%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(dialyzer_contracts). -export([check_contract/2, check_contracts/4, contracts_without_fun/3, contract_to_string/1, get_invalid_contract_warnings/4, get_contract_args/1, get_contract_return/1, get_contract_return/2, %% get_contract_signature/1, is_overloaded/1, process_contract_remote_types/1, store_tmp_contract/5]). -export_type([file_contract/0, plt_contracts/0]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -include("dialyzer.hrl"). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Types used in other parts of the system below %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -type file_contract() :: {file_line(), #contract{}, Extra :: [_]}. -type plt_contracts() :: orddict:orddict(mfa(), #contract{}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal record for contracts whose components have not been processed %% to expand records and/or remote types that they might contain. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -type cache() :: ets:tid(). -type tmp_contract_fun() :: fun((sets:set(mfa()), types(), cache()) -> contract_pair()). -record(tmp_contract, {contract_funs = [] :: [tmp_contract_fun()], forms = [] :: [{_, _}]}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%-define(DEBUG, true). -ifdef(DEBUG). -define(debug(X__, Y__), io:format(X__, Y__)). -else. -define(debug(X__, Y__), ok). -endif. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec get_contract_return(#contract{}) -> erl_types:erl_type(). get_contract_return(#contract{contracts = Cs, args = GenArgs}) -> process_contracts(Cs, GenArgs). -spec get_contract_return(#contract{}, [erl_types:erl_type()]) -> erl_types:erl_type(). get_contract_return(#contract{contracts = Cs}, Args) -> process_contracts(Cs, Args). -spec get_contract_args(#contract{}) -> [erl_types:erl_type()]. get_contract_args(#contract{args = Args}) -> Args. -spec get_contract_signature(#contract{}) -> erl_types:erl_type(). get_contract_signature(#contract{contracts = Cs, args = GeneralDomain}) -> Range = process_contracts(Cs, GeneralDomain), erl_types:t_fun(GeneralDomain, Range). -spec is_overloaded(#contract{}) -> boolean(). is_overloaded(#contract{contracts = Cs}) -> case Cs of [_] -> true; [_,_|_] -> false end. -spec contract_to_string(#contract{}) -> string(). contract_to_string(#contract{forms = Forms}) -> contract_to_string_1(Forms). contract_to_string_1([{Contract, []}]) -> strip_fun(erl_types:t_form_to_string(Contract)); contract_to_string_1([{Contract, []}|Rest]) -> strip_fun(erl_types:t_form_to_string(Contract)) ++ "\n ; " ++ contract_to_string_1(Rest); contract_to_string_1([{Contract, Constraints}]) -> strip_fun(erl_types:t_form_to_string(Contract)) ++ " when " ++ constraints_to_string(Constraints); contract_to_string_1([{Contract, Constraints}|Rest]) -> strip_fun(erl_types:t_form_to_string(Contract)) ++ " when " ++ constraints_to_string(Constraints) ++ ";" ++ contract_to_string_1(Rest). strip_fun("fun(" ++ String) -> butlast(String). butlast([]) -> []; butlast([_]) -> []; butlast([H|T]) -> [H|butlast(T)]. constraints_to_string([]) -> ""; constraints_to_string([{type, _, constraint, [{atom, _, What}, Types]}|Rest]) -> S = constraint_to_string(What, Types), case Rest of [] -> S; _ -> S ++ ", " ++ constraints_to_string(Rest) end. constraint_to_string(is_subtype, [{var, _, Var}, T]) -> atom_to_list(Var) ++ " :: " ++ erl_types:t_form_to_string(T); constraint_to_string(What, Types) -> atom_to_list(What) ++ "(" ++ sequence([erl_types:t_form_to_string(T) || T <- Types], ",") ++ ")". sequence([], _Delimiter) -> ""; sequence([H], _Delimiter) -> H; sequence([H|T], Delimiter) -> H ++ Delimiter ++ sequence(T, Delimiter). -spec process_contract_remote_types(dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver()) -> dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(). process_contract_remote_types(CodeServer) -> {TmpContractDict, TmpCallbackDict} = dialyzer_codeserver:get_temp_contracts(CodeServer), ExpTypes = dialyzer_codeserver:get_exported_types(CodeServer), RecordDict = dialyzer_codeserver:get_records(CodeServer), ContractFun = fun({{_M, _F, _A}=MFA, {File, TmpContract, Xtra}}, C0) -> #tmp_contract{contract_funs = CFuns, forms = Forms} = TmpContract, {NewCs, C2} = lists:mapfoldl(fun(CFun, C1) -> CFun(ExpTypes, RecordDict, C1) end, C0, CFuns), Args = general_domain(NewCs), Contract = #contract{contracts = NewCs, args = Args, forms = Forms}, {{MFA, {File, Contract, Xtra}}, C2} end, ModuleFun = fun({ModuleName, ContractDict}, C3) -> {NewContractList, C4} = lists:mapfoldl(ContractFun, C3, dict:to_list(ContractDict)), {{ModuleName, dict:from_list(NewContractList)}, C4} end, erlang:garbage_collect(), Cache = erl_types:cache__new(), {NewContractList, C5} = lists:mapfoldl(ModuleFun, Cache, dict:to_list(TmpContractDict)), {NewCallbackList, _C6} = lists:mapfoldl(ModuleFun, C5, dict:to_list(TmpCallbackDict)), NewContractDict = dict:from_list(NewContractList), NewCallbackDict = dict:from_list(NewCallbackList), %% Make sure the (huge) cache is garbage collected: erlang:garbage_collect(), dialyzer_codeserver:finalize_contracts(NewContractDict, NewCallbackDict, CodeServer). -type opaques_fun() :: fun((module()) -> [erl_types:erl_type()]). -type fun_types() :: dict:dict(label(), erl_types:type_table()). -spec check_contracts([{mfa(), file_contract()}], dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(), fun_types(), opaques_fun()) -> plt_contracts(). check_contracts(Contracts, Callgraph, FunTypes, FindOpaques) -> FoldFun = fun(Label, Type, NewContracts) -> case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Label, Callgraph) of {ok, {M,F,A} = MFA} -> case orddict:find(MFA, Contracts) of {ok, {_FileLine, Contract, _Xtra}} -> Opaques = FindOpaques(M), case check_contract(Contract, Type, Opaques) of ok -> case erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A) of true -> %% Disregard the contracts since %% this is a known function. NewContracts; false -> [{MFA, Contract}|NewContracts] end; {error, _Error} -> NewContracts end; error -> NewContracts end; error -> NewContracts end end, dict:fold(FoldFun, [], FunTypes). %% Checks all components of a contract -spec check_contract(#contract{}, erl_types:erl_type()) -> 'ok' | {'error', term()}. check_contract(Contract, SuccType) -> check_contract(Contract, SuccType, 'universe'). check_contract(#contract{contracts = Contracts}, SuccType, Opaques) -> try Contracts1 = [{Contract, insert_constraints(Constraints)} || {Contract, Constraints} <- Contracts], Contracts2 = [erl_types:t_subst(Contract, Map) || {Contract, Map} <- Contracts1], GenDomains = [erl_types:t_fun_args(C) || C <- Contracts2], case check_domains(GenDomains) of error -> {error, {overlapping_contract, []}}; ok -> InfList = [{Contract, erl_types:t_inf(Contract, SuccType, Opaques)} || Contract <- Contracts2], case check_contract_inf_list(InfList, SuccType, Opaques) of {error, _} = Invalid -> Invalid; ok -> check_extraneous(Contracts2, SuccType) end end catch throw:{error, _} = Error -> Error end. check_domains([_]) -> ok; check_domains([Dom|Doms]) -> Fun = fun(D) -> erl_types:any_none_or_unit(erl_types:t_inf_lists(Dom, D)) end, case lists:all(Fun, Doms) of true -> check_domains(Doms); false -> error end. %% Allow