%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See %% the Licence for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB. %% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999-2006, Ericsson AB. %% All Rights Reserved.�� %% %% $Id$ %% -module(docb_edoc_xml_cb). %% This is the EDoc callback module for creating DocBuilder erlref %% documents (man pages) in XML format, and also a DocBuilder chapter %% document based on "overview.edoc". %% %% Usage examples: %% docb_gen File %% docb_gen -chapter overview.edoc %% or (from an Erlang shell) %% edoc:file(File, [{layout,docb_edoc_xml_cb},{file_suffix,".xml"}, %% {preprocess,true}]). %% %% The origin of this file is the edoc module otpsgml_layout.erl %% written by Richard Carlsson. -export([module/2, overview/2]). -include("xmerl.hrl"). -define(NL, "\n"). %%-User interface------------------------------------------------------- %% ERLREF module(Element, Opts) -> SortP = proplists:get_value(sort_functions, Opts, true), XML = layout_module(Element, SortP), xmerl:export_simple([XML], docb_xmerl_xml_cb, []). %% CHAPTER overview(Element, _Opts) -> XML = layout_chapter(Element), xmerl:export_simple([XML], docb_xmerl_xml_cb, []). %%--Internal functions-------------------------------------------------- layout_module(#xmlElement{name = module, content = Es}=E, SortP) -> Name = get_attrval(name, E), Desc = get_content(description, Es), ShortDesc = text_only(get_content(briefDescription, Desc)), FullDesc = otp_xmlify(get_content(fullDescription, Desc)), Types0 = get_content(typedecls, Es), Types1 = lists:sort([{type_name(Et), Et} || Et <- Types0]), Functions = case SortP of true -> lists:sort([{function_name(Ef), Ef} || Ef <- get_content(functions, Es)]); false -> [{function_name(Ef), Ef} || Ef <- get_content(functions, Es)] end, Header = {header, [ ?NL,{title, [Name]}, ?NL,{prepared, [""]}, ?NL,{responsible, [""]}, ?NL,{docno, ["1"]}, ?NL,{approved, [""]}, ?NL,{checked, [""]}, ?NL,{date, [""]}, ?NL,{rev, ["A"]}, ?NL,{file, [Name++".xml"]} ]}, Module = {module, [Name]}, ModuleSummary = {modulesummary, ShortDesc}, Description = {description, [?NL|FullDesc]}, Types = case Types1 of [] -> []; _ -> [?NL, {section,[{title,["DATA TYPES"]}, {marker,[{id,"types"}],[]}, ?NL|types(Types1)]}] end, Funcs = functions(Functions), See = seealso_module(Es), Authors = {authors, authors(Es)}, {erlref, [?NL,Header, ?NL,Module, ?NL,ModuleSummary, ?NL,Description] ++ Types ++ [?NL,Funcs, ?NL,See, ?NL,Authors] }. layout_chapter(#xmlElement{name=overview, content=Es}) -> Title = get_text(title, Es), Header = {header, [ ?NL,{title,[Title]}, ?NL,{prepared,[""]}, ?NL,{docno,[""]}, ?NL,{date,[""]}, ?NL,{rev,[""]}, ?NL,{file, ["chapter.xml"]} ]}, DescEs = get_content(description, Es), FullDescEs = get_content(fullDescription, DescEs), Sections = chapter_ify(FullDescEs, first), {chapter, [?NL, Header, ?NL | Sections]}. chapter_ify([], _) -> []; chapter_ify(Es, first) -> %% Everything up to the first section should be made into %% plain paragraphs -- or if no first section is found, everything %% should be made into one case find_next(h3, Es) of {Es, []} -> SubSections = subchapter_ify(Es, first), [{section, [?NL,{title,["Overview"]}, ?NL | SubSections]}]; {FirstEs, RestEs} -> otp_xmlify(FirstEs) ++ chapter_ify(RestEs, next) end; chapter_ify([#xmlElement{name=h3} = E | Es], next) -> {SectionEs, RestEs} = find_next(h3, Es), SubSections = subchapter_ify(SectionEs, first), {Marker, Title} = chapter_title(E), [{section, [?NL,{marker,[{id,Marker}],[]}, ?NL,{title,[Title]}, ?NL | SubSections]} | chapter_ify(RestEs, next)]. subchapter_ify([], _) -> []; subchapter_ify(Es, first) -> %% Everything up to the (possible) first subsection should be %% made into plain paragraphs {FirstEs, RestEs} = find_next(h4, Es), otp_xmlify(FirstEs) ++ subchapter_ify(RestEs, next); subchapter_ify([#xmlElement{name=h4} = E | Es], next) -> {SectionEs, RestEs} = find_next(h4, Es), Elements = otp_xmlify(SectionEs), {Marker, Title} = chapter_title(E), [{section, [?NL,{marker,[{id,Marker}],[]}, ?NL,{title,[Title]}, ?NL | Elements]} | subchapter_ify(RestEs, next)]. chapter_title(#xmlElement{content=Es}) -> % name = h3 | h4 case Es of [#xmlElement{name=a} = E] -> {get_attrval(name, E), get_text(E)} end. %%--XHTML->XML transformation------------------------------------------- %% otp_xmlify(Es1) -> Es2 %% Es1 = Es2 = [#xmlElement{} | #xmlText{}] %% Fix things that are allowed in XHTML but not in chapter/erlref DTDs. %% 1) lists (<ul>, <ol>, <dl>) and code snippets (<pre>) can not occur %% within a <p>, such a <p> must be splitted into a sequence of <p>, %% <ul>, <ol>, <dl> and <pre>. %% 2) <a> must only have either a href attribute (corresponds to a %% <seealso> or <url> in the XML code) in which case its content %% must be plain text; or a name attribute (<marker>). %% 3a) <b> content must be plain text. %% b) <em> content must be plain text (or actually a <code> element %% as well, but a simplification is used here). %% c) <pre> content must be plain text (or could actually contain %% <input> as well, but a simplification is used here). %% 4) <code> content must be plain text, or the element must be split %% into a list of elements. %% 5a) <h1>, <h2> etc is not allowed - replaced by its content within %% a <b> tag. %% b) <center> is not allowed - replaced by its content. %% c) <font> -"- %% 6) <table> is not allowed in erlref, translated to text instead. %% Also a <table> in chapter without a border is translated to text. %% A <table> in chapter with a border must contain a <tcaption>. %% 7) <sup> is not allowed - is replaced with its text content %% within parenthesis. %% 8) <blockquote> contents may need to be made into paragraphs %% 9) <th> (table header) is not allowed - is replaced by %% <td><em>...</em></td>. otp_xmlify([]) -> []; otp_xmlify(Es0) -> Es = case is_paragraph(hd(Es0)) of %% If the first element is a <p> xmlElement, then %% the entire element list is ready to be otp_xmlified. true -> Es0; %% If the first element is not a <p> xmlElement, then all %% elements up to the first <p> (or end of list) must be %% made into a paragraph (using the {p, Es} construction) %% before the list is otp_xmlified. false -> case find_next(p, Es0, []) of {[#xmlText{value=Str}] = First, Rest} -> %% Special case: Making a paragraph out of a %% blank line isn't a great idea. case is_empty(Str) of true -> Rest; false -> [{p,First}|Rest] end; {First, Rest} -> [{p,First}|Rest] end end, %% Fix paragraph breaks not needed in XHTML but in XML EsFixed = otp_xmlify_fix(Es), otp_xmlify_es(EsFixed). %% EDoc does not always translate empty lines (with leading "%%") %% as paragraph break, this is the fix otp_xmlify_fix(Es) -> otp_xmlify_fix(Es, []). otp_xmlify_fix([#xmlText{value="\n \n"++_} = E1, E2 | Es], Res) -> %% This is how it looks when generating an erlref from a .erl file case is_paragraph(E2) of false -> {P, After} = find_p_ending(Es, []), otp_xmlify_fix(After, [{p, [E2|P]}, E1 | Res]); true -> otp_xmlify_fix([E2|Es], [E1|Res]) end; otp_xmlify_fix([#xmlText{value="\n\n"} = E1, E2 | Es], Res) -> %% This is how it looks when generating a chapter from overview.edoc case is_paragraph(E2) of false -> {P, After} = find_p_ending(Es, []), otp_xmlify_fix(After, [{p, [E2|P]}, E1 | Res]); true -> otp_xmlify_fix([E2|Es], [E1|Res]) end; otp_xmlify_fix([E|Es], Res) -> otp_xmlify_fix(Es, [E|Res]); otp_xmlify_fix([], Res) -> lists:reverse(Res). otp_xmlify_es([E | Es]) -> case is_paragraph(E) of true -> case otp_xmlify_psplit(E) of %% paragraph contained inline