%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %% This module turns a dictionary file into the orddict that %% diameter_codegen.erl in turn morphs into .erl and .hrl files for %% encode and decode of Diameter messages and AVPs. %% -module(diameter_dict_util). -export([parse/2, format_error/1, format/1]). -include("diameter_vsn.hrl"). -define(RETURN(T), throw({T, ?MODULE, ?LINE})). -define(RETURN(T, Args), ?RETURN({T, Args})). -define(A, list_to_atom). -define(L, atom_to_list). -define(I, integer_to_list). -define(F, io_lib:format). %% =========================================================================== %% parse/2 %% =========================================================================== -spec parse(File, Opts) -> {ok, orddict:orddict()} | {error, term()} when File :: {path, string()} | iolist() | binary(), Opts :: list(). parse(File, Opts) -> putr(verbose, lists:member(verbose, Opts)), try {ok, do_parse(File, Opts)} catch {Reason, ?MODULE, _Line} -> {error, Reason} after eraser(verbose) end. %% =========================================================================== %% format_error/1 %% =========================================================================== format_error({read, Reason}) -> file:format_error(Reason); format_error({scan, Reason}) -> diameter_dict_scanner:format_error(Reason); format_error({parse, {Line, _Mod, Reason}}) -> lists:flatten(["Line ", ?I(Line), ", ", Reason]); format_error(T) -> {Fmt, As} = fmt(T), lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Fmt, As)). fmt({avp_code_already_defined = E, [Code, false, Name, Line, L]}) -> {fmt(E), [Code, "", Name, Line, L]}; fmt({avp_code_already_defined = E, [Code, Vid, Name, Line, L]}) -> {fmt(E), [Code, ?F("/~p", [Vid]), Name, Line, L]}; fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [id | T]}) -> {fmt(E), ["@id", "application identifier" | T]}; fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [K | T]}) when K == vendor; K == avp_vendor_id -> {fmt(E), [?F("@~p", [K]), "vendor id" | T]}; fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [K, Name | T]}) when K == enum; K == define -> {fmt(E), [?F("@~p ~s", [K, Name]), "value" | T]}; fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [avp_types, Name | T]}) -> {fmt(E), ["AVP " ++ Name, "AVP code" | T]}; fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [grouped, Name | T]}) -> {fmt(E), ["Grouped AVP " ++ Name | T]}; fmt({uint32_out_of_range = E, [messages, Name | T]}) -> {fmt(E), ["Message " ++ Name, "command code" | T]}; fmt({Reason, As}) -> {fmt(Reason), As}; fmt(avp_code_already_defined) -> "AVP ~p~s (~s) at line ~p already defined at line ~p"; fmt(uint32_out_of_range) -> "~s specifies ~s ~p at line ~p that is out of range for a value of " "Diameter type Unsigned32"; fmt(imported_avp_already_defined) -> "AVP ~s imported by @inherits ~p at line ~p defined at line ~p"; fmt(duplicate_import) -> "AVP ~s is imported by more than one @inherits, both at line ~p " "and at line ~p"; fmt(duplicate_section) -> "Section @~s at line ~p already declared at line ~p"; fmt(already_declared) -> "Section @~p ~s at line ~p already declared at line ~p"; fmt(inherited_avp_already_defined) -> "AVP ~s inherited at line ~p defined in @avp_types at line ~p"; fmt(avp_already_defined) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p already in @~p at line ~p"; fmt(key_already_defined) -> "Value for ~s:~s in @~p at line ~p already provided at line ~p"; fmt(messages_without_id) -> "@messages at line ~p but @id not declared"; fmt(avp_name_already_defined) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p already defined at line ~p"; fmt(avp_has_unknown_type) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p