module 'seq_in_guard' ['seq_in_guard'/0, 't'/1] attributes [] 'seq_in_guard'/0 = %% Line 4 fun () -> case <> of <> when 'true' -> let <_cor0> = catch %% Line 5 apply 't'/1 ({}) in %% Line 5 case _cor0 of <{'EXIT',{'function_clause',_cor4}}> when 'true' -> let <_cor2> = catch %% Line 6 apply 't'/1 ('atom') in %% Line 6 case _cor2 of <{'EXIT',{'function_clause',_cor5}}> when 'true' -> %% Line 7 apply 't'/1 ({'a','b'}) ( <_cor3> when 'true' -> primop 'match_fail' ({'badmatch',_cor3}) -| ['compiler_generated'] ) end ( <_cor1> when 'true' -> primop 'match_fail' ({'badmatch',_cor1}) -| ['compiler_generated'] ) end ( <> when 'true' -> ( primop 'match_fail' ({'function_clause'}) -| [{'function_name',{'seq_in_guard',0}}] ) -| ['compiler_generated'] ) end 't'/1 = %% Line 9 fun (_cor0) -> case _cor0 of when try do call 'erlang':'element' (2, X) 'true' of -> Try catch -> 'false' -> %% Line 10 'ok' ( <_cor3> when 'true' -> ( primop 'match_fail' ({'function_clause',_cor3}) -| [{'function_name',{'t',1}}] ) -| ['compiler_generated'] ) end end