%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2017. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% Purpose : Main Crypto API module. -module(crypto). -export([start/0, stop/0, info_lib/0, info_fips/0, supports/0, enable_fips_mode/1, version/0, bytes_to_integer/1]). -export([hash/2, hash_init/1, hash_update/2, hash_final/1]). -export([sign/4, sign/5, verify/5, verify/6]). -export([generate_key/2, generate_key/3, compute_key/4]). -export([hmac/3, hmac/4, hmac_init/2, hmac_update/2, hmac_final/1, hmac_final_n/2]). -export([cmac/3, cmac/4]). -export([exor/2, strong_rand_bytes/1, mod_pow/3]). -export([rand_seed/0, rand_seed_alg/1]). -export([rand_seed_s/0, rand_seed_alg_s/1]). -export([rand_plugin_next/1]). -export([rand_plugin_uniform/1]). -export([rand_plugin_uniform/2]). -export([rand_cache_plugin_next/1]). -export([rand_uniform/2]). -export([block_encrypt/3, block_decrypt/3, block_encrypt/4, block_decrypt/4]). -export([next_iv/2, next_iv/3]). -export([stream_init/2, stream_init/3, stream_encrypt/2, stream_decrypt/2]). -export([public_encrypt/4, private_decrypt/4]). -export([private_encrypt/4, public_decrypt/4]). -export([dh_generate_parameters/2, dh_check/1]). %% Testing see -export([ec_curve/1, ec_curves/0]). -export([rand_seed/1]). %% Private. For tests. -export([packed_openssl_version/4]). -deprecated({rand_uniform, 2, next_major_release}). %% This should correspond to the similar macro in crypto.c -define(MAX_BYTES_TO_NIF, 20000). %% Current value is: erlang:system_info(context_reductions) * 10 %% Used by strong_rand_float/0 -define(HALF_DBL_EPSILON, 1.1102230246251565e-16). % math:pow(2, -53) %%-type ecdsa_digest_type() :: 'md5' | 'sha' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'. -type crypto_integer() :: binary() | integer(). %%-type ec_named_curve() :: atom(). %%-type ec_point() :: crypto_integer(). %%-type ec_basis() :: {tpbasis, K :: non_neg_integer()} | {ppbasis, K1 :: non_neg_integer(), K2 :: non_neg_integer(), K3 :: non_neg_integer()} | onbasis. %%-type ec_field() :: {prime_field, Prime :: integer()} | {characteristic_two_field, M :: integer(), Basis :: ec_basis()}. %%-type ec_prime() :: {A :: crypto_integer(), B :: crypto_integer(), Seed :: binary() | none}. %%-type ec_curve_spec() :: {Field :: ec_field(), Prime :: ec_prime(), Point :: crypto_integer(), Order :: integer(), CoFactor :: none | integer()}. %%-type ec_curve() :: ec_named_curve() | ec_curve_spec(). %%-type ec_key() :: {Curve :: ec_curve(), PrivKey :: binary() | undefined, PubKey :: ec_point() | undefined}. -compile(no_native). -on_load(on_load/0). -define(CRYPTO_NIF_VSN,302). -define(nif_stub,nif_stub_error(?LINE)). nif_stub_error(Line) -> erlang:nif_error({nif_not_loaded,module,?MODULE,line,Line}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Crypto app version history: %% (no version): Driver implementation %% 2.0 : NIF implementation, requires OTP R14 version() -> ?CRYPTO_VSN. start() -> application:start(crypto). stop() -> application:stop(crypto). supports()-> {Hashs, PubKeys, Ciphers, Macs} = algorithms(), [{hashs, Hashs}, {ciphers, Ciphers}, {public_keys, PubKeys}, {macs, Macs} ]. info_lib() -> ?nif_stub. -spec info_fips() -> not_supported | not_enabled | enabled. info_fips() -> ?nif_stub. -spec enable_fips_mode(boolean()) -> boolean(). enable_fips_mode(_) -> ?nif_stub. -spec hash(_, iodata()) -> binary(). hash(Hash, Data0) -> Data = iolist_to_binary(Data0), MaxBytes = max_bytes(), hash(Hash, Data, erlang:byte_size(Data), MaxBytes). -spec hash_init('md5'|'md4'|'ripemd160'| 'sha'|'sha224'|'sha256'|'sha384'|'sha512') -> any(). hash_init(Hash) -> notsup_to_error(hash_init_nif(Hash)). -spec hash_update(_, iodata()) -> any(). hash_update(State, Data0) -> Data = iolist_to_binary(Data0), MaxBytes = max_bytes(), hash_update(State, Data, erlang:byte_size(Data), MaxBytes). -spec hash_final(_) -> binary(). hash_final(State) -> notsup_to_error(hash_final_nif(State)). -spec hmac(_, iodata(), iodata()) -> binary(). -spec hmac(_, iodata(), iodata(), integer()) -> binary(). -spec hmac_init(atom(), iodata()) -> binary(). -spec