defined with unknown type ~s"; fmt(avp_has_invalid_flag) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p specifies invalid flag ~c"; fmt(avp_has_duplicate_flag) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p specifies duplicate flag ~c"; fmt(avp_has_vendor_id) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p does not specify V flag " "but is assigned vendor id ~p at line ~p"; fmt(avp_has_no_vendor) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p specifies V flag " "but neither @vendor_avp_id nor @vendor supplies a value"; fmt(group_already_defined) -> "Group ~s at line ~p already defined at line ~p"; fmt(grouped_avp_code_mismatch) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p has with code ~p " "but @avp_types specifies ~p at line ~p"; fmt(grouped_avp_has_wrong_type) -> "Grouped AVP ~s at line ~p defined with type ~s at line ~p"; fmt(grouped_avp_not_defined) -> "Grouped AVP ~s on line ~p not defined in @avp_types"; fmt(grouped_vendor_id_without_flag) -> "Grouped AVP ~s at line ~p has vendor id " "but definition at line ~p does not specify V flag"; fmt(grouped_vendor_id_mismatch) -> "Grouped AVP ~s at line ~p has vendor id ~p " "but ~p specified at line ~p"; fmt(message_name_already_defined) -> "Message ~s at line ~p already defined at line ~p"; fmt(message_code_already_defined) -> "~s message with code ~p at line ~p already defined at line ~p"; fmt(message_has_duplicate_flag) -> "Message ~s has duplicate flag ~s at line ~p"; fmt(message_application_id_mismatch) -> "Message ~s has application id ~p at line ~p " "but @id specifies ~p at line ~p"; fmt(invalid_avp_order) -> "AVP reference ~c~s~c at line ~p breaks fixed/required/optional order"; fmt(invalid_qualifier) -> "Qualifier ~p*~p at line ~p has Min > Max"; fmt(avp_already_referenced) -> "AVP ~s at line ~p already referenced at line ~p"; fmt(message_missing) -> "~s message at line ~p but no ~s message is defined"; fmt(requested_avp_not_found) -> "@inherit ~s at line ~p requests AVP ~s at line ~p " "but module does not define that AVP"; fmt(enumerated_avp_has_wrong_local_type) -> "Enumerated AVP ~s in @enum at line ~p defined with type ~s at line ~p"; fmt(enumerated_avp_has_wrong_inherited_type) -> "Enumerated AVP ~s in @enum at line ~p " "inherited with type ~s from module ~s at line ~p"; fmt(enumerated_avp_not_defined) -> "Enumerated AVP ~s in @enum at line ~p neither defined nor inherited"; fmt(avp_not_defined) -> "AVP ~s referenced at line ~p neither defined nor inherited"; fmt(recompile) -> "Module ~p appears to have been compiler with an incompatible " "version of the dictionary compiler and must be recompiled"; fmt(not_loaded) -> "Module ~p is not on the code path or could not be loaded"; fmt(no_dict) -> "Module ~p does not appear to be a diameter dictionary". %% =========================================================================== %% format/1 %% %% Turn dict/0 output back into a dictionary file (with line ending = $\n). -spec format(Dict) -> iolist() when Dict :: orddict:orddict(). -define(KEYS, [id, name, prefix, vendor, inherits, codecs, custom_types, avp_types, messages, grouped, enum, define]). format(Dict) -> Io = orddict:fold(fun io/3, [], Dict), [S || {_,S} <- lists:sort(fun keysort/2, Io)]. keysort({A,_}, {B,_}) -> [HA, HB] = [H || K <- [A,B], H <- [lists:takewhile(fun(X) -> X /= K end, ?KEYS)]], HA < HB. %% =========================================================================== -define(INDENT, " "). -define(SP, " "). -define(NL, $\n). %% io/3 io(K, _, Acc) when K == command_codes; K == import_avps; K == import_groups; K == import_enums -> Acc; io(Key, Body, Acc) -> [{Key, io(Key, Body)} | Acc]. %% io/2 io(K, Id) when K == id; K == name; K == prefix -> [?NL, section(K), ?SP, tok(Id)]; io(vendor = K, {Id, Name}) -> [?NL, section(K) | [[?SP, tok(X)] || X <- [Id, Name]]]; io(avp_types = K, Body) -> [?NL, ?NL, section(K), ?NL, [body(K,A) || A <- Body]]; io(K, Body) when K == messages; K == grouped -> [?NL, ?NL, section(K), [body(K,A) || A <- Body]]; io(K, Body) when K == avp_vendor_id; K == inherits; K == custom_types; K == codecs; K == enum; K == define -> [[?NL, pairs(K, T)] || T <- Body]. pairs(K, {Id, Avps}) -> [?NL, section(K), ?SP, tok(Id), ?NL, [[?NL, body(K, A)] || A <- Avps]]. body(K, AvpName) when K == avp_vendor_id; K == inherits; K == custom_types; K == codecs -> [?INDENT, word(AvpName)]; body(K, {Name, N}) when K == enum; K == define -> [?INDENT, word(Name), ?SP, ?I(N)]; body(avp_types = K, {Name, Code, Type, ""}) -> body(K, {Name, Code, Type, "-"}); body(avp_types, {Name, Code, Type, Flags}) -> [?NL, ?INDENT, word(Name), [[?SP, ?SP, S] || S <- [?I(Code), Type, Flags]]]; body(messages, {"answer-message", _, _, [], Avps}) -> [?NL, ?NL, ?INDENT, "answer-message ::= < Diameter Header: code, ERR [PXY] >", f_avps(Avps)]; body(messages, {Name, Code, Flags, ApplId, Avps}) -> [?NL, ?NL, ?INDENT, word(Name), " ::= ", header(Code, Flags, ApplId), f_avps(Avps)]; body(grouped, {Name, Code, Vid, Avps}) -> [?NL, ?NL, ?INDENT, word(Name), " ::= ", avp_header(Code, Vid), f_avps(Avps)]. header(Code, Flags, ApplId) -> ["< Diameter Header: ", ?I(Code), [[", ", ?L(F)] || F <- Flags], [[" ", ?I(N)] || N <- ApplId], " >"]. avp_header(Code, Vid) -> ["< AVP Header: ", ?I(Code), [[" ", ?I(V)] || V <- Vid], " >"]. f_avps(L) -> [[?NL, ?INDENT, ?INDENT, f_avp(A)] || A <- L]. f_avp({Q, A}) -> f_avp(f_qual(Q), f_delim(A)); f_avp(A) -> f_avp("", f_delim(A)). f_delim({{A}}) -> [$<, word(A), $>]; f_delim({A}) -> [${, word(A), $}]; f_delim([A]) -> [$[, word(A), $]]. f_avp(Q, Avp) -> Len = length(lists:flatten([Q])), [io_lib:format("~*s", [-1*max(Len+1, 6) , Q]), Avp]. f_qual('*') -> "*"; f_qual({'*', N}) -> [$*, ?I(N)]; f_qual({N, '*'}) -> [?I(N), $*]; f_qual({M,N}) -> [?I(M), $*, ?I(N)]. section(Key) -> ["@", ?L(Key)]. tok(N) when is_integer(N) -> ?I(N); tok(N) -> word(N). word(Str) -> word(diameter_dict_scanner:is_name(Str), Str). word(true, Str) -> Str; word(false, Str) -> [$', Str, $']. %% =========================================================================== do_parse(File, Opts) -> Bin = do([fun read/1, File], read), Toks = do([fun diameter_dict_scanner:scan/1, Bin], scan), Tree = do([fun diameter_dict_parser:parse/1, Toks], parse), make_dict(Tree, Opts). do([F|A], E) -> case apply(F,A) of {ok, T} -> T; {error, Reason} -> ?RETURN({E, Reason}) end. read({path, Path}) -> file:read_file(Path); read(File) -> {ok, iolist_to_binary([File])}. make_dict(Parse, Opts) -> make_orddict(pass4(pass3(pass2(pass1(reset(make_dict(Parse), Opts))), Opts))). %% make_orddict/1 make_orddict(Dict) -> dict:fold(fun mo/3, orddict:from_list([{K,[]} || K <- [avp_types, messages, grouped, inherits, custom_types, codecs, avp_vendor_id, enum, define]]), Dict). mo(K, Sects, Dict) when is_atom(K) -> orddict:store(K, make(K, Sects), Dict); mo(_, _, Dict) -> Dict. make(K, [[_Line, {_, _, X}]]) when K == id; K == name; K == prefix -> X; make(vendor, [[_Line, {_, _, Id}, {_, _, Name}]]) -> {Id, Name}; make(K, T) when K == command_codes; K == import_avps; K == import_groups; K == import_enums -> T; make(K, Sects) -> post(K, foldl(fun([_L|B], A) -> make(K,B,A) end, [], Sects)). post(avp_types, L) -> lists:sort(L); post(K, L) when K == grouped; K == messages; K == enum; K == define -> lists:reverse(L); post(_, L) -> L. make(K, [{_,_,Name} | Body], Acc) when K == enum; K == define; K == avp_vendor_id; K == custom_types; K == inherits; K == codecs -> [{Name, mk(K, Body)} | Acc]; make(K, Body, Acc) -> foldl(fun(T,A) -> [mk(K, T) | A] end, Acc, Body). mk(avp_types, [{_,_,Name}, {_,_,Code}, {_,_,Type}, {_,_,Flags}]) -> {Name, Code, type(Type), Flags}; mk(messages, [{'answer-message' = A, _}, false | Avps]) -> {?L(A), -1, ['ERR', 'PXY'], [], make_body(Avps)}; mk(messages, [{_,_,Name}, [{_,_,Code}, Flags, ApplId] | Avps]) -> {Name, Code, lists:map(fun({F,_}) -> F end, Flags), opt(ApplId), make_body(Avps)}; mk(grouped, [{_,_,Name}, [{_,_,Code}, Vid] | Avps]) -> {Name, Code, opt(Vid), make_body(Avps)}; mk(K, Body) when K == enum; K == define -> lists:map(fun([{_,_,Name}, {_,_,Value}]) -> {Name, Value} end, Body); mk(K, Avps) when K == avp_vendor_id; K == custom_types; K == inherits; K == codecs -> lists:map(fun({_,_,N}) -> N end, Avps). opt(false) -> []; opt({_,_,X}) -> [X]. make_body(Avps) -> lists:map(fun avp/1, Avps). avp([false, D, Avp]) -> avp(D, Avp); avp([Q, D, Avp]) -> {qual(Q), avp(D, Avp)}. avp(D, {'AVP', _}) -> delim(D, "AVP"); avp(D, {_, _, Name}) -> delim(D, Name). delim($<, N) -> {{N}}; delim(${, N) -> {N}; delim($[, N) -> [N]. qual({true, {_,_,N}}) -> {'*', N}; qual({{_,_,N}, true}) -> {N, '*'}; qual({{_,_,N},{_,_,M}}) -> {N, M}; qual(true) -> '*'. %% Optional reports when running verbosely. report(What, [F | A]) when is_function(F) -> report(What, apply(F, A)); report(What, Data) -> report(getr(verbose), What, Data). report(true, Tag, Data) -> io:format("##~n## ~p ~p~n", [Tag, Data]); report(false, _, _) -> ok. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% make_dict/1 %% %% Turn a parsed dictionary into an dict. make_dict(Parse) -> foldl(fun(T,A) -> report(section, T), section(T,A) end, dict:new(), Parse). section([{T, L} | Rest], Dict) when T == name; T == prefix; T == id; T == vendor -> case find(T, Dict) of [] -> dict:store(T, [[L | Rest]], Dict); [[Line | _]] -> ?RETURN(duplicate_section, [T, L, Line]) end; section([{T, L} | Rest], Dict) when T == avp_types; T == messages; T == grouped; T == inherits; T == custom_types; T == codecs; T == avp_vendor_id; T == enum; T == define -> dict:append(T, [L | Rest], Dict). %% =========================================================================== %% reset/2 %% %% Reset sections from options. reset(Dict, Opts) -> foldl([fun reset/3, Opts], Dict, [name, prefix, inherits]). reset(K, Dict, Opts) -> foldl(fun opt/2, Dict, [T || {A,_} = T <- Opts, A == K]). opt({inherits = Key, "-"}, Dict) -> dict:erase(Key, Dict); opt({inherits = Key, Mod}, Dict) -> dict:append(Key, [0, {word, 0, Mod}], Dict); opt({Key, Val}, Dict) -> dict:store(Key, [0, {word, 0, Val}], Dict); opt(_, Dict) -> Dict. %% =========================================================================== %% pass1/1 %% %% Explode sections into additional dictionary entries plus semantic %% checks. pass1(Dict) -> true = no_messages_without_id(Dict), foldl(fun(K,D) -> foldl([fun p1/3, K], D, find(K,D)) end, Dict, [id, vendor, avp_types, %% must precede inherits, grouped, enum avp_vendor_id, custom_types, codecs, inherits, grouped, messages, enum, define]). %% Multiple sections are allowed as long as their bodies don't %% overlap. (Except enum/define.) p1([_Line, N], Dict, id = K) -> true = is_uint32(N, [K]), Dict; p1([_Line, Id, _Name], Dict, vendor = K) -> true = is_uint32(Id, [K]), Dict; p1([_Line, X | Body], Dict, K) when K == avp_vendor_id; K == custom_types; K == codecs; K == inherits -> foldl([fun explode/4, X, K], Dict, Body); p1([_Line, X | Body], Dict, K) when K == define; K == enum -> {_, L, Name} = X, foldl([fun explode2/4, X, K], store_new({K, Name}, [L, Body], Dict, [K, Name, L], already_declared), Body); p1([_Line | Body], Dict, K) when K == avp_types; K == grouped; K == messages -> foldl([fun explode/3, K], Dict, Body). no_messages_without_id(Dict) -> case find(messages, Dict) of [] -> true; [[Line | _] | _] -> [] /= find(id, Dict) orelse ?RETURN(messages_without_id, [Line]) end. %% Note that the AVP's in avp_vendor_id, custom_types, codecs and %% enum can all be inherited, as can the AVP content of messages and %% grouped AVP's. Check that the referenced AVP's exist after %% importing definitions. %% explode/4 %% %% {avp_vendor_id, AvpName} -> [Lineno, Id::integer()] %% {custom_types|codecs|inherits, AvpName} -> [Lineno, Mod::string()] explode({_, Line, AvpName}, Dict, {_, _, X} = T, K) -> true = K /= avp_vendor_id orelse is_uint32(T, [K]), true = K /= inherits orelse avp_not_local(AvpName, Line, Dict), store_new({key(K), AvpName}, [Line, X], Dict, [AvpName, Line, K], avp_already_defined). %% explode2/4 %% {define, {Name, Key}} -> [Lineno, Value::integer(), enum|define] explode2([{_, Line, Key}, {_, _, Value} = T], Dict, {_, _, Name}, K) -> true = is_uint32(T, [K, Name]), store_new({key(K), {Name, Key}}, [Line, Value, K], Dict, [Name, Key, K, Line], key_already_defined). %% key/1 %% %% Conflate keys that are equivalent as far as uniqueness of %% definition goes. key(K) when K == enum; K == define -> define; key(K) when K == custom_types; K == codecs -> custom; key(K) -> K. %% explode/3 %% {avp_types, AvpName} -> [Line | Toks] %% {avp_types, {Code, IsReq}} -> [Line, AvpName] %% %% where AvpName = string() %% Code = integer() %% IsReq = boolean() explode([{_, Line, Name} | Toks], Dict0, avp_types = K) -> %% Each AVP can be defined only once. Dict = store_new({K, Name}, [Line | Toks], Dict0, [Name, Line], avp_name_already_defined), [{number, _, _Code} = C, {word, _, Type}, {word, _, _Flags}] = Toks, true = avp_type_known(Type, Name, Line), true = is_uint32(C, [K, Name]), Dict; %% {grouped, Name} -> [Line, HeaderTok | AvpToks] %% {grouped, {Name, AvpName}} -> [Line, Qual, Delim] %% %% where Name = string() %% AvpName = string() %% Qual = {Q, Q} | boolean() %% Q = true | NumberTok %% Delim = $< | ${ | $[ explode([{_, Line, Name}, Header | Avps], Dict0, grouped = K) -> Dict = store_new({K, Name}, [Line, Header | Avps], Dict0, [Name, Line], group_already_defined), [{_,_, Code} = C, Vid] = Header, {DefLine, {_, _, Flags}} = grouped_flags(Name, Code, Dict0, Line), V = lists:member($V, Flags), true = is_uint32(C, [K, Name, "AVP code"]), true = is_uint32(Vid, [K, Name, "vendor id"]), false = vendor_id_mismatch(Vid, V, Name, Dict0, Line, DefLine), explode_avps(Avps, Dict, K, Name); %% {messages, Name} -> [Line, HeaderTok | AvpToks] %% {messages, {Code, IsReq}} -> [Line, NameTok] %% {messages, Code} -> [[Line, NameTok, IsReq]] %% {messages, {Name, Flag}} -> [Line] %% {messages, {Name, AvpName}} -> [Line, Qual, Delim] %% %% where Name = string() %% Code = integer() %% IsReq = boolean() %% Flag = 'REQ' | 'PXY' %% AvpName = string() %% Qual = true | {Q,Q} %% Q = true | NumberTok %% Delim = $< | ${ | ${ explode([{'answer-message' = A, Line}, false = H | Avps], Dict0, messages = K) -> Name = ?L(A), Dict1 = store_new({K, Name}, [Line, H, Avps], Dict0, [Name, Line], message_name_already_defined), explode_avps(Avps, Dict1, K, Name); explode([{_, Line, MsgName} = M, Header | Avps], Dict0, messages = K) -> %% There can be at most one message with a given name. Dict1 = store_new({K, MsgName}, [Line, Header | Avps], Dict0, [MsgName, Line], message_name_already_defined), [{_, _, Code} = C, Bits, ApplId] = Header, %% Don't check any application id since it's required to be %% the same as @id. true = is_uint32(C, [K, MsgName]), %% An application id specified as part of the message definition %% has to agree