#pragma prefix "omg.org"


module CosNotification {
  typedef string Istring;
  typedef Istring PropertyName;
  typedef any PropertyValue;
  struct Property {
    PropertyName name;
    PropertyValue value;
  typedef sequence<Property> PropertySeq;
  // The following are the same, but serve different purposes.
  typedef PropertySeq OptionalHeaderFields;
  typedef PropertySeq FilterableEventBody;
  typedef PropertySeq QoSProperties;
  typedef PropertySeq AdminProperties;
  struct EventType {
    string domain_name;
    string type_name;
  typedef sequence<EventType> EventTypeSeq;
  struct PropertyRange {
    PropertyValue low_val;
    PropertyValue high_val;
  struct NamedPropertyRange {
    PropertyName name;
    PropertyRange range;

  typedef sequence<NamedPropertyRange> NamedPropertyRangeSeq;

  enum QoSError_code {

  struct PropertyError {
    QoSError_code code;
    PropertyName name;
    PropertyRange available_range;

  typedef sequence<PropertyError> PropertyErrorSeq;
  exception UnsupportedQoS { PropertyErrorSeq qos_err; };
  exception UnsupportedAdmin { PropertyErrorSeq admin_err; };
  // Define the Structured Event structure 
  struct FixedEventHeader {
    EventType event_type;
    string event_name;
  struct EventHeader {
    FixedEventHeader fixed_header;
    OptionalHeaderFields variable_header;

  struct StructuredEvent {
    EventHeader header;
    FilterableEventBody filterable_data;
    any remainder_of_body;
  }; // StructuredEvent

  typedef sequence<StructuredEvent> EventBatch;

  // The following constant declarations define the standard
  // QoS property names and the associated values each property
  // can take on. The name/value pairs for each standard property
  // are grouped, beginning with a string constant defined for the
  // property name, followed by the values the property can take on.
  const string EventReliability = "EventReliability";
  const short BestEffort = 0;
  const short Persistent = 1;
  const string ConnectionReliability = "ConnectionReliability";

  // Can take on the same values as EventReliability
  const string Priority = "Priority";
  const short LowestPriority = -32767;
  const short HighestPriority = 32767;
  const short DefaultPriority = 0;
  const string StartTime = "StartTime";
  // StartTime takes a value of type TimeBase::UtcT.
  const string StopTime = "StopTime";
  // StopTime takes a value of type TimeBase::UtcT.
  const string Timeout = "Timeout";
  // Timeout takes on a value of type TimeBase::TimeT
  const string OrderPolicy = "OrderPolicy";
  const short AnyOrder = 0;
  const short FifoOrder = 1;
  const short PriorityOrder = 2;
  const short DeadlineOrder = 3;
  const string DiscardPolicy = "DiscardPolicy";
  // DiscardPolicy takes on the same values as OrderPolicy, plus
  const short LifoOrder = 4;
  const short RejectNewEvents = 5;
  const string MaximumBatchSize = "MaximumBatchSize";
  // MaximumBatchSize takes on a value of type long
  const string PacingInterval = "PacingInterval";
  // PacingInterval takes on a value of type TimeBase::TimeT
  const string StartTimeSupported = "StartTimeSupported";
  // StartTimeSupported takes on a boolean value
  const string StopTimeSupported = "StopTimeSupported";
  // StopTimeSupported takes on a boolean value
  const string MaxEventsPerConsumer = "MaxEventsPerConsumer";
  // MaxEventsPerConsumer takes on a value of type long
  interface QoSAdmin {
    QoSProperties get_qos();
    void set_qos ( in QoSProperties qos)
      raises ( UnsupportedQoS );
    void validate_qos (in QoSProperties required_qos,
		       out NamedPropertyRangeSeq available_qos )
      raises ( UnsupportedQoS );
  }; // QosAdmin

  // Admin properties are defined in similar manner as QoS
  // properties. The only difference is that these properties
  // are related to channel administration policies, as opposed
  // message quality of service
  const string MaxQueueLength = "MaxQueueLength";
  // MaxQueueLength takes on a value of type long 
  const string MaxConsumers = "MaxConsumers";
  // MaxConsumers takes on a value of type long
  const string MaxSuppliers = "MaxSuppliers";
  // MaxSuppliers takes on a value of type long
  interface AdminPropertiesAdmin {
    AdminProperties get_admin();
    void set_admin (in AdminProperties admin)
      raises ( UnsupportedAdmin);
  };// AdminPropertiesAdmin
}; // CosNotification

#endif /* ifndef _COS_NOTIFICATION_IDL_ */