%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

%% The module implements a simple term -> pid registry.

-compile({no_auto_import, [monitor/2]}).




%% gen_server callbacks

%% test

%% debug


-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-define(TABLE, ?MODULE).

%% Table entry used to keep from starting more than one monitor on the
%% same process. This isn't a problem but there's no point in starting
%% multiple monitors if we can avoid it. Note that we can't have a 2-tuple
%% keyed on Pid since a registered term can be anything. Want the entry
%% keyed on Pid so that lookup is fast.
-define(MONITOR(Pid, MRef), {Pid, monitor, MRef}).

%% Table entry containing the Term -> Pid mapping.
-define(MAPPING(Term, Pid), {Term, Pid}).

-record(state, {id = now()}).

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # add(T)
%%% Input:  Term = term()
%%% Output: true
%%% Description: Associate the specified term with self(). The list of pids
%%%              having this or other assocations can be retrieved using
%%%              match/1.
%%%              An association is removed when the calling process dies
%%%              or as a result of calling del/1. Adding the same term
%%%              more than once is equivalent to adding it exactly once.
%%%              Note that since match/1 takes a pattern as argument,
%%%              specifying a term that contains match variables is
%%%              probably not a good idea
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

-spec add(any())
   -> true.

add(T) ->
    call({add, fun ets:insert/2, T, self()}).

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # add_new(T)
%%% Input:  T = term()
%%% Output: true | false
%%% Description: Like add/1 but only one process is allowed to have the
%%%              the association, false being returned if an association
%%%              already exists.
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

-spec add_new(any())
   -> boolean().

add_new(T) ->
    call({add, fun insert_new/2, T, self()}).

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # repl(T, NewT)
%%% Input:  T, NewT = term()
%%% Output: true | false
%%% Description: Like add/1 but only replace an existing association on T,
%%%              false being returned if it doesn't exist.
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

-spec repl(any(), any())
   -> boolean().

repl(T, U) ->
    call({repl, T, U, self()}).

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # del(Term)
%%% Input:  Term = term()
%%% Output: true
%%% Description: Remove any existing association of Term with self().
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

-spec del(any())
   -> true.

del(T) ->
    call({del, T, self()}).

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # match(Pat)
%%% Input:  Pat = pattern in the sense of ets:match_object/2.
%%% Output: list of {Term, Pid}
%%% Description: Return the list of associations whose Term, as specified
%%%              to add/1 or add_new/1, matches the specified pattern.
%%%              Note that there's no guarantee that the returned processes
%%%              are still alive. (Although one that isn't will soon have
%%%              its associations removed.)
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

-spec match(tuple())
   -> [{term(), pid()}].

match(Pat) ->
    ets:match_object(?TABLE, ?MAPPING(Pat, '_')).

%% ---------------------------------------------------------
%% ---------------------------------------------------------

start_link() ->
    ServerName = {local, ?SERVER},
    Options    = [{spawn_opt, diameter_lib:spawn_opts(server, [])}],
    gen_server:start_link(ServerName, ?MODULE, [], Options).

state() ->

uptime() ->

%% pids/0
%% Output: list of {Pid, [Term, ...]}

pids() ->
    to_list(fun swap/1).

to_list(Fun) ->
    ets:foldl(fun(T,A) -> acc(Fun, T, A) end, orddict:new(), ?TABLE).

acc(Fun, ?MAPPING(Term, Pid), Dict) ->
    append(Fun({Term, Pid}), Dict);
acc(_, _, Dict) ->

append({K,V}, Dict) ->
    orddict:append(K, V, Dict).

id(T) -> T.

%% terms/0
%% Output: list of {Term, [Pid, ...]}

terms() ->
    to_list(fun id/1).

swap({X,Y}) -> {Y,X}.

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # init(Role)
%%% Output: {ok, State}
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

init(_) ->
    ets:new(?TABLE, [bag, named_table]),
    {ok, #state{}}.

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # handle_call(Request, From, State)
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

handle_call({add, Fun, Key, Pid}, _, State) ->
    B = Fun(?TABLE, {Key, Pid}),
    monitor(B andalso no_monitor(Pid), Pid),
    {reply, B, State};

handle_call({del, Key, Pid}, _, State) ->
    {reply, ets:delete_object(?TABLE, ?MAPPING(Key, Pid)), State};

handle_call({repl, T, U, Pid}, _, State) ->
    MatchSpec = [{?MAPPING('$1', Pid),
                  [{'=:=', '$1', {const, T}}],
    {reply, repl(ets:select(?TABLE, MatchSpec), U, Pid), State};

handle_call(state, _, State) ->
    {reply, State, State};

handle_call(uptime, _, #state{id = Time} = State) ->
    {reply, diameter_lib:now_diff(Time), State};

handle_call(Req, From, State) ->
    ?UNEXPECTED([Req, From]),
    {reply, nok, State}.

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # handle_cast(Request, State)
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

handle_cast(Msg, State)->
    {noreply, State}.

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # handle_info(Request, State)
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

handle_info({'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _}, State) ->
    ets:delete_object(?TABLE, ?MONITOR(Pid, MRef)),
    ets:match_delete(?TABLE, ?MAPPING('_', Pid)),
    {noreply, State};

handle_info(Info, State) ->
    {noreply, State}.

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # terminate(Reason, State)
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

terminate(_Reason, _State)->

%%% ----------------------------------------------------------
%%% # code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra)
%%% ----------------------------------------------------------

code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
    {ok, State}.

%% ---------------------------------------------------------
%% ---------------------------------------------------------

monitor(true, Pid) ->
    ets:insert(?TABLE, ?MONITOR(Pid, erlang:monitor(process, Pid)));
monitor(false, _) ->

%% Do we need a monitor for the specified Pid?
no_monitor(Pid) ->
    [] == ets:match_object(?TABLE, ?MONITOR(Pid, '_')).

%% insert_new/2

insert_new(?TABLE, {Key, _} = T) ->
    flush(ets:lookup(?TABLE, Key)),
    ets:insert_new(?TABLE, T).

%% Remove any processes that are dead but for which we may not have
%% received 'DOWN' yet. This is to ensure that add_new can be used
%% to register a unique name each time a process restarts.
flush(List) ->
    lists:foreach(fun({_,P} = T) ->
                          del(erlang:is_process_alive(P), T)

del(Alive, T) ->
    Alive orelse ets:delete_object(?TABLE, T).

%% repl/3

repl([?MAPPING(_, Pid) = M], Key, Pid) ->
    ets:delete_object(?TABLE, M),
    true = ets:insert(?TABLE, ?MAPPING(Key, Pid));
repl([], _, _) ->

%% call/1

call(Request) ->
    gen_server:call(?SERVER, Request, infinity).