;; %CopyrightBegin%
;; Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
;; The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
;; Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
;; compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
;; Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
;; retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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;; under the License.
;; %CopyrightEnd%

@id 0
@name   diameter_gen_base_rfc6733
@prefix diameter_base
@vendor 0 IETF


   Acct-Interim-Interval             85    Unsigned32    M
   Accounting-Realtime-Required     483    Enumerated    M
   Acct-Multi-Session-Id             50    UTF8String    M
   Accounting-Record-Number         485    Unsigned32    M
   Accounting-Record-Type           480    Enumerated    M
   Acct-Session-Id                   44   OctetString    M
   Accounting-Sub-Session-Id        287    Unsigned64    M
   Acct-Application-Id              259    Unsigned32    M
   Auth-Application-Id              258    Unsigned32    M
   Auth-Request-Type                274    Enumerated    M
   Authorization-Lifetime           291    Unsigned32    M
   Auth-Grace-Period                276    Unsigned32    M
   Auth-Session-State               277    Enumerated    M
   Re-Auth-Request-Type             285    Enumerated    M
   Class                             25   OctetString    M
   Destination-Host                 293     DiamIdent    M
   Destination-Realm                283     DiamIdent    M
   Disconnect-Cause                 273    Enumerated    M
   Error-Message                    281    UTF8String    -
   Error-Reporting-Host             294     DiamIdent    -
   Event-Timestamp                   55          Time    M
   Experimental-Result              297       Grouped    M
   Experimental-Result-Code         298    Unsigned32    M
   Failed-AVP                       279       Grouped    M
   Firmware-Revision                267    Unsigned32    -
   Host-IP-Address                  257       Address    M
   Inband-Security-Id               299    Unsigned32    M
   Multi-Round-Time-Out             272    Unsigned32    M
   Origin-Host                      264     DiamIdent    M
   Origin-Realm                     296     DiamIdent    M
   Origin-State-Id                  278    Unsigned32    M
   Product-Name                     269    UTF8String    -
   Proxy-Host                       280     DiamIdent    M
   Proxy-Info                       284       Grouped    M
   Proxy-State                       33   OctetString    M
   Redirect-Host                    292       DiamURI    M
   Redirect-Host-Usage              261    Enumerated    M
   Redirect-Max-Cache-Time          262    Unsigned32    M
   Result-Code                      268    Unsigned32    M
   Route-Record                     282     DiamIdent    M
   Session-Id                       263    UTF8String    M
   Session-Timeout                   27    Unsigned32    M
   Session-Binding                  270    Unsigned32    M
   Session-Server-Failover          271    Enumerated    M
   Supported-Vendor-Id              265    Unsigned32    M
   Termination-Cause                295    Enumerated    M
   User-Name                          1    UTF8String    M
   Vendor-Id                        266    Unsigned32    M
   Vendor-Specific-Application-Id   260       Grouped    M


      CER ::= < Diameter Header: 257, REQ >
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
           1* { Host-IP-Address }
              { Vendor-Id }
              { Product-Name }
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
            * [ Supported-Vendor-Id ]
            * [ Auth-Application-Id ]
            * [ Inband-Security-Id ]
            * [ Acct-Application-Id ]
            * [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
              [ Firmware-Revision ]
            * [ AVP ]

      CEA ::= < Diameter Header: 257 >
              { Result-Code }
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
           1* { Host-IP-Address }
              { Vendor-Id }
              { Product-Name }
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
              [ Error-Message ]
              [ Failed-AVP ]
            * [ Supported-Vendor-Id ]
            * [ Auth-Application-Id ]
            * [ Inband-Security-Id ]
            * [ Acct-Application-Id ]
            * [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
              [ Firmware-Revision ]
            * [ AVP ]

      DPR ::= < Diameter Header: 282, REQ >
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              { Disconnect-Cause }
            * [ AVP ]

      DPA ::= < Diameter Header: 282 >
              { Result-Code }
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              [ Error-Message ]
              [ Failed-AVP ]
            * [ AVP ]

      DWR ::= < Diameter Header: 280, REQ >
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
            * [ AVP ]

      DWA ::= < Diameter Header: 280 >
              { Result-Code }
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              [ Error-Message ]
              [ Failed-AVP ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
            * [ AVP ]

   answer-message ::= < Diameter Header: code, ERR [PXY] >
          0*1 < Session-Id >
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              { Result-Code }
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
              [ Error-Message ]
              [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
              [ Failed-AVP ]
              [ Experimental-Result ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ AVP ]

      RAR ::= < Diameter Header: 258, REQ, PXY >
              < Session-Id >
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              { Destination-Realm }
              { Destination-Host }
              { Auth-Application-Id }
              { Re-Auth-Request-Type }
              [ User-Name ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ Route-Record ]
            * [ AVP ]

      RAA ::= < Diameter Header: 258, PXY >
              < Session-Id >
              { Result-Code }
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              [ User-Name ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
              [ Error-Message ]
              [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
              [ Failed-AVP ]
            * [ Redirect-Host ]
              [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
              [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ AVP ]

