Code,warnings=St#compile.warnings++Ws}}; {error,Es} -> {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end end, [{Mod,F}|select_passes(Ps, Opts)]; select_passes([{src_listing,Ext}|_], _Opts) -> [{listing,fun (St) -> src_listing(Ext, St) end}]; select_passes([{listing,Ext}|_], _Opts) -> [{listing,fun (St) -> listing(Ext, St) end}]; select_passes([{done,Ext}|_], Opts) -> select_passes([{unless,binary,{listing,Ext}}], Opts); select_passes([{iff,Flag,Pass}|Ps], Opts) -> select_cond(Flag, true, Pass, Ps, Opts); select_passes([{unless,Flag,Pass}|Ps], Opts) -> select_cond(Flag, false, Pass, Ps, Opts); select_passes([{_,Fun}=P|Ps], Opts) when is_function(Fun) -> [P|select_passes(Ps, Opts)]; select_passes([{delay,Passes0}|Ps], Opts) when is_list(Passes0) -> %% Delay evaluation of compiler options and which compiler passes to run. %% Since we must know beforehand whether a listing will be produced, we %% will go through the list of passes and evaluate all conditions that %% select a list pass. case select_list_passes(Passes0, Opts) of {done,Passes} -> [{delay,Passes}]; {not_done,Passes} -> [{delay,Passes}|select_passes(Ps, Opts)] end; select_passes([{_,Test,Fun}=P|Ps], Opts) when is_function(Test), is_function(Fun) -> [P|select_passes(Ps, Opts)]; select_passes([], _Opts) -> []; select_passes([List|Ps], Opts) when is_list(List) -> case select_passes(List, Opts) of [] -> select_passes(Ps, Opts); Nested -> case last(Nested) of {listing,_Fun} -> Nested; _Other -> Nested ++ select_passes(Ps, Opts) end end. select_cond(Flag, ShouldBe, Pass, Ps, Opts) -> ShouldNotBe = not ShouldBe, case member(Flag, Opts) of ShouldBe -> select_passes([Pass|Ps], Opts); ShouldNotBe -> select_passes(Ps, Opts) end. %% select_list_passes([Pass], Opts) -> {done,[Pass]} | {not_done,[Pass]} %% Evaluate all conditions having to do with listings in the list of %% passes. select_list_passes(Ps, Opts) -> select_list_passes_1(Ps, Opts, []). select_list_passes_1([{iff,Flag,{listing,_}=Listing}|Ps], Opts, Acc) -> case member(Flag, Opts) of true -> {done,reverse(Acc, [Listing])}; false -> select_list_passes_1(Ps, Opts, Acc) end; select_list_passes_1([{iff,Flag,{done,Ext}}|Ps], Opts, Acc) -> case member(Flag, Opts) of false -> select_list_passes_1(Ps, Opts, Acc); true -> {done,case member(binary, Opts) of false -> reverse(Acc, [{listing,Ext}]); true -> reverse(Acc) end} end; select_list_passes_1([{iff=Op,Flag,List0}|Ps], Opts, Acc) when is_list(List0) -> case select_list_passes(List0, Opts) of {done,_}=Done -> Done; {not_done,List} -> select_list_passes_1(Ps, Opts, [{Op,Flag,List}|Acc]) end; select_list_passes_1([{unless=Op,Flag,List0}|Ps], Opts, Acc) when is_list(List0) -> case select_list_passes(List0, Opts) of {done,_}=Done -> Done; {not_done,List} -> select_list_passes_1(Ps, Opts, [{Op,Flag,List}|Acc]) end; select_list_passes_1([P|Ps], Opts, Acc) -> select_list_passes_1(Ps, Opts, [P|Acc]); select_list_passes_1([], _, Acc) -> {not_done,reverse(Acc)}. %% The standard passes (almost) always run. standard_passes() -> [?pass(transform_module), {iff,'dpp',{listing,"pp"}}, ?pass(lint_module), {iff,'P',{src_listing,"P"}}, {iff,'to_pp',{done,"P"}}, {iff,'dabstr',{listing,"abstr"}}, {iff,debug_info,?pass(save_abstract_code)}, ?pass(expand_module), {iff,'dexp',{listing,"expand"}}, {iff,'E',{src_listing,"E"}}, {iff,'to_exp',{done,"E"}}, %% Conversion to Core Erlang. ?pass(core_module), {iff,'dcore',{listing,"core"}}, {iff,'to_core0',{done,"core"}} | core_passes()]. core_passes() -> %% Optimization