%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2011. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : dialyzer_gui.erl %%% Authors : Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se> %%% Kostis Sagonas <kostis@it.uu.se> %%% Description : The graphical user interface for the Dialyzer tool. %%% %%% Created : 27 Apr 2004 by Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se> %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(dialyzer_gui). -compile([{nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,button,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,config,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,destroy,1}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,editor,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,entry,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,frame,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,label,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,listbox,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menu,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menubar,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menubutton,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,menuitem,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,radiobutton,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,read,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,start,0}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,stop,0}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,window,2}}]). -export([start/1]). -include("dialyzer.hrl"). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -define(DIALYZER_ERROR_TITLE, "Dialyzer Error"). -define(DIALYZER_MESSAGE_TITLE, "Dialyzer Message"). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -type gs_object() :: any(). %% XXX: should be imported from gs -record(mode, {start_byte_code :: gs_object(), start_src_code :: gs_object()}). -record(menu, {file_save_log :: gs_object(), file_save_warn :: gs_object(), file_quit :: gs_object(), help_about :: gs_object(), help_manual :: gs_object(), help_warnings :: gs_object(), opts_macros :: gs_object(), opts_includes :: gs_object(), plt_empty :: gs_object(), plt_search_doc :: gs_object(), plt_show_doc :: gs_object(), warnings :: gs_object()}). -record(gui_state, {add_all :: gs_object(), add_file :: gs_object(), add_rec :: gs_object(), chosen_box :: gs_object(), analysis_pid :: pid(), del_file :: gs_object(), doc_plt :: dialyzer_plt:plt(), clear_chosen :: gs_object(), clear_log :: gs_object(), clear_warn :: gs_object(), init_plt :: dialyzer_plt:plt(), dir_entry :: gs_object(), file_box :: gs_object(), file_wd :: gs_object(), gs :: gs_object(), log :: gs_object(), menu :: #menu{}, mode :: #mode{}, options :: #options{}, packer :: gs_object(), run :: gs_object(), stop :: gs_object(), top :: gs_object(), warnings_box :: gs_object(), backend_pid :: pid()}). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec start(#options{}) -> ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS. start(#options{from = From, init_plts = InitPltFiles, legal_warnings = LegalWarnings} = DialyzerOptions) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), GS = gs:start(), code:add_pathsa(["."]), WH = [{width, 1000}, {height, 550}], EmptySpace = {stretch, 1}, {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(), %% --------- Top Window -------------- TopWin = gs:window(GS, [{title, "Dialyzer " ++ ?VSN ++ " @ " ++ Host}, {configure, true}, {default, listbox, {bg, white}}, {default, editor, {bg, white}}, {default, entry, {bg, white}}, {default, button, {font, {helvetica, bold, 12}}}, {default, label, {font, {helvetica, bold, 12}}} |WH]), Packer = gs:frame(TopWin, [{packer_x, [{stretch, 3},{fixed, 200}, {stretch, 7}]}, {packer_y, [{fixed, 25}, {fixed, 20}, {stretch, 1, 50}, {fixed, 25}, {fixed, 20}, {stretch, 1, 50}, {fixed, 25}]}]), %% --------- Chosen box -------------- gs:label(Packer, [{label, {text, "Directories or modules to analyze"}}, {height, 20}, {pack_xy, {1, 2}}]), ChosenBox = gs:listbox(Packer, [{pack_xy, {1, 3}}, {vscroll, right}, {selectmode, multiple}]), %% --------- File box -------------- gs:label(Packer, [{label, {text, "File"}}, {height, 20}, {pack_xy, {1,5}}]), FilePacker = gs:frame(Packer, [{packer_x, [{fixed, 30}, {stretch, 1, 100}]}, {packer_y, [{fixed, 25}, {stretch, 1, 25}]}, {pack_xy, {1, 6}}]), gs:label(FilePacker, [{label, {text, "Dir:"}}, {pack_xy, {1, 1}}]), DirEntry = gs:entry(FilePacker, [{height, 30}, {pack_xy, {2, 1}}, {keypress, true}]), File = gs:listbox(FilePacker, [{pack_x, {1,2}}, {pack_y, 2}, {selectmode, multiple}, {doubleclick, true}, {vscroll, right}]), %% --------- Options -------------- gs:label(Packer, [{label, {text, "Analysis Options"}}, {height, 20}, {pack_xy, {2, 2}}]), ModePacker = gs:frame(Packer, [{packer_x, [{fixed, 75}, {fixed, 120}]}, {packer_y, [{fixed, 20}, {fixed, 20}, {fixed, 20}, %% EmptySpace, {fixed, 20}, {fixed, 20}, {fixed, 20}, EmptySpace]}, {bw, 10}, {relief, flat}, {default, {radiobutton, {align, w}}}, {default, {label, {align, w}}}, {pack_xy, {2, 3}}]), %% Bytecode vs. Source code gs:label(ModePacker, [{label, {text, "File Type:"}}, {height, 20}, {pack_xy, {1,1}}]), {ByteSel, SrcSel} = case From of byte_code -> {[{select, true}], []}; src_code -> {[], [{select, true}]} end, ModeByteCode = gs:radiobutton(ModePacker, ByteSel ++ [{group, start_from}, {label, {text,"BeamFiles"}}, {pack_xy, {2,1}}]), ModeSrcCode = gs:radiobutton(ModePacker, SrcSel ++ [{group, start_from}, {label, {text,"SourceFiles"}}, {pack_xy, {2,2}}]), Mode = #mode{start_byte_code = ModeByteCode, start_src_code = ModeSrcCode}, %% --------- Log box -------------- gs:label(Packer, [{label, {text, "Log"}}, {height, 20}, {pack_xy, {3,2}}]), Log = gs:editor(Packer, [{pack_x, 3}, {pack_y, 3}, {enable, false}, {font, {courier, 12}}, {vscroll, right}, {wrap, word}]), %% --------- Warnings box -------------- gs:label(Packer, [{label, {text, "Warnings"}},{height, 20},{pack_xy, {3,5}}]), WarningsBox = gs:editor(Packer, [{pack_x, {2,3}}, {pack_y, 6}, {enable, false}, {font, {courier, 12}}, {vscroll, right}, {wrap, word}]), %% --------- Buttons -------------- ButtonPackerHighLeft = gs:frame(Packer, [{packer_x, [{fixed, 50}, {fixed, 65}, EmptySpace]}, {pack_xy, {1,4}}]), ButtonPackerHighRight = gs:frame(Packer, [{packer_x, [{fixed, 70}, {fixed, 70}, EmptySpace]}, {pack_xy, {3,4}}]), ButtonPackerLowLeft = gs:frame(Packer, [{packer_x, [{fixed, 50}, {fixed, 60}, {fixed, 110}, EmptySpace]}, {pack_xy, {1,7}}]), ButtonPackerLowRight = gs:frame(Packer, [{packer_x, [{fixed, 100}, {fixed, 70}, EmptySpace, {fixed, 70}, {fixed, 70}]}, {pack_x, {2,3}}, {pack_y, 7}]), WHButton = [{width, 60}, {height, 20}], AddFile = gs:button(ButtonPackerLowLeft, [{pack_xy, {1, 1}}, {label, {text,"Add"}}|WHButton]), AddAll = gs:button(ButtonPackerLowLeft, [{pack_xy, {2, 1}}, {label, {text,"Add All"}}|WHButton]), AddRec = gs:button(ButtonPackerLowLeft, [{pack_xy, {3, 1}}, {label, {text,"Add Recursively"}} |WHButton]), DelFile = gs:button(ButtonPackerHighLeft, [{pack_xy, {1, 1}}, {label, {text,"Delete"}}|WHButton]), ClearChosen = gs:button(ButtonPackerHighLeft, [{pack_xy, {2, 1}}, {label, {text,"Delete All"}} |WHButton]), ClearLog = gs:button(ButtonPackerHighRight, [{pack_xy, {1, 1}}, {label, {text,"Clear Log"}} |WHButton]), ClearWarn = gs:button(ButtonPackerLowRight, [{pack_xy, {1, 1}}, {label, {text,"Clear Warnings"}} |WHButton]), Run = gs:button(ButtonPackerLowRight, [{pack_xy, {4, 1}}, {label, {text,"Run"}}|WHButton]), Stop = gs:button(ButtonPackerLowRight, [{pack_xy, {5, 1}}, {enable, false}, {label, {text,"Stop"}}|WHButton]), %% --------- Menu -------------- MenuBar = gs:menubar(TopWin, []), %% File Menu MenuBarFile = gs:menubutton(MenuBar, [{label, {text, "File"}}]), MenuFile = gs:menu(MenuBarFile, []), MenuFileSaveWarn = gs:menuitem(MenuFile, [{label, {text, "Save Warnings"}}]), MenuFileSaveLog = gs:menuitem(MenuFile, [{label, {text, "Save Log"}}]), MenuFileQuit = gs:menuitem(MenuFile, [{label, {text, "Quit"}}]), %% Warnings Menu MenuBarWarn = gs:menubutton(MenuBar, [{label, {text, "Warnings"}}]), MenuWarn = gs:menu(MenuBarWarn, []), MenuWarnMatch = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Match failures"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnFailingCall = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Failing function calls"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnFunApp = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Bad fun applications"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnOpaque = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Opaqueness violations"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnLists = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Improper list constructions"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnNotCalled = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Unused functions"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnReturnOnlyExit = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Error handling functions"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, false}]), MenuWarnReturnNoReturn = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Functions of no return"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnCallNonExported = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Call to unexported function"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnRaceCondition = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text,"Possible race conditions"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, false}]), MenuWarnContractTypes = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Wrong contracts"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), MenuWarnContractSyntax = gs:menuitem(MenuWarn, [{label, {text, "Wrong contract syntax"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, true}]), %% PLT Menu MenuBarPLT = gs:menubutton(MenuBar, [{label, {text,"PLT"}}]), MenuPLT = gs:menu(MenuBarPLT, []), MenuPLTEmpty = gs:menuitem(MenuPLT, [{label, {text, "Init with empty PLT"}}, {itemtype, check}, {select, false}]), MenuPLTShow = gs:menuitem(MenuPLT, [{label, {text, "Show contents"}}]), MenuPLTSearch = gs:menuitem(MenuPLT, [{label, {text, "Search contents"}}]), %% Options Menu MenuBarOpts = gs:menubutton(MenuBar, [{label,{text,"Options"}}]), MenuOpts = gs:menu(MenuBarOpts, []), MenuOptsMacros = gs:menuitem(MenuOpts, [{label, {text, "Manage Macro Definitions"}}]), MenuOptsIncludes = gs:menuitem(MenuOpts, [{label, {text, "Manage Include Directories"}}]), %% Help MenuBarHelp = gs:menubutton(MenuBar, [{label, {text, "Help"}}, {side, right}]), MenuHelp = gs:menu(MenuBarHelp, []), MenuHelpManual = gs:menuitem(MenuHelp, [{label, {text, "Manual"}}]), MenuHelpWarnings = gs:menuitem(MenuHelp, [{label, {text, "Warning Options"}}]), MenuHelpAbout = gs:menuitem(MenuHelp, [{label, {text, "About"}}]), Warnings = [{?WARN_RETURN_NO_RETURN, MenuWarnReturnNoReturn}, {?WARN_RETURN_ONLY_EXIT, MenuWarnReturnOnlyExit}, {?WARN_NOT_CALLED, MenuWarnNotCalled}, {?WARN_NON_PROPER_LIST, MenuWarnLists}, {?WARN_FUN_APP, MenuWarnFunApp}, {?WARN_MATCHING, MenuWarnMatch}, {?WARN_OPAQUE, MenuWarnOpaque}, {?WARN_FAILING_CALL, MenuWarnFailingCall}, {?WARN_CALLGRAPH, MenuWarnCallNonExported}, {?WARN_RACE_CONDITION, MenuWarnRaceCondition}, %% For contracts. {?WARN_CONTRACT_TYPES, MenuWarnContractTypes}, {?WARN_CONTRACT_SYNTAX, MenuWarnContractSyntax} ], init_warnings(Warnings, LegalWarnings), Menu = #menu{file_quit = MenuFileQuit, plt_empty = MenuPLTEmpty, help_manual = MenuHelpManual, help_about = MenuHelpAbout, help_warnings = MenuHelpWarnings, opts_macros = MenuOptsMacros, opts_includes = MenuOptsIncludes, plt_search_doc = MenuPLTSearch, plt_show_doc = MenuPLTShow, file_save_log = MenuFileSaveLog, file_save_warn = MenuFileSaveWarn, warnings = Warnings}, %% --------- Init -------------- gs:config(TopWin, [{map, true}]), gs:config(Packer, WH), {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(), InitPlt = case InitPltFiles of [] -> dialyzer_plt:new(); _ -> Plts = [dialyzer_plt:from_file(F) || F <- InitPltFiles], dialyzer_plt:merge_plts_or_report_conflicts(InitPltFiles, Plts) end, State = #gui_state{add_all = AddAll, add_file = AddFile, add_rec = AddRec, chosen_box = ChosenBox, clear_chosen = ClearChosen, clear_log = ClearLog, clear_warn = ClearWarn, del_file = DelFile, doc_plt = dialyzer_plt:new(), dir_entry = DirEntry, file_box = File, file_wd = CWD, gs = GS, init_plt = InitPlt, log = Log, menu = Menu, mode = Mode, options = DialyzerOptions, packer = Packer, run = Run, stop = Stop, top = TopWin, warnings_box = WarningsBox}, NewState = change_dir_or_add_file(State, "."), gui_loop(NewState). %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Main GUI Loop %% -spec gui_loop(#gui_state{}) -> ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS. gui_loop(#gui_state{add_all = AddAll, add_file = AddFile, add_rec = AddRec, backend_pid = BackendPid, chosen_box = ChosenBox, clear_chosen = ClearChosen, clear_log = ClearLog, clear_warn = ClearWarn, del_file = DelFile, dir_entry = DirEntry, file_box = File, log = Log, menu = Menu, packer = Packer, run = Run, stop = Stop, top = TopWin, warnings_box = Warn} = State) -> %% --- Menu --- Quit = Menu#menu.file_quit, Manual = Menu#menu.help_manual, Warnings = Menu#menu.help_warnings, About = Menu#menu.help_about, SaveLog = Menu#menu.file_save_log, SaveWarn = Menu#menu.file_save_warn, SearchPlt = Menu#menu.plt_search_doc, ShowPlt = Menu#menu.plt_show_doc, Macros = Menu#menu.opts_macros, Includes = Menu#menu.opts_includes, receive {gs, TopWin, configure, _Data, [W, H|_]} -> gs:config(Packer, [{width, W}, {height, H}]), gui_loop(State); {gs, TopWin, destroy, _Data, _Args} -> ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS; {gs, File, doubleclick, _, [_Id, Text|_]} -> NewState = change_dir_or_add_file(State, Text), gui_loop(NewState); {gs, DirEntry, keypress, _, ['Return'|_]} -> gs:config(TopWin, [{setfocus, true}]), NewState = change_dir_absolute(State, gs:read(DirEntry, text)), gui_loop(NewState); {gs, DirEntry, keypress, _, _} -> gui_loop(State); %% ----- Buttons ----- {gs, AddFile, click, _, _} -> handle_add_files(State), gui_loop(State); {gs, AddAll, click, _, _} -> handle_add_all_click(State), gui_loop(State); {gs, AddRec, click, _, _} -> handle_add_rec_click(State), gui_loop(State); {gs, DelFile, click, _, _} -> handle_file_delete(State), gui_loop(State); {gs, ClearChosen, click, _, _} -> gs:config(ChosenBox, [clear]), gui_loop(State); {gs, ClearLog, click, _, _} -> Log = State#gui_state.log, gs:config(Log, [{enable, true}]), gs:config(Log, [clear]), gs:config(Log, [{enable, false}]), gui_loop(State); {gs, ClearWarn, click, _, _} -> Warn = State#gui_state.warnings_box, gs:config(Warn, [{enable, true}]), gs:config(Warn, [clear]), gs:config(Warn, [{enable, false}]), gui_loop(State); {gs, Run, click, _, _} -> NewState = start_analysis(State), gui_loop(NewState); {gs, Stop, click, _, _} -> config_gui_stop(State), BackendPid ! {self(), stop}, update_editor(Log, "\n***** Analysis stopped ****\n"), gui_loop(State); %% ----- Menu ----- {gs, Quit, click, _, _} -> case maybe_quit(State) of true -> ?RET_NOTHING_SUSPICIOUS; false -> gui_loop(State) end; {gs, Manual, click, _, _} -> spawn_link(fun() -> manual(State) end), gui_loop(State); {gs, Warnings, click, _, _} -> spawn_link(fun() -> warnings(State) end), gui_loop(State); {gs, About, click, _, _} -> spawn_link(fun() -> about(State) end), gui_loop(State); {gs, SaveLog, click, _, _} -> save_log(State), gui_loop(State); {gs, SaveWarn, click, _, _} -> save_warn(State), gui_loop(State); {gs, SearchPlt, click, _, _} -> spawn_link(fun() -> search_doc_plt(State) end), gui_loop(State); {gs, ShowPlt, click, _, _} -> spawn_link(fun() -> show_doc_plt(State) end), gui_loop(State); {gs, Macros, click, _, _} -> Self = self(), spawn_link(fun() -> macro_dialog(State, Self) end), gui_loop(State); {gs, Includes, click, _, _} -> Self = self(), spawn_link(fun() -> include_dialog(State, Self) end), gui_loop(State); {new_options, NewOptions} -> NewState = State#gui_state{options = NewOptions}, gui_loop(NewState); %% ----- Analysis ----- {BackendPid, ext_calls, ExtCalls} -> Msg = io_lib:format("The following functions are called " "but type information about them is not available.\n" "The analysis might get more precise by including " "the modules containing these functions:\n\n\t~p\n", [ExtCalls]), free_editor(State, "Analysis done", Msg), gui_loop(State); {BackendPid, ext_types, ExtTypes} -> Map = fun({M,F,A}) -> io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p",[M,F,A]) end, ExtTypeString = string:join(lists:map(Map, ExtTypes), "\n"), Msg = io_lib:format("The following remote types are being used " "but information about them is not available.