%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% @author Richard Carlsson Note: the function Examples:
if the environment is empty, otherwise
%% false
-spec is_empty(environment()) -> boolean().
is_empty([{map, Map} | Es]) ->
N = map_size(Map),
if N =/= 0 -> false;
Es =:= [] -> true;
true -> is_empty(Es)
is_empty([{rec, Map, _} | Es]) ->
N = map_size(Map),
if N =/= 0 -> false;
Es =:= [] -> true;
true -> is_empty(Es)
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec size(Env::environment()) -> integer()
%% @doc Returns the number of entries in an environment.
%% (The name 'size' cannot be used in local calls, since there exists a
%% built-in function with the same name.)
-spec size(environment()) -> non_neg_integer().
size(Env) ->
env_size([{map, Map}]) ->
env_size([{map, Map} | Env]) ->
map_size(Map) + env_size(Env);
env_size([{rec, Map, _Map0} | Env]) ->
map_size(Map) + env_size(Env).
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec is_defined(Key, Env) -> boolean()
%% Key = term()
%% Env = environment()
%% @doc Returns true
if Key
is bound in the
%% environment, otherwise false
-spec is_defined(term(), environment()) -> boolean().
is_defined(Key, [{map, Map} | Env]) ->
case maps:is_key(Key, Map) of
true ->
false when Env =:= [] ->
false ->
is_defined(Key, Env)
is_defined(Key, [{rec, Map, _Map0} | Env]) ->
maps:is_key(Key, Map) orelse is_defined(Key, Env).
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec keys(Env::environment()) -> [term()]
%% @doc Returns the ordered list of all keys in the environment.
-spec keys(environment()) -> [term()].
keys(Env) ->
lists:sort(keys(Env, [])).
keys([{map, Map}], S) ->
maps:keys(Map) ++ S;
keys([{map, Map} | Env], S) ->
keys(Env, maps:keys(Map) ++ S);
keys([{rec, Map, _Map0} | Env], S) ->
keys(Env, maps:keys(Map) ++ S).
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec to_list(Env) -> [{Key, Value}]
%% Env = environment()
%% Key = term()
%% Value = term()
%% @doc Returns an ordered list of {Key, Value}
pairs for
%% all keys in Env
. Value
is the same as that
%% returned by {@link get/2}.
-spec to_list(environment()) -> [{term(), term()}].
to_list(Env) ->
lists:sort(to_list(Env, [])).
to_list([{map, Map}], S) ->
maps:to_list(Map) ++ S;
to_list([{map, Map} | Env], S) ->
to_list(Env, maps:to_list(Map) ++ S);
to_list([{rec, Map, _Map0} | Env], S) ->
to_list(Env, maps:to_list(Map) ++ S).
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec bind(Key, Value, Env) -> environment()
%% Key = term()
%% Value = term()
%% Env = environment()
%% @doc Make a nonrecursive entry. This binds Key
%% Value
. If the key already existed in the environment,
%% the old entry is replaced.
%% Note that deletion is done to free old bindings so they can be
%% garbage collected.
-spec bind(term(), term(), environment()) -> environment().
bind(Key, Value, [{map, Map}]) ->
[{map, maps:put(Key, Value, Map)}];
bind(Key, Value, [{map, Map} | Env]) ->
[{map, maps:put(Key, Value, Map)} | delete_any(Key, Env)];
bind(Key, Value, Env) ->
[{map, maps:put(Key, Value, #{})} | delete_any(Key, Env)].
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec bind_list(Keys, Values, Env) -> environment()
%% Keys = [term()]
%% Values = [term()]
%% Env = environment()
%% @doc Make N nonrecursive entries. This binds each key in
%% Keys
to the corresponding value in
%% Values
. If some key already existed in the environment,
%% the previous entry is replaced. If Keys
does not have
%% the same length as Values
, an exception is generated.
-spec bind_list([term()], [term()], environment()) -> environment().
bind_list(Ks, Vs, [{map, Map}]) ->
[{map, store_list(Ks, Vs, Map)}];
bind_list(Ks, Vs, [{map, Map} | Env]) ->
[{map, store_list(Ks, Vs, Map)} | delete_list(Ks, Env)];
bind_list(Ks, Vs, Env) ->
[{map, store_list(Ks, Vs, #{})} | delete_list(Ks, Env)].
store_list([K | Ks], [V | Vs], Map) ->
store_list(Ks, Vs, maps:put(K, V, Map));
store_list([], _, Map) ->
delete_list([K | Ks], Env) ->
delete_list(Ks, delete_any(K, Env));
delete_list([], Env) ->
%% By not calling `delete' unless we have to, we avoid unnecessary
%% rewriting of the data.
delete_any(Key, Env) ->
case is_defined(Key, Env) of
true ->
delete(Key, Env);
false ->
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec delete(Key, Env) -> environment()
%% Key = term()
%% Env = environment()
%% @doc Delete an entry. This removes Key
from the
%% environment.