      STR ::= < Diameter Header: 275, REQ, PXY >
              < Session-Id >
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              { Destination-Realm }
              { Auth-Application-Id }
              { Termination-Cause }
              [ User-Name ]
              [ Destination-Host ]
            * [ Class ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ Route-Record ]
            * [ AVP ]

      STA ::= < Diameter Header: 275, PXY >
              < Session-Id >
              { Result-Code }
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              [ User-Name ]
            * [ Class ]
              [ Error-Message ]
              [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
              [ Failed-AVP ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
            * [ Redirect-Host ]
              [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
              [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ AVP ]

      ASR ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY >
              < Session-Id >
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              { Destination-Realm }
              { Destination-Host }
              { Auth-Application-Id }
              [ User-Name ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ Route-Record ]
            * [ AVP ]

      ASA ::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY >
              < Session-Id >
              { Result-Code }
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              [ User-Name ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
              [ Error-Message ]
              [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
              [ Failed-AVP ]
            * [ Redirect-Host ]
              [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
              [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ AVP ]

      ACR ::= < Diameter Header: 271, REQ, PXY >
              < Session-Id >
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              { Destination-Realm }
              { Accounting-Record-Type }
              { Accounting-Record-Number }
              [ Acct-Application-Id ]
              [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
              [ User-Name ]
              [ Destination-Host ]
              [ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ]
              [ Acct-Session-Id ]
              [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
              [ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
              [ Accounting-Realtime-Required ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
              [ Event-Timestamp ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ Route-Record ]
            * [ AVP ]

      ACA ::= < Diameter Header: 271, PXY >
              < Session-Id >
              { Result-Code }
              { Origin-Host }
              { Origin-Realm }
              { Accounting-Record-Type }
              { Accounting-Record-Number }
              [ Acct-Application-Id ]
              [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
              [ User-Name ]
              [ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ]
              [ Acct-Session-Id ]
              [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
              [ Error-Message ]
              [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
              [ Failed-AVP ]
              [ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
              [ Accounting-Realtime-Required ]
              [ Origin-State-Id ]
              [ Event-Timestamp ]
            * [ Proxy-Info ]
            * [ AVP ]

@enum Disconnect-Cause

   REBOOTING                      0
   BUSY                           1

@enum Redirect-Host-Usage

   DONT_CACHE                     0
   ALL_SESSION                    1
   ALL_REALM                      2
   ALL_APPLICATION                4
   ALL_HOST                       5
   ALL_USER                       6

@enum Auth-Request-Type

   AUTHENTICATE_ONLY              1
   AUTHORIZE_ONLY                 2

@enum Auth-Session-State

   STATE_MAINTAINED               0
   NO_STATE_MAINTAINED            1

@enum Re-Auth-Request-Type

   AUTHORIZE_ONLY                 0

@enum Termination-Cause

   LOGOUT                         1
   BAD_ANSWER                     3
   ADMINISTRATIVE                 4
   LINK_BROKEN                    5
   AUTH_EXPIRED                   6
   USER_MOVED                     7
   SESSION_TIMEOUT                8

@enum Session-Server-Failover

   REFUSE_SERVICE                 0
   TRY_AGAIN                      1
   ALLOW_SERVICE                  2

@enum Accounting-Record-Type

   EVENT_RECORD                   1
   START_RECORD                   2
   INTERIM_RECORD                 3
   STOP_RECORD                    4

@enum Accounting-Realtime-Required

   DELIVER_AND_GRANT              1
   GRANT_AND_STORE                2
   GRANT_AND_LOSE                 3

@define Result-Code

   ;; 7.1.1.  Informational
   MULTI_ROUND_AUTH            1001

   ;; 7.1.2.  Success
   SUCCESS                     2001
   LIMITED_SUCCESS             2002

   ;; 7.1.3.  Protocol Errors
   UNABLE_TO_DELIVER           3002
   REALM_NOT_SERVED            3003
   TOO_BUSY                    3004
   LOOP_DETECTED               3005
   INVALID_HDR_BITS            3008
   INVALID_AVP_BITS            3009
   UNKNOWN_PEER                3010

   ;; 7.1.4.  Transient Failures
   OUT_OF_SPACE                4002
   ELECTION_LOST               4003

   ;; 7.1.5.  Permanent Failures
   AVP_UNSUPPORTED             5001
   UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID          5002
   INVALID_AVP_VALUE           5004
   MISSING_AVP                 5005
   RESOURCES_EXCEEDED          5006
   CONTRADICTING_AVPS          5007
   AVP_NOT_ALLOWED             5008
   UNABLE_TO_COMPLY            5012
   INVALID_AVP_LENGTH          5014
   NO_COMMON_SECURITY          5017


      Proxy-Info ::= < AVP Header: 284 >
                     { Proxy-Host }
                     { Proxy-State }
                   * [ AVP ]

      Failed-AVP ::= < AVP Header: 279 >
                  1* {AVP}

      Experimental-Result ::= < AVP Header: 297 >
                              { Vendor-Id }
                              { Experimental-Result-Code }

  Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ::= < AVP Header: 260 >
                                     { Vendor-Id }
                                     [ Auth-Application-Id ]
                                     [ Acct-Application-Id ]