hmac_update(binary(), iodata()) -> binary(). -spec hmac_final(binary()) -> binary(). -spec hmac_final_n(binary(), integer()) -> binary(). hmac(Type, Key, Data0) -> Data = iolist_to_binary(Data0), hmac(Type, Key, Data, undefined, erlang:byte_size(Data), max_bytes()). hmac(Type, Key, Data0, MacSize) -> Data = iolist_to_binary(Data0), hmac(Type, Key, Data, MacSize, erlang:byte_size(Data), max_bytes()). hmac_init(Type, Key) -> notsup_to_error(hmac_init_nif(Type, Key)). hmac_update(State, Data0) -> Data = iolist_to_binary(Data0), hmac_update(State, Data, erlang:byte_size(Data), max_bytes()). hmac_final(Context) -> notsup_to_error(hmac_final_nif(Context)). hmac_final_n(Context, HashLen) -> notsup_to_error(hmac_final_nif(Context, HashLen)). -spec cmac(_, iodata(), iodata()) -> binary(). -spec cmac(_, iodata(), iodata(), integer()) -> binary(). cmac(Type, Key, Data) -> notsup_to_error(cmac_nif(Type, Key, Data)). cmac(Type, Key, Data, MacSize) -> erlang:binary_part(cmac(Type, Key, Data), 0, MacSize). %% Ecrypt/decrypt %%% -spec block_encrypt(des_cbc | des_cfb | des3_cbc | des3_cbf | des3_cfb | des_ede3 | blowfish_cbc | blowfish_cfb64 | blowfish_ofb64 | aes_cbc128 | aes_cfb8 | aes_cfb128 | aes_cbc256 | aes_ige256 | aes_cbc | rc2_cbc, Key::iodata(), Ivec::binary(), Data::iodata()) -> binary(); (aes_gcm | chacha20_poly1305, Key::iodata(), Ivec::binary(), {AAD::binary(), Data::iodata()}) -> {binary(), binary()}; (aes_gcm, Key::iodata(), Ivec::binary(), {AAD::binary(), Data::iodata(), TagLength::1..16}) -> {binary(), binary()}. block_encrypt(Type, Key, Ivec, Data) when Type =:= des_cbc; Type =:= des_cfb; Type =:= blowfish_cbc; Type =:= blowfish_cfb64; Type =:= blowfish_ofb64; Type =:= aes_cbc128; Type =:= aes_cfb8; Type =:= aes_cfb128; Type =:= aes_cbc256; Type =:= aes_cbc; Type =:= rc2_cbc -> block_crypt_nif(Type, Key, Ivec, Data, true); block_encrypt(Type, Key0, Ivec, Data) when Type =:= des3_cbc; Type =:= des_ede3 -> Key = check_des3_key(Key0), block_crypt_nif(des_ede3_cbc, Key, Ivec, Data, true); block_encrypt(des3_cbf, Key0, Ivec, Data) -> Key = check_des3_key(Key0), block_crypt_nif(des_ede3_cbf, Key, Ivec, Data, true); block_encrypt(des3_cfb, Key0, Ivec, Data) -> Key = check_des3_key(Key0), block_crypt_nif(des_ede3_cfb, Key, Ivec, Data, true); block_encrypt(aes_ige256, Key, Ivec, Data) -> notsup_to_error(aes_ige_crypt_nif(Key, Ivec, Data, true)); block_encrypt(aes_gcm, Key, Ivec, {AAD, Data}) -> aes_gcm_encrypt(Key, Ivec, AAD, Data); block_encrypt(aes_gcm, Key, Ivec, {AAD, Data, TagLength}) -> aes_gcm_encrypt(Key, Ivec, AAD, Data, TagLength); block_encrypt(chacha20_poly1305, Key, Ivec, {AAD, Data}) -> chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(Key, Ivec, AAD, Data). -spec block_decrypt(des_cbc | des_cfb | des3_cbc | des3_cbf | des3_cfb | des_ede3 | blowfish_cbc | blowfish_cfb64 | blowfish_ofb64 | aes_cbc128 | aes_cfb8 | aes_cfb128 | aes_cbc256 | aes_ige256 | aes_cbc | rc2_cbc, Key::iodata(), Ivec::binary(), Data::iodata()) -> binary(); (aes_gcm | chacha20_poly1305, Key::iodata(), Ivec::binary(), {AAD::binary(), Data::iodata(), Tag::binary()}) -> binary() | error. block_decrypt(Type, Key, Ivec, Data) when Type =:= des_cbc; Type =:= des_cfb; Type =:= blowfish_cbc; Type =:= blowfish_cfb64; Type =:= blowfish_ofb64; Type =:= aes_cbc; Type =:= aes_cbc128; Type =:= aes_cfb8; Type =:= aes_cfb128; Type =:= aes_cbc256; Type =:= rc2_cbc -> block_crypt_nif(Type, Key, Ivec, Data, false); block_decrypt(Type, Key0, Ivec, Data) when Type =:= des3_cbc; Type =:= des_ede3 -> Key = check_des3_key(Key0), block_crypt_nif(des_ede3_cbc, Key, Ivec, Data, false); block_decrypt(des3_cbf, Key0, Ivec, Data) -> Key = check_des3_key(Key0), block_crypt_nif(des_ede3_cbf, Key, Ivec, Data, false); block_decrypt(des3_cfb, Key0, Ivec, Data) -> Key = check_des3_key(Key0), block_crypt_nif(des_ede3_cfb, Key, Ivec, Data, false); block_decrypt(aes_ige256, Key, Ivec, Data) -> notsup_to_error(aes_ige_crypt_nif(Key, Ivec, Data, false)); block_decrypt(aes_gcm, Key, Ivec, {AAD, Data, Tag}) -> aes_gcm_decrypt(Key, Ivec, AAD, Data, Tag); block_decrypt(chacha20_poly1305, Key, Ivec, {AAD, Data, Tag}) -> chacha20_poly1305_decrypt(Key, Ivec, AAD, Data, Tag). -spec