with @id. The former is parsed just because RFC %% 3588 specifies it. false = application_id_mismatch(ApplId, Dict1, MsgName), IsReq = lists:keymember('REQ', 1, Bits), %% For each command code, there can be at most one request and %% one answer. Dict2 = store_new({K, {Code, IsReq}}, [Line, M], Dict1, [choose(IsReq, "Request", "Answer"), Code, Line], message_code_already_defined), %% For each message, each flag can occur at most once. Dict3 = foldl(fun({F,L},D) -> store_new({K, {MsgName, F}}, [L], D, [MsgName, ?L(F)], message_has_duplicate_flag) end, Dict2, Bits), dict:append({K, Code}, [Line, M, IsReq], explode_avps(Avps, Dict3, K, MsgName)). %% explode_avps/4 %% %% Ensure required AVP order and sane qualifiers. Can't check for AVP %% names until after they've been imported. %% %% RFC 3588 allows a trailing fixed while 3588bis doesn't. Parse the %% former. explode_avps(Avps, Dict, Key, Name) -> xa("<{[<", Avps, Dict, Key, Name). xa(_, [], Dict, _, _) -> Dict; xa(Ds, [[Qual, D, {'AVP', Line}] | Avps], Dict, Key, Name) -> xa(Ds, [[Qual, D, {word, Line, "AVP"}] | Avps], Dict, Key, Name); xa([], [[_Qual, D, {_, Line, Name}] | _], _, _, _) -> ?RETURN(invalid_avp_order, [D, Name, close(D), Line]); xa([D|_], [[{{_, Line, Min}, {_, _, Max}}, D, _] | _], _, _, _) when Min > Max -> ?RETURN(invalid_qualifier, [Min, Max, Line]); xa([D|_] = Ds, [[Qual, D, {_, Line, AvpName}] | Avps], Dict, Key, Name) -> xa(Ds, Avps, store_new({Key, {Name, AvpName}}, [Line, Qual, D], Dict, [Name, Line], avp_already_referenced), Key, Name); xa([_|Ds], Avps, Dict, Key, Name) -> xa(Ds, Avps, Dict, Key, Name). close($<) -> $>; close(${) -> $}; close($[) -> $]. %% is_uint32/2 is_uint32(false, _) -> true; is_uint32({Line, _, N}, Args) -> N < 1 bsl 32 orelse ?RETURN(uint32_out_of_range, Args ++ [N, Line]). %% Can't call diameter_types here since it may not exist yet. %% application_id_mismatch/3 application_id_mismatch({number, Line, Id}, Dict, MsgName) -> [[_, {_, L, I}]] = dict:fetch(id, Dict), I /= Id andalso ?RETURN(message_application_id_mismatch, [MsgName, Id, Line, I, L]); application_id_mismatch(false = No, _, _) -> No. %% avp_not_local/3 avp_not_local(Name, Line, Dict) -> A = find({avp_types, Name}, Dict), [] == A orelse ?RETURN(inherited_avp_already_defined, [Name, Line, hd(A)]). %% avp_type_known/3 avp_type_known(Type, Name, Line) -> false /= type(Type) orelse ?RETURN(avp_has_unknown_type, [Name, Line, Type]). %% vendor_id_mismatch/6 vendor_id_mismatch({_,_,_}, false, Name, _, Line, DefLine) -> ?RETURN(grouped_vendor_id_without_flag, [Name, Line, DefLine]); vendor_id_mismatch({_, _, I}, true, Name, Dict, Line, _) -> case vendor_id(Name, Dict) of {avp_vendor_id, L, N} -> I /= N andalso ?RETURN(grouped_vendor_id_mismatch, [Name, Line, I, N, L]); _ -> false end; vendor_id_mismatch(_, _, _, _, _, _) -> false. %% grouped_flags/4 grouped_flags(Name, Code, Dict, Line) -> case find({avp_types, Name}, Dict) of [L, {_, _, Code}, {_, _, "Grouped"}, Flags] -> {L, Flags}; [_, {_, L, C}, {_, _, "Grouped"}, _Flags] -> ?RETURN(grouped_avp_code_mismatch, [Name, Line, Code, C, L]); [_, _Code, {_, L, T}, _] -> ?RETURN(grouped_avp_has_wrong_type, [Name, Line, T, L]); [] -> ?RETURN(grouped_avp_not_defined, [Name, Line]) end. %% vendor_id/2 %% Look for a vendor id in @avp_vendor_id, then @vendor. vendor_id(Name, Dict) -> case find({avp_vendor_id, Name}, Dict) of [Line, Id] when is_integer(Id) -> {avp_vendor_id, Line, Id}; [] -> vendor(Dict) end. vendor(Dict) -> case find(vendor, Dict) of [[_Line, {_, _, Id}, {_, _, _}]] -> {vendor, Id}; [] -> false end. %% find/2 find(Key, Dict) -> case dict:find(Key, Dict) of {ok, L} when is_list(L) -> L; error -> [] end. %% store_new/5 