;; %CopyrightBegin%
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
;; The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
;; Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
;; compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
;; Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
;; retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
;; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
;; the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
;; under the License.
;; %CopyrightEnd%

;; RFC 4005, Diameter Network Access Server Application
;; Edits:
;; - Acounting-Auth-Method      -> Accounting-Auth-Method
;; - Connection-Info            -> ConnectInfo
;; - Framed-Appletalk-Link      -> Framed-AppleTalk-Link
;; - Framed-Appletalk-Network   -> Framed-AppleTalk-Network
;; - Framed-Appletalk-Zone      -> Framed-AppleTalk-Zone
;; - Qos-Filter-Rule            -> QoS-Filter-Rule
;; - Redirect-Host-Usase        -> Redirect-Host-Usage
;; - Redirected-Host            -> Redirect-Host
;; - Redirected-Host-Usage      -> Redirect-Host-Usage
;; - Redirected-Host-Cache-Time -> Redirect-Max-Cache-Time
;; - Redirected-Max-Cache-Time  -> Redirect-Max-Cache-Time

@id 1

@inherits rfc3588_base

;; ===========================================================================


   ;; 4.  NAS Session AVPs

   NAS-Port                           5    Unsigned32    M
   NAS-Port-Id                       87    UTF8String    M
   NAS-Port-Type                     61    Enumerated    M
   Called-Station-Id                 30    UTF8String    M
   Calling-Station-Id                31    UTF8String    M
   Connect-Info                      77    UTF8String    M
   Originating-Line-Info             94   OctetString    -
   Reply-Message                     18    UTF8String    M

   ;; 5.  NAS Authentication AVPs

   User-Password                      2   OctetString    M
   Password-Retry                    75    Unsigned32    M
   Prompt                            76    Enumerated    M
   CHAP-Auth                        402       Grouped    M
   CHAP-Algorithm                   403    Enumerated    M
   CHAP-Ident                       404   OctetString    M
   CHAP-Response                    405   OctetString    M
   CHAP-Challenge                    60   OctetString    M
   ARAP-Password                     70   OctetString    M
   ARAP-Challenge-Response           84   OctetString    M
   ARAP-Security                     73    Unsigned32    M
   ARAP-Security-Data                74   OctetString    M

   ;; 6.  NAS Authorization AVPs

   Service-Type                       6    Enumerated    M
   Callback-Number                   19    UTF8String    M
   Callback-Id                       20    UTF8String    M
   Idle-Timeout                      28    Unsigned32    M
   Port-Limit                        62    Unsigned32    M
   NAS-Filter-Rule                  400  IPFilterRule    M
   Filter-Id                         11    UTF8String    M
   Configuration-Token               78   OctetString    M
   QoS-Filter-Rule                  407 QoSFilterRule    -
   Framed-Protocol                    7    Enumerated    M
   Framed-Routing                    10    Enumerated    M
   Framed-MTU                        12    Unsigned32    M
   Framed-Compression                13    Enumerated    M
   Framed-IP-Address                  8   OctetString    M
   Framed-IP-Netmask                  9   OctetString    M
   Framed-Route                      22    UTF8String    M
   Framed-Pool                       88   OctetString    M
   Framed-Interface-Id               96    Unsigned64    M
   Framed-IPv6-Prefix                97   OctetString    M
   Framed-IPv6-Route                 99    UTF8String    M
   Framed-IPv6-Pool                 100   OctetString    M
   Framed-IPX-Network                23    UTF8String    M
   Framed-AppleTalk-Link             37    Unsigned32    M
   Framed-AppleTalk-Network          38    Unsigned32    M
   Framed-AppleTalk-Zone             39   OctetString    M
   ARAP-Features                     71   OctetString    M
   ARAP-Zone-Access                  72    Enumerated    M
   Login-IP-Host                     14   OctetString    M
   Login-IPv6-Host                   98   OctetString    M
   Login-Service                     15    Enumerated    M
   Login-TCP-Port                    16    Unsigned32    M
   Login-LAT-Service                 34   OctetString    M
   Login-LAT-Node                    35   OctetString    M
   Login-LAT-Group                   36   OctetString    M
   Login-LAT-Port                    63   OctetString    M

