%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : dialyzer_codeserver.erl %%% Author : Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se> %%% Description : %%% %%% Created : 4 Apr 2005 by Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se> %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(dialyzer_codeserver). -export([delete/1, finalize_contracts/3, finalize_exported_types/2, finalize_records/2, get_contracts/1, get_callbacks/1, get_exported_types/1, get_exports/1, get_records/1, get_next_core_label/1, get_temp_contracts/1, get_temp_exported_types/1, get_temp_records/1, insert/3, insert_exports/2, insert_temp_exported_types/2, is_exported/2, lookup_mod_code/2, lookup_mfa_code/2, lookup_mod_records/2, lookup_mod_contracts/2, lookup_mfa_contract/2, new/0, set_next_core_label/2, set_temp_records/2, store_temp_records/3, store_temp_contracts/4]). -export_type([codeserver/0]). -include("dialyzer.hrl"). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -type dict_ets() :: ets:tid(). -type set_ets() :: ets:tid(). -record(codeserver, {next_core_label = 0 :: label(), code :: dict_ets(), exported_types :: set_ets(), % set(mfa()) records :: dict_ets(), contracts :: dict_ets(), callbacks :: dict_ets(), exports :: 'clean' | set_ets(), % set(mfa()) temp_exported_types :: 'clean' | set_ets(), % set(mfa()) temp_records :: 'clean' | dict_ets(), temp_contracts :: 'clean' | dict_ets(), temp_callbacks :: 'clean' | dict_ets() }). -opaque codeserver() :: #codeserver{}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- ets_dict_find(Key, Table) -> try ets:lookup_element(Table, Key, 2) of Val -> {ok, Val} catch _:_ -> error end. ets_dict_store(Key, Element, Table) -> true = ets:insert(Table, {Key, Element}), Table. ets_dict_store_dict(Dict, Table) -> true = ets:insert(Table, dict:to_list(Dict)). ets_dict_to_dict(Table) -> Fold = fun({Key,Value}, Dict) -> dict:store(Key, Value, Dict) end, ets:foldl(Fold, dict:new(), Table). ets_set_is_element(Key, Table) -> ets:lookup(Table, Key) =/= []. ets_set_insert_set(Set, Table) -> ets_set_insert_list(sets:to_list(Set), Table). ets_set_insert_list(List, Table) -> true = ets:insert(Table, [{E} || E <- List]). ets_set_to_set(Table) -> Fold = fun({E}, Set) -> sets:add_element(E, Set) end, ets:foldl(Fold, sets:new(), Table). ets_read_concurrent_table(Name) -> ets:new(Name, [{read_concurrency, true}]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec new() -> codeserver(). new() -> CodeOptions = [compressed, public, {read_concurrency, true}], Code = ets:new(dialyzer_codeserver_code, CodeOptions), TempOptions = [public, {write_concurrency, true}], [Exports, TempExportedTypes, TempRecords, TempContracts, TempCallbacks] = [ets:new(Name, TempOptions) || Name <- [dialyzer_codeserver_exports, dialyzer_codeserver_temp_exported_types, dialyzer_codeserver_temp_records, dialyzer_codeserver_temp_contracts, dialyzer_codeserver_temp_callbacks]], #codeserver{code = Code, exports = Exports, temp_exported_types = TempExportedTypes, temp_records = TempRecords, temp_contracts = TempContracts, temp_callbacks = TempCallbacks}. -spec delete(codeserver()) -> 'ok'. delete(#codeserver{code = Code, exported_types = ExportedTypes, records = Records, contracts = Contracts, callbacks = Callbacks}) -> lists:foreach(fun ets:delete/1, [Code, ExportedTypes, Records, Contracts, Callbacks]). -spec insert(atom(), cerl:c_module(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). insert(Mod, ModCode, CS) -> Name = cerl:module_name(ModCode), Exports = cerl:module_exports(ModCode), Attrs = cerl:module_attrs(ModCode), Defs = cerl:module_defs(ModCode), As = cerl:get_ann(ModCode), Funs = [{{Mod, cerl:fname_id(Var), cerl:fname_arity(Var)}, Val} || Val = {Var, _Fun} <- Defs], Keys = [Key || {Key, _Value} <- Funs], ModEntry = {Mod, {Name, Exports, Attrs, Keys, As}}, true = ets:insert(CS#codeserver.code, [ModEntry|Funs]), CS. -spec get_temp_exported_types(codeserver()) -> set(). get_temp_exported_types(#codeserver{temp_exported_types = TempExpTypes}) -> ets_set_to_set(TempExpTypes). -spec insert_temp_exported_types(set(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). insert_temp_exported_types(Set, CS) -> TempExportedTypes = CS#codeserver.temp_exported_types, true = ets_set_insert_set(Set, TempExportedTypes), CS. -spec insert_exports([mfa()], codeserver()) -> codeserver(). insert_exports(List, #codeserver{exports = Exports} = CS) -> true = ets_set_insert_list(List, Exports), CS. -spec is_exported(mfa(), codeserver()) -> boolean(). is_exported(MFA, #codeserver{exports = Exports}) -> ets_set_is_element(MFA, Exports). -spec get_exported_types(codeserver()) -> set(). % set(mfa()) get_exported_types(#codeserver{exported_types = ExpTypes}) -> ets_set_to_set(ExpTypes). -spec get_exports(codeserver()) -> set(). % set(mfa()) get_exports(#codeserver{exports = Exports}) -> ets_set_to_set(Exports). -spec