block_encrypt(des_ecb | blowfish_ecb | aes_ecb, Key::iodata(), Data::iodata()) -> binary(). block_encrypt(Type, Key, Data) -> block_crypt_nif(Type, Key, Data, true). -spec block_decrypt(des_ecb | blowfish_ecb | aes_ecb, Key::iodata(), Data::iodata()) -> binary(). block_decrypt(Type, Key, Data) -> block_crypt_nif(Type, Key, Data, false). -spec next_iv(des_cbc | des3_cbc | aes_cbc | aes_ige, Data::iodata()) -> binary(). next_iv(Type, Data) when is_binary(Data) -> IVecSize = case Type of des_cbc -> 8; des3_cbc -> 8; aes_cbc -> 16; aes_ige -> 32 end, {_, IVec} = split_binary(Data, size(Data) - IVecSize), IVec; next_iv(Type, Data) when is_list(Data) -> next_iv(Type, list_to_binary(Data)). -spec next_iv(des_cfb, Data::iodata(), Ivec::binary()) -> binary(). next_iv(des_cfb, Data, IVec) -> IVecAndData = list_to_binary([IVec, Data]), {_, NewIVec} = split_binary(IVecAndData, byte_size(IVecAndData) - 8), NewIVec; next_iv(Type, Data, _Ivec) -> next_iv(Type, Data). stream_init(aes_ctr, Key, Ivec) -> {aes_ctr, aes_ctr_stream_init(Key, Ivec)}. stream_init(rc4, Key) -> {rc4, notsup_to_error(rc4_set_key(Key))}. stream_encrypt(State, Data0) -> Data = iolist_to_binary(Data0), MaxByts = max_bytes(), stream_crypt(fun do_stream_encrypt/2, State, Data, erlang:byte_size(Data), MaxByts, []). stream_decrypt(State, Data0) -> Data = iolist_to_binary(Data0), MaxByts = max_bytes(), stream_crypt(fun do_stream_decrypt/2, State, Data, erlang:byte_size(Data), MaxByts, []). %% %% RAND - pseudo random numbers using RN_ and BN_ functions in crypto lib %% -type rand_cache_seed() :: nonempty_improper_list(non_neg_integer(), binary()). -spec strong_rand_bytes(non_neg_integer()) -> binary(). -spec rand_seed() -> rand:state(). -spec rand_seed_s() -> rand:state(). -spec rand_seed_alg(Alg :: atom()) -> {rand:alg_handler(), atom() | rand_cache_seed()}. -spec rand_seed_alg_s(Alg :: atom()) -> {rand:alg_handler(), atom() | rand_cache_seed()}. -spec rand_uniform(crypto_integer(), crypto_integer()) -> crypto_integer(). strong_rand_bytes(Bytes) -> case strong_rand_bytes_nif(Bytes) of false -> erlang:error(low_entropy); Bin -> Bin end. strong_rand_bytes_nif(_Bytes) -> ?nif_stub. rand_seed() -> rand:seed(rand_seed_s()). rand_seed_s() -> rand_seed_alg_s(?MODULE). rand_seed_alg(Alg) -> rand:seed(rand_seed_alg_s(Alg)). -define(CRYPTO_CACHE_BITS, 56). rand_seed_alg_s(?MODULE) -> {#{ type => ?MODULE, bits => 64, next => fun ?MODULE:rand_plugin_next/1, uniform => fun ?MODULE:rand_plugin_uniform/1, uniform_n => fun ?MODULE:rand_plugin_uniform/2}, no_seed}; rand_seed_alg_s(crypto_cache) -> CacheBits = ?CRYPTO_CACHE_BITS, EnvCacheSize = application:get_env( crypto, rand_cache_size, CacheBits * 16), % Cache 16 * 8 words Bytes = (CacheBits + 7) div 8, CacheSize = case ((EnvCacheSize + (Bytes - 1)) div Bytes) * Bytes of Sz when is_integer(Sz), Bytes =< Sz -> Sz; _ -> Bytes end, {#{ type => crypto_cache, bits => CacheBits, next => fun ?MODULE:rand_cache_plugin_next/1}, {CacheBits, CacheSize, <<>>}}. rand_plugin_next(Seed) -> {bytes_to_integer(strong_rand_range(1 bsl 64)), Seed}. rand_plugin_uniform(State) -> {strong_rand_float(), State}. rand_plugin_uniform(Max, State) -> {bytes_to_integer(strong_rand_range(Max)) + 1, State}. rand_cache_plugin_next({CacheBits, CacheSize, <<>>}) -> rand_cache_plugin_next( {CacheBits, CacheSize, strong_rand_bytes(CacheSize)}); rand_cache_plugin_next({CacheBits, CacheSize, Cache}) -> <> = Cache, {I, {CacheBits, CacheSize, NewCache}}. strong_rand_range(Range) when is_integer(Range), Range > 0 -> BinRange = int_to_bin(Range), strong_rand_range(BinRange); strong_rand_range(BinRange) when is_binary(BinRange) -> case strong_rand_range_nif(BinRange) of false -> erlang:error(low_entropy); <> -> BinResult end. strong_rand_range_nif(_BinRange) -> ?nif_stub. strong_rand_float() -> WholeRange = strong_rand_range(1 bsl 53), ?HALF_DBL_EPSILON * bytes_to_integer(WholeRange). rand_uniform(From,To) when is_binary(From), is_binary(To) -> case rand_uniform_nif(From,To) of <> when