tags and text only nosplit -> otp_xmlify_e(E) ++ otp_xmlify_es(Es); %% paragraph contained dl, ul and/or pre and has been %% splitted SubEs -> lists:flatmap(fun otp_xmlify_e/1, SubEs) ++ otp_xmlify_es(Es) end; false -> otp_xmlify_e(E) ++ otp_xmlify_es(Es) end; otp_xmlify_es([]) -> []. %% otp_xmlify_psplit(P) -> nosplit | [E] %% Handles case 1) above. %% Uses the {p, Es} construct, thus replaces an p xmlElement with one %% or more {p, Es} tuples if splitting the paraghrap is necessary. otp_xmlify_psplit(P) -> otp_xmlify_psplit(p_content(P), [], []). otp_xmlify_psplit([#xmlElement{name=Name}=E | Es], Content, Res) -> if Name==blockquote; Name==ul; Name==ol; Name==dl; Name==pre; Name==table -> case Content of [] -> otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [], [E|Res]); [#xmlText{value=Str}] -> %% Special case: Making a paragraph out of a blank %% line isn't a great idea. Instead, this can be %% viewed as the case above, where there is no %% content to make a paragraph out of case is_empty(Str) of true -> otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [], [E|Res]); false -> Pnew = {p, lists:reverse(Content)}, otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [], [E,Pnew|Res]) end; _ -> Pnew = {p, lists:reverse(Content)}, otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [], [E,Pnew|Res]) end; true -> otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [E|Content], Res) end; otp_xmlify_psplit([E | Es], Content, Res) -> otp_xmlify_psplit(Es, [E|Content], Res); otp_xmlify_psplit([], _Content, []) -> nosplit; otp_xmlify_psplit([], [], Res) -> lists:reverse(Res); otp_xmlify_psplit([], [#xmlText{value="\n\n"}], Res) -> lists:reverse(Res); otp_xmlify_psplit([], Content, Res) -> Pnew = {p, lists:reverse(Content)}, lists:reverse([Pnew|Res]). %% otp_xmlify_e(E) -> [E] %% This is the function which does the actual transformation of %% single elements, normally by making sure the content corresponds %% to what is allowed by the OTP DTDs. %% Returns a list of elements as the xmlification in some cases %% returns no element or more than one element (although in most cases %% exactly one element). otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=a} = E) -> % 2) above otp_xmlify_a(E); otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=Tag} = E) % 3a-c) when Tag==b; Tag==em; Tag==pre -> Content = text_only(E#xmlElement.content), [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=code} = E) -> % 4) case catch text_only(E#xmlElement.content) of {'EXIT', _Error} -> otp_xmlify_code(E); Content -> [E#xmlElement{content=Content}] end; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=Tag} = E) % 5a when Tag==h1; Tag==h2; Tag==h3; Tag==h4; Tag==h5; Tag==center; Tag==font -> Content = text_only(E#xmlElement.content), [E#xmlElement{name=b, content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=Tag} = E) % 5b-c) when Tag==center; Tag==font -> otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content); otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=table} = E) -> % 6) case parent(E) of module -> otp_xmlify_table(E#xmlElement.content); overview -> case get_attrval(border, E) of "" -> % implies border="0" [{p, otp_xmlify_table(E#xmlElement.content)}]; "0" -> [{p, otp_xmlify_table(E#xmlElement.content)}]; _Val -> Content0 = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content), Summary = #xmlText{value=get_attrval(summary, E)}, TCaption = E#xmlElement{name=tcaption, attributes=[], content=[Summary]}, Content = Content0 ++ [TCaption], [E#xmlElement{attributes=[], content=Content}] end end; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=sup} = E) -> % 7) Text = get_text(E), [#xmlText{parents = E#xmlElement.parents, pos = E#xmlElement.pos, language = E#xmlElement.language, value = "(" ++ Text ++ ")"}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=blockquote} = E) -> % 8) Content = otp_xmlify_blockquote(E#xmlElement.content), [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=th} = E) -> % 9) Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content), EmE = E#xmlElement{name=em, content=Content}, [E#xmlElement{name=td, content=[EmE]}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=p} = E) -> % recurse Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content), [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e({p, Content1}) -> Content2 = otp_xmlify_e(Content1), [{p, Content2}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=ul} = E) -> Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content), [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=li} = E) -> %% Content may need to be made into <p>s etc. Content = otp_xmlify(E#xmlElement.content), [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=dl} = E) -> Content0 = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content), Content = otp_xmlify_dl(Content0), [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=dt} = E) -> %% Special fix: Markers in <taglist> <tag>s are not allowed, %% save it using 'put' and place the marker first in the <item> %% instead Content = case E#xmlElement.content of [#xmlElement{name=a} = A] -> put(dt_marker, otp_xmlify_e(A)), otp_xmlify_e(A#xmlElement.content); _ -> otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content) end, [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=dd} = E) -> %% Content may need to be made into <p>s etc. Content0 = otp_xmlify(E#xmlElement.content), Content = case get(dt_marker) of undefined -> Content0; [Marker] -> put(dt_marker, undefined), [Marker#xmlElement{content=[]}|Content0] end, [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=tr} = E) -> Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content), [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e(#xmlElement{name=td} = E) -> Content = otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content), [E#xmlElement{content=Content}]; otp_xmlify_e([E | Es]) -> otp_xmlify_e(E) ++ otp_xmlify_e(Es); otp_xmlify_e([]) -> []; otp_xmlify_e(E) -> [E]. %%--Tags with special handling------------------------------------------ %% otp_xmlify_a(A1) -> [A2] %% Takes an <a> element and filters the attributes to decide wheather %% its a seealso/url or a marker. %% In the case of a seealso/url, the href part is checked, making %% sure a .xml/.html file extension is removed (as DocBuilder inserts %% .html extension when resolving cross references). %% Also, references to other applications //App has a href attribute %% value "OTPROOT/..." (due to app_default being set to "OTPROOT" in %% docb_gen.erl), in this case both href attribute and content must be %% formatted correctly according to DocBuilder requirements. otp_xmlify_a(A) -> [Attr0] = filter_a_attrs(A#xmlElement.attributes), case Attr0 of #xmlAttribute{name=href, value=Href0} -> % seealso | url Content0 = text_only(A#xmlElement.content), {Href, Content} = otp_xmlify_a_href(Href0, Content0), [A#xmlElement{attributes=[Attr0#xmlAttribute{value=Href}], content=Content}]; #xmlAttribute{name=name} -> % marker Content = otp_xmlify_e(A#xmlElement.content), [A#xmlElement{attributes=[Attr0], content=Content}] end. %% filter_a_attrs(Attrs) -> [Attr] %% Removes all attributes from a <a> element except the href or %% name attribute. filter_a_attrs([#xmlAttribute{name=href} = Attr | _Attrs]) -> [Attr]; filter_a_attrs([#xmlAttribute{name=name} = Attr | _Attrs]) -> [Attr]; filter_a_attrs([_Attr|Attrs]) -> filter_a_attrs(Attrs); filter_a_attrs([]) -> []. %% otp_xmlify_a_href(Href0, Es0) -> {Href1, Es1} %% Href = string() otp_xmlify_a_href("#"++_ = Marker, Es0) -> % <seealso marker="#what"> {Marker, Es0}; otp_xmlify_a_href("http:"++_ = URL, Es0) -> % external URL {URL, Es0}; otp_xmlify_a_href("OTPROOT"++AppRef, Es0) -> % <.. marker="App:FileRef case split(AppRef, "/") of [AppS, "doc", FileRef1] -> FileRef = AppS++":"++otp_xmlify_a_fileref(FileRef1, AppS), [#xmlText{value=Str0} = T] = Es0, Str = case split(Str0, "/") of %% //Application [AppS2] -> %% AppS2 can differ from AppS %% Example: xmerl/XMerL AppS2; [_AppS,ModRef] -> case split(ModRef, ":") of %% //Application/Module [Module] -> Module++"(3)"; %% //Application/Module:Type() [_Module,_Type] -> ModRef end; %% //Application/Module:Function/Arity [_AppS,ModFunc,Arity] -> ModFunc++"/"++Arity end, {FileRef, [T#xmlText{value=Str}]} end; otp_xmlify_a_href("../"++File, Es0) -> %% Special case: This kind of relative path is used on some %% places within i.e. EDoc and refers to a file within the same %% application tree. %% Correct the path according to the OTP directory structure {"../../"++File, Es0}; otp_xmlify_a_href(FileRef1, Es0) -> % File within the same application FileRef2 = otp_xmlify_a_fileref(FileRef1, this), {FileRef2, Es0}. %% otp_xmlify_a_fileref(FileRef1, AppS|this) -> FileRef2 %% AppS = FileRef = string() otp_xmlify_a_fileref(FileRef1, AppS) -> case split(FileRef1, ".#") of %% EDoc default name is "overview-summary.html, %% name of OTP User's Guide chapter is "chapter.xml" ["overview-summary", _Ext] -> "chapter"; ["overview-summary", _Ext, Marker] -> "chapter#"++Marker; [File, Ext] when Ext=="xml"; Ext=="html", AppS/=this -> File; [File, Ext, Marker0] -> %% Here is an awkward solution to an awkward problem %% The marker automatically inserted by DocBuilder at %% each function does not seem to work for EDoc generated %% ERLREFs. %% So if the referenced marker is in an ERLREF generated %% by EDoc, keep it "as is", ie "function-arity". %% If the referenced marker is NOT in an ERLREF generated %% by EDoc, the marker should be on the format %% "function/arity". %% The awkward part of the solution is to decide wheather %% the ERLREF is generated by EDoc or not: Here we make %% the decision based on which application the module %% belongs to -- which is ok when the module was written %% but probably not in the future... EDocApps = ["edoc","hipe","syntax_tools","xmerl"], IsEDocGenerated = lists:member(AppS, EDocApps), Marker = if %% The marker is in a file in *this* %% application (which documentation obviously %% is generated by EDoc), or it is in a file %% in an application which documentation %% is assumed to be generated by EDoc AppS==this; IsEDocGenerated -> Marker0; %% The marker is in a file in an application %% which documentation is assumed NOT to be %% generated by EDoc true -> case split(Marker0, "-") of [Func,Arity] -> Func++"/"++Arity; _ -> Marker0 end end, if %% Ignore file extension in file reference if it either %% is ".xml" or if it is ".html" but AppS/=this, that %% is, we're resolving an OTPROOT file reference Ext=="xml"; Ext=="html", AppS/=this -> File++"#"++Marker; true -> File++"."++Ext++"#"++Marker end; %% References to other files than XML files are kept as-is _ -> FileRef1 end. %% otp_xmlify_blockquote(Es1) -> Es2 %% Ensures that the content of a <blockquote> is divided into %% <p>s using the {p, Es} construct. otp_xmlify_blockquote([#xmlElement{name=p} = E|Es]) -> [E | otp_xmlify_blockquote(Es)]; otp_xmlify_blockquote([#xmlText{} = E|Es]) -> {P, After} = find_p_ending(Es, []), [{p, [E|P]} | otp_xmlify_blockquote(After)]; otp_xmlify_blockquote([]) -> []. %% otp_xmlify_code(E) -> Es %% Takes a <code> xmlElement and split it into a list of <code> and %% other xmlElements. Necessary when it contains more than a single %% xmlText element. %% Example: %% #xmlElement{name=code, %% content=[#xmlText{}, #xmlElement{name=br}, #xmlText{}]} %% => %% [#xmlElement{name=code, content=[#xmlText{}]}, %% #xmlElement{name=br}, %% #xmlElement{name=code, content=[#xmlText{}]}] otp_xmlify_code(E) -> otp_xmlify_code(E, E#xmlElement.content, []). otp_xmlify_code(Code, [#xmlText{} = E|Es], Acc) -> otp_xmlify_code(Code, Es, [Code#xmlElement{content=[E]}|Acc]); otp_xmlify_code(Code, [#xmlElement{} = E|Es], Acc) -> otp_xmlify_code(Code, Es, [E|Acc]); otp_xmlify_code(_Code, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). %% otp_xmlify_dl(Es1) -> Es2 %% Insert empty <dd> elements if necessary. %% OTP DTDs does not allow <taglist>s with <tag>s but no <item>s. otp_xmlify_dl([#xmlElement{name=dt} = E|Es]) -> [E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es, E)]; otp_xmlify_dl([E|Es]) -> [E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es)]; otp_xmlify_dl([]) -> []. otp_xmlify_dl([#xmlElement{name=dd} = E|Es], _DT) -> [E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es)]; otp_xmlify_dl([#xmlElement{name=dt} = E|Es], DT) -> DD = DT#xmlElement{name=dd, attributes=[], content=[]}, [DD,E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es, E)]; otp_xmlify_dl([E|Es], DT) -> [E|otp_xmlify_dl(Es, DT)]; otp_xmlify_dl([], DT) -> DD = DT#xmlElement{name=dd, attributes=[], content=[]}, [DD]. %% otp_xmlify_table(Es1) -> Es2 %% Transform <table> contents into "text", that is, inline elements. otp_xmlify_table([#xmlText{} = E|Es]) -> [E | otp_xmlify_table(Es)]; otp_xmlify_table([#xmlElement{name=tbody} = E|Es]) -> otp_xmlify_table(E#xmlElement.content)++otp_xmlify_table(Es); otp_xmlify_table([#xmlElement{name=tr} = E|Es]) -> %% Insert newlines between table rows otp_xmlify_table(E#xmlElement.content)++[{br,[]}]++otp_xmlify_table(Es); otp_xmlify_table([#xmlElement{name=th} = E|Es]) -> [{em, E#xmlElement.content} | otp_xmlify_table(Es)]; otp_xmlify_table([#xmlElement{name=td} = E|Es]) -> otp_xmlify_e(E#xmlElement.content) ++ otp_xmlify_table(Es); otp_xmlify_table([]) -> []. %%--Misc help functions used by otp_xmlify/1 et al--------------------- %% find_next(Tag, Es) -> {Es1, Es2} %% Returns {Es1, Es2} where Es1 is the list of all elements up to (but %% not including) the first element with tag Tag in Es, and Es2 %% is the remaining elements of Es. find_next(Tag, Es) -> find_next(Tag, Es, []). find_next(Tag, [#xmlElement{name=Tag} = E | Es], AccEs) -> {lists:reverse(AccEs), [E|Es]}; find_next(Tag, [E|Es], AccEs) -> find_next(Tag, Es, [E|AccEs]); find_next(_Tag, [], AccEs) -> {lists:reverse(AccEs), []}. %% find_p_ending(Es, []) -> {Es1, Es2} %% Returns {Es1, Es2} where Es1 is the list of all elements up to (but %% not including) the first paragraph break in Es, and Es2 is %% the remaining elements of Es2. %% Paragraph break = <p> tag or empty line %% the next blank line, <p> or end-of-list as P, and the remaining %% elements of Es as After. find_p_ending([#xmlText{value="\n \n"++_} = E|Es], P) -> {lists:reverse(P), [E|Es]}; find_p_ending([#xmlElement{name=p} = E|Es], P) -> {lists:reverse(P), [E|Es]}; find_p_ending([E|Es], P) -> find_p_ending(Es, [E|P]); find_p_ending([], P) -> {lists:reverse(P), []}. %% is_paragraph(E | P) -> bool() %% P = {p, Es} is_paragraph(#xmlElement{name=p}) -> true; is_paragraph({p, _Es}) -> true; is_paragraph(_E) -> false. %% p_content(E | P) -> Es p_content(#xmlElement{content=Content}) -> Content; p_content({p, Content}) -> Content. %% is_empty(Str) -> bool() %% Str = string() %% Returns true if Str is empty in the sense that it contains nothing %% but spaces, tabs or newlines. is_empty("\n"++Str) -> is_empty(Str); is_empty(" "++Str) -> is_empty(Str); is_empty("\t"++Str) -> is_empty(Str); is_empty("") -> true; is_empty(_) -> false. %% split(Str, Seps) -> [Str] split(Str, Seps) -> split(Str, Seps, []). split([Ch|Str], Seps, Acc) -> case