%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2017. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %% Some gen_sctp-specific tests demonstrating problems that were %% encountered during diameter development but have nothing %% specifically to do with diameter. At least one of them can cause %% diameter_transport_SUITE testcases to fail. %% -module(diameter_gen_sctp_SUITE). -export([suite/0, all/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1]). %% testcases -export([send_one_from_many/1, send_one_from_many/0, send_many_from_one/1, send_many_from_one/0, receive_what_was_sent/1]). -include_lib("kernel/include/inet_sctp.hrl"). %% Message from gen_sctp are of this form. -define(SCTP(Sock, Data), {sctp, Sock, _, _, Data}). %% Open sockets on the loopback address. -define(ADDR, {127,0,0,1}). %% An indescribably long number of milliseconds after which everthing %% that should have happened has. -define(FOREVER, 2000). %% How many milliseconds to tolerate between the fastest and slowest %% turnaround times. -define(VARIANCE, 100). %% The first byte in each message we send as a simple guard against %% not receiving what was sent. -define(MAGIC, 0). %% Requested number of inbound/outbound streams. -define(STREAMS, 5). %% Success for send_multiple. Match in each testcase rather than in %% send_multiple itself for a better failure in common_test. -define(OK, {_, true, _, [true, true], [], _}). %% =========================================================================== suite() -> [{timetrap, {seconds, 10}}]. all() -> [send_one_from_many, send_many_from_one, receive_what_was_sent]. init_per_suite(Config) -> case gen_sctp:open() of {ok, Sock} -> gen_sctp:close(Sock), Config; {error, E} when E == eprotonosupport; E == esocktnosupport -> {skip, no_sctp} end. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. %% =========================================================================== %% send_one_from_many/0 %% %% Demonstrates sluggish delivery of messages. send_one_from_many() -> [{timetrap, {seconds, 30}}]. send_one_from_many(_) -> ?OK = send_multiple(128, 1, 1024). %% send_one_from_many/2 %% %% Opens a listening socket and then spawns a specified number of %% processes, each of which connects, sends a message, receives a %% reply, and exits. %% %% Returns the elapsed time for all connecting process to exit %% together with a list of exit reasons. In the successful case a %% connecting process exits with the outbound/inbound transit times %% for the sent/received message as reason. %% %% The observed behaviour is that some outbound messages (that is, %% from a connecting process to the listening process) can take an %% unexpectedly long time to complete their journey. The more %% connecting processes, the longer it can take it seems. %% %% eg. 5> send_one_from_many(2, 1024). %% {875,[{128,116},{113,139}]} %% 6> send_one_from_many(4, 1024). %% {2995290,[{2994022,250},{2994071,80},{200,130},{211,113}]} %% 7> send_one_from_many(8, 1024). %% {8997461,[{8996161,116}, %% {2996471,86}, %% {2996278,116}, %% {2996360,95}, %% {246,112}, %% {213,159}, %% {373,173}, %% {376,118}]} %% 8> send_one_from_many(8, 1024). %% {21001891,[{20999968,128}, %% {8997891,172}, %% {8997927,91}, %% {2995716,164}, %% {2995860,87}, %% {134,100}, %% {117,98}, %% {149,125}]} %% send_multiple(Clients, Msgs, Sz) when is_integer(Clients), 