   ;; 7.  NAS Tunneling

   Tunneling                        401       Grouped    M
   Tunnel-Type                       64    Enumerated    M
   Tunnel-Medium-Type                65    Enumerated    M
   Tunnel-Client-Endpoint            66    UTF8String    M
   Tunnel-Server-Endpoint            67    UTF8String    M
   Tunnel-Password                   69   OctetString    M
   Tunnel-Private-Group-Id           81   OctetString    M
   Tunnel-Assignment-Id              82   OctetString    M
   Tunnel-Preference                 83    Unsigned32    M
   Tunnel-Client-Auth-Id             90    UTF8String    M
   Tunnel-Server-Auth-Id             91    UTF8String    M

   ;; 8.  NAS Accounting

   Accounting-Input-Octets          363    Unsigned64    M
   Accounting-Output-Octets         364    Unsigned64    M
   Accounting-Input-Packets         365    Unsigned64    M
   Accounting-Output-Packets        366    Unsigned64    M
   Acct-Session-Time                 46    Unsigned32    M
   Acct-Authentic                    45    Enumerated    M
   Accounting-Auth-Method           406    Enumerated    M
   Acct-Delay-Time                   41    Unsigned32    M
   Acct-Link-Count                   51    Unsigned32    M
   Acct-Tunnel-Connection            68   OctetString    M
   Acct-Tunnel-Packets-Lost          86    Unsigned32    M

   ;; 9.3.  AVPs Used Only for Compatibility

   NAS-Identifier                    32    UTF8String    M
   NAS-IP-Address                     4   OctetString    M
   NAS-IPv6-Address                  95   OctetString    M
   State                             24   OctetString    M
 ;;Termination-Cause                295    Enumerated    M
   Origin-AAA-Protocol              408    Enumerated    M

;; ===========================================================================


   AAR ::= < Diameter Header: 265, REQ, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Auth-Application-Id }
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           { Destination-Realm }
           { Auth-Request-Type }
           [ Destination-Host ]
           [ NAS-Identifier ]
           [ NAS-IP-Address ]
           [ NAS-IPv6-Address ]
           [ NAS-Port ]
           [ NAS-Port-Id ]
           [ NAS-Port-Type ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
           [ Port-Limit ]
           [ User-Name ]
           [ User-Password ]
           [ Service-Type ]
           [ State ]
           [ Authorization-Lifetime ]
           [ Auth-Grace-Period ]
           [ Auth-Session-State ]
           [ Callback-Number ]
           [ Called-Station-Id ]
           [ Calling-Station-Id ]
           [ Originating-Line-Info ]
           [ Connect-Info ]
           [ CHAP-Auth ]
           [ CHAP-Challenge ]
         * [ Framed-Compression ]
           [ Framed-Interface-Id ]
           [ Framed-IP-Address ]
         * [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ]
           [ Framed-IP-Netmask ]
           [ Framed-MTU ]
           [ Framed-Protocol ]
           [ ARAP-Password ]
           [ ARAP-Security ]
         * [ ARAP-Security-Data ]
         * [ Login-IP-Host ]
         * [ Login-IPv6-Host ]
           [ Login-LAT-Group ]
           [ Login-LAT-Node ]
           [ Login-LAT-Port ]
           [ Login-LAT-Service ]
         * [ Tunneling ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ Route-Record ]
         * [ AVP ]

