%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(float_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, pending/1,bif_calls/1,math_functions/1,mixed_float_and_int/1]). -include_lib("test_server/include/test_server.hrl"). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> test_lib:recompile(?MODULE), [pending, bif_calls, math_functions, mixed_float_and_int]. groups() -> []. init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %% Thanks to Tobias Lindahl <tobias.lindahl@it.uu.se> %% Shows the effect of pending exceptions on the x86. pending(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?line case catch float_mul(1, 1.1e300, 3.14e300) of {'EXIT',{badarith,_}} -> ok; Other -> ?t:fail({expected_exception,Other}) end, ?line 0.0 = float_sub(2.0). float_sub(A)-> catch A - 2.0. float_mul(0, _, _)-> ok; float_mul(Iter, A, B) when is_float(A), is_float(B) -> _ = A*B, float_mul(Iter-1, A, B). %% Thanks to Mikael Pettersson and Tobias Lindahl (HiPE). bif_calls(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?line {'EXIT',{badarith,_}} = (catch bad_arith(2.0, 1.7)), ?line {'EXIT',{badarith,_}} = (catch bad_arith_again(2.0, [])), ?line {'EXIT',{badarith,_}} = (catch bad_arith_xor(2.0, [])), ?line {'EXIT',{badarith,_}} = (catch bad_arith_hd(2.0, [])), ?line {'EXIT',{badarith,_}} = (catch bad_negate(2.0, 1.7)), ok. bad_arith(X, Y) when is_float(X) -> X1 = X * 1.7e+308, X2 = X1 + 1.0, Y1 = Y * 2, %Calls erts_mixed_times/2. %(A BIF call.) {X2, Y1}. bad_arith_xor(X, Y) when is_float(X) -> X1 = X * 1.7e+308, Y1 = Y xor true, %A failing BIF call. {X1 + 1.0, Y1}. bad_arith_hd(X, Y) when is_float(X) -> X1 = X * 1.7e+308, Y1 = hd(Y), %A failing BIF call. {X1 + 1.0, Y1}. bad_arith_again(X, Y) when is_float(X) -> X1 = X * 1.7e+308, Y1 = element(1, Y), %A failing BIF call. {X1 + 1.0, Y1}. bad_negate(X, Y) when is_float(X) -> X1 = X * 1.7e+308, X2 = X1 + 1.0, Y1 = -Y, %BIF call. {X2, Y1}. %% Some math functions are not implemented on all platforms. -define(OPTIONAL(Expected, Expr), try Expected = Expr catch error:undef -> ok end). math_functions(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Mostly silly coverage. ?line 0.0 = math:tan(0), ?line 0.0 = math:atan2(0, 1), ?line 0.0 = math:sinh(0), ?line 1.0 = math:cosh(0), ?line 0.0 = math:tanh(0), 1.0 = math:log2(2), ?line 1.0 = math:log10(10), ?line -1.0 = math:cos(math:pi()), ?line 1.0 = math:exp(0), ?line 1.0 = math:pow(math:pi(), 0), ?line 0.0 = math:log(1), ?line 0.0 = math:asin(0), ?line 0.0 = math:acos(1), ?line ?OPTIONAL(0.0, math:asinh(0)), ?line ?OPTIONAL(0.0, math:acosh(1)), ?line ?OPTIONAL(0.0, math:atanh(0)), ?line ?OPTIONAL(0.0, math:erf(0)), ?line ?OPTIONAL(1.0, math:erfc(0)), ?line 0.0 = math:tan(id(0)), ?line 0.0 = math:atan2(id(0), 1), ?line 0.0 = math:sinh(id(0)), ?line 1.0 = math:cosh(id(0)), ?line 0.0 = math:tanh(id(0)), 1.0 = math:log2(id(2)), ?line 1.0 = math:log10(id(10)), ?line 1.0 = math:exp(id(0)), ?line 0.0 = math:log(id(1)), ?line 0.0 = math:asin(id(0)), ?line 0.0 = math:acos(id(1)), ?line ?OPTIONAL(0.0, math:asinh(id(0))), ?line ?OPTIONAL(0.0, math:acosh(id(1))), ?line ?OPTIONAL(0.0, math:atanh(id(0))), ?line ?OPTIONAL(0.0, math:erf(id(0))), ?line ?OPTIONAL(1.0, math:erfc(id(0))), %% Only for coverage (of beam_type.erl). ?line {'EXIT',{undef,_}} = (catch math:fnurfla(0)), ?line {'EXIT',{undef,_}} = (catch math:fnurfla(0, 0)), ?line {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch float(kalle)), ?line {'EXIT',{badarith,_}} = (catch name/1), ok. mixed_float_and_int(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?line 129.0 = pc(77, 23, 5), ok. pc(Cov, NotCov, X) -> round(Cov/(Cov+NotCov)*100) + 42 + 2.0*X. id(I) -> I.