MSB > 127 -> <<(Len + 1):32/integer, 0, MSB, Rest/binary>>; Whatever -> Whatever end; rand_uniform(From,To) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To) -> if From < 0 -> rand_uniform_pos(0, To - From) + From; true -> rand_uniform_pos(From, To) end. rand_uniform_pos(From,To) when From < To -> BinFrom = mpint(From), BinTo = mpint(To), case rand_uniform(BinFrom, BinTo) of Result when is_binary(Result) -> erlint(Result); Other -> Other end; rand_uniform_pos(_,_) -> error(badarg). rand_uniform_nif(_From,_To) -> ?nif_stub. -spec rand_seed(binary()) -> ok. rand_seed(Seed) when is_binary(Seed) -> rand_seed_nif(Seed). rand_seed_nif(_Seed) -> ?nif_stub. -spec mod_pow(binary()|integer(), binary()|integer(), binary()|integer()) -> binary() | error. mod_pow(Base, Exponent, Prime) -> case mod_exp_nif(ensure_int_as_bin(Base), ensure_int_as_bin(Exponent), ensure_int_as_bin(Prime), 0) of <<0>> -> error; R -> R end. verify(Algorithm, Type, Data, Signature, Key) -> verify(Algorithm, Type, Data, Signature, Key, []). %% Backwards compatible verify(Algorithm = dss, none, Digest, Signature, Key, Options) -> verify(Algorithm, sha, {digest, Digest}, Signature, Key, Options); verify(Algorithm, Type, Data, Signature, Key, Options) -> case pkey_verify_nif(Algorithm, Type, Data, Signature, format_pkey(Algorithm, Key), Options) of notsup -> erlang:error(notsup); Boolean -> Boolean end. sign(Algorithm, Type, Data, Key) -> sign(Algorithm, Type, Data, Key, []). %% Backwards compatible sign(Algorithm = dss, none, Digest, Key, Options) -> sign(Algorithm, sha, {digest, Digest}, Key, Options); sign(Algorithm, Type, Data, Key, Options) -> case pkey_sign_nif(Algorithm, Type, Data, format_pkey(Algorithm, Key), Options) of error -> erlang:error(badkey, [Algorithm, Type, Data, Key, Options]); notsup -> erlang:error(notsup); Signature -> Signature end. -type pk_algs() :: rsa | ecdsa | dss . -type pk_opt() :: list() | rsa_padding() . -spec public_encrypt(pk_algs(), binary(), [binary()], pk_opt()) -> binary(). -spec public_decrypt(pk_algs(), binary(), [integer() | binary()], pk_opt()) -> binary(). -spec private_encrypt(pk_algs(), binary(), [integer() | binary()], pk_opt()) -> binary(). -spec private_decrypt(pk_algs(), binary(), [integer() | binary()], pk_opt()) -> binary(). public_encrypt(Algorithm, In, Key, Options) when is_list(Options) -> case pkey_crypt_nif(Algorithm, In, format_pkey(Algorithm, Key), Options, false, true) of error -> erlang:error(encrypt_failed, [Algorithm, In, Key, Options]); notsup -> erlang:error(notsup); Out -> Out end; %% Backwards compatible public_encrypt(Algorithm = rsa, In, Key, Padding) when is_atom(Padding) -> public_encrypt(Algorithm, In, Key, [{rsa_padding, Padding}]). private_decrypt(Algorithm, In, Key, Options) when is_list(Options) -> case pkey_crypt_nif(Algorithm, In, format_pkey(Algorithm, Key), Options, true, false) of error -> erlang:error(decrypt_failed, [Algorithm, In, Key, Options]); notsup -> erlang:error(notsup); Out -> Out end; %% Backwards compatible private_decrypt(Algorithm = rsa, In, Key, Padding) when is_atom(Padding) -> private_decrypt(Algorithm, In, Key, [{rsa_padding, Padding}]). private_encrypt(Algorithm, In, Key, Options) when is_list(Options) -> case pkey_crypt_nif(Algorithm, In, format_pkey(Algorithm, Key), Options, true, true) of error -> erlang:error(encrypt_failed, [Algorithm, In, Key, Options]); notsup -> erlang:error(notsup); Out -> Out end; %% Backwards compatible private_encrypt(Algorithm = rsa, In, Key, Padding) when is_atom(Padding) -> private_encrypt(Algorithm, In, Key, [{rsa_padding, Padding}]). public_decrypt(Algorithm, In, Key, Options) when is_list(Options) -> case pkey_crypt_nif(Algorithm, In, format_pkey(Algorithm, Key), Options, false, false) of error -> erlang:error(decrypt_failed, [Algorithm, In, Key, Options]); notsup -> erlang:error(notsup); Out -> Out end; %% Backwards compatible public_decrypt(Algorithm = rsa, In, Key, Padding) when is_atom(Padding) -> public_decrypt(Algorithm, In, Key, [{rsa_padding, Padding}]). %% %% XOR - xor to iolists and return a binary %% NB doesn't check