%%% This is an -*- Erlang -*- file.
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%%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% File    : dialyzer.hrl
%%% Author  : Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se>
%%%           Kostis Sagonas <kostis@it.uu.se>
%%% Description : Header file for Dialyzer.
%%% Created : 1 Oct 2004 by Kostis Sagonas <kostis@it.uu.se>


-type dial_ret() :: ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS
                  | ?RET_INTERNAL_ERROR
                  | ?RET_DISCREPANCIES.

%% Warning classification

-define(WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN, warn_return_no_exit).
-define(WARN_RETURN_ONLY_EXIT, warn_return_only_exit).
-define(WARN_NOT_CALLED, warn_not_called).
-define(WARN_NON_PROPER_LIST, warn_non_proper_list).
-define(WARN_FUN_APP, warn_fun_app).
-define(WARN_MATCHING, warn_matching).
-define(WARN_OPAQUE, warn_opaque).
-define(WARN_FAILING_CALL, warn_failing_call).
-define(WARN_BIN_CONSTRUCTION, warn_bin_construction).
-define(WARN_CONTRACT_TYPES, warn_contract_types).
-define(WARN_CONTRACT_SYNTAX, warn_contract_syntax).
-define(WARN_CONTRACT_NOT_EQUAL, warn_contract_not_equal).
-define(WARN_CONTRACT_SUBTYPE, warn_contract_subtype).
-define(WARN_CONTRACT_SUPERTYPE, warn_contract_supertype).
-define(WARN_CONTRACT_RANGE, warn_contract_range).
-define(WARN_CALLGRAPH, warn_callgraph).
-define(WARN_UNMATCHED_RETURN, warn_umatched_return).
-define(WARN_RACE_CONDITION, warn_race_condition).
-define(WARN_BEHAVIOUR, warn_behaviour).
-define(WARN_UNDEFINED_CALLBACK, warn_undefined_callbacks).
-define(WARN_UNKNOWN, warn_unknown).

%% The following type has double role:
%%   1. It is the set of warnings that will be collected.
%%   2. It is also the set of tags for warnings that will be returned.
-type dial_warn_tag() :: ?WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN | ?WARN_RETURN_ONLY_EXIT
                       | ?WARN_NOT_CALLED | ?WARN_NON_PROPER_LIST
                       | ?WARN_MATCHING | ?WARN_OPAQUE | ?WARN_FUN_APP
                       | ?WARN_FAILING_CALL | ?WARN_BIN_CONSTRUCTION
                       | ?WARN_BEHAVIOUR | ?WARN_CONTRACT_RANGE

%% This is the representation of each warning as they will be returned
%% to dialyzer's callers
-type file_line()    :: {file:filename(), non_neg_integer()}.
-type dial_warning() :: {dial_warn_tag(), file_line(), {atom(), [term()]}}.

%% This is the representation of dialyzer's internal errors
-type dial_error()   :: any().    %% XXX: underspecified

%% Basic types used either in the record definitions below or in other
%% parts of the application

-type anal_type()     :: 'succ_typings' | 'plt_build'.
-type anal_type1()    :: anal_type() | 'plt_add' | 'plt_check' | 'plt_remove'.
-type contr_constr()  :: {'subtype', erl_types:erl_type(), erl_types:erl_type()}.
-type contract_pair() :: {erl_types:erl_type(), [contr_constr()]}.
-type dial_define()   :: {atom(), term()}.
-type dial_option()   :: {atom(), term()}.
-type dial_options()  :: [dial_option()].
-type fopt()          :: 'basename' | 'fullpath'.
-type format()        :: 'formatted' | 'raw'.
-type label()	      :: non_neg_integer().
-type rep_mode()      :: 'quiet' | 'normal' | 'verbose'.
-type start_from()    :: 'byte_code' | 'src_code'.
-type mfa_or_funlbl() :: label() | mfa().
-type solver()        :: 'v1' | 'v2'.

%% Record declarations used by various files

-record(analysis, {analysis_pid			   :: pid(),
		   type		  = succ_typings   :: anal_type(),
		   defines	  = []		   :: [dial_define()],
		   doc_plt                         :: dialyzer_plt:plt(),
		   files          = []		   :: [file:filename()],
		   include_dirs	  = []		   :: [file:filename()],
		   start_from     = byte_code	   :: start_from(),
		   plt                             :: dialyzer_plt:plt(),
		   use_contracts  = true           :: boolean(),
		   race_detection = false	   :: boolean(),
		   behaviours_chk = false          :: boolean(),
		   timing         = false          :: boolean() | 'debug',
		   timing_server             :: dialyzer_timing:timing_server(),
		   callgraph_file = ""             :: file:filename(),
                   solvers                         :: [solver()]}).

-record(options, {files           = []		   :: [file:filename()],
		  files_rec       = []		   :: [file:filename()],
		  analysis_type   = succ_typings   :: anal_type1(),
		  timing          = false          :: boolean() | 'debug',
		  defines         = []		   :: [dial_define()],
		  from            = byte_code	   :: start_from(),
		  get_warnings    = maybe          :: boolean() | 'maybe',
		  init_plts       = []	           :: [file:filename()],
		  include_dirs    = []		   :: [file:filename()],
		  output_plt      = none           :: 'none' | file:filename(),
		  legal_warnings  = ordsets:new()  :: ordsets:ordset(dial_warn_tag()),
		  report_mode     = normal	   :: rep_mode(),
		  erlang_mode     = false	   :: boolean(),
		  use_contracts   = true           :: boolean(),
		  output_file     = none	   :: 'none' | file:filename(),
		  output_format   = formatted      :: format(),
		  filename_opt	  = basename       :: fopt(),
		  callgraph_file  = ""             :: file:filename(),
		  check_plt       = true           :: boolean(),
                  solvers         = []             :: [solver()]}).

-record(contract, {contracts	  = []		   :: [contract_pair()],
		   args		  = []		   :: [erl_types:erl_type()],
		   forms	  = []		   :: [{_, _}]}).


-define(timing(Server, Msg, Var, Expr),
	    dialyzer_timing:start_stamp(Server, Msg),
	    Var = Expr,
-define(timing(Server, Msg, Expr), ?timing(Server, Msg, _T, Expr)).