finalize_exported_types(set(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). finalize_exported_types(Set, CS) -> ExportedTypes = ets_read_concurrent_table(dialyzer_codeserver_exported_types), true = ets_set_insert_set(Set, ExportedTypes), TempExpTypes = CS#codeserver.temp_exported_types, true = ets:delete(TempExpTypes), CS#codeserver{exported_types = ExportedTypes, temp_exported_types = clean}. -spec lookup_mod_code(atom(), codeserver()) -> cerl:c_module(). lookup_mod_code(Mod, CS) when is_atom(Mod) -> table__lookup(CS#codeserver.code, Mod). -spec lookup_mfa_code(mfa(), codeserver()) -> {cerl:c_var(), cerl:c_fun()}. lookup_mfa_code({_M, _F, _A} = MFA, CS) -> table__lookup(CS#codeserver.code, MFA). -spec get_next_core_label(codeserver()) -> label(). get_next_core_label(#codeserver{next_core_label = NCL}) -> NCL. -spec set_next_core_label(label(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). set_next_core_label(NCL, CS) -> CS#codeserver{next_core_label = NCL}. -spec lookup_mod_records(atom(), codeserver()) -> dict(). lookup_mod_records(Mod, #codeserver{records = RecDict}) when is_atom(Mod) -> case ets_dict_find(Mod, RecDict) of error -> dict:new(); {ok, Dict} -> Dict end. -spec get_records(codeserver()) -> dict(). get_records(#codeserver{records = RecDict}) -> ets_dict_to_dict(RecDict). -spec store_temp_records(atom(), dict(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). store_temp_records(Mod, Dict, #codeserver{temp_records = TempRecDict} = CS) when is_atom(Mod) -> case dict:size(Dict) =:= 0 of true -> CS; false -> CS#codeserver{temp_records = ets_dict_store(Mod, Dict, TempRecDict)} end. -spec get_temp_records(codeserver()) -> dict(). get_temp_records(#codeserver{temp_records = TempRecDict}) -> ets_dict_to_dict(TempRecDict). -spec set_temp_records(dict(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). set_temp_records(Dict, CS) -> true = ets:delete(CS#codeserver.temp_records), TempRecords = ets:new(dialyzer_codeserver_temp_records,[]), true = ets_dict_store_dict(Dict, TempRecords), CS#codeserver{temp_records = TempRecords}. -spec finalize_records(dict(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). finalize_records(Dict, CS) -> true = ets:delete(CS#codeserver.temp_records), Records = ets_read_concurrent_table(dialyzer_codeserver_records), true = ets_dict_store_dict(Dict, Records), CS#codeserver{records = Records, temp_records = clean}. -spec lookup_mod_contracts(atom(), codeserver()) -> dict(). lookup_mod_contracts(Mod, #codeserver{contracts = ContDict}) when is_atom(Mod) -> case ets_dict_find(Mod, ContDict) of error -> dict:new(); {ok, Keys} -> dict:from_list([get_contract_pair(Key, ContDict)|| Key <- Keys]) end. get_contract_pair(Key, ContDict) -> {Key, ets:lookup_element(ContDict, Key, 2)}. -spec lookup_mfa_contract(mfa(), codeserver()) -> 'error' | {'ok', dialyzer_contracts:file_contract()}. lookup_mfa_contract(MFA, #codeserver{contracts = ContDict}) -> ets_dict_find(MFA, ContDict). -spec get_contracts(codeserver()) -> dict(). get_contracts(#codeserver{contracts = ContDict}) -> ets_dict_to_dict(ContDict). -spec get_callbacks(codeserver()) -> list(). get_callbacks(#codeserver{callbacks = CallbDict}) -> ets:tab2list(CallbDict). -spec store_temp_contracts(atom(), dict(), dict(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). store_temp_contracts(Mod, SpecDict, CallbackDict, #codeserver{temp_contracts = Cn, temp_callbacks = Cb} = CS) when is_atom(Mod) -> CS1 = case dict:size(SpecDict) =:= 0 of true -> CS; false -> CS#codeserver{temp_contracts = ets_dict_store(Mod, SpecDict, Cn)} end, case dict:size(CallbackDict) =:= 0 of true -> CS1; false -> CS1#codeserver{temp_callbacks = ets_dict_store(Mod, CallbackDict, Cb)} end. -spec get_temp_contracts(codeserver()) -> {dict(), dict()}. get_temp_contracts(#codeserver{temp_contracts = TempContDict, temp_callbacks = TempCallDict}) -> {ets_dict_to_dict(TempContDict), ets_dict_to_dict(TempCallDict)}. -spec finalize_contracts(dict(), dict(), codeserver()) -> codeserver(). finalize_contracts(SpecDict, CallbackDict, CS) -> Contracts = ets_read_concurrent_table(dialyzer_codeserver_contracts), Callbacks = ets_read_concurrent_table(dialyzer_codeserver_callbacks), Contracts = dict:fold(fun decompose_spec_dict/3, Contracts, SpecDict), Callbacks = dict:fold(fun decompose_cb_dict/3, Callbacks, CallbackDict), CS#codeserver{contracts = Contracts, callbacks = Callbacks, temp_contracts = clean, temp_callbacks = clean}. decompose_spec_dict(Mod, Dict, Table) -> Keys = dict:fetch_keys(Dict), true = ets:insert(Table, dict:to_list(Dict)), true = ets:insert(Table, {Mod, Keys}), Table. decompose_cb_dict(_Mod, Dict, Table) -> true = ets:insert(Table, dict:to_list(Dict)), Table. table__lookup(TablePid, M) when is_atom(M) -> {Name, Exports, Attrs, Keys, As} = ets:lookup_element(TablePid, M, 2), Defs = [table__lookup(TablePid, Key) || Key <- Keys], cerl:ann_c_module(As, Name, Exports, Attrs, Defs); table__lookup(TablePid, MFA) -> ets:lookup_element(TablePid, MFA, 2).