# %CopyrightBegin%
# Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
# retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# %CopyrightEnd%

include $(ERL_TOP)/make/target.mk
include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Application version
# ----------------------------------------------------

include ../vsn.mk


# ----------------------------------------------------
# Release directory specification
# ----------------------------------------------------

RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/diameter-$(VSN)

# Where to put/find things.
EBIN   = ../ebin
INCDIR = ../include

# Dumbed down to make 3.80. In 3.81 and later it's just $(realpath $(EBIN)).
ABS_EBIN := $(shell cd $(EBIN) && pwd)

# Where make should look for dependencies.
VPATH = .:base:compiler:transport:gen

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Target specs
# ----------------------------------------------------

include modules.mk

# Modules generated from dictionary specifications.
DICT_MODULES = $(DICTS:%=gen/diameter_gen_%)
DICT_ERLS    = $(DICT_MODULES:%=%.erl)
DICT_HRLS    = $(DICT_MODULES:%=%.hrl)

# Modules to build before compiling dictionaries.
COMPILER_MODULES = $(notdir $(filter compiler/%, $(CT_MODULES))) \

# All handwritten modules from which a depend.mk is generated.

# Modules whose names are inserted into the app file.

# Modules for which to build beams.

# What to build for the 'opt' target.
	$(patsubst %, $(EBIN)/%.$(EMULATOR), $(notdir $(TARGET_MODULES))) \

# Subdirectories of src to release modules into.
TARGET_DIRS = $(sort $(dir $(TARGET_MODULES)))

# Ditto for examples.
EXAMPLE_DIRS = $(sort $(dir $(EXAMPLES)))

APP_FILE   = diameter.app
APP_SRC    = $(APP_FILE).src

APPUP_FILE   = diameter.appup

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Flags
# ----------------------------------------------------

ifeq ($(TYPE),debug)

	+'{parse_transform,sys_pre_attributes}' \
	+'{attribute,insert,app_vsn,"$(APP_VSN)"}' \
	+warn_export_vars \
	+warn_unused_vars \
	-pa $(ABS_EBIN) \
	-I $(INCDIR) \
	-I gen
# -pa is to be able to include_lib from the include directory: the
# path must contain the application name.

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Targets
# ----------------------------------------------------

# erl/hrl from dictionary file.
gen/diameter_gen_%.erl gen/diameter_gen_%.hrl: dict/%.dia
	$(dia_verbose) \
	../bin/diameterc -o gen -i $(EBIN) $<


# Build unofficial patches with some degree of traceability. Refuse to
# build if there are diffs from HEAD since that defeats the purpose.
	git diff --exit-code HEAD
	$(MAKE) opt PRE_VSN="-$(shell git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD | cut -c 1-8)"

	@$(MAKE) TYPE=debug opt

# The dictionary parser.
gen/$(DICT_YRL).erl: compiler/$(DICT_YRL).yrl
	$(yecc_verbose) \
	$(ERLC) -Werror -o $(@D) $<

# Generate the app file.
$(APP_TARGET): $(APP_SRC) ../vsn.mk modules.mk
	$(gen_verbose) \
	M=`echo $(notdir $(APP_MODULES)) | tr ' ' ,`; \
	R=`echo $(REGISTERED) | tr ' ' ,`; \
	sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' \
	    -e "s;%MODULES%;$$M;" \
	    -e "s;%REGISTERED%;$$R;" \
	  $< > $@

$(APPUP_TARGET): $(APPUP_SRC) ../vsn.mk
	$(vsn_verbose) \
	sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@

dict: $(DICT_ERLS)


list = echo $(1):; echo $($(1)) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | sed 's@^@  @'

