%% ``Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB. %% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings %% AB. All Rights Reserved.'' %% %% $Id: mnesia_frag_old_hash.erl,v 1.1 2008/12/17 09:53:38 mikpe Exp $ %% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Purpose : Implements hashing functionality for fragmented tables %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mnesia_frag_old_hash). -behaviour(mnesia_frag_hash). %% Hashing callback functions -export([ init_state/2, add_frag/1, del_frag/1, key_to_frag_number/2, match_spec_to_frag_numbers/2 ]). -record(old_hash_state, {n_fragments, next_n_to_split, n_doubles}). %% Old style. Kept for backwards compatibility. -record(frag_hash, {foreign_key, n_fragments, next_n_to_split, n_doubles}). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% init_state(_Tab, InitialState) when InitialState == undefined -> #old_hash_state{n_fragments = 1, next_n_to_split = 1, n_doubles = 0}; init_state(_Tab, FH) when record(FH, frag_hash) -> %% Old style. Kept for backwards compatibility. #old_hash_state{n_fragments = FH#frag_hash.n_fragments, next_n_to_split = FH#frag_hash.next_n_to_split, n_doubles = FH#frag_hash.n_doubles}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% add_frag(State) when record(State, old_hash_state) -> SplitN = State#old_hash_state.next_n_to_split, P = SplitN + 1, L = State#old_hash_state.n_doubles, NewN = State#old_hash_state.n_fragments + 1, State2 = case trunc(math:pow(2, L)) + 1 of P2 when P2 == P -> State#old_hash_state{n_fragments = NewN, next_n_to_split = 1, n_doubles = L + 1}; _ -> State#old_hash_state{n_fragments = NewN, next_n_to_split = P} end, {State2, [SplitN], [NewN]}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% del_frag(State) when record(State, old_hash_state) -> P = State#old_hash_state.next_n_to_split - 1, L = State#old_hash_state.n_doubles, N = State#old_hash_state.n_fragments, if P < 1 -> L2 = L - 1, MergeN = trunc(math:pow(2, L2)), State2 = State#old_hash_state{n_fragments = N - 1, next_n_to_split = MergeN, n_doubles = L2}, {State2, [N], [MergeN]}; true -> MergeN = P, State2 = State#old_hash_state{n_fragments = N - 1, next_n_to_split = MergeN}, {State2, [N], [MergeN]} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% key_to_frag_number(State, Key) when record(State, old_hash_state) -> L = State#old_hash_state.n_doubles, A = erlang:hash(Key, trunc(math:pow(2, L))), P = State#old_hash_state.next_n_to_split, if A < P -> erlang:hash(Key, trunc(math:pow(2, L + 1))); true -> A end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% match_spec_to_frag_numbers(State, MatchSpec) when record(State, old_hash_state) -> case MatchSpec of [{HeadPat, _, _}] when tuple(HeadPat), size(HeadPat) > 2 -> KeyPat = element(2, HeadPat), case has_var(KeyPat) of false -> [key_to_frag_number(State, KeyPat)]; true -> lists:seq(1, State#old_hash_state.n_fragments) end; _ -> lists:seq(1, State#old_hash_state.n_fragments) end. has_var(Pat) -> mnesia:has_var(Pat).