%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %% Tests of transport_opt() length_errors. %% -module(diameter_length_SUITE). -export([suite/0, all/0, groups/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2, end_per_group/2, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]). %% testcases -export([start/1, send/1, stop/1]). %% diameter callbacks -export([peer_up/3, peer_down/3, pick_peer/5, prepare_request/4, handle_answer/5, handle_error/5, handle_request/3]). -include("diameter.hrl"). -include("diameter_gen_base_rfc3588.hrl"). %% =========================================================================== -define(util, diameter_util). -define(CLIENT, "CLIENT"). -define(SERVER, "SERVER"). -define(REALM, "erlang.org"). -define(HOST(Host, Realm), Host ++ [$.|Realm]). -define(DICT, diameter_gen_base_rfc3588). %% Config for diameter:start_service/2. -define(SERVICE(Name), [{'Origin-Host', Name ++ "." ++ ?REALM}, {'Origin-Realm', ?REALM}, {'Host-IP-Address', [{127,0,0,1}]}, {'Vendor-Id', 12345}, {'Product-Name', "OTP/diameter"}, {'Auth-Application-Id', [?DIAMETER_APP_ID_COMMON]}, {application, [{dictionary, ?DICT}, {module, ?MODULE}, {answer_errors, callback}]}]). -define(SUCCESS, ?'DIAMETER_BASE_RESULT-CODE_SUCCESS'). -define(MISSING_AVP, ?'DIAMETER_BASE_RESULT-CODE_MISSING_AVP'). -define(INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH, ?'DIAMETER_BASE_RESULT-CODE_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH'). -define(LOGOUT, ?'DIAMETER_BASE_TERMINATION-CAUSE_LOGOUT'). -define(GROUPS, [exit, handle, discard]). -define(L, atom_to_list). %% =========================================================================== suite() -> [{timetrap, {seconds, 60}}]. all() -> [{group, G} || G <- ?GROUPS]. groups() -> [{G, [], [start, send, stop]} || G <- ?GROUPS]. init_per_suite(Config) -> ok = diameter:start(), Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok = diameter:stop(). init_per_group(Group, Config) -> [{group, Group} | Config]. end_per_group(_, _) -> ok. init_per_testcase(_Name, Config) -> Config. end_per_testcase(_, _) -> ok. origin(exit) -> 0; origin(handle) -> 1; origin(discard) -> 2; origin(0) -> exit; origin(1) -> handle; origin(2) -> discard. %% =========================================================================== %% start/1 start(Config) -> Group = proplists:get_value(group, Config), ok = diameter:start_service(?SERVER, ?SERVICE(?L(Group))), ok = diameter:start_service(?CLIENT, ?SERVICE(?CLIENT)), LRef = ?util:listen(?SERVER, tcp, [{length_errors, Group}]), ?util:connect(?CLIENT, tcp, LRef, [{capabilities, [{'Origin-State-Id', origin(Group)}]}]). %% stop/1 stop(_Config) -> ok = diameter:remove_transport(?CLIENT, true), ok = diameter:remove_transport(?SERVER, true), ok = diameter:stop_service(?SERVER), ok = diameter:stop_service(?CLIENT). %% send/1 %% Server transport exits on messages of insuffient length. send(exit) -> %% Transport exit is followed by failover but there's only one %% transport to choose from. {error, failover} = call(4); %% Server transport receives messages of insufficient length. send(handle) -> %% Message Length too large: diameter_tcp flushes the request %% when no additional bytes arrive. #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH} = call(4), %% Another request answered as it should. #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?SUCCESS} = call(0), %% Message Length conveniently small: the trailing optional %% Origin-State-Id isn't included in the received request. #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?SUCCESS} = call(-12), %% Server receives Origin-State-Id AVP as the first 12 bytes of %% the next request: AVP <<Code:32, Flags:8, Len:24, Data:32>> is %% interpreted as header <<Version:8, Len:24, Flags:8, Code:24, %% ApplId: 32>>. In particular, the AVP Length 12 = 00001100 is %% interpreted as Command Flags, so R=0 and the request is %% interpreted as an unsolicited answer. Increase Message Length %% to have the server receive all bytes sent thusfar. {error, timeout} = call(12), %% Another request answered as it should. #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?SUCCESS} = call(0), %% Shorten Message Length so much that that the server doesn't %% receive the required Termination-Cause AVP. #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?MISSING_AVP} = call(-24); %% Server transport discards message of insufficient length. send(discard) -> %% First request times out when the server discards it but a %% second succeeds since the transport remains up. {error, timeout} = call(4), #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?SUCCESS} = call(0); send(Config) -> send(proplists:get_value(group, Config)). %% =========================================================================== call(Delta) -> diameter:call(?CLIENT, ?DICT, #diameter_base_STR {'Termination-Cause' = ?LOGOUT, 'Auth-Application-Id' = ?DIAMETER_APP_ID_COMMON, 'Origin-State-Id' = [7]}, [{extra, [Delta]}]). %% =========================================================================== %% diameter callbacks %% peer_up/3 peer_up(_SvcName, _Peer, State) -> State. %% peer_down/3 peer_down(_SvcName, _Peer, State) -> State. %% pick_peer/5 pick_peer([Peer], _, ?CLIENT, _State, _Delta) -> {ok, Peer}. %% prepare_request/4 prepare_request(Pkt, ?CLIENT, {_Ref, Caps}, Delta) -> {send, resize(Delta, prepare(Pkt, Caps))}. prepare(#diameter_packet{msg = Req0} = Pkt, Caps) -> #diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH, _}, origin_realm = {OR, DR}} = Caps, Req = Req0#diameter_base_STR{'Session-Id' = diameter:session_id(OH), 'Origin-Host' = OH, 'Origin-Realm' = OR, 'Destination-Realm' = DR}, diameter_codec:encode(?DICT, Pkt#diameter_packet{msg = Req}). resize(0, Pkt) -> Pkt; resize(Delta, #diameter_packet{bin = Bin} = Pkt) -> Pkt#diameter_packet{bin = resize(Delta, Bin)}; resize(Delta, <<V, Len:24, T/binary>>) -> <<V, (Len + Delta):24, T/binary>>. %% handle_answer/5 handle_answer(Pkt, _Req, ?CLIENT, _Peer, _Delta) -> Pkt#diameter_packet.msg. %% handle_error/5 handle_error(Reason, _Req, ?CLIENT, _Peer, _Delta) -> {error, Reason}. %% handle_request/3 handle_request(Pkt, ?SERVER, {_Ref, Caps}) -> #diameter_caps{origin_host = {OH, _}, origin_realm = {OR, _}, origin_state_id = {_,[Id]}} = Caps, answer(origin(Id), Pkt, #diameter_base_STA{'Result-Code' = ?SUCCESS, 'Session-Id' = diameter:session_id(OH), 'Origin-Host' = OH, 'Origin-Realm' = OR}). answer(Group, #diameter_packet{errors = Es}, Ans) -> answer(Group, Es, Ans); %% No errors: just answer. answer(_, [], Ans) -> {reply, Ans}; %% Otherwise an invalid length should only reach the callback if %% length_errors = handle. answer(Group, [RC|_], Ans) when RC == ?INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH, Group == handle; RC /= ?INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH -> {reply, Ans}.