-spec delete(term(), environment()) -> environment().
delete(Key, [{map, Map} = E | Env]) ->
case maps:take(Key, Map) of
{_, Map1} ->
[{map, Map1} | Env];
error ->
delete_1(Key, Env, E)
delete(Key, [{rec, Map, Map0} = E | Env]) ->
case maps:take(Key, Map) of
{_, Map1} when map_size(Map1) =:= 0 ->
Env; % the whole {rec,...} is now garbage
%% The Map0 component must be preserved as it is until all
%% keys in Map have been deleted.
{_, Map1} ->
[{rec, Map1, Map0} | Env];
error ->
[E | delete(Key, Env)]
%% This is just like above, except we pass on the preceding 'map'
%% mapping in the list to enable merging when removing 'rec' mappings.
delete_1(Key, [{rec, Map, Map0} = E | Env], E1) ->
case maps:take(Key, Map) of
{_, Map1} when map_size(Map1) =:= 0 ->
concat(E1, Env);
{_, Map1} ->
[E1, {rec, Map1, Map0} | Env];
error ->
[E1, E | delete(Key, Env)]
concat({map, M1}, [{map, M2} | Env]) ->
[maps:merge(M2, M1) | Env];
concat(E1, Env) ->
[E1 | Env].
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec bind_recursive(Keys, Values, Fun, Env) -> NewEnv
%% Keys = [term()]
%% Values = [term()]
%% Fun = (Value, Env) -> term()
%% Env = environment()
%% NewEnv = environment()
%% @doc Make N recursive entries. This binds each key in
%% Keys
to the value of Fun(Value, NewEnv)
%% the corresponding Value
. If Keys
does not
%% have the same length as Values
, an exception is
%% generated. If some key already existed in the environment, the old
%% entry is replaced.
%% Fun
is evaluated each time one of
%% the stored keys is looked up, but only then.
%% NewEnv = bind_recursive([foo, bar], [1, 2],
%% fun (V, E) -> V end,
%% Env)
%% This does nothing interesting; get(foo, NewEnv)
%% 1
and get(bar, NewEnv)
%% 2
, but there is more overhead than if the {@link
%% bind_list/3} function had been used.
%% NewEnv = bind_recursive([foo, bar], [1, 2],
%% fun (V, E) -> {V, E} end,
%% Env)
%% Here, however, get(foo, NewEnv)
will yield {1,
%% NewEnv}
and get(bar, NewEnv)
will yield {2,
%% NewEnv}
, i.e., the environment NewEnv
%% recursive bindings.
{ok, Value}
if Key
is bound to
%% Value
in Env
, and error
%% otherwise.
-spec lookup(term(), environment()) -> 'error' | {'ok', term()}.
lookup(Key, [{map, Map} | Env]) ->
case maps:find(Key, Map) of
{ok, _}=Value ->
error when Env =:= [] ->
error ->
lookup(Key, Env)
lookup(Key, [{rec, Map, Map0} | Env]) ->
case maps:find(Key, Map) of
{ok, F} ->
{ok, F(Map0)};
error ->
lookup(Key, Env)
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec get(Key, Env) -> Value
%% Key = term()
%% Env = environment()
%% Value = term()
%% @doc Returns the value that Key
is bound to in
%% Env
. Throws {undefined, Key}
if the key
%% does not exist in Env
-spec get(term(), environment()) -> term().
get(Key, Env) ->
case lookup(Key, Env) of
{ok, Value} -> Value;
error -> throw({undefined, Key})
%% =====================================================================
%% The key-generating algorithm could possibly be further improved. The
%% important thing to keep in mind is, that when we need a new key, we
%% are generally in mid-traversal of a syntax tree, and existing names
%% in the tree may be closely grouped and evenly distributed or even
%% forming a compact range (often having been generated by a "gensym",
%% or by this very algorithm itself). This means that if we generate an
%% identifier whose value is too close to those already seen (i.e.,
%% which are in the environment), it is very probable that we will
%% shadow a not-yet-seen identifier further down in the tree, the result
%% being that we induce another later renaming, and end up renaming most
%% of the identifiers, completely contrary to our intention. We need to
%% generate new identifiers in a way that avoids such systematic
%% collisions.
%% One way of getting a new key to try when the previous attempt failed
%% is of course to e.g. add one to the last tried value. However, in
%% general it's a bad idea to try adjacent identifiers: the percentage
%% of retries will typically increase a lot, so you may lose big on the
%% extra lookups while gaining only a little from the quicker
%% computation.
%% We want an initial range that is large enough for most typical cases.