\n" "The analysis might get more precise by including " "the modules containing these types and making sure " "that they are exported:\n~s\n", [ExtTypeString]), free_editor(State, "Analysis done", Msg), gui_loop(State); {BackendPid, log, LogMsg} -> update_editor(Log, LogMsg), gui_loop(State); {BackendPid, warnings, Warns} -> SortedWarns = lists:keysort(2, Warns), %% Sort on file/line WarnList = [dialyzer:format_warning(W) || W <- SortedWarns], update_editor(Warn, lists:flatten(WarnList)), gui_loop(State); {BackendPid, done, _NewPlt, NewDocPlt} -> message(State, "Analysis done"), config_gui_stop(State), gui_loop(State#gui_state{doc_plt = NewDocPlt}); {'EXIT', BackendPid, {error, Reason}} -> free_editor(State, ?DIALYZER_ERROR_TITLE, Reason), config_gui_stop(State), gui_loop(State); {'EXIT', BackendPid, Reason} when Reason =/= 'normal' -> free_editor(State, ?DIALYZER_ERROR_TITLE, io_lib:format("~p", [Reason])), config_gui_stop(State), gui_loop(State); _Other -> %% io:format("Received ~p\n", [Other]), gui_loop(State) end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Main window actions %% %% ---- Adding and deleting files ---- handle_add_all_click(#gui_state{chosen_box = ChosenBox, file_box = File, file_wd = FWD, mode = Mode}) -> case gs:read(File, items) of [] -> ok; Add0 -> gs:config(File, [{selection, clear}]), Add1 = ordsets:subtract(Add0, [".."]), Add = ordsets:from_list([filename:join(FWD, X) || X <- Add1]), case gs:read(Mode#mode.start_byte_code, select) of true -> add_files(filter_mods(Add, ".beam"), ChosenBox, byte_code); false -> add_files(filter_mods(Add, ".erl"), ChosenBox, src_code) end end. all_subdirs(Dirs) -> all_subdirs(Dirs, []). all_subdirs([Dir|T], Acc) -> {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir), SubDirs = lists:zf(fun(F) -> SubDir = filename:join(Dir, F), case filelib:is_dir(SubDir) of true -> {true, SubDir}; false -> false end end, Files), NewAcc = ordsets:union(ordsets:from_list(SubDirs), Acc), all_subdirs(T ++ SubDirs, NewAcc); all_subdirs([], Acc) -> Acc. handle_add_rec_click(#gui_state{chosen_box = ChosenBox, file_box = File, file_wd = FWD, mode = Mode}) -> case gs:read(File, selection) of [] -> ok; List -> gs:config(File, [{selection, clear}]), Dirs1 = [gs:read(File, {get, X}) || X <- List], Dirs2 = ordsets:from_list([filename:join(FWD, X) || X <- Dirs1]), Dirs3 = ordsets:filter(fun(X) -> filelib:is_dir(X) end, Dirs2), TargetDirs = ordsets:union(Dirs3, all_subdirs(Dirs3)), {Code, Ext} = case gs:read(Mode#mode.start_byte_code, select) of true -> {byte_code, ".beam"}; false -> {src_code, ".erl"} end, add_files(filter_mods(TargetDirs, Ext), ChosenBox, Code) end. handle_add_files(#gui_state{chosen_box = ChosenBox, file_box = File, file_wd = FWD, mode = Mode}) -> case gs:read(File, selection) of [] -> ok; List -> gs:config(File, [{selection, clear}]), Add0 = [gs:read(File, {get, X}) || X <- List], Add = ordsets:from_list([filename:join(FWD, X) || X <- Add0]), case gs:read(Mode#mode.start_byte_code, select) of true -> add_files(filter_mods(Add, ".beam"), ChosenBox, byte_code); false -> add_files(filter_mods(Add, ".erl"), ChosenBox, src_code) end end. filter_mods(Mods, Extension) -> Fun = fun(X) -> filename:extension(X) =:= Extension orelse (filelib:is_dir(X) andalso contains_files(X, Extension)) end, ordsets:filter(Fun, Mods). contains_files(Dir, Extension) -> {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir), lists:any(fun(X) -> filename:extension(X) =:= Extension end, Files). add_files(Add, ChosenBox, Type) -> Set = gs:read(ChosenBox, items), Set1 = case Type of byte_code -> filter_mods(Set, ".beam"); src_code -> filter_mods(Set, ".erl") end, Files = ordsets:union(Add, Set1), gs:config(ChosenBox, [{items, Files}]), ok. handle_file_delete(#gui_state{chosen_box = ChosenBox}) -> List = gs:read(ChosenBox, selection), lists:foreach(fun(X) -> gs:config(ChosenBox, [{del, X}]) end, lists:reverse(lists:sort(List))). %% ---- Other ---- change_dir_or_add_file(#gui_state{file_wd = FWD, mode = Mode, dir_entry = Dir, chosen_box = CBox, file_box = File} = State, Text) -> NewWDorFile = case Text of ".." -> filename:join(butlast(filename:split(FWD))); "." -> FWD; _ -> filename:join(FWD, Text) end, case filelib:is_dir(NewWDorFile) of true -> gs:config(Dir, [{text, NewWDorFile}]), {ok, List} = file:list_dir(NewWDorFile), gs:config(File, [{items, [".."|lists:sort(List)]}]), State#gui_state{file_wd = NewWDorFile}; false -> case gs:read(Mode#mode.start_byte_code, select) of true -> case filter_mods([NewWDorFile], ".beam") of [] -> ok; RealFiles -> add_files(RealFiles, CBox, byte_code) end; false -> case filter_mods([NewWDorFile], ".erl") of [] -> ok; RealFiles -> add_files(RealFiles, CBox, src_code) end end, State end. butlast([H1, H2 | T]) -> [H1 | butlast([H2|T])]; butlast([_]) -> []; butlast([]) -> ["/"]. change_dir_absolute(#gui_state{file_wd = FWD, dir_entry = Dir, file_box = File} = State, Text) -> case filelib:is_dir(Text) of true -> WD = filename:join(FWD, Text), gs:config(Dir, [{text, WD}]), {ok, List} = file:list_dir(WD), gs:config(File, [{items, [".."|lists:sort(List)]}]), State#gui_state{file_wd = WD}; false -> State end. init_warnings([{Tag, GSItem}|Left], LegalWarnings) -> Select = ordsets:is_element(Tag, LegalWarnings), gs:config(GSItem, [{select, Select}]), init_warnings(Left, LegalWarnings); init_warnings([], _LegalWarnings) -> ok. config_gui_start(State) -> Enabled = [{enable, true}], Disabled = [{enable, false}], gs:config(State#gui_state.stop, Enabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.run, Disabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.del_file, Disabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.clear_chosen, Disabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.add_file, Disabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.add_all, Disabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.add_rec, Disabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.clear_warn, Disabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.clear_log, Disabled), Menu = State#gui_state.menu, gs:config(Menu#menu.file_save_warn, Disabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.file_save_log, Disabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.opts_macros, Disabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.opts_includes, Disabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.plt_empty, Disabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.plt_search_doc, Disabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.plt_show_doc, Disabled), Mode = State#gui_state.mode, gs:config(Mode#mode.start_byte_code, Disabled), gs:config(Mode#mode.start_src_code, Disabled). config_gui_stop(State) -> Enabled = [{enable, true}], Disabled = [{enable, false}], gs:config(State#gui_state.stop, Disabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.run, Enabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.del_file, Enabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.clear_chosen, Enabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.add_file, Enabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.add_all, Enabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.add_rec, Enabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.clear_warn, Enabled), gs:config(State#gui_state.clear_log, Enabled), Menu = State#gui_state.menu, gs:config(Menu#menu.file_save_warn, Enabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.file_save_log, Enabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.opts_macros, Enabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.opts_includes, Enabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.plt_empty, Enabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.plt_search_doc, Enabled), gs:config(Menu#menu.plt_show_doc, Enabled), Mode = State#gui_state.mode, gs:config(Mode#mode.start_byte_code, Enabled), gs:config(Mode#mode.start_src_code, Enabled). %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Messages %% message(State, Message) -> output_sms(State, ?DIALYZER_MESSAGE_TITLE, Message). error_sms(State, Message) -> output_sms(State, ?DIALYZER_ERROR_TITLE, Message). %% %% This function is to be used *only* for small messages because lines %% are not wrapped and the created window has a limited area for text. %% For bigger messages, the function free_editor/3 is to be used. %% output_sms(#gui_state{gs = GS, top = TopWin}, Title, Message) -> %% Lines = string:words(Message, $\n), %% io:format("The message has ~w lines\n", [Lines]), WH = [{width, 400}, {height, 100}], MessageWin = gs:window(GS, [{title, Title}, {default, button, {font, {helvetica, bold, 12}}} |WH]), MessagePacker = gs:frame(MessageWin, [{packer_y, [{fixed, 75}, {fixed, 25}]}, {packer_x, [{fixed, 175},{fixed, 50}, {fixed, 175}]}]), gs:label(MessagePacker, [{pack_x, {1, 3}}, {pack_y, 1}, {label, {text, Message}}]), OK = gs:button(MessagePacker, [{label, {text, "OK"}}, {pack_xy, {2, 2}}]), gs:config(MessageWin, [{map, true}]), gs:config(MessagePacker, WH), message_loop(OK, MessageWin, TopWin). message_loop(Ok, Win, TopWin) -> receive {gs, Ok, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win); {gs, Win, destroy, _, _} -> ok; {gs, TopWin, destroy, _, _} -> exit(normal); {gs, _, _, _, _} -> message_loop(Ok, Win, TopWin) end. dialog(#gui_state{gs = GS, top = TopWin}, Message, OkLabel, CancelLabel) -> WH = [{width, 400}, {height, 100}], WHButton = [{width, 70}, {height, 20}], DialogWin = gs:window(GS, [{title, "Dialyzer Message"}, {default, button, {font, {helvetica, bold, 12}}} |WH]), DialogPacker = gs:frame(DialogWin, [{packer_y, [{fixed, 75}, {fixed, 25}]}, {packer_x, [{fixed, 150}, {fixed, 50}, {fixed, 50}, {fixed, 150}]}]), gs:label(DialogPacker, [{pack_x, {1,4}}, {pack_y, 1}, {label, {text, Message}}]), Ok = gs:button(DialogPacker, [{label, {text, OkLabel}}, {pack_xy, {2,2}}|WHButton]), Cancel = gs:button(DialogPacker, [{label, {text, CancelLabel}}, {pack_xy, {3,2}}|WHButton]), gs:config(DialogWin, [{map, true}]), gs:config(DialogPacker, WH), dialog_loop(Ok, Cancel, DialogWin, TopWin). dialog_loop(Ok, Cancel, Win, TopWin) -> receive {gs, Ok, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win), true; {gs, Cancel, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win), false; {gs, Win, destroy, _, _} -> false; {gs, TopWin, destroy, _, _} -> exit(normal); {gs, _, _, _, _} -> dialog_loop(Ok, Cancel, Win, TopWin) end. maybe_quit(#gui_state{top = TopWin} = State) -> case dialog(State, "Do you really want to quit?", "Yes", "No") of true -> flush(), gs:destroy(TopWin), gs:stop(), true; false -> false end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Menu actions %% %% ---- Help Menu ---- manual(State) -> help_menu_common(State, "Dialyzer Manual", 500, "manual.txt", white). warnings(State) -> help_menu_common(State, "Dialyzer Warnings", 500, "warnings.txt", white). about(State) -> help_menu_common(State, "About Dialyzer", 160, "about.txt", yellow). help_menu_common(#gui_state{gs = GS, top = TopWin} = State, Title, Height, TxtFileName, BackGroundColor) -> WH = [{width, 600}, {height, Height}], Win = gs:window(GS, [{title, Title}, {configure, true}, {default, editor, {bg, BackGroundColor}} | WH]), EmptySpace = {stretch, 1}, Frame = gs:frame(Win, [{packer_x, [EmptySpace, {fixed, 60}, EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, [EmptySpace, {fixed, 30}]} | WH]), Editor = gs:editor(Frame, [{pack_x, {1, 3}}, {pack_y, 1}, {font, {courier, 12}}, {vscroll, right}, {wrap, word}]), Button = gs:button(Frame, [{label, {text, "Ok"}}, {pack_xy, {2, 2}}]), gs:config(Win, [{map, true}]), gs:config(Frame, WH), AboutFile = filename:join([code:lib_dir(dialyzer), "doc", TxtFileName]), case gs:config(Editor, {load, AboutFile}) of {error, Reason} -> gs:destroy(Win), error_sms(State, io_lib:format("Could not find doc/~s file!