-module(file_utils). -export([list_dir/3, file_type/1, diff/2]). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -type ext_posix()::posix()|'badarg'. -type posix()::atom(). -spec list_dir(file:filename(), string(), boolean()) -> {error, ext_posix()} | {ok, [file:filename()]}. list_dir(Dir, Extension, Dirs) -> case file:list_dir(Dir) of {error, _} = Error-> Error; {ok, Filenames} -> FullFilenames = [filename:join(Dir, F) || F <-Filenames ], Matches1 = case Dirs of true -> [F || F <- FullFilenames, file_type(F) =:= {ok, 'directory'}]; false -> [] end, Matches2 = [F || F <- FullFilenames, file_type(F) =:= {ok, 'regular'}, filename:extension(F) =:= Extension], {ok, lists:sort(Matches1 ++ Matches2)} end. -spec file_type(file:filename()) -> {ok, 'device' | 'directory' | 'regular' | 'other'} | {error, ext_posix()}. file_type(Filename) -> case file:read_file_info(Filename) of {ok, FI} -> {ok, FI#file_info.type}; Error -> Error end. -type diff_result()::'same' | {'differ', diff_list()} | {error, {file:filename(), term()}}. -type diff_list()::[{id(), line(), string()}]. -type id()::'new'|'old'. -type line()::non_neg_integer(). -spec diff(file:filename(), file:filename()) -> diff_result(). diff(Filename1, Filename2) -> File1 = case file:open(Filename1, [read]) of {ok, F1} -> {file, F1}; _ -> empty end, File2 = case file:open(Filename2, [read]) of {ok, F2} -> {file, F2}; _ -> empty end, case diff1(File1, File2) of {error, {N, Error}} -> case N of 1 -> {error, {Filename1, Error}}; 2 -> {error, {Filename2, Error}} end; [] -> 'same'; DiffList -> {'differ', DiffList} end. diff1(File1, File2) -> case file_to_lines(File1) of {error, Error} -> {error, {1, Error}}; Lines1 -> case file_to_lines(File2) of {error, Error} -> {error, {2, Error}}; Lines2 -> Common = lcs_fast(Lines1, Lines2), diff2(Lines1, 1, Lines2, 1, Common, []) end end. diff2([], _, [], _, [], Acc) -> lists:keysort(2,Acc); diff2([H1|T1], N1, [], N2, [], Acc) -> diff2(T1, N1+1, [], N2, [], [{new, N1, H1}|Acc]); diff2([], N1, [H2|T2], N2, [], Acc) -> diff2([], N1, T2, N2+1, [], [{old, N2, H2}|Acc]); diff2([H1|T1], N1, [H2|T2], N2, [], Acc) -> diff2(T1, N1+1, T2, N2+1, [], [{new, N1, H1}, {old, N2, H2}|Acc]); diff2([H1|T1]=L1, N1, [H2|T2]=L2, N2, [HC|TC]=LC, Acc) -> case H1 =:= H2 of true -> diff2(T1, N1+1, T2, N2+1, TC, Acc); false -> case H1 =:= HC of true -> diff2(L1, N1, T2, N2+1, LC, [{old, N2, H2}|Acc]); false -> diff2(T1, N1+1, L2, N2, LC, [{new, N1, H1}|Acc]) end end. -spec lcs_fast([string()], [string()]) -> [string()]. lcs_fast(S1, S2) -> M = length(S1), N = length(S2), Acc = array:new(M*N, {default, 0}), {L, _} = lcs_fast(S1, S2, 1, 1, N, Acc), L. -spec lcs_fast([string()], [string()], pos_integer(), pos_integer(), non_neg_integer(), array()) -> {[string()], array()}. lcs_fast([], _, _, _, _, Acc) -> {[], Acc}; lcs_fast(_, [], _, _, _, Acc) -> {[], Acc}; lcs_fast([H1|T1] = S1, [H2|T2] = S2, N1, N2, N, Acc) -> I = (N1-1) * N + N2 - 1, case array:get(I, Acc) of 0 -> case string:equal(H1, H2) of true -> {T, NAcc} = lcs_fast(T1, T2, N1+1, N2+1, N, Acc), L = [H1|T], {L, array:set(I, L, NAcc)}; false -> {L1, NAcc1} = lcs_fast(S1, T2, N1, N2+1, N, Acc), {L2, NAcc2} = lcs_fast(T1, S2, N1+1, N2, N, NAcc1), L = longest(L1, L2), {L, array:set(I, L, NAcc2)} end; L -> {L, Acc} end. -spec longest([string()], [string()]) -> [string()]. longest(S1, S2) -> case length(S1) > length(S2) of true -> S1; false -> S2 end. file_to_lines(empty) -> []; file_to_lines({file, File}) -> case file_to_lines(File, []) of {error, _} = Error -> Error; Lines -> lists:reverse(Lines) end. file_to_lines(File, Acc) -> case io:get_line(File, "") of {error, _}=Error -> Error; eof -> Acc; A -> file_to_lines(File, [A|Acc]) end.