%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% Originally based on Per Gustafsson's test suite. %% -module(bs_bincomp_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, byte_aligned/1,bit_aligned/1,extended_byte_aligned/1, extended_bit_aligned/1,mixed/1,filters/1,trim_coverage/1, nomatch/1,sizes/1,general_expressions/1]). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> test_lib:recompile(?MODULE), [byte_aligned, bit_aligned, extended_byte_aligned, extended_bit_aligned, mixed, filters, trim_coverage, nomatch, sizes, general_expressions]. groups() -> []. init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. byte_aligned(Config) when is_list(Config) -> cs_init(), <<"abcdefg">> = cs(<< <<(X+32)>> || <<X>> <= <<"ABCDEFG">> >>), <<"AxyzBxyzCxyz">> = cs(<< <<X, "xyz">> || <<X>> <= <<"ABC">> >>), <<1:32/little,2:32/little,3:32/little,4:32/little>> = cs(<< <<X:32/little>> || <<X:32>> <= <<1:32,2:32,3:32,4:32>> >>), cs(<<1:32/little,2:32/little,3:32/little,4:32/little>> = << <<X:32/little>> || <<X:16>> <= <<1:16,2:16,3:16,4:16>> >>), cs_end(). bit_aligned(Config) when is_list(Config) -> cs_init(), <<$a:7,$b:7,$c:7,$d:7,$e:7,$f:7,$g:7>> = cs(<< <<(X+32):7>> || <<X>> <= <<"ABCDEFG">> >>), <<"ABCDEFG">> = cs(<< <<(X-32)>> || <<X:7>> <= <<$a:7,$b:7,$c:7,$d:7,$e:7,$f:7,$g:7>> >>), <<1:31/little,2:31/little,3:31/little,4:31/little>> = cs(<< <<X:31/little>> || <<X:31>> <= <<1:31,2:31,3:31,4:31>> >>), <<1:31/little,2:31/little,3:31/little,4:31/little>> = cs(<< <<X:31/little>> || <<X:15>> <= <<1:15,2:15,3:15,4:15>> >>), cs_end(). extended_byte_aligned(Config) when is_list(Config) -> cs_init(), <<"abcdefg">> = cs(<< <<(X+32)>> || X <- "ABCDEFG" >>), "abcdefg" = [(X+32) || <<X>> <= <<"ABCDEFG">>], <<1:32/little,2:32/little,3:32/little,4:32/little>> = cs(<< <<X:32/little>> || X <- [1,2,3,4] >>), [256,512,768,1024] = [X || <<X:16/little>> <= <<1:16,2:16,3:16,4:16>>], cs_end(). extended_bit_aligned(Config) when is_list(Config) -> cs_init(), <<$a:7,$b:7,$c:7,$d:7,$e:7,$f:7,$g:7>> = cs(<< <<(X+32):7>> || X <- "ABCDEFG" >>), "ABCDEFG" = [(X-32) || <<X:7>> <= <<$a:7,$b:7,$c:7,$d:7,$e:7,$f:7,$g:7>>], <<1:31/little,2:31/little,3:31/little,4:31/little>> = cs(<< <<X:31/little>> || X <- [1,2,3,4] >>), [256,512,768,1024] = [X || <<X:15/little>> <= <<1:15,2:15,3:15,4:15>>], cs_end(). mixed(Config) when is_list(Config) -> cs_init(), <<2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6>> = cs(<< <<(X+Y)>> || <<X>> <= <<1,2,3,4>>, <<Y>> <= <<1,2>> >>), <<2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6>> = << <<(X+Y)>> || <<X>> <= <<1,2,3,4>>, Y <- [1,2] >>, <<2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6>> = cs(<< <<(X+Y)>> || X <- [1,2,3,4], Y <- [1,2] >>), One = id([1,2,3,4]), Two = id([1,2]), <<2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6>> = cs(<< <<(X+Y)>> || X <- One, Y <- Two >>), [2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6] = [(X+Y) || <<X>> <= <<1,2,3,4>>, <<Y>> <= <<1,2>>], [2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6] = [(X+Y) || <<X>> <= <<1,2,3,4>>, Y <- [1,2]], <<2:3,3:3,3:3,4:3,4:3,5:3,5:3,6:3>> = cs(<< <<(X+Y):3>> || <<X:3>> <= <<1:3,2:3,3:3,4:3>>, <<Y:3>> <= <<1:3,2:3>> >>), <<2:3,3:3,3:3,4:3,4:3,5:3,5:3,6:3>> = cs(<< <<(X+Y):3>> || <<X:3>> <= <<1:3,2:3,3:3,4:3>>, Y <- [1,2] >>), <<2:3,3:3,3:3,4:3,4:3,5:3,5:3,6:3>> = cs(<< <<(X+Y):3>> || X <- [1,2,3,4], Y <- [1,2] >>), <<2:3,3:3,3:3,4:3,4:3,5:3,5:3,6:3>> = cs_default(<< <<(X+Y):3>> || {X,Y} <- [{1,1},{1,2},{2,1},{2,2}, {3,1},{3,2},{4,1},{4,2}] >>), [2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6] = [(X+Y) || <<X:3>> <= <<1:3,2:3,3:3,4:3>>, <<Y:3>> <= <<1:3,2:3>>], [2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6] = [(X+Y) || <<X:3>> <= <<1:3,2:3,3:3,4:3>>, {_,Y} <- [{a,1},{b,2}]], cs_end(). filters(Config) when is_list(Config) -> cs_init(), <<"BDF">> = cs_default(<< <<(X-32)>> || <<X:7>> <= <<$a:7,$b:7,$c:7,$d:7,$e:7,$f:7,$g:7>>, X rem 2 == 0>>), <<"abc">> = cs_default(<< <<(X+32)>> || X <- "ABCDEFG", is_less_than(X, $D)>>), <<"efg">> = cs_default(<< <<(X+32)>> || X <- "ABCDEFG", not is_less_than(X, $E)>>), <<"b">> = cs_default(<< <<(X+32)>> || X <- "ABCDEFG", is_less_than(X, $D), X rem 2 == 0>>), <<"eg">> = cs_default(<< <<(X+32)>> || X <- "ABCDEFG", not is_less_than(X, $E), X rem 2 == 1>>), %% Filtering by a non-matching pattern. <<"abd">> = cs_default(<< <<X:8>> || <<0:1,X:7>> <= <<$a:8,$b:8,1:1,$c:7,$d:8, 1:1,$e:7,0:4>> >>), <<42,42>> = cs_default(<< <<42:8>> || 42 <- [1,2,3,42,43,42] >>), cs_end(). is_less_than(X, C) when X < C -> true; is_less_than(_, _) -> false. trim_coverage(Config) when is_list(Config) -> <<0,0,0,2,0,0,5,48,0,11,219,174,0,0,0,0>> = coverage_materialiv(a, b, {1328,777134}), <<67,40,0,0,66,152,0,0,69,66,64,0>> = coverage_trimmer([42,19,777]), <<0,0,2,43,0,0,3,9,0,0,0,3,64,8,0,0,0,0,0,0, 64,68,0,0,0,0,0,0,192,171,198,0,0,0,0,0>> = coverage_lightfv(555, 777, {3.0,40.0,-3555.0}), ok. coverage_materialiv(A, B, Params) -> A = id(A), B = id(B), <<(tuple_size(Params)):32, (<< <<C:32>> || C <- tuple_to_list(Params)>>)/binary, 0:(((1+tuple_size(Params)) rem 2)*32)>>. coverage_lightfv(Light, Pname, Params) -> id(<<Light:32,Pname:32,(size(Params)):32, (<< <<C:64/float>> || C <- tuple_to_list(Params)>>)/binary, 0:(((1+size(Params)) rem 2)*32)>>). coverage_trimmer(Params) -> X = id(0), Y = id(1), id({X,Y}), << <<(begin {A,B,D} = id({C,C,C}), id(0), coverage_summer(A, B, C, D) end):32/float>> || C <- Params >>. coverage_summer(A, B, C, D) -> A+B+C+D. nomatch(Config) when is_list(Config) -> <<>> = << <<X:8>> || X = {_,_} = [_|_] <- [1,2,3] >>, ok. sizes(Config) when is_list(Config) -> cs_init(), Fun0 = fun(List) -> cs(<< <<E:8>> || E <- List >>) end, <<>> = Fun0([]), <<1>> = Fun0([1]), <<1,2>> = Fun0([1,2]), <<1,2,3>> = Fun0([1,2,3]), Fun1 = fun(List) -> cs(<< <<E:16>> || E <- List >>) end, <<>> = Fun1([]), <<1:16>> = Fun1([1]), <<1:16,2:16>> = Fun1([1,2]), <<1:16,2:16,3:16>> = Fun1([1,2,3]), Fun2 = fun(List) -> cs(<< <<E:4>> || E <- List >>) end, <<>> = Fun2([]), <<1:4>> = Fun2([1]), <<1:4,13:4>> = Fun2([1,13]), <<1:4,13:4,7:4>> = Fun2([1,13,7]), <<0:1000/unit:8>> = Fun2(lists:duplicate(2000, 0)), Fun3 = fun(List) -> cs(<< <<E:3>> || E <- List >>) end, <<>> = Fun3([]), <<40,177,29:5>> = Fun3([1,2,1,3,0,7,5]), <<0:512/unit:3>> = Fun3(lists:duplicate(512, 0)), Fun4 = fun(List, Size) -> cs(<< <<E:Size>> || E <- List >>) end, <<>> = Fun4([], 8), <<42:6>> = Fun4([42], 6), <<42:16>> = Fun4([42], 16), Fun5 = fun(List, Sz1, Sz2, Sz3) -> cs(<< <<E:Sz1,(E+1):Sz2/unit:8,(E+2):Sz3/unit:8>> || E <- List >>) end, <<>> = Fun5([], 1, 1, 1), <<7:3,8:40,9:56>> = Fun5([7], 3, 5, 7), Fun6 = fun(List, Size) -> cs(<< <<E:8,(E+1):Size>> || E <- List >>) end, <<>> = Fun6([], 42), <<42,43:20>> = Fun6([42], 20), %% Binary generators. Fun10 = fun(Bin) -> cs(<< <<E:16>> || <<E:8>> <= Bin >>) end, <<>> = Fun10(<<>>), <<1:16>> = Fun10(<<1>>), <<1:16,2:16>> = Fun10(<<1,2>>), Fun11 = fun(Bin) -> cs(<< <<E:8>> || <<E:16>> <= Bin >>) end, <<>> = Fun11(<<>>), <<1>> = Fun11(<<1:16>>), <<1,2>> = Fun11(<<1:16,2:16>>), <<1,2>> = Fun11(<<1:16,2:16,0:1>>), <<1,2>> = Fun11(<<1:16,2:16,0:7>>), <<1,2>> = Fun11(<<1:16,2:16,42:8>>), <<1,2>> = Fun11(<<1:16,2:16,42:9>>), <<1,2>> = Fun11(<<1:16,2:16,255:15>>), Fun12 = fun(Bin, Sz1, Sz2) -> cs(<< <<E:Sz1>> || <<E:Sz2>> <= Bin >>) end, <<>> = Fun12(<<>>, 1, 1), Binary = list_to_binary(lists:seq(0, 255)), Binary = Fun12(Binary, 1, 1), Binary = Fun12(Binary, 4, 4), Binary = Fun12(Binary, 8, 8), <<17:9,19:9>> = Fun12(<<17:6,19:6>>, 9, 6), Fun13 = fun(Sz) -> cs_default(<< <<C:8>> || <<C:4>> <= <<1:4,2:4,3:4,0:Sz>> >>) end, <<1,2,3>> = Fun13(0), <<1,2,3,0>> = Fun13(4), <<1,2,3,0>> = Fun13(5), <<1,2,3,0>> = Fun13(6), <<1,2,3,0>> = Fun13(7), <<1,2,3,0,0>> = Fun13(8), <<0:3>> = cs_default(<< <<0:S>> || S <- [0,1,2] >>), <<0:3>> = cs_default(<< <<0:S>> || <<S>> <= <<0,1,2>> >>), {'EXIT',_} = (catch << <<C:4>> || <<C:8>> <= {1,2,3} >>), cs_end(), ok. -define(BAD(E), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch << (E) || _ <- [1,2,3] >>)). -define(BAD_V(E), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch << (E) || I <- [1,2,3] >>)). general_expressions(_) -> <<1,2,3>> = << begin <<1,2,3>> end || _ <- [1] >>, <<"abc">> = << begin <<"abc">> end || _ <- [1] >>, <<1,2,3>> = << begin I = <<(I0+1)>>, id(I) end || <<I0>> <= <<0,1,2>> >>, <<1,2,3>> = << I || I <- [<<1,2>>,<<3>>] >>, <<1,2,3>> = << (id(<<I>>)) || I <- [1,2,3] >>, <<2,4>> = << case I rem 2 of 0 -> <<I>>; 1 -> <<>> end || I <- [1,2,3,4,5] >>, <<2,3,4,5,6,7>> = << << (id(<<J>>)) || J <- [2*I,2*I+1] >> || I <- [1,2,3] >>, <<1,2,2,3,4,4>> = << if I rem 2 =:= 0 -> <<I,I>>; true -> <<I>> end || I <- [1,2,3,4] >>, self() ! <<42>>, <<42>> = << receive B -> B end || _ <- [1] >>, <<10,5,3>> = << try <<(10 div I)>> catch _:_ -> <<>> end || I <- [0,1,2,3] >>, %% Failing expressions. ?BAD(bad_atom), ?BAD(42), ?BAD(42.0), ?BAD_V({ok,I}), ?BAD_V([I]), ?BAD_V(fun() -> I end), ok. -undef(BAD). cs_init() -> erts_debug:set_internal_state(available_internal_state, true), ok. cs_end() -> erts_debug:set_internal_state(available_internal_state, false), ok. %% Verify that the allocated size is exact (rounded up to the nearest byte). cs(Bin) -> ByteSize = byte_size(Bin), {refc_binary,ByteSize,{binary,ByteSize},_} = erts_debug:get_internal_state({binary_info,Bin}), Bin. %% Verify that the allocated size of the binary is the default size. cs_default(Bin) -> ByteSize = byte_size(Bin), {refc_binary,ByteSize,{binary,256},_} = erts_debug:get_internal_state({binary_info,Bin}), Bin. id(I) -> I.