\n\n ~p", [TxtFileName, Reason])); ok -> gs:config(Editor, [{enable, false}]), show_info_loop(TopWin, Win, Frame, Button) end. %% ---- File Menu ---- save_log(#gui_state{file_wd = CWD, log = Log} = State) -> {Win, Entry, OkButton, CancelButton} = file_box(State, "Save Log", CWD), save_loop(State, OkButton, CancelButton, Entry, Win, Log). save_warn(#gui_state{file_wd = CWD, warnings_box = WBox} = State) -> {Win, Entry, OkButton, CancelButton} = file_box(State, "Save Warnings", CWD), save_loop(State, OkButton, CancelButton, Entry, Win, WBox). file_box(#gui_state{gs = GS}, Title, Default) -> WH = [{width, 400}, {height, 75}], Win = gs:window(GS, [{title, Title}|WH]), Fix25 = {fixed, 27}, Fix75 = {fixed, 75}, WinPacker = gs:frame(Win, [{packer_y, [Fix25, Fix25, Fix25]}, {packer_x, [Fix75, Fix75, Fix75, {fixed, 175}]}]), gs:label(WinPacker, [{pack_xy, {1,2}}, {label, {text, "Enter file:"}}]), Entry = gs:entry(WinPacker, [{pack_x, {2,4}}, {pack_y, 2}, {keypress, true}]), OkButton = gs:button(WinPacker, [{label, {text, "Ok"}}, {pack_xy, {2,3}}]), CancelButton = gs:button(WinPacker, [{label, {text, "Cancel"}}, {pack_xy, {3,3}}]), gs:config(Entry, [{text, Default}]), gs:config(Win, [{map, true}]), gs:config(WinPacker, WH), {Win, Entry, OkButton, CancelButton}. save_loop(#gui_state{top = TopWin} = State, OkButton, CancelButton, Entry, Save, Editor) -> receive {gs, OkButton, click, _, _} -> File = gs:read(Entry, text), case gs:config(Editor, [{save, File}]) of {error, _} -> error_sms(State, "Could not write to file:\n" ++ File), save_loop(State, OkButton, CancelButton, Entry, Save, Editor); _ -> gs:destroy(Save) end; {gs, Entry, keypress, _, ['Return'|_]} -> File = gs:read(Entry, text), case gs:config(Editor, [{save, File}]) of {error, _} -> error_sms(State, "Could not write to file:\n" ++ File), save_loop(State, OkButton, CancelButton, Entry, Save, Editor); _ -> gs:destroy(Save) end; {gs, Entry, keypress, _, _} -> save_loop(State, OkButton, CancelButton, Entry, Save, Editor); {gs, CancelButton, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Save); {gs, TopWin, destroy, _, _} -> exit(normal); {gs, Save, destroy, _, _} -> ok; {gs, _, _, _, _} -> save_loop(State, OkButton, CancelButton, Entry, Save, Editor) end. %% ---- Plt Menu ---- search_doc_plt(#gui_state{gs = GS, top = TopWin} = State) -> WH = [{width, 400}, {height, 100}], WHB = [{width, 120}, {height, 30}], Title = io_lib:format("Search the PLT", []), Win = gs:window(GS, [{title, Title}, {configure, true}, {default, editor, {bg, white}} | WH]), EmptySpace = {stretch, 1}, Frame = gs:frame(Win, [{packer_x, [EmptySpace, EmptySpace, EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, [{fixed, 30}, {fixed, 30}, EmptySpace, {fixed, 30}]} | WH]), gs:label(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,1}}, {label, {text, "Module"}}]), ModEntry = gs:entry(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,2}}]), gs:label(Frame, [{pack_xy, {2,1}}, {label, {text, "Function"}}]), FunEntry = gs:entry(Frame, [{pack_xy, {2,2}}]), gs:label(Frame, [{pack_xy, {3,1}}, {label, {text, "Arity"}}]), ArityEntry = gs:entry(Frame, [{pack_xy, {3,2}}]), ButtonPacker = gs:frame(Frame, [{pack_xy, {2,4}}, {packer_x, [{fixed, 60}, {fixed, 60}]}, {packer_y, {fixed, 30}}]), SearchButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker, [{label, {text, "Search"}}, {pack_xy, {1,1}}]), CancelButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker, [{label, {text, "Cancel"}}, {pack_xy, {2,1}}]), gs:config(Win, [{map, true}]), gs:config(Frame, WH), gs:config(ButtonPacker, WHB), search_doc_plt_loop(State, CancelButton, SearchButton, ModEntry, FunEntry, ArityEntry, Win, TopWin). search_doc_plt_loop(State, CancelButton, SearchButton, ModEntry, FunEntry, ArityEntry, Win, TopWin) -> receive {gs, CancelButton, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win), ok; {gs, TopWin, destroy, _, _} -> exit(normal); {gs, SearchButton, click, _, _} -> M = format_search(gs:read(ModEntry, text)), F = format_search(gs:read(FunEntry, text)), A = format_search(gs:read(ArityEntry, text)), case dialyzer_plt:get_specs(State#gui_state.doc_plt, M, F, A) of "" -> error_sms(State, "No such function"), search_doc_plt_loop(State, CancelButton, SearchButton, ModEntry, FunEntry, ArityEntry, Win, TopWin); NonEmptyString -> gs:destroy(Win), free_editor(State, "Content of PLT", NonEmptyString) end end. format_search([]) -> '_'; format_search(String) -> try list_to_integer(String) catch error:_ -> list_to_atom(String) end. show_doc_plt(#gui_state{doc_plt = DocPLT} = State) -> case dialyzer_plt:get_specs(DocPLT) of "" -> error_sms(State, "No analysis has been made yet!\n"); NonEmptyString -> free_editor(State, "Content of PLT", NonEmptyString) end. free_editor(#gui_state{gs = GS, top = TopWin}, Title, Contents0) -> Contents = lists:flatten(Contents0), Tokens = string:tokens(Contents, "\n"), NofLines = length(Tokens), LongestLine = lists:max([length(X) || X <- Tokens]), Height0 = NofLines * 25 + 80, Height = if Height0 > 500 -> 500; true -> Height0 end, Width0 = LongestLine * 7 + 60, Width = if Width0 > 800 -> 800; true -> Width0 end, WH = [{width, Width}, {height, Height}], Win = gs:window(GS, [{title, Title}, {configure, true}, {default, editor, {bg, white}} | WH]), EmptySpace = {stretch, 1}, Frame = gs:frame(Win, [{packer_x, [EmptySpace, {fixed, 60}, EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, [EmptySpace, {fixed, 30}]} | WH]), Editor = gs:editor(Frame, [{pack_x, {1,3}}, {pack_y, 1}, {font, {courier, 12}}, {vscroll, right}, {wrap, word}, {enable, true}]), Button = gs:button(Frame, [{label, {text, "Ok"}}, {pack_xy, {2,2}}]), gs:config(Editor, [{insert, {insert, Contents}}]), gs:config(Editor, [{enable, false}]), gs:config(Win, [{map, true}]), gs:config(Frame, WH), show_info_loop(TopWin, Win, Frame, Button). %% ---- Common ---- show_info_loop(TopWin, Win, Frame, Button) -> receive {gs, Button, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win); {gs, TopWin, destroy, _, _} -> exit(normal); {gs, Win, destroy, _, _} -> ok; {gs, Win, configure, _Data, [W, H|_]} -> gs:config(Frame, [{width, W}, {height, H}]), show_info_loop(TopWin, Win, Frame, Button) end. include_dialog(#gui_state{gs = GS, options = Options}, Parent) -> WH = [{width, 300}, {height, 400}], Title = io_lib:format("Include Directories", []), Win = gs:window(GS, [{title, Title}, {configure, true}, {default, entry, {bg, white}}| WH]), EmptySpace = {stretch, 1}, Frame = gs:frame(Win, [{packer_x, [EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, [{fixed, 30}, {fixed, 30}, {fixed, 30}, EmptySpace, {fixed, 30}, {fixed, 30}]} | WH]), gs:label(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,1}}, {label, {text, "Directory"}}]), DirEntry = gs:entry(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,2}}]), ButtonPacker1 = gs:frame(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,3}}, {packer_x, [{fixed, 70}, {fixed, 70}, EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, {fixed, 30}}]), AddButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker1, [{label, {text, "Add"}}, {pack_xy, {1,1}}]), Dirs = [io_lib:format("~s", [X]) || X <- Options#options.include_dirs], DirBox = gs:listbox(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,4}}, {vscroll, right}, {bg, white}, {configure, true}, {selectmode, multiple}, {items, Dirs}]), ButtonPacker2 = gs:frame(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,5}}, {packer_x, [{fixed, 60}, {fixed, 70}, EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, {fixed, 30}}]), DeleteButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker2, [{label, {text, "Delete"}}, {pack_xy, {1,1}}]), DeleteAllButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker2, [{label, {text, "Delete All"}}, {pack_xy, {2,1}}]), ButtonPacker3 = gs:frame(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,6}}, {packer_x, [EmptySpace, {fixed, 60}, {fixed, 60}]}, {packer_y, {fixed, 30}}]), OkButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker3, [{label, {text, "Ok"}}, {pack_xy, {2,1}}]), CancelButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker3, [{label, {text, "Cancel"}}, {pack_xy, {3,1}}]), gs:config(Win, [{map, true}]), gs:config(Frame, WH), include_loop(Parent, Options, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, DirBox, DirEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win). include_loop(Parent, Options, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, DirBox, DirEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win) -> receive {gs, CancelButton, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win), ok; {gs, OkButton, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win), Parent ! {new_options, Options}, ok; {gs, Win, configure, _Data, [W, H|_]} -> gs:config(Frame, [{width, W}, {height, H}]), include_loop(Parent, Options, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, DirBox, DirEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win); {gs, AddButton, click, _, _} -> Dirs = Options#options.include_dirs, NewDirs = case gs:read(DirEntry, text) of [] -> Dirs; Add -> [Add|Dirs] end, NewOptions = Options#options{include_dirs = NewDirs}, gs:config(DirBox, [{items, NewDirs}]), include_loop(Parent, NewOptions, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, DirBox, DirEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win); {gs, DeleteAllButton, click, _, _} -> gs:config(DirBox, [clear]), NewOptions = Options#options{include_dirs = []}, include_loop(Parent, NewOptions, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, DirBox, DirEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win); {gs, DeleteButton, click, _, _} -> NewOptions = case gs:read(DirBox, selection) of [] -> Options; List -> lists:foreach(fun(X) -> gs:config(DirBox, [{del, X}]) end, lists:sort(List)), NewDirs = gs:read(DirBox, items), Options#options{include_dirs = NewDirs} end, include_loop(Parent, NewOptions, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, DirBox, DirEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win); {gs, Win, destroy, _, _} -> ok end. macro_dialog(#gui_state{gs = GS, options = Options}, Parent) -> WH = [{width, 300}, {height, 400}], Title = io_lib:format("Macro Definitions", []), Win = gs:window(GS, [{title, Title}, {configure, true}, {default, entry, {bg, white}}| WH]), EmptySpace = {stretch, 1}, Frame = gs:frame(Win, [{packer_x, [EmptySpace, EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, [{fixed, 30}, {fixed, 30}, {fixed, 30}, EmptySpace, {fixed, 30}, {fixed, 30}]} | WH]), gs:label(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,1}}, {label, {text, "Macro"}}]), MacroEntry = gs:entry(Frame, [{pack_xy, {1,2}}]), gs:label(Frame, [{pack_xy, {2,1}}, {label, {text, "Term"}}]), TermEntry = gs:entry(Frame, [{pack_xy, {2,2}}]), ButtonPacker1 = gs:frame(Frame, [{pack_x, {1,2}}, {pack_y, 3}, {packer_x, [{fixed, 70},{fixed, 70}, EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, {fixed, 30}}]), AddButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker1, [{label, {text, "Add"}}, {pack_xy, {1,1}}]), Macros = [io_lib:format("~p = ~p",[X,Y]) || {X,Y} <- Options#options.defines], MacroBox = gs:listbox(Frame, [{pack_x, {1,2}}, {pack_y, 4}, {vscroll, right}, {bg, white}, {configure, true}, {selectmode, multiple}, {items, Macros}]), ButtonPacker2 = gs:frame(Frame, [{pack_x, {1,2}}, {pack_y, 5}, {packer_x, [{fixed, 60}, {fixed, 70}, EmptySpace]}, {packer_y, {fixed, 30}}]), DeleteButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker2, [{label, {text, "Delete"}}, {pack_xy, {1,1}}]), DeleteAllButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker2, [{label, {text, "Delete