that they are the same size, just concatenates %% them and sends them to the driver %% -spec exor(iodata(), iodata()) -> binary(). exor(Bin1, Bin2) -> Data1 = iolist_to_binary(Bin1), Data2 = iolist_to_binary(Bin2), MaxBytes = max_bytes(), exor(Data1, Data2, erlang:byte_size(Data1), MaxBytes, []). generate_key(Type, Params) -> generate_key(Type, Params, undefined). generate_key(dh, DHParameters0, PrivateKey) -> {DHParameters, Len} = case DHParameters0 of [P,G,L] -> {[P,G], L}; [P,G] -> {[P,G], 0} end, dh_generate_key_nif(ensure_int_as_bin(PrivateKey), map_ensure_int_as_bin(DHParameters), 0, Len); generate_key(srp, {host, [Verifier, Generator, Prime, Version]}, PrivArg) when is_binary(Verifier), is_binary(Generator), is_binary(Prime), is_atom(Version) -> Private = case PrivArg of undefined -> strong_rand_bytes(32); _ -> ensure_int_as_bin(PrivArg) end, host_srp_gen_key(Private, Verifier, Generator, Prime, Version); generate_key(srp, {user, [Generator, Prime, Version]}, PrivateArg) when is_binary(Generator), is_binary(Prime), is_atom(Version) -> Private = case PrivateArg of undefined -> strong_rand_bytes(32); _ -> PrivateArg end, user_srp_gen_key(Private, Generator, Prime); generate_key(rsa, {ModulusSize, PublicExponent}, undefined) -> case rsa_generate_key_nif(ModulusSize, ensure_int_as_bin(PublicExponent)) of error -> erlang:error(computation_failed, [rsa,{ModulusSize,PublicExponent}]); Private -> {lists:sublist(Private, 2), Private} end; generate_key(ecdh, Curve, PrivKey) -> ec_key_generate(nif_curve_params(Curve), ensure_int_as_bin(PrivKey)). compute_key(dh, OthersPublicKey, MyPrivateKey, DHParameters) -> case dh_compute_key_nif(ensure_int_as_bin(OthersPublicKey), ensure_int_as_bin(MyPrivateKey), map_ensure_int_as_bin(DHParameters)) of error -> erlang:error(computation_failed, [dh,OthersPublicKey,MyPrivateKey,DHParameters]); Ret -> Ret end; compute_key(srp, HostPublic, {UserPublic, UserPrivate}, {user, [DerivedKey, Prime, Generator, Version | ScramblerArg]}) when is_binary(Prime), is_binary(Generator), is_atom(Version) -> HostPubBin = ensure_int_as_bin(HostPublic), Multiplier = srp_multiplier(Version, Generator, Prime), Scrambler = case ScramblerArg of [] -> srp_scrambler(Version, ensure_int_as_bin(UserPublic), HostPubBin, Prime); [S] -> S end, notsup_to_error( srp_user_secret_nif(ensure_int_as_bin(UserPrivate), Scrambler, HostPubBin, Multiplier, Generator, DerivedKey, Prime)); compute_key(srp, UserPublic, {HostPublic, HostPrivate}, {host,[Verifier, Prime, Version | ScramblerArg]}) when is_binary(Verifier), is_binary(Prime), is_atom(Version) -> UserPubBin = ensure_int_as_bin(UserPublic), Scrambler = case ScramblerArg of [] -> srp_scrambler(Version, UserPubBin, ensure_int_as_bin(HostPublic), Prime); [S] -> S end, notsup_to_error( srp_host_secret_nif(Verifier, ensure_int_as_bin(HostPrivate), Scrambler, UserPubBin, Prime)); compute_key(ecdh, Others, My, Curve) -> ecdh_compute_key_nif(ensure_int_as_bin(Others), nif_curve_params(Curve), ensure_int_as_bin(My)). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% On load %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- on_load() -> LibBaseName = "crypto", PrivDir = code:priv_dir(crypto), LibName = case erlang:system_info(build_type) of opt -> LibBaseName; Type -> LibTypeName = LibBaseName ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(Type), case (filelib:wildcard( filename:join( [PrivDir, "lib", LibTypeName ++ "*"])) /= []) orelse (filelib:wildcard( filename:join( [PrivDir, "lib", erlang:system_info(system_architecture), LibTypeName ++ "*"])) /= []) of true -> LibTypeName; false -> LibBaseName end end, Lib = filename:join([PrivDir, "lib", LibName]), LibBin = path2bin(Lib), FipsMode = application:get_env(crypto, fips_mode, false) == true, Status = case erlang:load_nif(Lib, {?CRYPTO_NIF_VSN,LibBin,FipsMode}) of ok -> ok; {error, {load_failed, _}}=Error1 -> ArchLibDir = filename:join([PrivDir, "lib", erlang:system_info(system_architecture)]), Candidate = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([ArchLibDir,LibName ++ "*" ])), case Candidate of [] -> Error1; _ -> ArchLib = filename:join([ArchLibDir, LibName]), ArchBin = path2bin(ArchLib), erlang:load_nif(ArchLib, {?CRYPTO_NIF_VSN,ArchBin,FipsMode}) end; Error1 -> Error1 end, case Status of ok -> ok; {error, {E, Str}} -> error_logger:error_msg("Unable to load crypto library. Failed with error:~n\"~p, ~s\"~n" "OpenSSL might not be installed on this system.