-module(bug). -export([t1/0, f1/1 ,t2/0, f2/1 ,t3/0, f3/1 ,t4/0, f4/1 ,t5/0, f5/1 ]). t1() -> V = f1(#{a=>b}), case V of #{a := Q} -> Q; %% Must not warn here _ -> ok end, ok. f1(M) -> %% Should get map() succ typing #{} = M. t2() -> V = f2([#{a=>b}]), case V of [#{a := P}] -> P; %% Must not warn here _ -> ok end, ok. f2(M) -> %% Should get [map(),...] succ typing [#{}] = M. t3() -> V = f3([#{a=>b},a]), case V of [#{a := P}, _Q] -> P; %% Must not warn here _ -> ok end, ok. f3(M) -> %% Should get [map()|a,...] succ typing [#{},a] = M. t4() -> V = f4({#{a=>b},{}}), case V of {#{a := P},{}} -> P; %% Must not warn here _ -> ok end, ok. f4(M) -> %% Should get {map(),{}} succ typing {#{},{}} = M. t5() -> V = f5(#{k=>q,a=>b}), case V of #{k := q, a := P} -> P; %% Must not warn here _ -> ok end, ok. f5(M) -> %% Should get #{k:=q, ...} succ typing #{k:=q} = M.