arr.erl:14: Type specification arr:test2 (array:array(T), non_neg_integer(), T) -> array:array(T) is a supertype of the success typing: arr:test2 (array:array(_), pos_integer(), _) -> array:array(_) arr.erl:24: Type specification arr:test4 (array:array(T), non_neg_integer(), _) -> array:array(T) is a supertype of the success typing: arr:test4 (array:array(_), pos_integer(), _) -> array:array(_) arr.erl:29: Type specification arr:test5 (array:array(T), non_neg_integer(), T) -> array:array(T) is a supertype of the success typing: arr:test5 (array:array(_), non_neg_integer(), integer()) -> array:array(_) arr.erl:37: Type specification arr:test6 (array:array(integer()), non_neg_integer(), integer()) -> array:array(any()) is not equal to the success typing: arr:test6 (array:array(_), non_neg_integer(), _) -> array:array(_)