~n",[E,Str]), Status end. path2bin(Path) when is_list(Path) -> Encoding = file:native_name_encoding(), case unicode:characters_to_binary(Path,Encoding,Encoding) of Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> Bin end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- max_bytes() -> ?MAX_BYTES_TO_NIF. notsup_to_error(notsup) -> erlang:error(notsup); notsup_to_error(Other) -> Other. %% HASH -------------------------------------------------------------------- hash(Hash, Data, Size, Max) when Size =< Max -> notsup_to_error(hash_nif(Hash, Data)); hash(Hash, Data, Size, Max) -> State0 = hash_init(Hash), State1 = hash_update(State0, Data, Size, Max), hash_final(State1). hash_update(State, Data, Size, MaxBytes) when Size =< MaxBytes -> notsup_to_error(hash_update_nif(State, Data)); hash_update(State0, Data, _, MaxBytes) -> <> = Data, State = notsup_to_error(hash_update_nif(State0, Increment)), hash_update(State, Rest, erlang:byte_size(Rest), MaxBytes). hash_nif(_Hash, _Data) -> ?nif_stub. hash_init_nif(_Hash) -> ?nif_stub. hash_update_nif(_State, _Data) -> ?nif_stub. hash_final_nif(_State) -> ?nif_stub. %% HMAC -------------------------------------------------------------------- hmac(Type, Key, Data, MacSize, Size, MaxBytes) when Size =< MaxBytes -> notsup_to_error( case MacSize of undefined -> hmac_nif(Type, Key, Data); _ -> hmac_nif(Type, Key, Data, MacSize) end); hmac(Type, Key, Data, MacSize, Size, MaxBytes) -> State0 = hmac_init(Type, Key), State1 = hmac_update(State0, Data, Size, MaxBytes), case MacSize of undefined -> hmac_final(State1); _ -> hmac_final_n(State1, MacSize) end. hmac_update(State, Data, Size, MaxBytes) when Size =< MaxBytes -> notsup_to_error(hmac_update_nif(State, Data)); hmac_update(State0, Data, _, MaxBytes) -> <> = Data, State = notsup_to_error(hmac_update_nif(State0, Increment)), hmac_update(State, Rest, erlang:byte_size(Rest), MaxBytes). hmac_nif(_Type, _Key, _Data) -> ?nif_stub. hmac_nif(_Type, _Key, _Data, _MacSize) -> ?nif_stub. hmac_init_nif(_Type, _Key) -> ?nif_stub. hmac_update_nif(_Context, _Data) -> ?nif_stub. hmac_final_nif(_Context) -> ?nif_stub. hmac_final_nif(_Context, _MacSize) -> ?nif_stub. %% CMAC cmac_nif(_Type, _Key, _Data) -> ?nif_stub. %% CIPHERS -------------------------------------------------------------------- block_crypt_nif(_Type, _Key, _Ivec, _Text, _IsEncrypt) -> ?nif_stub. block_crypt_nif(_Type, _Key, _Text, _IsEncrypt) -> ?nif_stub. check_des3_key(Key) -> case lists:map(fun erlang:iolist_to_binary/1, Key) of ValidKey = [B1, B2, B3] when byte_size(B1) =:= 8, byte_size(B2) =:= 8, byte_size(B3) =:= 8 -> ValidKey; _ -> error(badarg) end. %% %% AES - in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) %% %% The default tag length is EVP_GCM_TLS_TAG_LEN(16), aes_gcm_encrypt(Key, Ivec, AAD, In) -> aes_gcm_encrypt(Key, Ivec, AAD, In, 16). aes_gcm_encrypt(_Key, _Ivec, _AAD, _In, _TagLength) -> ?nif_stub. aes_gcm_decrypt(_Key, _Ivec, _AAD, _In, _Tag) -> ?nif_stub. %% %% Chacha20/Ppoly1305 %% chacha20_poly1305_encrypt(_Key, _Ivec, _AAD, _In) -> ?nif_stub. chacha20_poly1305_decrypt(_Key, _Ivec, _AAD, _In, _Tag) -> ?nif_stub. %% %% AES - with 256 bit key in infinite garble extension mode (IGE) %% aes_ige_crypt_nif(_Key, _IVec, _Data, _IsEncrypt) -> ?nif_stub. %% Stream ciphers -------------------------------------------------------------------- stream_crypt(Fun, State, Data, Size, MaxByts, []) when Size =< MaxByts -> Fun(State, Data); stream_crypt(Fun, State0, Data, Size, MaxByts, Acc) when Size =< MaxByts -> {State, Cipher} = Fun(State0, Data), {State, list_to_binary(lists:reverse([Cipher | Acc]))}; stream_crypt(Fun, State0, Data, _, MaxByts, Acc) -> <> = Data, {State, CipherText} = Fun(State0, Increment), stream_crypt(Fun, State, Rest, erlang:byte_size(Rest), MaxByts, [CipherText | Acc]). do_stream_encrypt({aes_ctr, State0}, Data) -> {State, Cipher} = aes_ctr_stream_encrypt(State0, Data), {{aes_ctr, State}, Cipher}; do_stream_encrypt({rc4, State0}, Data) -> {State, Cipher} = rc4_encrypt_with_state(State0, Data), {{rc4, State}, Cipher}. do_stream_decrypt({aes_ctr, State0}, Data) -> {State, Text} = aes_ctr_stream_decrypt(State0, Data), {{aes_ctr, State}, Text}; do_stream_decrypt({rc4, State0}, Data) -> {State, Text} = rc4_encrypt_with_state(State0, Data), {{rc4, State}, Text}. %% %% AES - in counter mode (CTR) with state maintained for multi-call streaming %% -type ctr_state() :: { iodata(), binary(), binary(), integer() } | binary(). -spec aes_ctr_stream_init(iodata(), binary()) -> ctr_state(). -spec aes_ctr_stream_encrypt(ctr_state(), binary()) -> { ctr_state(), binary() }. -spec aes_ctr_stream_decrypt(ctr_state(), binary()) -> { ctr_state(), binary() }. aes_ctr_stream_init(_Key, _IVec) -> ?nif_stub. aes_ctr_stream_encrypt(_State, _Data) -> ?nif_stub. aes_ctr_stream_decrypt(_State, _Cipher) -> ?nif_stub. %% %% RC4 - symmetric stream cipher %% rc4_set_key(_Key) -> ?nif_stub. rc4_encrypt_with_state(_State, _Data) -> ?nif_stub. %% Secure remote password ------------------------------------------------------------------- user_srp_gen_key(Private, Generator, Prime) -> %% Ensure the SRP algorithm is disabled in FIPS mode case info_fips() of enabled -> erlang:error(notsup); _ -> ok end, case mod_pow(Generator, Private, Prime) of error -> error; Public -> {Public, Private} end. host_srp_gen_key(Private, Verifier, Generator, Prime, Version) -> Multiplier = srp_multiplier(Version, Generator, Prime), case srp_value_B_nif(Multiplier, Verifier, Generator, Private, Prime) of error -> error; notsup -> erlang:error(notsup); Public -> {Public, Private} end. srp_multiplier('6a', Generator, Prime) -> %% k = SHA1(N | PAD(g)) from http://srp.stanford.edu/design.html C0 = hash_init(sha), C1 = hash_update(C0, Prime), C2 = hash_update(C1, srp_pad_to(erlang:byte_size(Prime), Generator)), hash_final(C2); srp_multiplier('6', _, _) -> <<3/integer>>; srp_multiplier('3', _, _) -> <<1/integer>>. srp_scrambler(Version, UserPublic, HostPublic, Prime) when Version == '6'; Version == '6a'-> %% SHA1(PAD(A) | PAD(B)) from http://srp.stanford.edu/design.html PadLength = erlang:byte_size(Prime), C0 = hash_init(sha), C1 = hash_update(C0, srp_pad_to(PadLength, UserPublic)), C2 = hash_update(C1, srp_pad_to(PadLength, HostPublic)), hash_final(C2); srp_scrambler('3', _, HostPublic, _Prime) -> %% The parameter u is a 32-bit unsigned integer which takes its value %% from the first 32 bits of the SHA1 hash of B, MSB first. <> = hash(sha, HostPublic), U. srp_pad_length(Width, Length) -> (Width - Length rem Width) rem Width. srp_pad_to(Width, Binary) -> case srp_pad_length(Width, size(Binary)) of 0 -> Binary; N -> << 0:(N*8), Binary/binary>> end. srp_host_secret_nif(_Verifier, _B, _U, _A, _Prime) -> ?nif_stub. srp_user_secret_nif(_A, _U, _B, _Multiplier, _Generator, _Exponent, _Prime) -> ?nif_stub. srp_value_B_nif(_Multiplier, _Verifier, _Generator, _Exponent, _Prime) -> ?nif_stub. %% Digital signatures -------------------------------------------------------------------- pkey_sign_nif(_Algorithm, _Type, _Digest, _Key, _Options) -> ?nif_stub. pkey_verify_nif(_Algorithm, _Type, _Data, _Signature, _Key, _Options) -> ?nif_stub. %% Public Keys -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman functions %% rsa_generate_key_nif(_Bits, _Exp) -> ?nif_stub. %% DH Diffie-Hellman functions %% %% Generate (and check) Parameters is not documented because they are implemented %% for testing (and offline parameter generation) only. %% From the openssl doc: %% DH_generate_parameters() may run for several hours before finding a suitable prime. %% Thus dh_generate_parameters may in this implementation block %% the emulator for several hours. %% %% usage: dh_generate_parameters(1024, 2 or 5) -> %% [Prime=mpint(), SharedGenerator=mpint()] dh_generate_parameters(PrimeLen, Generator) -> case