   AAA ::= < Diameter Header: 265, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Auth-Application-Id }
           { Auth-Request-Type }
           { Result-Code }
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           [ User-Name ]
           [ Service-Type ]
         * [ Class ]
         * [ Configuration-Token ]
           [ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
           [ Error-Message ]
           [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
         * [ Failed-AVP ]
           [ Idle-Timeout ]
           [ Authorization-Lifetime ]
           [ Auth-Grace-Period ]
           [ Auth-Session-State ]
           [ Re-Auth-Request-Type ]
           [ Multi-Round-Time-Out ]
           [ Session-Timeout ]
           [ State ]
         * [ Reply-Message ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
         * [ Filter-Id ]
           [ Password-Retry ]
           [ Port-Limit ]
           [ Prompt ]
           [ ARAP-Challenge-Response ]
           [ ARAP-Features ]
           [ ARAP-Security ]
         * [ ARAP-Security-Data ]
           [ ARAP-Zone-Access ]
           [ Callback-Id ]
           [ Callback-Number ]
           [ Framed-AppleTalk-Link ]
         * [ Framed-AppleTalk-Network ]
           [ Framed-AppleTalk-Zone ]
         * [ Framed-Compression ]
           [ Framed-Interface-Id ]
           [ Framed-IP-Address ]
         * [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ]
           [ Framed-IPv6-Pool ]
         * [ Framed-IPv6-Route ]
           [ Framed-IP-Netmask ]
         * [ Framed-Route ]
           [ Framed-Pool ]
           [ Framed-IPX-Network ]
           [ Framed-MTU ]
           [ Framed-Protocol ]
           [ Framed-Routing ]
         * [ Login-IP-Host ]
         * [ Login-IPv6-Host ]
           [ Login-LAT-Group ]
           [ Login-LAT-Node ]
           [ Login-LAT-Port ]
           [ Login-LAT-Service ]
           [ Login-Service ]
           [ Login-TCP-Port ]
         * [ NAS-Filter-Rule ]
         * [ QoS-Filter-Rule ]
         * [ Tunneling ]
         * [ Redirect-Host ]
           [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
           [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ AVP ]

   RAR ::= < Diameter Header: 258, REQ, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           { Destination-Realm }
           { Destination-Host }
           { Auth-Application-Id }
           { Re-Auth-Request-Type }
           [ User-Name ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
           [ NAS-Identifier ]
           [ NAS-IP-Address ]
           [ NAS-IPv6-Address ]
           [ NAS-Port ]
           [ NAS-Port-Id ]
           [ NAS-Port-Type ]
           [ Service-Type ]
           [ Framed-IP-Address ]
           [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ]
           [ Framed-Interface-Id ]
           [ Called-Station-Id ]
           [ Calling-Station-Id ]
           [ Originating-Line-Info ]
           [ Acct-Session-Id ]
           [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
           [ State ]
         * [ Class ]
           [ Reply-Message ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ Route-Record ]
         * [ AVP ]

   RAA ::= < Diameter Header: 258, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Result-Code }
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           [ User-Name ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
           [ Error-Message ]
           [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
         * [ Failed-AVP ]
         * [ Redirect-Host ]
           [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
           [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
           [ Service-Type ]
         * [ Configuration-Token ]
           [ Idle-Timeout ]
           [ Authorization-Lifetime ]
           [ Auth-Grace-Period ]
           [ Re-Auth-Request-Type ]
           [ State ]
         * [ Class ]
         * [ Reply-Message ]
           [ Prompt ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ AVP ]

   STR ::= < Diameter Header: 275, REQ, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           { Destination-Realm }
           { Auth-Application-Id }
           { Termination-Cause }
           [ User-Name ]
           [ Destination-Host ]
         * [ Class ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ Route-Record ]
         * [ AVP ]

   STA ::= < Diameter Header: 275, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Result-Code }
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           [ User-Name ]
         * [ Class ]
           [ Error-Message ]
           [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
         * [ Failed-AVP ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
         * [ Redirect-Host ]
           [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
           [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ AVP ]

   ASR ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           { Destination-Realm }
           { Destination-Host }
           { Auth-Application-Id }
           [ User-Name ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
           [ NAS-Identifier ]
           [ NAS-IP-Address ]
           [ NAS-IPv6-Address ]
           [ NAS-Port ]
           [ NAS-Port-Id ]
           [ NAS-Port-Type ]
           [ Service-Type ]
           [ Framed-IP-Address ]
           [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ]
           [ Framed-Interface-Id ]
           [ Called-Station-Id ]
           [ Calling-Station-Id ]
           [ Originating-Line-Info ]
           [ Acct-Session-Id ]
           [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
           [ State ]
         * [ Class ]
         * [ Reply-Message ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ Route-Record ]
         * [ AVP ]

   ASA ::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Result-Code }
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           [ User-Name ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
           [ State]
           [ Error-Message ]
           [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
         * [ Failed-AVP ]
         * [ Redirect-Host ]
           [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
           [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ AVP ]

