tuple_set_crash.erl:103: Invalid type specification for function tuple_set_crash:parse_device_properties/1. The success typing is (<<_:48>>) -> [{'controller_description',binary()} | {'controller_name',binary()} | {'controller_status',byte()} | {'fw_version',<<_:24>>}] tuple_set_crash.erl:123: Invalid type specification for function tuple_set_crash:parse_video_target_info/1. The success typing is (<<_:48>>) -> [{'status',byte()} | {'target_id',non_neg_integer()},...] tuple_set_crash.erl:127: Invalid type specification for function tuple_set_crash:parse_audio_target_info/1. The success typing is (<<_:48>>) -> [{'master_volume',char()} | {'status',byte()} | {'target_id',non_neg_integer()},...] tuple_set_crash.erl:138: Invalid type specification for function tuple_set_crash:parse_av_device_info/1. The success typing is (<<_:48>>) -> [{'address',byte()} | {'device_id',non_neg_integer()} | {'model',binary()} | {'status',byte()},...] tuple_set_crash.erl:143: The pattern <> can never match the type <<_:8>> tuple_set_crash.erl:155: Invalid type specification for function tuple_set_crash:parse_video_output_info/1. The success typing is (<<_:48>>) -> [{'audio_volume',char()} | {'display_type',binary()} | {'output_id',non_neg_integer()},...] tuple_set_crash.erl:160: The pattern <> can never match the type <<_:8>> tuple_set_crash.erl:171: Invalid type specification for function tuple_set_crash:parse_audio_output_info/1. The success typing is (<<_:48>>) -> [{'output_id',non_neg_integer()},...] tuple_set_crash.erl:176: The pattern <> can never match the type <<_:8>> tuple_set_crash.erl:179: The pattern <> can never match the type <<_:8>> tuple_set_crash.erl:182: The pattern <> can never match the type <<_:8>> tuple_set_crash.erl:62: The pattern {'play_list', _Playlist} can never match the type 'ok' | {'device_properties',[{atom(),_}]} | {'error',[{atom(),_}]} tuple_set_crash.erl:64: The pattern {'error', 17} can never match the type 'ok' | {'device_properties',[{atom(),_}]} | {'error',[{atom(),_}]} tuple_set_crash.erl:83: The specification for tuple_set_crash:parse_message/1 states that the function might also return {'media_item_url_reply',integer(),binary()} but the inferred return is 'ok' | {'audio_device_info' | 'audio_output_info' | 'audio_target_info' | 'device_properties' | 'error' | 'video_device_info' | 'video_output_info' | 'video_target_info',[{'address' | 'audio_volume' | 'controller_description' | 'controller_name' | 'controller_status' | 'device_id' | 'display_type' | 'fw_version' | 'master_volume' | 'model' | 'output_id' | 'status' | 'target_id',binary() | non_neg_integer()}] | 1..255}