and transforms of Core Erlang code. [{delay, [{unless,no_copt, [{core_old_inliner,fun test_old_inliner/1,fun core_old_inliner/1}, {iff,doldinline,{listing,"oldinline"}}, ?pass(core_fold_module), {core_inline_module,fun test_core_inliner/1,fun core_inline_module/1}, {iff,dinline,{listing,"inline"}}, {core_fold_after_inline,fun test_core_inliner/1,fun core_fold_module/1}, ?pass(core_transforms)]}, {iff,dcopt,{listing,"copt"}}, {iff,'to_core',{done,"core"}}]} | kernel_passes()]. kernel_passes() -> %% Destructive setelement/3 optimization and core lint. [?pass(core_dsetel_module), {iff,dsetel,{listing,"dsetel"}}, {iff,clint,?pass(core_lint_module)}, {iff,core,?pass(save_core_code)}, %% Kernel Erlang and code generation. ?pass(kernel_module), {iff,dkern,{listing,"kernel"}}, {iff,'to_kernel',{done,"kernel"}}, {pass,v3_life}, {iff,dlife,{listing,"life"}}, {pass,v3_codegen}, {iff,dcg,{listing,"codegen"}} | asm_passes()]. asm_passes() -> %% Assembly level optimisations. [{delay, [{unless,no_postopt, [{pass,beam_block}, {iff,dblk,{listing,"block"}}, {unless,no_bopt,{pass,beam_bool}}, {iff,dbool,{listing,"bool"}}, {unless,no_topt,{pass,beam_type}}, {iff,dtype,{listing,"type"}}, {pass,beam_dead}, %Must always run since it splits blocks. {iff,ddead,{listing,"dead"}}, {unless,no_jopt,{pass,beam_jump}}, {iff,djmp,{listing,"jump"}}, {unless,no_peep_opt,{pass,beam_peep}}, {iff,dpeep,{listing,"peep"}}, {pass,beam_clean}, {iff,dclean,{listing,"clean"}}, {unless,no_bsm_opt,{pass,beam_bsm}}, {iff,dbsm,{listing,"bsm"}}, {unless,no_recv_opt,{pass,beam_receive}}, {iff,drecv,{listing,"recv"}}, {unless,no_stack_trimming,{pass,beam_trim}}, {iff,dtrim,{listing,"trim"}}, {pass,beam_flatten}]}, %% If post optimizations are turned off, we still coalesce %% adjacent labels and remove unused labels to keep the %% HiPE compiler happy. {iff,no_postopt, [?pass(beam_unused_labels), {pass,beam_clean}]}, {iff,dopt,{listing,"optimize"}}, {iff,'S',{listing,"S"}}, {iff,'to_asm',{done,"S"}}]}, {pass,beam_validator}, ?pass(beam_asm) | binary_passes()]. binary_passes() -> [{native_compile,fun test_native/1,fun native_compile/1}, {unless,binary,?pass(save_binary)}]. %%% %%% Compiler passes. %%% %% Remove the target file so we don't have an old one if the compilation fail. remove_file(St) -> file:delete(St#compile.ofile), {ok,St}. -record(asm_module, {module, exports, labels, functions=[], cfun, code, attributes=[]}). preprocess_asm_forms(Forms) -> R = #asm_module{}, R1 = collect_asm(Forms, R), {R1#asm_module.module, {R1#asm_module.module, R1#asm_module.exports, R1#asm_module.attributes, R1#asm_module.functions, R1#asm_module.labels}}. collect_asm([], R) -> case R#asm_module.cfun of undefined -> R; {A,B,C} -> R#asm_module{functions=R#asm_module.functions++ [{function,A,B,C,R#asm_module.code}]} end; collect_asm([{module,M} | Rest], R) -> collect_asm(Rest, R#asm_module{module=M}); collect_asm([{exports,M} | Rest], R) -> collect_asm(Rest, R#asm_module{exports=M}); collect_asm([{labels,M} | Rest], R) -> collect_asm(Rest, R#asm_module{labels=M}); collect_asm([{function,A,B,C} | Rest], R) -> R1 = case R#asm_module.cfun of undefined -> R; {A0,B0,C0} -> R#asm_module{functions=R#asm_module.functions++ [{function,A0,B0,C0,R#asm_module.code}]} end, collect_asm(Rest, R1#asm_module{cfun={A,B,C}, code=[]}); collect_asm([{attributes, Attr} | Rest], R) -> collect_asm(Rest, R#asm_module{attributes=Attr}); collect_asm([X | Rest], R) -> collect_asm(Rest, R#asm_module{code=R#asm_module.code++[X]}). beam_consult_asm(St) -> case file:consult(St#compile.ifile) of {ok, Forms0} -> {Module, Forms} = preprocess_asm_forms(Forms0), {ok,St#compile{module=Module, code=Forms}}; {error,E} -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,?MODULE,{open,E}}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end. read_beam_file(St) -> case file:read_file(St#compile.ifile) of {ok,Beam} -> Infile = St#compile.ifile, case no_native_compilation(Infile, St) of true -> {ok,St#compile{module=none,code=none}}; false -> Mod0 = filename:rootname(filename:basename(Infile)), Mod = list_to_atom(Mod0), {ok,St#compile{module=Mod,code=Beam,ofile=Infile}} end; {error,E} -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,?MODULE,{open,E}}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end. no_native_compilation(BeamFile, #compile{options=Opts0}) -> case beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, ["CInf"]) of {ok,{_,[{"CInf",Term0}]}} -> Term = binary_to_term(Term0), %% Compiler options in the beam file will override %% options passed to the compiler. Opts = proplists:get_value(options, Term, []) ++ Opts0, member(no_new_funs, Opts) orelse not is_native_enabled(Opts); _ -> false end. parse_module(St) -> Opts = St#compile.options, Cwd = ".", IncludePath = [Cwd, St#compile.dir|inc_paths(Opts)], R = epp:parse_file(St#compile.ifile, IncludePath, pre_defs(Opts)), case R of {ok,Forms} -> {ok,St#compile{code=Forms}}; {error,E} -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,?MODULE,{epp,E}}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end. parse_core(St) -> case file:read_file(St#compile.ifile) of {ok,Bin} -> case core_scan:string(binary_to_list(Bin)) of {ok,Toks,_} -> case core_parse:parse(Toks) of {ok,Mod} -> Name = (Mod#c_module.name)#c_literal.val, {ok,St#compile{module=Name,code=Mod}}; {error,E} -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[E]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end; {error,E,_} -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[E]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end; {error,E} -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,compile,{open,E}}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end. compile_options([{attribute,_L,compile,C}|Fs]) when is_list(C) -> C ++ compile_options(Fs); compile_options([{attribute,_L,compile,C}|Fs]) -> [C|compile_options(Fs)]; compile_options([_F|Fs]) -> compile_options(Fs); compile_options([]) -> []. clean_parse_transforms(Fs) -> clean_parse_transforms_1(Fs, []). clean_parse_transforms_1([{attribute,L,compile,C0}|Fs], Acc) when is_list(C0) -> C = lists:filter(fun({parse_transform,_}) -> false; (_) -> true end, C0), clean_parse_transforms_1(Fs, [{attribute,L,compile,C}|Acc]); clean_parse_transforms_1([{attribute,_,compile,{parse_transform,_}}|Fs], Acc) -> clean_parse_transforms_1(Fs, Acc); clean_parse_transforms_1([F|Fs], Acc) -> clean_parse_transforms_1(Fs, [F|Acc]); clean_parse_transforms_1([], Acc) -> reverse(Acc). transforms(Os) -> [ M || {parse_transform,M} <- Os ]. transform_module(#compile{options=Opt,code=Code0}=St0) -> %% Extract compile options from code into options field. case transforms(Opt ++ compile_options(Code0)) of [] -> {ok,St0}; %No parse transforms. Ts -> %% Remove parse_transform attributes from the abstract code to %% prevent parse transforms to be run more than once. Code = clean_parse_transforms(Code0), St = St0#compile{code=Code}, foldl_transform(St, Ts) end. foldl_transform(St, [T|Ts]) -> Name = "transform " ++ atom_to_list(T), Fun = fun(S) -> T:parse_transform(S#compile.code, S#compile.options) end, Run = case member(time, St#compile.options) of true -> fun run_tc/2; false -> fun({_Name,F}, S) -> catch F(S) end end, case Run({Name, Fun}, St) of {error,Es,Ws} -> {error,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws, errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}}; {'EXIT',R} -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,compile,{parse_transform,T,R}}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}}; {warning, Forms, Ws} -> foldl_transform( St#compile{code=Forms, warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}, Ts); Forms -> foldl_transform(St#compile{code=Forms}, Ts) end; foldl_transform(St, []) -> {ok,St}. get_core_transforms(Opts) -> [M || {core_transform,M} <- Opts]. core_transforms(St) -> %% The options field holds the complete list of options at this Ts = get_core_transforms(St#compile.options), foldl_core_transforms(St, Ts). foldl_core_transforms(St, [T|Ts]) -> Name = "core transform " ++ atom_to_list(T), Fun = fun(S) -> T:core_transform(S#compile.code, S#compile.options) end, Run = case member(time, St#compile.options) of true -> fun run_tc/2; false -> fun({_Name,F}, S) -> catch F(S) end end, case Run({Name, Fun}, St) of {'EXIT',R} -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,compile,{core_transform,T,R}}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}}; Forms -> foldl_core_transforms(St#compile{code=Forms}, Ts) end; foldl_core_transforms(St, []) -> {ok,St}. %%% Fetches the module name from a list of forms. The module attribute must %%% be present. get_module([{attribute,_,module,{M,_As}} | _]) -> M; get_module([{attribute,_,module,M} | _]) -> M; get_module([_ | Rest]) -> get_module(Rest). %%% A #compile state is returned, where St.base has been filled in %%% with the module name from Forms, as a string, in case it wasn't %%% set in St (i.e., it was ""). add_default_base(St, Forms) -> F = St#compile.filename, case F of "" -> M = case get_module(Forms) of PackageModule when is_list(PackageModule) -> last(PackageModule); M0 -> M0 end, St#compile{base = atom_to_list(M)}; _ -> St end. lint_module(St) -> case erl_lint:module(St#compile.code, St#compile.ifile, St#compile.options) of {ok,Ws} -> %% Insert name of module as base name, if needed. This is %% for compile:forms to work with listing files. St1 = add_default_base(St, St#compile.code), {ok,St1#compile{warnings=St1#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}; {error,Es,Ws} -> {error,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws, errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end. core_lint_module(St) -> case core_lint:module(St#compile.code, St#compile.options) of {ok,Ws} -> {ok,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}; {error,Es,Ws} -> {error,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws, errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end. %% expand_module(State) -> State' %% Do the common preprocessing of the input forms. expand_module(#compile{code=Code,options=Opts0}=St0) -> {Mod,Exp,Forms,Opts1} = sys_pre_expand:module(Code, Opts0), Opts = expand_opts(Opts1), {ok,St0#compile{module=Mod,options=Opts,code={Mod,Exp,Forms}}}. core_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) -> {ok,Code,Ws} = v3_core:module(Code0, Opts), {ok,St#compile{code=Code,warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}. core_fold_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts,warnings=Warns}=St) -> {ok,Code,Ws} = sys_core_fold:module(Code0, Opts), {ok,St#compile{code=Code,warnings=Warns ++ Ws}}. test_old_inliner(#compile{options=Opts}) -> %% The point of this test is to avoid loading the old inliner %% if we know that it will not be used. any(fun({inline,_}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Opts). test_core_inliner(#compile{options=Opts}) -> case any(fun(no_inline) -> true; (_) -> false end, Opts) of true -> false; false -> any(fun(inline) -> true; (_) -> false end, Opts) end. core_old_inliner(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) -> {ok,Code} = sys_core_inline:module(Code0, Opts), {ok,St#compile{code=Code}}. core_inline_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) -> Code = cerl_inline:core_transform(Code0, Opts), {ok,St#compile{code=Code}}. core_dsetel_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) -> {ok,Code} = sys_core_dsetel:module(Code0, Opts), {ok,St#compile{code=Code}}. kernel_module(#compile{code=Code0,options=Opts}=St) -> {ok,Code,Ws} = v3_kernel:module(Code0, Opts), {ok,St#compile{code=Code,warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}. save_abstract_code(#compile{ifile=File}=St) -> case abstract_code(St) of {ok,Code} -> {ok,St#compile{abstract_code=Code}}; {error,Es} -> {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ [{File,Es}]}} end. abstract_code(#compile{code=Code,options=Opts,ofile=OFile}) -> Abstr = erlang:term_to_binary({raw_abstract_v1,Code}, [compressed]), case member(encrypt_debug_info, Opts) of true -> case keyfind(debug_info_key, 1, Opts) of {_,Key} -> encrypt_abs_code(Abstr, Key); false -> %% Note: #compile.module has not been set yet. %% Here is an approximation that should work for %% all valid cases. Module = list_to_atom(filename:rootname(filename:basename(OFile))), Mode = proplists:get_value(crypto_mode, Opts, des3_cbc), case beam_lib:get_crypto_key({debug_info, Mode, Module, OFile}) of error -> {error, [{none,?MODULE,no_crypto_key}]}; Key -> encrypt_abs_code(Abstr, {Mode, Key}) end end; false -> {ok, Abstr} end. encrypt_abs_code(Abstr, Key0) -> try {Mode,RealKey} = generate_key(Key0), case start_crypto() of ok -> {ok,encrypt(Mode, RealKey, Abstr)}; {error,_}=E -> E end catch error:_ -> {error,[{none,?MODULE,bad_crypto_key}]} end. start_crypto() -> try crypto:start() of {error,{already_started,crypto}} -> ok; ok -> ok catch error:_ -> {error,[{none,?MODULE,no_crypto}]} end. generate_key({Mode,String}) when is_atom(Mode), is_list(String) -> {Mode,beam_lib:make_crypto_key(Mode, String)}; generate_key(String) when is_list(String) -> generate_key({des3_cbc,String}). encrypt(des3_cbc=Mode, {K1,K2,K3, IVec}, Bin0) -> Bin1 = case byte_size(Bin0) rem 8 of 0 -> Bin0; N -> list_to_binary([Bin0,random_bytes(8-N)]) end, Bin = crypto:des3_cbc_encrypt(K1, K2, K3, IVec, Bin1), ModeString = atom_to_list(Mode), list_to_binary([0,length(ModeString),ModeString,Bin]). random_bytes(N) -> {A,B,C} = now(), random:seed(A, B, C), random_bytes_1(N, []). random_bytes_1(0, Acc) -> Acc; random_bytes_1(N, Acc) -> random_bytes_1(N-1, [random:uniform(255)|Acc]). save_core_code(St) -> {ok,St#compile{core_code=cerl:from_records(St#compile.code)}}. beam_unused_labels(#compile{code=Code0}=St) -> Code = beam_jump:module_labels(Code0), {ok,St#compile{code=Code}}. beam_asm(#compile{ifile=File,code=Code0,abstract_code=Abst,options=Opts0}=St) -> Source = filename:absname(File), Opts1 = lists:map(fun({debug_info_key,_}) -> {debug_info_key,'********'}; (Other) -> Other end, Opts0), Opts2 = [O || O <- Opts1, is_informative_option(O)], case beam_asm:module(Code0, Abst, Source, Opts2) of {ok,Code} -> {ok,St#compile{code=Code,abstract_code=[]}} end. test_native(#compile{options=Opts}) -> %% This test is done late, in case some other option has turned off native. %% 'native' given on the command line can be overridden by %% 'no_native' in the module itself. is_native_enabled(Opts). is_native_enabled([native|_]) -> true; is_native_enabled([no_native|_]) -> false; is_native_enabled([_|Opts]) -> is_native_enabled(Opts); is_native_enabled([]) -> false. native_compile(#compile{code=none}=St) -> {ok,St}; native_compile(St) -> case erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture) of undefined -> Ws = [{St#compile.ifile,[{none,compile,no_native_support}]}], {ok,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}; _ -> native_compile_1(St) end. native_compile_1(St) -> Opts0 = St#compile.options, IgnoreErrors = member(ignore_native_errors, Opts0), Opts = case keyfind(hipe, 1, Opts0) of {hipe,L} when is_list(L) -> L; {hipe,X} -> [X]; _ -> [] end, try hipe:compile(St#compile.module, St#compile.core_code, St#compile.code, Opts) of {ok,{_Type,Bin}=T} when is_binary(Bin) -> {ok,embed_native_code(St, T)}; {error,R} -> case IgnoreErrors of true -> Ws = [{St#compile.ifile,[{?MODULE,{native,R}}]}], {ok,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}; false -> Es = [{St#compile.ifile,[{?MODULE,{native,R}}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end catch Class:R -> Stk = erlang:get_stacktrace(), case IgnoreErrors of true -> Ws = [{St#compile.ifile, [{?MODULE,{native_crash,R,Stk}}]}], {ok,St#compile{warnings=St#compile.warnings ++ Ws}}; false -> erlang:raise(Class, R, Stk) end end. embed_native_code(St, {Architecture,NativeCode}) -> {ok, _, Chunks0} = beam_lib:all_chunks(St#compile.code), ChunkName = hipe_unified_loader:chunk_name(Architecture), Chunks1 = lists:keydelete(ChunkName, 1, Chunks0), Chunks = Chunks1 ++ [{ChunkName,NativeCode}], {ok, BeamPlusNative} = beam_lib:build_module(Chunks), St#compile{code=BeamPlusNative}. %% Returns true if the option is informative and therefore should be included %% in the option list of the compiled module. is_informative_option(beam) -> false; is_informative_option(report_warnings) -> false; is_informative_option(report_errors) -> false; is_informative_option(binary) -> false; is_informative_option(verbose) -> false; is_informative_option(_) -> true. save_binary(#compile{code=none}=St) -> {ok,St}; save_binary(#compile{module=Mod,ofile=Outfile, options=Opts}=St) -> %% Test that the module name and output file name match. %% We must take care to not completely break a packaged module %% (even though packages still is as an experimental, unsupported %% feature) - so we will extract the last part of a packaged %% module name and compare only that. case member(no_error_module_mismatch, Opts) of true -> save_binary_1(St); false -> Base = filename:rootname(filename:basename(Outfile)), case lists:last(packages:split(Mod)) of Base -> save_binary_1(St); _ -> Es = [{St#compile.ofile, [{?MODULE,{module_name,Mod,Base}}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end end. save_binary_1(St) -> Ofile = St#compile.ofile, Tfile = tmpfile(Ofile), %Temp working file case write_binary(Tfile, St#compile.code, St) of ok -> case