0 < Clients, is_integer(Msgs), 0 < Msgs, is_integer(Sz), 0 < Sz -> T0 = diameter_lib:now(), {S, Res} = timer:tc(fun listen/3, [Clients, Msgs, Sz]), report(T0, Res), Ts = lists:append(Res), Outgoing = [DT || {_,{_,_,DT},{_,_,_},_} <- Ts], Incoming = [DT || {_,{_,_,_},{_,_,DT},_} <- Ts], Diffs = [lists:max(L) - lists:min(L) || L <- [Outgoing, Incoming]], {S, S < ?FOREVER*1000, Diffs, [D < V || V <- [?VARIANCE*1000], D <- Diffs], [T || T <- Ts, [] == [T || {_,{_,_,_},{_,_,_},_} <- [T]]], Res}. %% listen/3 listen(Clients, Msgs, Sz) -> {ok, Sock} = open(), ok = gen_sctp:listen(Sock, true), {ok, PortNr} = inet:port(Sock), %% Spawn a middleman that in turn spawns N connecting processes, %% collects a list of exit reasons and then exits with the list as %% reason. accept/2 returns when we receive this list from the %% middleman's 'DOWN'. Self = self(), Fun = fun() -> exit(client(Self, PortNr, Msgs, Sz)) end, %% start clients {_, MRef} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(clients(Clients, Fun)) end), accept_loop(Sock, MRef). %% fclients/2 %% %% Spawn N processes and collect their exit reasons in a list. clients(N, Fun) -> start(N, Fun), acc(N, []). %% start/2 start(0, _) -> ok; start(N, Fun) -> spawn_monitor(Fun), start(N-1, Fun). %% acc/2 acc(0, Acc) -> Acc; acc(N, Acc) -> receive {'DOWN', _MRef, process, _, RC} -> acc(N-1, [RC | Acc]) end. %% accept_loop/2 accept_loop(Sock, MRef) -> ok = inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]), receive ?SCTP(Sock, {_, #sctp_assoc_change{state = comm_up, outbound_streams = OS, assoc_id = Id}}) -> Self = self(), TPid = spawn(fun() -> assoc(monitor(process, Self), Id, OS) end), NewSock = peeloff(Sock, Id, TPid), TPid ! {peeloff, NewSock}, accept_loop(Sock, MRef); ?SCTP(Sock, _) -> accept_loop(Sock, MRef); {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Reason} -> Reason; T -> error(T) end. %% assoc/3 %% %% Server process that answers incoming messages as long as the parent %% lives. assoc(MRef, _Id, OS) when is_reference(MRef) -> {peeloff, Sock} = receive T -> T end, recv_loop(Sock, false, sender(Sock, false, OS), MRef). %% recv_loop/4 recv_loop(Sock, Id, Pid, MRef) -> ok = inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]), recv(Sock, Id, Pid, MRef, receive T -> T end). %% recv/5 %% Association id can change on a peeloff socket on some versions of %% Solaris. recv(Sock, false, Pid, MRef, ?SCTP(Sock, {[#sctp_sndrcvinfo{assoc_id = Id}], _}) = T) -> Pid ! {assoc_id, Id}, recv(Sock, Id, Pid, MRef, T); recv(Sock, Id, Pid, MRef, ?SCTP(Sock, {[#sctp_sndrcvinfo{assoc_id = I}], B})) when is_binary(B) -> T2 = diameter_lib:now(), Id = I, %% assert <<?MAGIC, Bin/binary>> = B, %% assert {[_,_,_,Sz] = L, Bytes} = unmark(Bin), Sz = size(Bin) - Bytes, %% assert <<_:Bytes/binary, Body:Sz/binary>> = Bin, send(Pid, [T2|L], Body), %% answer recv_loop(Sock, Id, Pid, MRef); recv(Sock, Id, Pid, MRef, ?SCTP(Sock, _)) -> recv_loop(Sock, Id, Pid, MRef); recv(_, _, _, MRef, {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, Reason}) -> Reason; recv(_, _, _, _, T) -> error(T). %% send/3 send(Pid, Header, Body) -> Pid ! {send, Header, Body}. %% sender/3 %% %% Start a process that sends, so as not to block the controlling process. sender(Sock, Id, OS) -> Pid = self(), spawn(fun() -> send_loop(Sock, Id, OS, 1, monitor(process, Pid)) end). %% send_loop/5 