%%% Dialyzer was giving a warning with this input because of a bug in the %%% substitution of remote types in specs. Remote types in the first element of %%% a tuple would not update the tuple's tag set and we could end up with a %%% non-normalized representation. %%% %%% Reported by Damian DobroczyƄski on 29/02/2012 -module(custom_sup). -behavior(supervisor). -export([init/1]). -spec init(atom()) -> {ok, {{supervisor:strategy(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}, [supervisor:child_spec()]}} | ignore. init(StorageName) -> Strategy = {one_for_all, 100, 1}, %% get application-wide storage parameters case application:get_env(storage) of undefined -> ignore; {ok, Storage} -> BackendId = proplists:get_value(backend, Storage), BackendArgs = proplists:get_value(args, Storage), if (BackendId =:= undefined) orelse (BackendArgs =:= undefined) -> ignore; true -> {ok, {Strategy, [{id1, {a_module, start_link, []}, permanent, 5000, worker, [a_module]}, {id2, {another_module, start_link, []}, permanent, 5000, worker, [another_module]}]}} end end.