	@echo ========================================
	@$(call list,DICTS)
	@$(call list,DICT_YRL)
	@$(call list,RT_MODULES)
	@$(call list,CT_MODULES)
	@$(call list,TARGET_MODULES)
	@$(call list,TARGET_DIRS)
	@$(call list,EXTERNAL_HRLS)
	@$(call list,INTERNAL_HRLS)
	@$(call list,EXAMPLES)
	@$(call list,EXAMPLE_DIRS)
	@$(call list,BINS)
	@echo ========================================

	rm -f $(TARGET_FILES) gen/*
	rm -f depend.mk

realclean: clean
	rm -f ../ebin/*
# Not $(EBIN) just to be a bit paranoid

PLT = ./otp.plt

	dialyzer --build_plt \
	         --apps erts stdlib kernel \
	                xmerl ssl public_key crypto \
	                compiler syntax_tools runtime_tools \
	         --output_plt $(PLT) \

dialyze: opt $(PLT)
	dialyzer --plt $(PLT) \
	         --verbose \
	         -Wno_improper_lists \
	         $(EBIN)/diameter_gen_base_rfc3588.$(EMULATOR) \
	         $(patsubst %, $(EBIN)/%.$(EMULATOR), \
                          $(notdir $(RT_MODULES) $(CT_MODULES)))
# Omit all but the common dictionary module since these
# (diameter_gen_relay in particular) generate warning depending on how
# much of the included diameter_gen.hrl they use.

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Release targets
# ----------------------------------------------------

include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_release_targets.mk

# Can't $(INSTALL_DIR) more than one directory at a time on Solaris.

release_spec: opt
	for d in bin ebin include src/dict; do \
	    $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(RELSYSDIR)/$$d"; \
	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(BINS:%=../bin/%) "$(RELSYSDIR)/bin"
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(EXTERNAL_HRLS:%=../include/%) $(DICT_HRLS) \
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(DICTS:%=dict/%.dia) "$(RELSYSDIR)/src/dict"
	$(MAKE) $(TARGET_DIRS:%/=release_src_%)
	$(MAKE) $(EXAMPLE_DIRS:%/=release_examples_%)

$(TARGET_DIRS:%/=release_src_%): release_src_%:
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(filter $*/%, $(TARGET_MODULES:%=%.erl) \
	                               $(INTERNAL_HRLS)) \
	                $(filter $*/%, compiler/$(DICT_YRL).yrl) \

$(EXAMPLE_DIRS:%/=release_examples_%): release_examples_%:
	$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(RELSYSDIR)/examples/$*"
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(patsubst %, ../examples/%, $(filter $*/%, $(EXAMPLES))) \


# ----------------------------------------------------
# Dependencies
# ----------------------------------------------------

gen/diameter_gen_base_accounting.erl gen/diameter_gen_relay.erl \
gen/diameter_gen_base_accounting.hrl gen/diameter_gen_relay.hrl: \

gen/diameter_gen_base_rfc3588.erl gen/diameter_gen_base_rfc3588.hrl: \

$(DICT_MODULES:gen/%=$(EBIN)/%.$(EMULATOR)): \
	$(INCDIR)/diameter.hrl \

depend: depend.mk

# Generate dependencies makefile.
depend.mk: depend.sed $(MODULES:%=%.erl) Makefile
	(for f in $(MODULES); do \
	     (echo $$f; cat $$f.erl) | sed -f $<; \
	 done) \
	> $@

-include depend.mk

.PHONY: app clean realclean depend dict info release_subdir
.PHONY: debug opt release_docs_spec release_spec
.PHONY: $(TARGET_DIRS:%/=%) $(TARGET_DIRS:%/=release_src_%)
.PHONY: $(EXAMPLE_DIRS:%/=release_examples_%)
.PHONY: plt dialyze patch

# Keep intermediate files.

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Targets using secondary expansion (make >= 3.81)
# ----------------------------------------------------


# Make beams from a subdirectory.
$(TARGET_DIRS:%/=%): \
  $$(patsubst $$@/%, \
              $(EBIN)/%.$(EMULATOR), \
              $$(filter $$@/%, $(TARGET_MODULES) compiler/$(DICT_YRL)))