All"}}, {pack_xy, {2,1}}]), ButtonPacker3 = gs:frame(Frame, [{pack_x, {1,2}}, {pack_y, 6}, {packer_x, [EmptySpace, {fixed, 60}, {fixed, 60}]}, {packer_y, {fixed, 30}}]), OkButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker3, [{label, {text, "Ok"}}, {pack_xy, {2,1}}]), CancelButton = gs:button(ButtonPacker3, [{label, {text, "Cancel"}}, {pack_xy, {3,1}}]), gs:config(Win, [{map, true}]), gs:config(Frame, WH), macro_loop(Parent, Options, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, MacroBox, MacroEntry, TermEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win). macro_loop(Parent, Options, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, MacroBox, MacroEntry, TermEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win) -> receive {gs, CancelButton, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win), ok; {gs, OkButton, click, _, _} -> gs:destroy(Win), Parent ! {new_options, Options}, ok; {gs, Win, configure, _Data, [W, H|_]} -> gs:config(Frame, [{width, W}, {height, H}]), macro_loop(Parent, Options, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, MacroBox, MacroEntry, TermEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win); {gs, AddButton, click, _, _} -> Defines = Options#options.defines, NewDefines = case gs:read(MacroEntry, text) of "" -> Defines; Macro -> Empty = [{text, ""}], case gs:read(TermEntry, text) of "" -> gs:config(MacroEntry, Empty), orddict:store(list_to_atom(Macro), true, Defines); String -> case parse(String) of {ok, Term} -> gs:config(MacroEntry, Empty), gs:config(TermEntry, Empty), orddict:store(list_to_atom(Macro), Term, Defines); {error, _Reason} -> Defines end end end, NewOptions = Options#options{defines = NewDefines}, NewEntries = [io_lib:format("~p = ~p", [X, Y]) || {X, Y} <- NewDefines], gs:config(MacroBox, [{items, NewEntries}]), macro_loop(Parent, NewOptions, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, MacroBox, MacroEntry, TermEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win); {gs, DeleteAllButton, click, _, _} -> gs:config(MacroBox, [clear]), NewOptions = Options#options{defines = []}, macro_loop(Parent, NewOptions, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, MacroBox, MacroEntry, TermEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win); {gs, DeleteButton, click, _, _} -> NewOptions = case gs:read(MacroBox, selection) of [] -> Options; List -> gs:config(MacroBox, [{selection, clear}]), Fun = fun(X) -> Val = gs:read(MacroBox, {get, X}), [MacroName|_] = re:split(Val, " ", [{return, list}]), list_to_atom(MacroName) end, Delete = [Fun(X) || X <- List], lists:foreach(fun(X) -> gs:config(MacroBox, [{del, X}]) end, lists:reverse(lists:sort(List))), Defines = Options#options.defines, NewDefines = lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) -> orddict:erase(X, Acc) end, Defines, Delete), Options#options{defines = NewDefines} end, macro_loop(Parent, NewOptions, Frame, AddButton, DeleteAllButton, DeleteButton, MacroBox, MacroEntry, TermEntry, OkButton, CancelButton, Win); {gs, Win, destroy, _, _} -> ok end. parse(String) -> case erl_scan:string(String ++ ".", 1) of {ok, Ts, _} -> case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Ts) of {ok, [Expr]} -> try erl_parse:normalise(Expr) catch error:Reason -> {error, Reason} end; {error, E} -> parse_error(E) end; {error, E, _} -> parse_error(E) end. parse_error(E) -> S = io_lib:fwrite("Error parsing expression: ~P.", [E,15]), {error, S}. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Run the analysis %% start_analysis(State) -> Analysis = build_analysis_record(State), case get_anal_files(State, Analysis#analysis.start_from) of error -> Msg = "You must choose one or more files or dirs\n" "before starting the analysis!", error_sms(State, Msg), config_gui_stop(State), State; {ok, Files} -> Msg = "\n========== Starting Analysis ==========\n\n", update_editor(State#gui_state.log, Msg), NewAnalysis = Analysis#analysis{files = Files}, run_analysis(State, NewAnalysis) end. build_analysis_record(#gui_state{mode = Mode, menu = Menu, options = Options, init_plt = InitPlt0}) -> StartFrom = case gs:read(Mode#mode.start_byte_code, select) of true -> byte_code; false -> src_code end, InitPlt = case gs:read(Menu#menu.plt_empty, select) of true -> dialyzer_plt:new(); false -> InitPlt0 end, #analysis{defines = Options#options.defines, include_dirs = Options#options.include_dirs, plt = InitPlt, start_from = StartFrom}. get_anal_files(#gui_state{chosen_box = ChosenBox}, StartFrom) -> Files = gs:read(ChosenBox, items), FilteredMods = case StartFrom of src_code -> filter_mods(Files, ".erl"); byte_code -> filter_mods(Files, ".beam") end, FilteredDirs = [X || X <- Files, filelib:is_dir(X)], case ordsets:union(FilteredMods, FilteredDirs) of [] -> error; Set -> {ok, Set} end. run_analysis(State, Analysis) -> config_gui_start(State), Self = self(), NewAnalysis = Analysis#analysis{doc_plt = dialyzer_plt:new()}, LegalWarnings = find_legal_warnings(State), Fun = fun() -> dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:start(Self, LegalWarnings, NewAnalysis) end, BackendPid = spawn_link(Fun), State#gui_state{backend_pid = BackendPid}. find_legal_warnings(#gui_state{menu = #menu{warnings = Warnings}}) -> ordsets:from_list([Tag || {Tag, GSItem} <- Warnings, gs:read(GSItem, select) =:= true]). flush() -> receive _ -> flush() after 0 -> ok end. update_editor(Editor, Msg) -> gs:config(Editor, [{enable, true}]), NofRows = gs:read(Editor, size), gs:config(Editor, [{insertpos, 'end'}]), gs:config(Editor, [{insert, {insert, Msg}}]), NewNofRows = gs:read(Editor, size), ScrollPos = gs:read(Editor, vscrollpos), gs:config(Editor, [{vscrollpos, ScrollPos + NewNofRows - NofRows}]), gs:config(Editor, [{enable, false}]).