a contract if one of the overloaded contracts is possible. %% We used to be more strict, e.g., all overloaded contracts had to be %% possible. check_contract_inf_list(List, SuccType, Opaques) -> case check_contract_inf_list(List, SuccType, Opaques, []) of ok -> ok; {error, []} -> {error, invalid_contract}; {error, [{SigRange, ContrRange}|_]} -> case erl_types:t_find_opaque_mismatch(SigRange, ContrRange, Opaques) of error -> {error, invalid_contract}; {ok, _T1, T2} -> {error, {opaque_mismatch, T2}} end end. check_contract_inf_list([{Contract, FunType}|Left], SuccType, Opaques, OM) -> FunArgs = erl_types:t_fun_args(FunType), case lists:any(fun erl_types:t_is_none_or_unit/1, FunArgs) of true -> check_contract_inf_list(Left, SuccType, Opaques, OM); false -> STRange = erl_types:t_fun_range(SuccType), case erl_types:t_is_none_or_unit(STRange) of true -> ok; false -> Range = erl_types:t_fun_range(FunType), case erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_inf(STRange, Range)) of true -> CR = erl_types:t_fun_range(Contract), NewOM = [{STRange, CR}|OM], check_contract_inf_list(Left, SuccType, Opaques, NewOM); false -> ok end end end; check_contract_inf_list([], _SuccType, _Opaques, OM) -> {error, OM}. check_extraneous([], _SuccType) -> ok; check_extraneous([C|Cs], SuccType) -> case check_extraneous_1(C, SuccType) of ok -> check_extraneous(Cs, SuccType); Error -> Error end. check_extraneous_1(Contract, SuccType) -> CRng = erl_types:t_fun_range(Contract), CRngs = erl_types:t_elements(CRng), STRng = erl_types:t_fun_range(SuccType), ?debug("CR = ~p\nSR = ~p\n", [CRngs, STRng]), case [CR || CR <- CRngs, erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_inf(CR, STRng))] of [] -> case bad_extraneous_list(CRng, STRng) orelse bad_extraneous_map(CRng, STRng) of true -> {error, invalid_contract}; false -> ok end; CRs -> {error, {extra_range, erl_types:t_sup(CRs), STRng}} end. bad_extraneous_list(CRng, STRng) -> CRngList = list_part(CRng), STRngList = list_part(STRng), case is_not_nil_list(CRngList) andalso is_not_nil_list(STRngList) of false -> false; true -> CRngElements = erl_types:t_list_elements(CRngList), STRngElements = erl_types:t_list_elements(STRngList), Inf = erl_types:t_inf(CRngElements, STRngElements), erl_types:t_is_none(Inf) end. list_part(Type) -> erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_list(), Type). is_not_nil_list(Type) -> erl_types:t_is_list(Type) andalso not erl_types:t_is_nil(Type). bad_extraneous_map(CRng, STRng) -> CRngMap = map_part(CRng), STRngMap = map_part(STRng), (not is_empty_map(CRngMap)) andalso (not is_empty_map(STRngMap)) andalso is_empty_map(erl_types:t_inf(CRngMap, STRngMap)). map_part(Type) -> erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_map(), Type). is_empty_map(Type) -> erl_types:t_is_equal(Type, erl_types:t_from_term(#{})). %% This is the heart of the "range function" -spec process_contracts([contract_pair()], [erl_types:erl_type()]) -> erl_types:erl_type(). process_contracts(OverContracts, Args) -> process_contracts(OverContracts, Args, erl_types:t_none()). process_contracts([OverContract|Left], Args, AccRange) -> NewAccRange = case process_contract(OverContract, Args) of error -> AccRange; {ok, Range} -> erl_types:t_sup(AccRange, Range) end, process_contracts(Left, Args, NewAccRange); process_contracts([], _Args, AccRange) -> AccRange. -spec process_contract(contract_pair(), [erl_types:erl_type()]) -> 'error' | {'ok', erl_types:erl_type()}. process_contract({Contract, Constraints}, CallTypes0) -> CallTypesFun = erl_types:t_fun(CallTypes0, erl_types:t_any()), ContArgsFun = erl_types:t_fun(erl_types:t_fun_args(Contract), erl_types:t_any()), ?debug("Instance: Contract: ~s\n Arguments: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(ContArgsFun), erl_types:t_to_string(CallTypesFun)]), case solve_constraints(ContArgsFun, CallTypesFun, Constraints) of {ok, VarMap} -> {ok, erl_types:t_subst(erl_types:t_fun_range(Contract), VarMap)}; error -> error end. solve_constraints(Contract, Call, Constraints) -> %% First make sure the call follows the constraints CMap = insert_constraints(Constraints), Contract1 = erl_types:t_subst(Contract, CMap), %% Just a safe over-approximation. %% TODO: Find the types for type variables properly ContrArgs = erl_types:t_fun_args(Contract1), CallArgs = erl_types:t_fun_args(Call), InfList = erl_types:t_inf_lists(ContrArgs, CallArgs), case erl_types:any_none_or_unit(InfList) of true -> error; false -> {ok, CMap} end. %%Inf = erl_types:t_inf(Contract1, Call), %% Then unify with the constrained call type. %% ?debug("Call: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(Call)]), %% ?debug("Contract: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(Contract)]), %% ?debug("Contract1: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(Contract1)]), %% ?debug("Inf: ~s\n", [erl_types:t_to_string(Inf)]), %% erl_types:t_assign_variables_to_subtype(Contract, Inf). -type contracts() :: dict:dict(mfa(),dialyzer_contracts:file_contract()). %% Checks the contracts for functions that are not implemented -spec contracts_without_fun(contracts(), [_], dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph()) -> [raw_warning()]. contracts_without_fun(Contracts, AllFuns0, Callgraph) -> AllFuns1 = [{dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Label, Callgraph), Arity} || {Label, Arity} <- AllFuns0], AllFuns2 = [{M, F, A} || {{ok, {M, F, _}}, A} <- AllFuns1], AllContractMFAs = dict:fetch_keys(Contracts), ErrorContractMFAs = AllContractMFAs -- AllFuns2, [warn_spec_missing_fun(MFA, Contracts) || MFA <- ErrorContractMFAs]. warn_spec_missing_fun({M, F, A} = MFA, Contracts) -> {{File, Line}, _Contract, _Xtra} = dict:fetch(MFA, Contracts), WarningInfo = {File, Line, MFA}, {?WARN_CONTRACT_SYNTAX, WarningInfo, {spec_missing_fun, [M, F, A]}}. %% This treats the "when" constraints. It will be extended, we hope. insert_constraints(Constraints) -> insert_constraints(Constraints, maps:new()). insert_constraints([{subtype, Type1, Type2}|Left], Map) -> case erl_types:t_is_var(Type1) of true -> Name = erl_types:t_var_name(Type1), Map1 = case maps:find(Name, Map) of error -> maps:put(Name, Type2, Map); {ok, VarType} -> maps:put(Name, erl_types:t_inf(VarType, Type2), Map) end, insert_constraints(Left, Map1); false -> %% A lot of things should change to add supertypes throw({error, io_lib:format("First argument of is_subtype constraint " "must be a type variable: ~p\n", [Type1])}) end; insert_constraints([], Map) -> Map. -type types() :: erl_types:type_table(). -type spec_data() :: {TypeSpec :: [_], Xtra:: [_]}. -spec store_tmp_contract(mfa(), file_line(), spec_data(), contracts(), types()) -> contracts(). store_tmp_contract(MFA, FileLine, {TypeSpec, Xtra}, SpecDict, RecordsDict) -> %% io:format("contract from form: ~p\n", [TypeSpec]), TmpContract = contract_from_form(TypeSpec, MFA, RecordsDict, FileLine), %% io:format("contract: ~p\n", [TmpContract]), dict:store(MFA, {FileLine, TmpContract, Xtra}, SpecDict). contract_from_form(Forms, MFA, RecDict, FileLine) -> {CFuns, Forms1} = contract_from_form(Forms, MFA, RecDict, FileLine, [], []), #tmp_contract{contract_funs = CFuns, forms = Forms1}. contract_from_form([{type, _, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form | Left], MFA, RecDict, FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) -> TypeFun = fun(ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache) -> {NewType, NewCache} = try from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, Cache) catch throw:{error, Msg} -> {File, Line} = FileLine, NewMsg = io_lib:format("~s:~p: ~s", [filename:basename(File), Line, Msg]), throw({error, NewMsg}) end, NewTypeNoVars = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(NewType), {{NewTypeNoVars, []}, NewCache} end, NewTypeAcc = [TypeFun | TypeAcc], NewFormAcc = [{Form, []} | FormAcc], contract_from_form(Left, MFA, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc); contract_from_form([{type, _L1, bounded_fun, [{type, _L2, 'fun', [_, _]} = Form, Constr]}| Left], MFA, RecDict, FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) -> TypeFun = fun(ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache) -> {Constr1, VarTable, Cache1} = process_constraints(Constr, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache), {NewType, NewCache} = from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTable, Cache1), NewTypeNoVars = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(NewType), {{NewTypeNoVars, Constr1}, NewCache} end, NewTypeAcc = [TypeFun | TypeAcc], NewFormAcc = [{Form, Constr} | FormAcc], contract_from_form(Left, MFA, RecDict, FileLine, NewTypeAcc, NewFormAcc); contract_from_form([], _MFA, _RecDict, _FileLine, TypeAcc, FormAcc) -> {lists:reverse(TypeAcc), lists:reverse(FormAcc)}. process_constraints(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache) -> {Init0, NewCache} = initialize_constraints(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache), Init = remove_cycles(Init0), constraints_fixpoint(Init, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, NewCache). initialize_constraints(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache) -> initialize_constraints(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache, []). initialize_constraints([], _MFA, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, Cache, Acc) -> {Acc, Cache}; initialize_constraints([Constr|Rest], MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache, Acc) -> case Constr of {type, _, constraint, [{atom, _, is_subtype}, [Type1, Type2]]} -> VarTable = erl_types:var_table__new(), {T1, NewCache} = final_form(Type1, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTable, Cache), Entry = {T1, Type2}, initialize_constraints(Rest, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, NewCache, [Entry|Acc]); {type, _, constraint, [{atom,_,Name}, List]} -> N = length(List), throw({error, io_lib:format("Unsupported type guard ~w/~w\n", [Name, N])}) end. constraints_fixpoint(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache) -> VarTable = erl_types:var_table__new(), {VarTab, NewCache} = constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarTable, Cache), constraints_fixpoint(VarTab, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, NewCache). constraints_fixpoint(OldVarTab, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Cache) -> {NewVarTab, NewCache} = constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, OldVarTab, Cache), case NewVarTab of OldVarTab -> Fun = fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [{subtype, erl_types:t_var(Key), Value}|Acc] end, FinalConstrs = maps:fold(Fun, [], NewVarTab), {FinalConstrs, NewVarTab, NewCache}; _Other -> constraints_fixpoint(NewVarTab, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, NewCache) end. final_form(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTable, Cache) -> from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTable, Cache). from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, Cache) -> VarTable = erl_types:var_table__new(), from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTable, Cache). from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTable, Cache) -> Site = {spec, MFA}, C1 = erl_types:t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Site, AllRecords, VarTable, Cache), erl_types:t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, AllRecords, VarTable, C1). constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarTab, Cache) -> {Subtypes, NewCache} = constraints_to_subs(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarTab, Cache, []), {insert_constraints(Subtypes), NewCache}. constraints_to_subs([], _MFA, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, _VarTab, Cache, Acc) -> {Acc, Cache}; constraints_to_subs([{T1, Form2}|Rest], MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarTab, Cache, Acc) -> {T2, NewCache} = final_form(Form2, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTab, Cache), NewAcc = [{subtype, T1, T2}|Acc], constraints_to_subs(Rest, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarTab, NewCache, NewAcc). %% Replaces variables with '_' when necessary to break up cycles among %% the constraints. remove_cycles(Constrs0) -> Uses = find_uses(Constrs0), G = digraph:new(), Vs0 = [V || {V, _} <- Uses] ++ [V || {_, V} <- Uses], Vs = lists:usort(Vs0), lists:foreach(fun(V) -> _ = digraph:add_vertex(G, V) end, Vs), lists:foreach(fun({From, To}) -> _ = digraph:add_edge(G, {From, To}, From, To, []) end, Uses), ok = remove_cycles(G, Vs), ToRemove = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Uses), ordsets:from_list(digraph:edges(G))), Constrs = remove_uses(ToRemove, Constrs0), digraph:delete(G), Constrs. find_uses([{Var, Form}|Constrs]) -> UsedVars = form_vars(Form, []), VarName = erl_types:t_var_name(Var), [{VarName, UsedVar} || UsedVar <- UsedVars] ++ find_uses(Constrs); find_uses([]) -> []. form_vars({var, _, '_'}, Vs) -> Vs; form_vars({var, _, V}, Vs) -> [V|Vs]; form_vars(T, Vs) when is_tuple(T) -> form_vars(tuple_to_list(T), Vs); form_vars([E|Es], Vs) -> form_vars(Es, form_vars(E, Vs)); form_vars(_, Vs) -> Vs. remove_cycles(G, Vs) -> NumberOfEdges = digraph:no_edges(G), lists:foreach(fun(V) -> case digraph:get_cycle(G, V) of false -> true; [V] -> digraph:del_edge(G, {V, V}); [V, V1|_] -> digraph:del_edge(G, {V, V1}) end end, Vs), case digraph:no_edges(G) =:= NumberOfEdges of true -> ok; false -> remove_cycles(G, Vs) end. remove_uses([], Constrs) -> Constrs; remove_uses([{Var, Use}|ToRemove], Constrs0) -> Constrs = remove_uses(Var, Use, Constrs0), remove_uses(ToRemove, Constrs). remove_uses(_Var, _Use, []) -> []; remove_uses(Var, Use, [Constr|Constrs]) -> {V, Form} = Constr, NewConstr = case erl_types:t_var_name(V) =:= Var of true -> {V, remove_use(Form, Use)}; false -> Constr end, [NewConstr|remove_uses(Var, Use, Constrs)]. remove_use({var, L, V}, V) -> {var, L, '_'}; remove_use(T, V) when is_tuple(T) -> list_to_tuple(remove_use(tuple_to_list(T), V)); remove_use([E|Es], V) -> [remove_use(E, V)|remove_use(Es, V)]; remove_use(T, _V) -> T. %% Gets the most general domain of a list of domains of all %% the overloaded contracts general_domain(List) -> general_domain(List, erl_types:t_none()). general_domain([{Sig, Constraints}|Left], AccSig) -> Map = insert_constraints(Constraints), Sig1 = erl_types:t_subst(Sig, Map), general_domain(Left, erl_types:t_sup(AccSig, Sig1)); general_domain([], AccSig) -> %% Get rid of