   ACR ::= < Diameter Header: 271, REQ, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           { Destination-Realm }
           { Accounting-Record-Type }
           { Accounting-Record-Number }
           [ Acct-Application-Id ]
           [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
           [ User-Name ]
           [ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ]
           [ Acct-Session-Id ]
           [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
           [ Destination-Host ]
           [ Event-Timestamp ]
           [ Acct-Delay-Time ]
           [ NAS-Identifier ]
           [ NAS-IP-Address ]
           [ NAS-IPv6-Address ]
           [ NAS-Port ]
           [ NAS-Port-Id ]
           [ NAS-Port-Type ]
         * [ Class ]
           [ Service-Type ]
           [ Termination-Cause ]
           [ Accounting-Input-Octets ]
           [ Accounting-Input-Packets ]
           [ Accounting-Output-Octets ]
           [ Accounting-Output-Packets ]
           [ Acct-Authentic ]
           [ Accounting-Auth-Method ]
           [ Acct-Link-Count ]
           [ Acct-Session-Time ]
           [ Acct-Tunnel-Connection ]
           [ Acct-Tunnel-Packets-Lost ]
           [ Callback-Id ]
           [ Callback-Number ]
           [ Called-Station-Id ]
           [ Calling-Station-Id ]
         * [ Connect-Info ]
           [ Originating-Line-Info ]
           [ Authorization-Lifetime ]
           [ Session-Timeout ]
           [ Idle-Timeout ]
           [ Port-Limit ]
           [ Accounting-Realtime-Required ]
           [ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
         * [ Filter-Id ]
         * [ NAS-Filter-Rule ]
         * [ QoS-Filter-Rule ]
           [ Framed-AppleTalk-Link ]
           [ Framed-AppleTalk-Network ]
           [ Framed-AppleTalk-Zone ]
           [ Framed-Compression ]
           [ Framed-Interface-Id ]
           [ Framed-IP-Address ]
           [ Framed-IP-Netmask ]
         * [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ]
           [ Framed-IPv6-Pool ]
         * [ Framed-IPv6-Route ]
           [ Framed-IPX-Network ]
           [ Framed-MTU ]
           [ Framed-Pool ]
           [ Framed-Protocol ]
         * [ Framed-Route ]
           [ Framed-Routing ]
         * [ Login-IP-Host ]
         * [ Login-IPv6-Host ]
           [ Login-LAT-Group ]
           [ Login-LAT-Node ]
           [ Login-LAT-Port ]
           [ Login-LAT-Service ]
           [ Login-Service ]
           [ Login-TCP-Port ]
         * [ Tunneling ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ Route-Record ]
         * [ AVP ]

   ACA ::= < Diameter Header: 271, PXY >

           < Session-Id >
           { Result-Code }
           { Origin-Host }
           { Origin-Realm }
           { Accounting-Record-Type }
           { Accounting-Record-Number }
           [ Acct-Application-Id ]
           [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
           [ User-Name ]
           [ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ]
           [ Acct-Session-Id ]
           [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
           [ Event-Timestamp ]
           [ Error-Message ]
           [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
         * [ Failed-AVP ]
           [ Origin-AAA-Protocol ]
           [ Origin-State-Id ]
           [ NAS-Identifier ]
           [ NAS-IP-Address ]
           [ NAS-IPv6-Address ]
           [ NAS-Port ]
           [ NAS-Port-Id ]
           [ NAS-Port-Type ]
           [ Service-Type ]
           [ Termination-Cause ]
           [ Accounting-Realtime-Required ]
           [ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
         * [ Class ]
         * [ Proxy-Info ]
         * [ Route-Record ]
         * [ AVP ]

;; ===========================================================================


   CHAP-Auth ::= < AVP Header: 402 >

           { CHAP-Algorithm }
           { CHAP-Ident }
           [ CHAP-Response ]
         * [ AVP ]

   Tunneling ::= < AVP Header: 401 >

           { Tunnel-Type }
           { Tunnel-Medium-Type }
           { Tunnel-Client-Endpoint }
           { Tunnel-Server-Endpoint }
           [ Tunnel-Preference ]
           [ Tunnel-Client-Auth-Id ]
           [ Tunnel-Server-Auth-Id ]
           [ Tunnel-Assignment-Id ]
           [ Tunnel-Password ]
           [ Tunnel-Private-Group-Id ]

