bs_fail_constr.erl:11: Function w3/1 has no local return bs_fail_constr.erl:12: Binary construction will fail since the size field S in segment 42:S/integer-unit:1 has type neg_integer() bs_fail_constr.erl:14: Function w4/1 has no local return bs_fail_constr.erl:15: Binary construction will fail since the value field V in segment V/utf32 has type float() bs_fail_constr.erl:5: Function w1/1 has no local return bs_fail_constr.erl:6: Binary construction will fail since the value field V in segment V:8/integer-unit:1 has type float() bs_fail_constr.erl:8: Function w2/1 has no local return bs_fail_constr.erl:9: Binary construction will fail since the value field V in segment V/binary-unit:8 has type atom()