send_loop(Sock, Id, OS, N, MRef) -> receive {assoc_id, I} -> send_loop(Sock, I, OS, N, MRef); {send, L, Body} -> Stream = N rem OS, ok = send(Sock, Id, Stream, mark(Body, [N, Stream | L])), send_loop(Sock, Id, OS, N+1, MRef); {'DOWN', MRef, process, _, _} = T -> T; T -> error(T) end. %% peeloff/3 peeloff(LSock, Id, TPid) -> {ok, Sock} = gen_sctp:peeloff(LSock, Id), ok = gen_sctp:controlling_process(Sock, TPid), Sock. %% client/4 client(Pid, PortNr, Msgs, Sz) -> monitor(process, Pid), {ok, Sock} = open(), ok = gen_sctp:connect_init(Sock, ?ADDR, PortNr, []), recv_loop(Sock, Msgs, Sz). %% recv_loop/3 recv_loop(_, 0, T) -> [_,_|Acc] = T, Acc; recv_loop(Sock, Msgs, T) -> ok = inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]), {I, NewT} = recv(Sock, Msgs, T, receive X -> X end), recv_loop(Sock, Msgs - I, NewT). %% recv/4 recv(Sock, Msgs, Sz, ?SCTP(Sock, {_, #sctp_assoc_change{} = A})) -> #sctp_assoc_change{state = comm_up, %% assert assoc_id = Id, outbound_streams = OS} = A, true = is_integer(Sz), %% assert send_n(Msgs, sender(Sock, Id, OS), Sz), {0, [Id, OS]}; recv(Sock, _, T, ?SCTP(Sock, {[#sctp_sndrcvinfo{assoc_id = Id}], Bin})) -> T4 = diameter_lib:now(), [Id, OS | Acc] = T, {1, [Id, OS, stat(T4, Bin) | Acc]}; recv(Sock, _, T, ?SCTP(Sock, _)) -> {0, [_,_|_] = T}; recv(_, _, _, T) -> error(T). %% send_n/3 %% %% Send messages to the server from dedicated processes. send_n(0, _, _) -> ok; send_n(N, Pid, Sz) -> M = rand:uniform(255), send(Pid, [Sz], binary:copy(<<M>>, Sz)), send_n(N-1, Pid, Sz). %% send/4 send(Sock, Id, Stream, Bin) -> case gen_sctp:send(Sock, Id, Stream, <<?MAGIC, Bin/binary>>) of {error, eagain} -> send(Sock, Id, Stream, Bin); RC -> RC end. %% stat/2 stat(T4, <<?MAGIC, Bin/binary>>) -> %% T1 = time at send %% T2 = time at reception by server %% T3 = time at reception by server's sender %% T4 = time at reception of answer {[T3,NI,SI,T2,T1,NO,SO,Sz], Bytes} = unmark(Bin), Sz = size(Bin) - Bytes, %% assert {T1, {NO, SO, diameter_lib:micro_diff(T2, T1)}, %% Outbound {NI, SI, diameter_lib:micro_diff(T4, T3)}, %% Inbound T4}. %% mark/2 mark(Bin, T) -> Info = term_to_binary([diameter_lib:now() | T]), <<Info/binary, Bin/binary>>. %% unmark/1 unmark(Bin) -> T = binary_to_term(Bin), {T, size(term_to_binary(T))}. %% =========================================================================== %% send_many_from_one/0 %% %% Demonstrates sluggish delivery of messages. send_many_from_one() -> [{timetrap, {seconds, 30}}]. send_many_from_one(_) -> ?OK = send_multiple(1, 128, 1024). %% =========================================================================== %% receive_what_was_sent/1 %% %% Demonstrates reception of a message that differs from that sent. receive_what_was_sent(_Config) -> ?OK = send_multiple(1, 1, 1024*32). %% =========================================================================== %% open/0 open() -> open([]). %% open/1 open(Opts) -> gen_sctp:open([{ip, ?ADDR}, {port, 0}, {active, false}, binary, {sctp_initmsg, #sctp_initmsg{num_ostreams = ?STREAMS, max_instreams = ?STREAMS}}, {recbuf, 1 bsl 16}, {sndbuf, 1 bsl 16} | Opts]). %% report/2 report(T0, Ts) -> ct:pal("~p~n", [lists:sort([sort([{diameter_lib:micro_diff(T1,T0), OT, IT, diameter_lib:micro_diff(T4,T0)} || {T1,OT,IT,T4} <- L]) || L <- Ts])]). %% sort/1 sort(L) -> lists:sort(fun({_,{N,_,_},_,_}, {_,{M,_,_},_,_}) -> N =< M end, L).