%% If we start with, say, a range of 10, we might quickly use up most of
%% the values in the range 1-10 (or 1-100) for new top-level variables -
%% but as we start traversing the syntax tree, it is quite likely that
%% exactly those variables will be encountered again (this depends on
%% how the names in the tree were created), and will then need to be
%% renamed. If we instead begin with a larger range, it is less likely
%% that any top-level names that we introduce will shadow names that we
%% will find in the tree. Of course we cannot know how large is large
%% enough: for any initial range, there is some syntax tree that uses
%% all the values in that range, and thus any top-level names introduced
%% will shadow names in the tree. The point is to avoid this happening
%% all the time - a range of about 1000 seems enough for most programs.
%% The following values have been shown to work well:
-define(MINIMUM_RANGE, 1000).
-define(START_RANGE_FACTOR, 50).
-define(MAX_RETRIES, 2). % retries before enlarging range
-define(ENLARGE_FACTOR, 10). % range enlargment factor
%% If you want to use these process dictionary counters, make sure to
%% initialise them to zero before you call any of the key-generating
%% functions.
%% new_key_calls total number of calls
%% new_key_retries failed key generation attempts
%% new_key_max maximum generated integer value
put(new_key_calls, 1 + get(new_key_calls))).
case N > get(new_key_max) of
true ->
put(new_key_max, N);
false ->
put(new_key_retries, get(new_key_retries) + N)).
-define(measure_calls(), ok).
-define(measure_max_key(N), ok).
-define(measure_retries(N), ok).
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec new_key(Env::environment()) -> integer()
%% @doc Returns an integer which is not already used as key in the
%% environment. New integers are generated using an algorithm which
%% tries to keep the values randomly distributed within a reasonably
%% small range relative to the number of entries in the environment.
%% This function uses the Erlang standard library module
%% random
to generate new keys.
Note that only the new key is returned; the environment itself is %% not updated by this function.
-spec new_key(environment()) -> integer(). new_key(Env) -> new_key(fun (X) -> X end, Env). %% ===================================================================== %% @spec new_key(Function, Env) -> term() %% %% Function = (integer()) -> term() %% Env = environment() %% %% @doc Returns a term which is not already used as key in the %% environment. The term is generated by applyingFunction
%% to an integer generated as in {@link new_key/1}.
%% Note that only the generated term is returned; the environment %% itself is not updated by this function.
-spec new_key(fun((integer()) -> term()), environment()) -> term(). new_key(F, Env) -> ?measure_calls(), R = start_range(Env), %% io:fwrite("Start range: ~w.\n", [R]), new_key(R, F, Env). new_key(R, F, Env) -> new_key(generate(R, R), R, 0, F, Env). new_key(N, R, T, F, Env) when T < ?MAX_RETRIES -> A = F(N), case is_defined(A, Env) of true -> %% io:fwrite("CLASH: ~w.\n", [A]), new_key(generate(N, R), R, T + 1, F, Env); false -> ?measure_max_key(N), ?measure_retries(T), %% io:fwrite("New: ~w.\n", [N]), A end; new_key(N, R, _T, F, Env) -> %% Too many retries - enlarge the range and start over. ?measure_retries((_T + 1)), R1 = trunc(R * ?ENLARGE_FACTOR), %% io:fwrite("**NEW RANGE**: ~w.\n", [R1]), new_key(generate(N, R1), R1, 0, F, Env). start_range(Env) -> erlang:max(env_size(Env) * ?START_RANGE_FACTOR, ?MINIMUM_RANGE). %% The previous key might or might not be used to compute the next key %% to be tried. It is currently not used. %% %% In order to avoid causing cascading renamings, it is important that %% this function does not generate values in order, but %% (pseudo-)randomly distributed over the range. generate(_N, Range) -> %% We must use the same sequence of random variables to ensure %% that two compilations of the same source code generates the %% same BEAM code. case rand:export_seed() of undefined -> _ = rand:seed(exsplus, {1,42,2053}), ok; _ -> ok end, rand:uniform(Range). % works well %% ===================================================================== %% @spec new_keys(N, Env) -> [integer()] %% %% N = integer() %% Env = environment() %% %% @doc Returns a list ofN
distinct integers that are not
%% already used as keys in the environment. See {@link new_key/1} for
%% details.
-spec new_keys(integer(), environment()) -> [integer()].
new_keys(N, Env) when is_integer(N) ->
new_keys(N, fun (X) -> X end, Env).
%% =====================================================================
%% @spec new_keys(N, Function, Env) -> [term()]
%% N = integer()
%% Function = (integer()) -> term()
%% Env = environment()
%% @doc Returns a list of N
distinct terms that are not
%% already used as keys in the environment. See {@link new_key/3} for
%% details.
-spec new_keys(integer(), fun((integer()) -> term()), environment()) -> [term()].
new_keys(N, F, Env) when is_integer(N) ->
R = start_range(Env),
new_keys(N, [], R, F, Env).
new_keys(N, Ks, R, F, Env) when N > 0 ->
Key = new_key(R, F, Env),
Env1 = bind(Key, true, Env), % dummy binding
new_keys(N - 1, [Key | Ks], R, F, Env1);
new_keys(0, Ks, _, _, _) ->