%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl %%% Author : Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se> %%% Description : %%% %%% Created : 5 Apr 2005 by Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se> %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(dialyzer_analysis_callgraph). -export([start/3]). -export([compile_init_result/0, add_to_result/4, start_compilation/2, continue_compilation/2]). -export_type([compile_init_data/0, one_file_result/0, compile_result/0]). -include("dialyzer.hrl"). -record(analysis_state, { codeserver :: dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(), analysis_type = succ_typings :: anal_type(), defines = [] :: [dial_define()], doc_plt :: dialyzer_plt:plt(), include_dirs = [] :: [file:filename()], no_warn_unused :: set(), parent :: pid(), plt :: dialyzer_plt:plt(), start_from = byte_code :: start_from(), use_contracts = true :: boolean(), timing_server :: dialyzer_timing:timing_server(), solvers :: [solver()] }). -record(server_state, {parent :: pid(), legal_warnings :: [dial_warn_tag()]}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Main %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec start(pid(), [dial_warn_tag()], #analysis{}) -> 'ok'. start(Parent, LegalWarnings, Analysis) -> TimingServer = dialyzer_timing:init(Analysis#analysis.timing), RacesOn = ordsets:is_element(?WARN_RACE_CONDITION, LegalWarnings), Analysis0 = Analysis#analysis{race_detection = RacesOn, timing_server = TimingServer}, Analysis1 = expand_files(Analysis0), Analysis2 = run_analysis(Analysis1), State = #server_state{parent = Parent, legal_warnings = LegalWarnings}, loop(State, Analysis2, none), dialyzer_timing:stop(TimingServer). run_analysis(Analysis) -> Self = self(), Fun = fun() -> analysis_start(Self, Analysis) end, Analysis#analysis{analysis_pid = spawn_link(Fun)}. loop(#server_state{parent = Parent, legal_warnings = LegalWarnings} = State, #analysis{analysis_pid = AnalPid} = Analysis, ExtCalls) -> receive {AnalPid, log, LogMsg} -> send_log(Parent, LogMsg), loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls); {AnalPid, warnings, Warnings} -> case filter_warnings(LegalWarnings, Warnings) of [] -> ok; SendWarnings -> send_warnings(Parent, SendWarnings) end, loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls); {AnalPid, cserver, CServer, Plt} -> send_codeserver_plt(Parent, CServer, Plt), loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls); {AnalPid, done, Plt, DocPlt} -> case ExtCalls =:= none of true -> send_analysis_done(Parent, Plt, DocPlt); false -> send_ext_calls(Parent, ExtCalls), send_analysis_done(Parent, Plt, DocPlt) end; {AnalPid, ext_calls, NewExtCalls} -> loop(State, Analysis, NewExtCalls); {AnalPid, ext_types, ExtTypes} -> send_ext_types(Parent, ExtTypes), loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls); {AnalPid, unknown_behaviours, UnknownBehaviour} -> send_unknown_behaviours(Parent, UnknownBehaviour), loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls); {AnalPid, mod_deps, ModDeps} -> send_mod_deps(Parent, ModDeps), loop(State, Analysis, ExtCalls); {Parent, stop} -> exit(AnalPid, kill), ok end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The Analysis %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- analysis_start(Parent, Analysis) -> CServer = dialyzer_codeserver:new(), Plt = Analysis#analysis.plt, State = #analysis_state{codeserver = CServer, analysis_type = Analysis#analysis.type, defines = Analysis#analysis.defines, doc_plt = Analysis#analysis.doc_plt, include_dirs = Analysis#analysis.include_dirs, plt = Plt, parent = Parent, start_from = Analysis#analysis.start_from, use_contracts = Analysis#analysis.use_contracts, timing_server = Analysis#analysis.timing_server, solvers = Analysis#analysis.solvers }, Files = ordsets:from_list(Analysis#analysis.files), {Callgraph, NoWarn, TmpCServer0} = compile_and_store(Files, State), %% Remote type postprocessing NewCServer = try NewRecords = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_records(TmpCServer0), NewExpTypes = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_exported_types(TmpCServer0), OldRecords = dialyzer_plt:get_types(Plt), OldExpTypes0 = dialyzer_plt:get_exported_types(Plt), MergedRecords = dialyzer_utils:merge_records(NewRecords, OldRecords), RemMods = [case Analysis#analysis.start_from of byte_code -> list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".beam")); src_code -> list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".erl")) end || F <- Files], OldExpTypes1 = dialyzer_utils:sets_filter(RemMods, OldExpTypes0), MergedExpTypes = sets:union(NewExpTypes, OldExpTypes1), TmpCServer1 = dialyzer_codeserver:set_temp_records(MergedRecords, TmpCServer0), TmpCServer2 = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_temp_exported_types(MergedExpTypes, TmpCServer1), TmpCServer3 = dialyzer_utils:process_record_remote_types(TmpCServer2), ?timing(State#analysis_state.timing_server, "remote", dialyzer_contracts:process_contract_remote_types(TmpCServer3)) catch throw:{error, _ErrorMsg} = Error -> exit(Error) end, NewPlt0 = dialyzer_plt:insert_types(Plt, dialyzer_codeserver:get_records(NewCServer)), ExpTypes = dialyzer_codeserver:get_exported_types(NewCServer), NewPlt1 = dialyzer_plt:insert_exported_types(NewPlt0, ExpTypes), State0 = State#analysis_state{plt = NewPlt1}, dump_callgraph(Callgraph, State0, Analysis), State1 = State0#analysis_state{codeserver = NewCServer}, State2 = State1#analysis_state{no_warn_unused = NoWarn}, %% Remove all old versions of the files being analyzed AllNodes = dialyzer_callgraph:all_nodes(Callgraph), Plt1 = dialyzer_plt:delete_list(NewPlt1, AllNodes), Exports = dialyzer_codeserver:get_exports(NewCServer), NewCallgraph = case Analysis#analysis.race_detection of true -> dialyzer_callgraph:put_race_detection(true, Callgraph); false -> Callgraph end, State3 = analyze_callgraph(NewCallgraph, State2#analysis_state{plt = Plt1}), dialyzer_callgraph:dispose_race_server(NewCallgraph), rcv_and_send_ext_types(Parent), NonExports = sets:subtract(sets:from_list(AllNodes), Exports), NonExportsList = sets:to_list(NonExports), Plt2 = dialyzer_plt:delete_list(State3#analysis_state.plt, NonExportsList), send_codeserver_plt(Parent, CServer, State3#analysis_state.plt), send_analysis_done(Parent, Plt2, State3#analysis_state.doc_plt). analyze_callgraph(Callgraph, #analysis_state{codeserver = Codeserver, doc_plt = DocPlt, timing_server = TimingServer, parent = Parent, solvers = Solvers} = State) -> Plt = dialyzer_plt:insert_callbacks(State#analysis_state.plt, Codeserver), {NewPlt, NewDocPlt} = case State#analysis_state.analysis_type of plt_build -> NewPlt0 = dialyzer_succ_typings:analyze_callgraph(Callgraph, Plt, Codeserver, TimingServer, Solvers, Parent), {NewPlt0, DocPlt}; succ_typings -> NoWarn = State#analysis_state.no_warn_unused, {Warnings, NewPlt0, NewDocPlt0} = dialyzer_succ_typings:get_warnings(Callgraph, Plt, DocPlt, Codeserver, NoWarn, TimingServer, Solvers, Parent), send_warnings(State#analysis_state.parent, Warnings), {NewPlt0, NewDocPlt0} end, dialyzer_callgraph:delete(Callgraph), State#analysis_state{plt = NewPlt, doc_plt = NewDocPlt}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Build the callgraph and fill the codeserver. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(compile_init,{ callgraph :: dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), codeserver :: dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(), defines = [] :: [dial_define()], include_dirs = [] :: [file:filename()], start_from = byte_code :: start_from(), use_contracts = true :: boolean() }). make_compile_init(#analysis_state{codeserver = Codeserver, defines = Defs, include_dirs = Dirs, use_contracts = UseContracts, start_from = StartFrom}, Callgraph) -> #compile_init{callgraph = Callgraph, codeserver = Codeserver, defines = [{d, Macro, Val} || {Macro, Val} <- Defs], include_dirs = [{i, D} || D <- Dirs], use_contracts = UseContracts, start_from = StartFrom}. compile_and_store(Files, #analysis_state{codeserver = CServer, timing_server = Timing, parent = Parent} = State) -> send_log(Parent, "Reading files and computing callgraph... "), {T1, _} = statistics(runtime), Callgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:new(), CompileInit = make_compile_init(State, Callgraph), {{Failed, NoWarn, Modules}, NextLabel} = ?timing(Timing, "compile", _C1, dialyzer_coordinator:parallel_job(compile, Files, CompileInit, Timing)), CServer2 = dialyzer_codeserver:set_next_core_label(NextLabel, CServer), case Failed =:= [] of true -> ModDict = lists:foldl(fun(F, Dict) -> ModFile = lists:last(filename:split(F)), Mod = filename:basename(ModFile, ".beam"), dict:append(Mod, F, Dict) end, dict:new(), Files), check_for_duplicate_modules(ModDict); false -> Msg = io_lib:format("Could not scan the following file(s):~n~s", [[Reason || {_Filename, Reason} <- Failed]]), exit({error, Msg}) end, {T2, _} = statistics(runtime), Msg1 = io_lib:format("done in ~.2f secs\nRemoving edges... ", [(T2-T1)/1000]), send_log(Parent, Msg1), Callgraph = ?timing(Timing, "clean", _C2, cleanup_callgraph(State, CServer2, Callgraph, Modules)), {T3, _} = statistics(runtime), Msg2 = io_lib:format("done in ~.2f secs\n", [(T3-T2)/1000]), send_log(Parent, Msg2), {Callgraph, sets:from_list(NoWarn), CServer2}. -type compile_init_data() :: #compile_init{}. -type error_reason() :: string(). -type compile_result() :: {[{file:filename(), error_reason()}], [mfa()], [module()]}. %%opaque -type one_file_result() :: {error, error_reason()} | {ok, [dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph_edge()], [mfa_or_funlbl()], [mfa()], module()}. %%opaque -type compile_mid_data() :: {module(), cerl:cerl(), [mfa()], dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver()}. -spec compile_init_result() -> compile_result(). compile_init_result() -> {[], [], []}. -spec add_to_result(file:filename(), one_file_result(), compile_result(), compile_init_data()) -> compile_result(). add_to_result(File, NewData, {Failed, NoWarn, Mods}, InitData) -> case NewData of {error, Reason} -> {[{File, Reason}|Failed], NoWarn, Mods}; {ok, V, E, NewNoWarn, Mod} -> Callgraph = InitData#compile_init.callgraph, dialyzer_callgraph:add_edges(E, V, Callgraph), {Failed, NewNoWarn ++ NoWarn, [Mod|Mods]} end. -spec start_compilation(file:filename(), compile_init_data()) -> {error, error_reason()} |{ok, integer(), compile_mid_data()}. start_compilation(File, #compile_init{callgraph = Callgraph, codeserver = Codeserver, defines = Defines, include_dirs = IncludeD, use_contracts = UseContracts, start_from = StartFrom}) -> case StartFrom of src_code -> compile_src(File, IncludeD, Defines, Callgraph, Codeserver, UseContracts); byte_code -> compile_byte(File, Callgraph, Codeserver, UseContracts) end. cleanup_callgraph(#analysis_state{plt = InitPlt, parent = Parent, codeserver = CodeServer }, CServer, Callgraph, Modules) -> ModuleDeps = dialyzer_callgraph:module_deps(Callgraph), send_mod_deps(Parent, ModuleDeps), {Callgraph1, ExtCalls} = dialyzer_callgraph:remove_external(Callgraph), ExtCalls1 = [Call || Call = {_From, To} <- ExtCalls, not dialyzer_plt:contains_mfa(InitPlt, To)], {BadCalls1, RealExtCalls} = if ExtCalls1 =:= [] -> {[], []}; true -> ModuleSet = sets:from_list(Modules), PltModuleSet = dialyzer_plt:all_modules(InitPlt), AllModules = sets:union(ModuleSet, PltModuleSet), Pred = fun({_From, {M, _F, _A}}) -> sets:is_element(M, AllModules) end, lists:partition(Pred, ExtCalls1) end, NonLocalCalls = dialyzer_callgraph:non_local_calls(Callgraph1), BadCalls2 = [Call || Call = {_From, To} <- NonLocalCalls, not dialyzer_codeserver:is_exported(To, CServer)], case BadCalls1 ++ BadCalls2 of [] -> ok; BadCalls -> send_bad_calls(Parent, BadCalls, CodeServer) end, if RealExtCalls =:= [] -> ok; true -> send_ext_calls(Parent, lists:usort([To || {_From, To} <- RealExtCalls])) end, Callgraph1. compile_src(File, Includes, Defines, Callgraph, CServer, UseContracts) -> DefaultIncludes = default_includes(filename:dirname(File)), SrcCompOpts = dialyzer_utils:src_compiler_opts(), CompOpts = SrcCompOpts ++ Includes ++ Defines ++ DefaultIncludes, case dialyzer_utils:get_abstract_code_from_src(File, CompOpts) of {error, _Msg} = Error -> Error; {ok, AbstrCode} -> compile_common(File, AbstrCode, CompOpts, Callgraph, CServer, UseContracts) end. compile_byte(File, Callgraph, CServer, UseContracts) -> case dialyzer_utils:get_abstract_code_from_beam(File) of error -> {error, " Could not get abstract code for: " ++ File ++ "\n" ++ " Recompile with +debug_info or analyze starting from source code"}; {ok, AbstrCode} -> compile_common(File, AbstrCode, [], Callgraph, CServer, UseContracts) end. compile_common(File, AbstrCode, CompOpts, Callgraph, CServer, UseContracts) -> case dialyzer_utils:get_core_from_abstract_code(AbstrCode, CompOpts) of error -> {error, " Could not get core Erlang code for: " ++ File}; {ok, Core} -> Mod = cerl:concrete(cerl:module_name(Core)), NoWarn = abs_get_nowarn(AbstrCode, Mod), case dialyzer_utils:get_record_and_type_info(AbstrCode) of {error, _} = Error -> Error; {ok, RecInfo} -> CServer1 = dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_records(Mod, RecInfo, CServer), case UseContracts of true -> case dialyzer_utils:get_spec_info(Mod, AbstrCode, RecInfo) of {error, _} = Error -> Error; {ok, SpecInfo, CallbackInfo} -> CServer2 = dialyzer_codeserver:store_temp_contracts(Mod, SpecInfo, CallbackInfo, CServer1), store_core(Mod, Core, NoWarn, Callgraph, CServer2) end; false -> store_core(Mod, Core, NoWarn, Callgraph, CServer1) end end end. store_core(Mod, Core, NoWarn, Callgraph, CServer) -> Exp = get_exports_from_core(Core), ExpTypes = get_exported_types_from_core(Core), CServer = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_exports(Exp, CServer), CServer = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_temp_exported_types(ExpTypes, CServer), CoreTree = cerl:from_records(Core), {ok, cerl_trees:size(CoreTree), {Mod, CoreTree, NoWarn, Callgraph, CServer}}. -spec continue_compilation(integer(), compile_mid_data()) -> one_file_result(). continue_compilation(NextLabel, {Mod, CoreTree, NoWarn, Callgraph, CServer}) -> {LabeledTree, _NewNextLabel} = cerl_trees:label(CoreTree, NextLabel), LabeledCore = cerl:to_records(LabeledTree), store_code_and_build_callgraph(Mod, LabeledCore, Callgraph, NoWarn, CServer). abs_get_nowarn(Abs, M) -> Opts = lists:flatten([C || {attribute, _, compile, C} <- Abs]), Warn = erl_lint:bool_option(warn_unused_function, nowarn_unused_function, true, Opts), case Warn of false -> [{M, F, A} || {function, _, F, A, _} <- Abs]; % all functions true -> OnLoad = lists:flatten([{M, F, A} || {attribute, _, on_load, {F, A}} <- Abs]), OnLoad ++ [{M, F, A} || {nowarn_unused_function, FAs} <- Opts, {F, A} <- lists:flatten([FAs])] end. get_exported_types_from_core(Core) -> Attrs = cerl:module_attrs(Core), ExpTypes1 = [cerl:concrete(L2) || {L1, L2} <- Attrs, cerl:is_literal(L1), cerl:is_literal(L2), cerl:concrete(L1) =:= 'export_type'], ExpTypes2 = lists:flatten(ExpTypes1), M = cerl:atom_val(cerl:module_name(Core)), sets:from_list([{M, F, A} || {F, A} <- ExpTypes2]). get_exports_from_core(Core) -> Tree = cerl:from_records(Core), Exports1 = cerl:module_exports(Tree), Exports2 = [cerl:var_name(V) || V <- Exports1], M = cerl:atom_val(cerl:module_name(Tree)), [{M, F, A} || {F, A} <- Exports2]. store_code_and_build_callgraph(Mod, Core, Callgraph, NoWarn, CServer) -> CoreTree = cerl:from_records(Core), {Vertices, Edges} = dialyzer_callgraph:scan_core_tree(CoreTree, Callgraph), CServer = dialyzer_codeserver:insert(Mod, CoreTree, CServer), {ok, Vertices, Edges, NoWarn, Mod}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Utilities %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- expand_files(Analysis = #analysis{files = Files, start_from = StartFrom}) -> Ext = case StartFrom of byte_code -> ".beam"; src_code -> ".erl" end, case expand_files(Files, Ext, []) of [] -> Msg = "No " ++ Ext ++ " files to analyze" ++ case StartFrom of byte_code -> " (no --src specified?)"; src_code -> "" end, exit({error, Msg}); NewFiles -> Analysis#analysis{files = NewFiles} end. expand_files([File|Left], Ext, FileAcc) -> case filelib:is_dir(File) of true -> {ok, List} = file:list_dir(File), NewFiles = lists:foldl(fun (X, Acc) -> case filename:extension(X) =:= Ext of true -> [filename:join(File, X)|Acc]; false -> Acc end end, FileAcc, List), expand_files(Left, Ext, NewFiles); false -> expand_files(Left, Ext, [File|FileAcc]) end; expand_files([], _Ext, FileAcc) -> FileAcc. check_for_duplicate_modules(ModDict) -> Duplicates = dict:filter(fun(_, [_]) -> false; (_, _Files) -> true end, ModDict), case dict:size(Duplicates) =:= 0 of true -> ok; false -> Mods = [X || {_, X} <- dict:to_list(Duplicates)], Msg = io_lib:format("Duplicate modules: ~p", [Mods]), exit({error, Msg}) end. default_includes(Dir) -> L1 = ["..", "../incl", "../inc", "../include"], [{i, filename:join(Dir, X)} || X <- L1]. %%------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Handle Messages %%------------------------------------------------------------------- rcv_and_send_ext_types(Parent) -> Self = self(), Self ! {Self, done}, case rcv_ext_types(Self, []) of [] -> ok; ExtTypes -> Parent ! {Self, ext_types, ExtTypes}, ok end. rcv_ext_types(Self, ExtTypes) -> receive {Self, ext_types, ExtType} -> rcv_ext_types(Self, [ExtType|ExtTypes]); {Self, done} -> lists:usort(ExtTypes) end. send_log(Parent, Msg) -> Parent ! {self(), log, Msg}, ok. send_warnings(_Parent, []) -> ok; send_warnings(Parent, Warnings) -> Parent ! {self(), warnings, Warnings}, ok. filter_warnings(LegalWarnings, Warnings) -> [TIW || {Tag, _Id, _Warning} = TIW <- Warnings, ordsets:is_element(Tag, LegalWarnings)]. send_analysis_done(Parent, Plt, DocPlt) -> Parent ! {self(), done, Plt, DocPlt}, ok. send_ext_calls(Parent, ExtCalls) -> Parent ! {self(), ext_calls, ExtCalls}, ok. send_ext_types(Parent, ExtTypes) -> Parent ! {self(), ext_types, ExtTypes}, ok. send_unknown_behaviours(Parent, UnknownBehaviours) -> Parent ! {self(), unknown_behaviours, UnknownBehaviours}, ok. send_codeserver_plt(Parent, CServer, Plt ) -> Parent ! {self(), cserver, CServer, Plt}, ok. send_bad_calls(Parent, BadCalls, CodeServer) -> send_warnings(Parent, format_bad_calls(BadCalls, CodeServer, [])). send_mod_deps(Parent, ModuleDeps) -> Parent ! {self(), mod_deps, ModuleDeps}, ok. format_bad_calls([{{_, _, _}, {_, module_info, A}}|Left], CodeServer, Acc) when A =:= 0; A =:= 1 -> format_bad_calls(Left, CodeServer, Acc); format_bad_calls([{FromMFA, {M, F, A} = To}|Left], CodeServer, Acc) -> {_Var, FunCode} = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_code(FromMFA, CodeServer), Msg = {call_to_missing, [M, F, A]}, FileLine = find_call_file_and_line(FunCode, To), NewAcc = [{?WARN_CALLGRAPH, FileLine, Msg}|Acc], format_bad_calls(Left, CodeServer, NewAcc); format_bad_calls([], _CodeServer, Acc) -> Acc. find_call_file_and_line(Tree, MFA) -> Fun = fun(SubTree, Acc) -> case cerl:is_c_call(SubTree) of true -> M = cerl:call_module(SubTree), F = cerl:call_name(SubTree), A = cerl:call_arity(SubTree), case cerl:is_c_atom(M) andalso cerl:is_c_atom(F) of true -> case {cerl:concrete(M), cerl:concrete(F), A} of MFA -> Ann = cerl:get_ann(SubTree), [{get_file(Ann), get_line(Ann)}|Acc]; _ -> Acc end; false -> Acc end; false -> Acc end end, hd(cerl_trees:fold(Fun, [], Tree)). get_line([Line|_]) when is_integer(Line) -> Line; get_line([_|Tail]) -> get_line(Tail); get_line([]) -> -1. get_file([{file, File}|_]) -> File; get_file([_|Tail]) -> get_file(Tail). -spec dump_callgraph(dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), #analysis_state{}, #analysis{}) -> 'ok'. dump_callgraph(_CallGraph, _State, #analysis{callgraph_file = ""}) -> ok; dump_callgraph(CallGraph, State, #analysis{callgraph_file = File} = Analysis) -> Extension = filename:extension(File), Start_Msg = io_lib:format("Dumping the callgraph... ", []), send_log(State#analysis_state.parent, Start_Msg), {T1, _} = statistics(runtime), dump_callgraph(CallGraph, State, Analysis, Extension), {T2, _} = statistics(runtime), Finish_Msg = io_lib:format("done in ~2f secs\n", [(T2-T1)/1000]), send_log(State#analysis_state.parent, Finish_Msg), ok. dump_callgraph(CallGraph, _State, #analysis{callgraph_file = File}, ".dot") -> dialyzer_callgraph:to_dot(CallGraph, File); dump_callgraph(CallGraph, _State, #analysis{callgraph_file = File}, ".ps") -> Args = "-Gratio=compress -Gsize=\"100,100\"", dialyzer_callgraph:to_ps(CallGraph, File, Args); dump_callgraph(CallGraph, State, #analysis{callgraph_file = File}, _Ext) -> case file:open(File, [write]) of {ok, Fd} -> io:format(Fd, "~p", [CallGraph]), ok = file:close(Fd); {error, Reason} -> Msg = io_lib:format("Could not open output file ~p, Reason: ~p\n", [File, Reason]), send_log(State#analysis_state.parent, Msg) end.