store_new(Key, Value, Dict, Args, Err) -> case dict:find(Key, Dict) of {ok, [L | _]} -> ?RETURN(Err, Args ++ [L]); error -> dict:store(Key, Value, Dict) end. %% type/1 type("DiamIdent") -> "DiameterIdentity"; type("DiamURI") -> "DiameterURI"; type(T) when T == "OctetString"; T == "Integer32"; T == "Integer64"; T == "Unsigned32"; T == "Unsigned64"; T == "Float32"; T == "Float64"; T == "Grouped"; T == "Enumerated"; T == "Address"; T == "Time"; T == "UTF8String"; T == "DiameterIdentity"; T == "DiameterURI"; T == "IPFilterRule"; T == "QoSFilterRule" -> T; type(_) -> false. %% =========================================================================== %% pass2/1 %% %% More explosion, but that requires the previous pass to write its %% entries. pass2(Dict) -> foldl(fun(K,D) -> foldl([fun p2/3, K], D, find(K,D)) end, Dict, [avp_types]). p2([_Line | Body], Dict, avp_types) -> foldl(fun explode_avps/2, Dict, Body); p2([], Dict, _) -> Dict. explode_avps([{_, Line, Name} | Toks], Dict) -> [{number, _, Code}, {word, _, _Type}, {word, _, Flags}] = Toks, true = avp_flags_valid(Flags, Name, Line), Vid = avp_vendor_id(Flags, Name, Line, Dict), %% An AVP is uniquely defined by its AVP code and vendor id (if any). %% Ensure there are no duplicate. store_new({avp_types, {Code, Vid}}, [Line, Name], Dict, [Code, Vid, Name, Line], avp_code_already_defined). %% avp_flags_valid/3 avp_flags_valid(Flags, Name, Line) -> Bad = lists:filter(fun(C) -> not lists:member(C, "MVP") end, Flags), [] == Bad orelse ?RETURN(avp_has_invalid_flag, [Name, Line, hd(Bad)]), Dup = Flags -- "MVP", [] == Dup orelse ?RETURN(avp_has_duplicate_flag, [Name, Line, hd(Dup)]). %% avp_vendor_id/4 avp_vendor_id(Flags, Name, Line, Dict) -> V = lists:member($V, Flags), case vendor_id(Name, Dict) of {avp_vendor_id, _, I} when V -> I; {avp_vendor_id, L, I} -> ?RETURN(avp_has_vendor_id, [Name, Line, I, L]); {vendor, I} when V -> I; false when V -> ?RETURN(avp_has_no_vendor, [Name, Line]); _ -> false end. %% =========================================================================== %% pass3/2 %% %% Import AVPs. pass3(Dict, Opts) -> import_enums(import_groups(import_avps(insert_codes(Dict), Opts))). %% insert_codes/1 %% %% command_codes -> [{Code, ReqNameTok, AnsNameTok}] insert_codes(Dict) -> dict:store(command_codes, dict:fold(fun make_code/3, [], Dict), Dict). make_code({messages, Code}, Names, Acc) when is_integer(Code) -> [mk_code(Code, Names) | Acc]; make_code(_, _, Acc) -> Acc. mk_code(Code, [[_, _, false] = Ans, [_, _, true] = Req]) -> mk_code(Code, [Req, Ans]); mk_code(Code, [[_, {_,_,Req}, true], [_, {_,_,Ans}, false]]) -> {Code, Req, Ans}; mk_code(_Code, [[Line, _Name, IsReq]]) -> ?RETURN(message_missing, [choose(IsReq, "Request", "Answer"), Line, choose(IsReq, "answer", "request")]). %% import_avps/2 import_avps(Dict, Opts) -> Import = inherit(Dict, Opts), report(imported, Import), %% pass4/1 tests that all referenced AVP's are either defined %% or imported. dict:store(import_avps, lists:map(fun({M, _, As}) -> {M, [A || {_,A} <- As]} end, lists:reverse(Import)), foldl(fun explode_imports/2, Dict, Import)). explode_imports({Mod, Line, Avps}, Dict) -> foldl([fun xi/4, Mod, Line], Dict, Avps). xi({L, {Name, _Code, _Type, _Flags} = A}, Dict, Mod, Line) -> store_new({avp_types, Name}, [0, Mod, Line, L, A], store_new({import, Name}, [Line], Dict, [Name, Line], duplicate_import), [Name, Mod, Line], imported_avp_already_defined). %% import_groups/1 %% import_enums/1 %% %% For each inherited module, store the content of imported AVP's of %% type grouped/enumerated in a new key. import_groups(Dict) -> dict:store(import_groups, import(grouped, Dict), Dict). import_enums(Dict) -> dict:store(import_enums, import(enum, Dict), Dict). import(Key, Dict) -> flatmap([fun import_key/2, Key], dict:fetch(import_avps, Dict)). import_key({Mod, Avps}, Key) -> As = lists:flatmap(fun(T) -> N = element(1,T), choose(lists:keymember(N, 1, Avps), [T], []) end, orddict:fetch(Key, dict(Mod))), if As == [] -> []; true -> [{Mod, As}] end. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% inherit/2 %% %% Return a {Mod, Line, [{Lineno, Avp}]} list, where Mod is a module %% name, Line points to the corresponding @inherit and each Avp is %% from Mod:dict(). Lineno is 0 if the import is implicit. inherit(Dict, Opts) -> code:add_pathsa([D || {include, D} <- Opts]), foldl(fun inherit_avps/2, [], find(inherits, Dict)). %% Note that the module order of the returned lists is reversed %% relative to @inherits. inherit_avps([Line, {_,_,M} | Names], Acc) -> Mod = ?A(M), report(inherit_from, Mod), case find_avps(Names, avps_from_module(Mod)) of {_, [{_, L, N} | _]} -> ?RETURN(requested_avp_not_found, [Mod, Line, N, L]); {Found, []} -> [{Mod, Line, lists:sort(Found)} | Acc] end. %% Import everything not defined locally ... find_avps([], Avps) -> {[{0, A} || A <- Avps], []}; %% ... or specified AVPs. find_avps(Names, Avps) -> foldl(fun acc_avp/2, {[], Names}, Avps). acc_avp({Name, _Code, _Type, _Flags} = A, {Found, Not} = Acc) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 3, Not) of {_, Line, Name} -> {[{Line, A} | Found], lists:keydelete(Name, 3, Not)}; false -> Acc end. %% avps_from_module/2 avps_from_module(Mod) -> orddict:fetch(avp_types, dict(Mod)). dict(Mod) -> try Mod:dict() of [?VERSION | Dict] -> Dict; _ -> ?RETURN(recompile, [Mod]) catch error: _ -> ?RETURN(choose(false == code:is_loaded(Mod), not_loaded, no_dict), [Mod]) end. %% =========================================================================== %% pass4/1 %% %% Sanity checks. pass4(Dict) -> dict:fold(fun(K, V, _) -> p4(K, V, Dict) end, ok, Dict), Dict. %% Ensure enum AVP's have type Enumerated. p4({enum, Name}, [Line | _], Dict) when is_list(Name) -> true = is_enumerated_avp(Name, Dict, Line); %% Ensure all referenced AVP's are either defined locally or imported. p4({K, {Name, AvpName}}, [Line | _], Dict) when (K == grouped orelse K == messages), is_list(Name), is_list(AvpName), AvpName /= "AVP" -> true = avp_is_defined(AvpName, Dict, Line); %% Ditto. p4({K, AvpName}, [Line | _], Dict) when K == avp_vendor_id; K == custom_types; K == codecs -> true = avp_is_defined(AvpName, Dict, Line); p4(_, _, _) -> ok. %% has_enumerated_type/3 is_enumerated_avp(Name, Dict, Line) -> case find({avp_types, Name}, Dict) of [_Line, _Code, {_, _, "Enumerated"}, _Flags] -> %% local true; [_Line, _Code, {_, L, T}, _] -> ?RETURN(enumerated_avp_has_wrong_local_type, [Name, Line, T, L]); [0, _, _, _, {_Name, _Code, "Enumerated", _Flags}] -> %% inherited true; [0, Mod, LM, LA, {_Name, _Code, Type, _Flags}] -> ?RETURN(enumerated_avp_has_wrong_inherited_type, [Name, Line, Type, Mod, choose(0 == LA, LM, LA)]); [] -> ?RETURN(enumerated_avp_not_defined, [Name, Line]) end. avp_is_defined(Name, Dict, Line) -> case find({avp_types, Name}, Dict) of [_Line, _Code, _Type, _Flags] -> %% local true; [0, _, _, _, {Name, _Code, _Type, _Flags}] -> %% inherited true; [] -> ?RETURN(avp_not_defined, [Name, Line]) end. %% =========================================================================== putr(Key, Value) -> put({?MODULE, Key}, Value). getr(Key) -> get({?MODULE, Key}). eraser(Key) -> erase({?MODULE, Key}). choose(true, X, _) -> X; choose(false, _, X) -> X. foldl(F, Acc, List) -> lists:foldl(fun(T,A) -> eval([F,T,A]) end, Acc, List). flatmap(F, List) -> lists:flatmap(fun(T) -> eval([F,T]) end, List). eval([[F|X] | A]) -> eval([F | A ++ X]); eval([F|A]) -> apply(F,A).