dh_generate_parameters_nif(PrimeLen, Generator) of error -> erlang:error(generation_failed, [PrimeLen,Generator]); Ret -> Ret end. dh_generate_parameters_nif(_PrimeLen, _Generator) -> ?nif_stub. %% Checks that the DHParameters are ok. %% DHParameters = [P (Prime)= mpint(), G(Generator) = mpint()] dh_check([_Prime,_Gen]) -> ?nif_stub. %% DHParameters = [P (Prime)= mpint(), G(Generator) = mpint()] %% PrivKey = mpint() dh_generate_key_nif(_PrivateKey, _DHParameters, _Mpint, _Length) -> ?nif_stub. %% DHParameters = [P (Prime)= mpint(), G(Generator) = mpint()] %% MyPrivKey, OthersPublicKey = mpint() dh_compute_key_nif(_OthersPublicKey, _MyPrivateKey, _DHParameters) -> ?nif_stub. ec_key_generate(_Curve, _Key) -> ?nif_stub. ecdh_compute_key_nif(_Others, _Curve, _My) -> ?nif_stub. ec_curves() -> crypto_ec_curves:curves(). ec_curve(X) -> crypto_ec_curves:curve(X). %% %% EC %% term_to_nif_prime({prime_field, Prime}) -> {prime_field, ensure_int_as_bin(Prime)}; term_to_nif_prime(PrimeField) -> PrimeField. term_to_nif_curve({A, B, Seed}) -> {ensure_int_as_bin(A), ensure_int_as_bin(B), Seed}. nif_curve_params({PrimeField, Curve, BasePoint, Order, CoFactor}) -> {term_to_nif_prime(PrimeField), term_to_nif_curve(Curve), ensure_int_as_bin(BasePoint), ensure_int_as_bin(Order), ensure_int_as_bin(CoFactor)}; nif_curve_params(Curve) when is_atom(Curve) -> %% named curve crypto_ec_curves:curve(Curve). %% MISC -------------------------------------------------------------------- exor(Data1, Data2, Size, MaxByts, []) when Size =< MaxByts -> do_exor(Data1, Data2); exor(Data1, Data2, Size, MaxByts, Acc) when Size =< MaxByts -> Result = do_exor(Data1, Data2), list_to_binary(lists:reverse([Result | Acc])); exor(Data1, Data2, _Size, MaxByts, Acc) -> <> = Data1, <> = Data2, Result = do_exor(Increment1, Increment2), exor(Rest1, Rest2, erlang:byte_size(Rest1), MaxByts, [Result | Acc]). do_exor(_A, _B) -> ?nif_stub. algorithms() -> ?nif_stub. int_to_bin(X) when X < 0 -> int_to_bin_neg(X, []); int_to_bin(X) -> int_to_bin_pos(X, []). int_to_bin_pos(0,Ds=[_|_]) -> list_to_binary(Ds); int_to_bin_pos(X,Ds) -> int_to_bin_pos(X bsr 8, [(X band 255)|Ds]). int_to_bin_neg(-1, Ds=[MSB|_]) when MSB >= 16#80 -> list_to_binary(Ds); int_to_bin_neg(X,Ds) -> int_to_bin_neg(X bsr 8, [(X band 255)|Ds]). bytes_to_integer(Bin) -> bin_to_int(Bin). bin_to_int(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> Bits = bit_size(Bin), <> = Bin, Integer; bin_to_int(undefined) -> undefined. map_ensure_int_as_bin([H|_]=List) when is_integer(H) -> lists:map(fun(E) -> int_to_bin(E) end, List); map_ensure_int_as_bin(List) -> List. ensure_int_as_bin(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> int_to_bin(Int); ensure_int_as_bin(Bin) -> Bin. format_pkey(rsa, Key) -> map_ensure_int_as_bin(Key); format_pkey(ecdsa, [Key, Curve]) -> {nif_curve_params(Curve), ensure_int_as_bin(Key)}; format_pkey(dss, Key) -> map_ensure_int_as_bin(Key); format_pkey(_, Key) -> Key. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% -type rsa_padding() :: 'rsa_pkcs1_padding' | 'rsa_pkcs1_oaep_padding' | 'rsa_no_padding'. pkey_crypt_nif(_Algorithm, _In, _Key, _Options, _IsPrivate, _IsEncrypt) -> ?nif_stub. %% large integer in a binary with 32bit length %% MP representaion (SSH2) mpint(X) when X < 0 -> mpint_neg(X); mpint(X) -> mpint_pos(X). -define(UINT32(X), X:32/unsigned-big-integer). mpint_neg(X) -> Bin = int_to_bin_neg(X, []), Sz = byte_size(Bin), <>. mpint_pos(X) -> Bin = int_to_bin_pos(X, []), <> = Bin, Sz = byte_size(Bin), if MSB band 16#80 == 16#80 -> <>; true -> <> end. %% int from integer in a binary with 32bit length erlint(<>) -> Bits= MPIntSize * 8, <> = MPIntValue, Integer. %% %% mod_exp - utility for rsa generation and SRP %% mod_exp_nif(_Base,_Exp,_Mod,_bin_hdr) -> ?nif_stub. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% 9470495 == V(0,9,8,zh). %% 268435615 == V(1,0,0,i). %% 268439663 == V(1,0,1,f). packed_openssl_version(MAJ, MIN, FIX, P0) -> %% crypto.c P1 = atom_to_list(P0), P = lists:sum([C-$a||C<-P1]), ((((((((MAJ bsl 8) bor MIN) bsl 8 ) bor FIX) bsl 8) bor (P+1)) bsl 4) bor 16#f).