all variables in the domain. AccSig1 = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(AccSig), erl_types:t_fun_args(AccSig1). -spec get_invalid_contract_warnings([module()], dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(), dialyzer_plt:plt(), opaques_fun()) -> [raw_warning()]. get_invalid_contract_warnings(Modules, CodeServer, Plt, FindOpaques) -> get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules(Modules, CodeServer, Plt, FindOpaques, []). get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules([Mod|Mods], CodeServer, Plt, FindOpaques, Acc) -> Contracts1 = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_contracts(Mod, CodeServer), Contracts2 = dict:to_list(Contracts1), Records = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_records(Mod, CodeServer), NewAcc = get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Contracts2, Plt, Records, FindOpaques, Acc), get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules(Mods, CodeServer, Plt, FindOpaques, NewAcc); get_invalid_contract_warnings_modules([], _CodeServer, _Plt, _FindOpaques, Acc) -> Acc. get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs([{MFA, {FileLine, Contract, _Xtra}}|Left], Plt, RecDict, FindOpaques, Acc) -> case dialyzer_plt:lookup(Plt, MFA) of none -> %% This must be a contract for a non-available function. Just accept it. get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Left, Plt, RecDict, FindOpaques, Acc); {value, {Ret, Args}} -> Sig = erl_types:t_fun(Args, Ret), {M, _F, _A} = MFA, %% io:format("MFA ~p~n", [MFA]), Opaques = FindOpaques(M), {File, Line} = FileLine, WarningInfo = {File, Line, MFA}, NewAcc = case check_contract(Contract, Sig, Opaques) of {error, invalid_contract} -> [invalid_contract_warning(MFA, WarningInfo, Sig, RecDict)|Acc]; {error, {opaque_mismatch, T2}} -> W = contract_opaque_warning(MFA, WarningInfo, T2, Sig, RecDict), [W|Acc]; {error, {overlapping_contract, []}} -> [overlapping_contract_warning(MFA, WarningInfo)|Acc]; {error, {extra_range, ExtraRanges, STRange}} -> Warn = case t_from_forms_without_remote(Contract#contract.forms, MFA, RecDict) of {ok, NoRemoteType} -> CRet = erl_types:t_fun_range(NoRemoteType), erl_types:t_is_subtype(ExtraRanges, CRet); unsupported -> true end, case Warn of true -> [extra_range_warning(MFA, WarningInfo, ExtraRanges, STRange)|Acc]; false -> Acc end; {error, Msg} -> [{?WARN_CONTRACT_SYNTAX, WarningInfo, Msg}|Acc]; ok -> {M, F, A} = MFA, CSig0 = get_contract_signature(Contract), CSig = erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(CSig0), case erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A) of true -> %% This is strictly for contracts of functions also in %% erl_bif_types BifArgs = erl_bif_types:arg_types(M, F, A), BifRet = erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A), BifSig = erl_types:t_fun(BifArgs, BifRet), case check_contract(Contract, BifSig, Opaques) of {error, _} -> [invalid_contract_warning(MFA, WarningInfo, BifSig, RecDict) |Acc]; ok -> picky_contract_check(CSig, BifSig, MFA, WarningInfo, Contract, RecDict, Acc) end; false -> picky_contract_check(CSig, Sig, MFA, WarningInfo, Contract, RecDict, Acc) end end, get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs(Left, Plt, RecDict, FindOpaques, NewAcc) end; get_invalid_contract_warnings_funs([], _Plt, _RecDict, _FindOpaques, Acc) -> Acc. invalid_contract_warning({M, F, A}, WarningInfo, SuccType, RecDict) -> SuccTypeStr = dialyzer_utils:format_sig(SuccType, RecDict), {?WARN_CONTRACT_TYPES, WarningInfo, {invalid_contract, [M, F, A, SuccTypeStr]}}. contract_opaque_warning({M, F, A}, WarningInfo, OpType, SuccType, RecDict) -> OpaqueStr = erl_types:t_to_string(OpType), SuccTypeStr = dialyzer_utils:format_sig(SuccType, RecDict), {?WARN_CONTRACT_TYPES, WarningInfo, {contract_with_opaque, [M, F, A, OpaqueStr, SuccTypeStr]}}. overlapping_contract_warning({M, F, A}, WarningInfo) -> {?WARN_CONTRACT_TYPES, WarningInfo, {overlapping_contract, [M, F, A]}}. extra_range_warning({M, F, A}, WarningInfo, ExtraRanges, STRange) -> ERangesStr = erl_types:t_to_string(ExtraRanges), STRangeStr = erl_types:t_to_string(STRange), {?WARN_CONTRACT_SUPERTYPE, WarningInfo, {extra_range, [M, F, A, ERangesStr, STRangeStr]}}. picky_contract_check(CSig0, Sig0, MFA, WarningInfo, Contract, RecDict, Acc) -> CSig = erl_types:t_abstract_records(CSig0, RecDict), Sig = erl_types:t_abstract_records(Sig0, RecDict), case erl_types:t_is_equal(CSig, Sig) of true -> Acc; false -> case (erl_types:t_is_none(erl_types:t_fun_range(Sig)) andalso erl_types:t_is_unit(erl_types:t_fun_range(CSig))) of true -> Acc; false -> case extra_contract_warning(MFA, WarningInfo, Contract, CSig0, Sig0, RecDict) of no_warning -> Acc; {warning, Warning} -> [Warning|Acc] end end end. extra_contract_warning(MFA, WarningInfo, Contract, CSig, Sig, RecDict) -> {IsRemoteTypesRelated, SubtypeRelation} = is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, MFA, RecDict), case IsRemoteTypesRelated of true -> no_warning; false -> {M, F, A} = MFA, SigString = lists:flatten(dialyzer_utils:format_sig(Sig, RecDict)), ContractString = contract_to_string(Contract), {Tag, Msg} = case SubtypeRelation of contract_is_subtype -> {?WARN_CONTRACT_SUBTYPE, {contract_subtype, [M, F, A, ContractString, SigString]}}; contract_is_supertype -> {?WARN_CONTRACT_SUPERTYPE, {contract_supertype, [M, F, A, ContractString, SigString]}}; neither -> {?WARN_CONTRACT_NOT_EQUAL, {contract_diff, [M, F, A, ContractString, SigString]}} end, {warning, {Tag, WarningInfo, Msg}} end. is_remote_types_related(Contract, CSig, Sig, MFA, RecDict) -> case erl_types:t_is_subtype(CSig, Sig) of true -> {false, contract_is_subtype}; false -> case erl_types:t_is_subtype(Sig, CSig) of true -> case t_from_forms_without_remote(Contract#contract.forms, MFA, RecDict) of {ok, NoRemoteTypeSig} -> case blame_remote(CSig, NoRemoteTypeSig, Sig) of true -> {true, neither}; false -> {false, contract_is_supertype} end; unsupported -> {false, contract_is_supertype} end; false -> {false, neither} end end. t_from_forms_without_remote([{FType, []}], MFA, RecDict) -> Site = {spec, MFA}, {Type1, _} = erl_types:t_from_form_without_remote(FType, Site, RecDict), {ok, erl_types:subst_all_vars_to_any(Type1)}; t_from_forms_without_remote([{_FType, _Constrs}], _MFA, _RecDict) -> %% 'When' constraints unsupported; t_from_forms_without_remote(_Forms, _MFA, _RecDict) -> %% Lots of forms unsupported. blame_remote(ContractSig, NoRemoteContractSig, Sig) -> CArgs = erl_types:t_fun_args(ContractSig), CRange = erl_types:t_fun_range(ContractSig), NRArgs = erl_types:t_fun_args(NoRemoteContractSig), NRRange = erl_types:t_fun_range(NoRemoteContractSig), SArgs = erl_types:t_fun_args(Sig), SRange = erl_types:t_fun_range(Sig), blame_remote_list([CRange|CArgs], [NRRange|NRArgs], [SRange|SArgs]). blame_remote_list([], [], []) -> true; blame_remote_list([CArg|CArgs], [NRArg|NRArgs], [SArg|SArgs]) -> case erl_types:t_is_equal(CArg, NRArg) of true -> case not erl_types:t_is_equal(CArg, SArg) of true -> false; false -> blame_remote_list(CArgs, NRArgs, SArgs) end; false -> case erl_types:t_is_subtype(SArg, NRArg) andalso not erl_types:t_is_subtype(NRArg, SArg) of true -> false; false -> blame_remote_list(CArgs, NRArgs, SArgs) end end.