;; ===========================================================================

@enum NAS-Port-Type

   ASYNC                          0
   SYNC                           1
   ISDN_SYNC                      2
   ISDN_ASYNC_V120                3
   ISDN_ASYNC_V110                4
   VIRTUAL                        5
   PIAFS                          6
   HDLC_CLEAR_CHANNEL             7
   X25                            8
   X75                            9
   G3FAX                         10
   SDSL                          11
   ADSL-CAP                      12
   ADSL-DMT                      13
   IDSL                          14
   ETHERNET                      15
   XDSL                          16
   CABLE                         17
   WIRELESS_OTHER                18
  'WIRELESS_802.11'              19
   TOKEN-RING                    20
   FDDI                          21
   WIRELESS_CDMA2000             22
   WIRELESS_UMTS                 23
   WIRELESS_1X-EV                24
   IAPP                          25

@enum Prompt

   NO_ECHO                        0
   ECHO                           1

@enum CHAP-Algorithm

   WITH_MD5                       5

@enum Service-Type

   LOGIN                          1
   FRAMED                         2
   CALLBACK_LOGIN                 3
   CALLBACK_FRAMED                4
   OUTBOUND                       5
   ADMINISTRATIVE                 6
   NAS_PROMPT                     7
   AUTHENTICATE_ONLY              8
   CALLBACK_NAS_PROMPT            9
   CALL_CHECK                    10
   VOICE                         12
   FAX                           13
   MODEM_RELAY                   14
   IAPP-REGISTER                 15
   IAPP-AP-CHECK                 16
   AUTHORIZE_ONLY                17

@enum Framed-Protocol

   PPP                            1
   SLIP                           2
   ARAP                           3
   GANDALF                        4
   XYLOGICS                       5
   X75                            6

@enum Framed-Routing

   NONE                           0
   SEND                           1
   LISTEN                         2
   SEND_AND_LISTEN                3

@enum Framed-Compression

   NONE                           0
   VJ                             1
   IPX                            2
   STAC-LZS                       3

@enum ARAP-Zone-Access

   DEFAULT                        1
   FILTER_INCLUSIVELY             2
   FILTER_EXCLUSIVELY             4

@enum Login-Service

   TELNET                         0
   RLOGIN                         1
   TCP_CLEAR                      2
   PORTMASTER                     3
   LAT                            4
   X25-PAD                        5
   X25-T3POS                      6
   TCP_CLEAR_QUIET                8

@enum Tunnel-Type

   PPTP                           1
   L2F                            2
   L2TP                           3
   ATMP                           4
   VTP                            5
   AH                             6
   IP-IP                          7
   MIN-IP-IP                      8
   ESP                            9
   GRE                           10
   DVS                           11
   IP-IN-IP                      12
   VLAN                          13

@enum Tunnel-Medium-Type

   IPV4                           1
   IPV6                           2
   NSAP                           3
   HDLC                           4
   BBN_1822                       5
  '802'                           6
   E163                           7
   E164                           8
   F69                            9
   X121                          10
   IPX                           11
   APPLETALK                     12
   DECNET_IV                     13
   BANYAN_VINES                  14
   E164_NSAP                     15

@enum Acct-Authentic

   RADIUS                         1
   LOCAL                          2
   REMOTE                         3
   DIAMETER                       4

@enum Accounting-Auth-Method

   PAP                            1
   CHAP                           2
   MS-CHAP-1                      3
   MS-CHAP-2                      4
   EAP                            5
   NONE                           7

@enum Termination-Cause

   USER_REQUEST                  11
   LOST_CARRIER                  12
   LOST_SERVICE                  13
   IDLE_TIMEOUT                  14
   SESSION_TIMEOUT               15
   ADMIN_RESET                   16
   ADMIN_REBOOT                  17
   PORT_ERROR                    18
   NAS_ERROR                     19
   NAS_REQUEST                   20
   NAS_REBOOT                    21
   PORT_UNNEEDED                 22
   PORT_PREEMPTED                23
   PORT_SUSPENDED                24
   CALLBACK                      26
   USER_ERROR                    27
   HOST_REQUEST                  28
   SUPPLICANT_RESTART            29
   PORT_REINIT                   31
   PORT_DISABLED                 32