file:rename(Tfile, Ofile) of ok -> {ok,St}; {error,RenameError} -> Es0 = [{Ofile,[{?MODULE,{rename,Tfile,Ofile, RenameError}}]}], Es = case file:delete(Tfile) of ok -> Es0; {error,DeleteError} -> Es0 ++ [{Ofile, [{?MODULE,{delete_temp,Tfile, DeleteError}}]}] end, {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end; {error,_Error} -> Es = [{Tfile,[{compile,write_error}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end. write_binary(Name, Bin, St) -> Opts = case member(compressed, St#compile.options) of true -> [compressed]; false -> [] end, case file:write_file(Name, Bin, Opts) of ok -> ok; {error,_}=Error -> Error end. %% report_errors(State) -> ok %% report_warnings(State) -> ok report_errors(#compile{options=Opts,errors=Errors}) -> case member(report_errors, Opts) of true -> foreach(fun ({{F,_L},Eds}) -> list_errors(F, Eds); ({F,Eds}) -> list_errors(F, Eds) end, Errors); false -> ok end. report_warnings(#compile{options=Opts,warnings=Ws0}) -> case member(report_warnings, Opts) of true -> Ws1 = flatmap(fun({{F,_L},Eds}) -> format_message(F, Eds); ({F,Eds}) -> format_message(F, Eds) end, Ws0), Ws = lists:sort(Ws1), foreach(fun({_,Str}) -> io:put_chars(Str) end, Ws); false -> ok end. format_message(F, [{{Line,Column}=Loc,Mod,E}|Es]) -> M = {{F,Loc},io_lib:format("~s:~w:~w Warning: ~s\n", [F,Line,Column,Mod:format_error(E)])}, [M|format_message(F, Es)]; format_message(F, [{Line,Mod,E}|Es]) -> M = {{F,{Line,0}},io_lib:format("~s:~w: Warning: ~s\n", [F,Line,Mod:format_error(E)])}, [M|format_message(F, Es)]; format_message(F, [{Mod,E}|Es]) -> M = {none,io_lib:format("~s: Warning: ~s\n", [F,Mod:format_error(E)])}, [M|format_message(F, Es)]; format_message(_, []) -> []. %% list_errors(File, ErrorDescriptors) -> ok list_errors(F, [{{Line,Column},Mod,E}|Es]) -> io:fwrite("~s:~w:~w: ~s\n", [F,Line,Column,Mod:format_error(E)]), list_errors(F, Es); list_errors(F, [{Line,Mod,E}|Es]) -> io:fwrite("~s:~w: ~s\n", [F,Line,Mod:format_error(E)]), list_errors(F, Es); list_errors(F, [{Mod,E}|Es]) -> io:fwrite("~s: ~s\n", [F,Mod:format_error(E)]), list_errors(F, Es); list_errors(_F, []) -> ok. %% erlfile(Dir, Base) -> ErlFile %% outfile(Base, Extension, Options) -> OutputFile %% objfile(Base, Target, Options) -> ObjFile %% tmpfile(ObjFile) -> TmpFile %% Work out the correct input and output file names. iofile(File) when is_atom(File) -> iofile(atom_to_list(File)); iofile(File) -> {filename:dirname(File), filename:basename(File, ".erl")}. erlfile(Dir, Base, Suffix) -> filename:join(Dir, Base ++ Suffix). outfile(Base, Ext, Opts) when is_atom(Ext) -> outfile(Base, atom_to_list(Ext), Opts); outfile(Base, Ext, Opts) -> Obase = case keyfind(outdir, 1, Opts) of {outdir, Odir} -> filename:join(Odir, Base); _Other -> Base % Not found or bad format end, Obase ++ "." ++ Ext. objfile(Base, St) -> outfile(Base, "beam", St#compile.options). tmpfile(Ofile) -> reverse([$#|tl(reverse(Ofile))]). %% pre_defs(Options) %% inc_paths(Options) %% Extract the predefined macros and include paths from the option list. pre_defs([{d,M,V}|Opts]) -> [{M,V}|pre_defs(Opts)]; pre_defs([{d,M}|Opts]) -> [M|pre_defs(Opts)]; pre_defs([_|Opts]) -> pre_defs(Opts); pre_defs([]) -> []. inc_paths(Opts) -> [ P || {i,P} <- Opts, is_list(P) ]. src_listing(Ext, St) -> listing(fun (Lf, {_Mod,_Exp,Fs}) -> do_src_listing(Lf, Fs); (Lf, Fs) -> do_src_listing(Lf, Fs) end, Ext, St). do_src_listing(Lf, Fs) -> foreach(fun (F) -> io:put_chars(Lf, [erl_pp:form(F),"\n"]) end, Fs). listing(Ext, St) -> listing(fun(Lf, Fs) -> beam_listing:module(Lf, Fs) end, Ext, St). listing(LFun, Ext, St) -> Lfile = outfile(St#compile.base, Ext, St#compile.options), case file:open(Lfile, [write,delayed_write]) of {ok,Lf} -> Code = restore_expanded_types(Ext, St#compile.code), LFun(Lf, Code), ok = file:close(Lf), {ok,St}; {error,_Error} -> Es = [{Lfile,[{none,compile,write_error}]}], {error,St#compile{errors=St#compile.errors ++ Es}} end. restore_expanded_types("P", Fs) -> epp:restore_typed_record_fields(Fs); restore_expanded_types("E", {M,I,Fs0}) -> Fs1 = restore_expand_module(Fs0), Fs = epp:restore_typed_record_fields(Fs1), {M,I,Fs}; restore_expanded_types(_Ext, Code) -> Code. restore_expand_module([{attribute,Line,type,[Type]}|Fs]) -> [{attribute,Line,type,Type}|restore_expand_module(Fs)]; restore_expand_module([{attribute,Line,opaque,[Type]}|Fs]) -> [{attribute,Line,opaque,Type}|restore_expand_module(Fs)]; restore_expand_module([{attribute,Line,spec,[Arg]}|Fs]) -> [{attribute,Line,spec,Arg}|restore_expand_module(Fs)]; restore_expand_module([F|Fs]) -> [F|restore_expand_module(Fs)]; restore_expand_module([]) -> []. -spec options() -> 'ok'. options() -> help(standard_passes()). help([{delay,Ps}|T]) -> help(Ps), help(T); help([{iff,Flag,{src_listing,Ext}}|T]) -> io:fwrite("~p - Generate .~s source listing file\n", [Flag,Ext]), help(T); help([{iff,Flag,{listing,Ext}}|T]) -> io:fwrite("~p - Generate .~s file\n", [Flag,Ext]), help(T); help([{iff,Flag,{Name,Fun}}|T]) when is_function(Fun) -> io:fwrite("~p - Run ~s\n", [Flag,Name]), help(T); help([{iff,_Flag,Action}|T]) -> help(Action), help(T); help([{unless,Flag,{pass,Pass}}|T]) -> io:fwrite("~p - Skip the ~s pass\n", [Flag,Pass]), help(T); help([{unless,no_postopt=Flag,List}|T]) when is_list(List) -> %% Hard-coded knowledge here. io:fwrite("~p - Skip all post optimisation\n", [Flag]), help(List), help(T); help([{unless,_Flag,Action}|T]) -> help(Action), help(T); help([_|T]) -> help(T); help(_) -> ok. %% compile(AbsFileName, Outfilename, Options) %% Compile entry point for erl_compile. compile(File0, _OutFile, Options) -> File = shorten_filename(File0), case file(File, make_erl_options(Options)) of {ok,_Mod} -> ok; Other -> Other end. compile_beam(File0, _OutFile, Opts) -> File = shorten_filename(File0), case file(File, [from_beam|make_erl_options(Opts)]) of {ok,_Mod} -> ok; Other -> Other end. compile_asm(File0, _OutFile, Opts) -> File = shorten_filename(File0), case file(File, [asm|make_erl_options(Opts)]) of {ok,_Mod} -> ok; Other -> Other end. compile_core(File0, _OutFile, Opts) -> File = shorten_filename(File0), case file(File, [from_core|make_erl_options(Opts)]) of {ok,_Mod} -> ok; Other -> Other end. shorten_filename(Name0) -> {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), case lists:prefix(Cwd, Name0) of false -> Name0; true -> case lists:nthtail(length(Cwd), Name0) of "/"++N -> N; N -> N end end. %% Converts generic compiler options to specific options. make_erl_options(Opts) -> #options{includes=Includes, defines=Defines, outdir=Outdir, warning=Warning, verbose=Verbose, specific=Specific, output_type=OutputType, cwd=Cwd} = Opts, Options = [verbose || Verbose] ++ [report_warnings || Warning =/= 0] ++ map(fun ({Name,Value}) -> {d,Name,Value}; (Name) -> {d,Name} end, Defines) ++ case OutputType of undefined -> []; jam -> [jam]; beam -> [beam]; native -> [native] end, Options ++ [report_errors, {cwd, Cwd}, {outdir, Outdir}| [{i, Dir} || Dir <- Includes]] ++ Specific.