<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin1" ?> <!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd"> <erlref> <header> <copyright> <year>1997</year> <year>2007</year> <holder>Ericsson AB, All Rights Reserved</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB. </legalnotice> <title>CosEventChannelAdmin_­ProxyPushSupplier</title> <shorttitle>..._ProxyPushSupplier</shorttitle> <prepared></prepared> <responsible></responsible> <docno></docno> <approved></approved> <checked></checked> <date>1997-11-13</date> <rev>PA1</rev> <file>CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier.xml</file> </header> <module>CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier</module> <modulesummary>This module implements a ProxyPushSupplier interface which acts as a middleman between push consumer and the event channel.</modulesummary> <description> <p>The ProxyPushSupplier interface defines the second step for connecting push consumers to the event channel. A proxy supplier is similar to a normal supplier, but includes an additional method for connecting a consumer to the proxy supplier.</p> <p>To get access to all definitions, e.g., exceptions, include necessary <c><![CDATA[hrl]]></c> files by using:<br></br><c><![CDATA[-include_lib("cosEvent/include/*.hrl").]]></c></p> <p>Any object that possesses an object reference that supports the ProxyPushSupplier interface can perform the following operations:</p> </description> <funcs> <func> <name>connect_push_consumer(Object, PushConsumer) -> Return</name> <fsummary>Connect the push consumer to the proxy push supplier</fsummary> <type> <v>Object = #objref</v> <v>PushConsumer = #objref of PushConsumer type</v> <v>Return = ok | {'EXCEPTION', E}</v> <v>E = #'CosEventChannelAdmin_AlreadyConnected'{} | #'CosEventChannelAdmin_TypeError'{}</v> </type> <desc> <p>This operation connects PushConsumer object to the ProxyPushSupplier object. If a nil object reference is passed CORBA standard <c><![CDATA[BAD_PARAM]]></c> exception is raised. If the ProxyPushSupplier is already connected to a PushConsumer, then the <c><![CDATA[CosEventChannelAdmin_AlreadyConnected]]></c> exception is raised. Implementations of ProxyPushSuppliers may require additional interface functionality; if these requirements are not met the <c><![CDATA[CosEventChannelAdmin_TypeError]]></c> exception will be raised.</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name>disconnect_push_supplier(Object) -> Return</name> <fsummary>Disconnect the ProxyPushSupplier object from the event channel.</fsummary> <type> <v>Object = #objref</v> <v>Return = ok</v> </type> <desc> <p>This operation disconnects proxy push supplier from the event channel and sends a notification about the loss of the connection to the push consumer attached to it.</p> </desc> </func> </funcs> </erlref>