lists:member(Ch, Seps) of true -> split(Str, Seps, Acc); false -> split(Str, Seps, Acc, [Ch]) end; split([], _Seps, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). split([Ch|Str], Seps, Acc, Chs) -> case lists:member(Ch, Seps) of true -> split(Str, Seps, [lists:reverse(Chs)|Acc]); false -> split(Str, Seps, Acc, [Ch|Chs]) end; split([], _Seps, Acc, Chs) -> lists:reverse([lists:reverse(Chs)|Acc]). %%--Functions for creating an erlref document--------------------------- %% function_name(F) -> string() %% F = #xmlElement{name=function} %% Returns the name of a function as "name/arity". function_name(E) -> get_attrval(name, E) ++ "/" ++ get_attrval(arity, E). %% functions(Fs) -> Es %% Fs = [{Name, F}] %% Name = string() "name/arity" %% F = #xmlElement{name=function} functions(Fs) -> Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> function(Name, E) end, Fs), if Es==[] -> []; true -> {funcs, Es} end. function(_Name, E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) -> TypeSpec = get_content(typespec, Es), [?NL,{func, [ ?NL, {name, case funcheader(TypeSpec) of [] -> signature(get_content(args, Es), get_attrval(name, E)); Spec -> Spec end }, ?NL,{fsummary, fsummary(Es)}, ?NL,local_types(TypeSpec), ?NL,{desc, label_anchor(E)++ deprecated(Es)++ fulldesc(Es)++ seealso_function(Es)} ]}]. fsummary([]) -> ["\s"]; fsummary(Es) -> Desc = get_content(description, Es), case get_content(briefDescription, Desc) of [] -> fsummary_equiv(Es); % no description at all if no equiv ShortDesc -> text_only(ShortDesc) end. fsummary_equiv(Es) -> case get_content(equiv, Es) of [] -> ["\s"]; Es1 -> case get_content(expr, Es1) of [] -> ["\s"]; [Expr] -> ["Equivalent to ", Expr, ".",?NL] end end. label_anchor(E) -> case get_attrval(label, E) of "" -> []; Ref -> [{marker, [{id, Ref}],[]},?NL] end. label_anchor(Content, E) -> case get_attrval(label, E) of "" -> Content; Ref -> {p,[{marker, [{id, Ref}],[]}, {em, Content}]} end. signature(Es, Name) -> [Name, "("] ++ seq(fun arg/1, Es) ++ [") -> term()", ?NL]. arg(#xmlElement{content = Es}) -> [get_text(argName, Es)]. funcheader([]) -> []; funcheader(Es) -> [t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es))] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)). local_types([]) -> []; local_types(Es) -> local_defs2(get_elem(localdef, Es)). local_defs2([]) -> []; local_defs2(Es) -> {type,[?NL | [{v, localdef2(E)} || E <- Es]]}. %% Like localdef/1, but does not use label_anchor/2 -- we don't want any %% markers or em tags in <v> tag, plain text only! localdef2(#xmlElement{content = Es}) -> case get_elem(typevar, Es) of [] -> t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)); [V] -> t_var(V) ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)) end. type_name(#xmlElement{content = Es}) -> t_name(get_elem(erlangName, get_content(typedef, Es))). types(Ts) -> Es = lists:flatmap(fun ({Name, E}) -> typedecl(Name, E) end, Ts), [?NL, {taglist,[?NL|Es]}]. typedecl(Name, #xmlElement{content = Es}) -> TypedefEs = get_content(typedef, Es), Id = "type-"++Name, [{tag, typedef(TypedefEs)}, ?NL, {item, [{marker,[{id,Id}],[]} | local_defs(get_elem(localdef, TypedefEs)) ++ fulldesc(Es)]}, ?NL]. typedef(Es) -> Name = ([t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)), "("] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es), [")"])), case get_elem(type, Es) of [] -> [{tt, Name}]; Type -> [{tt, Name ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(Type)}] end. local_defs([]) -> []; local_defs(Es) -> [?NL, {ul, [{li, [{tt, localdef(E)}]} || E <- Es]}]. localdef(E = #xmlElement{content = Es}) -> Var = case get_elem(typevar, Es) of [] -> [label_anchor(t_abstype(get_content(abstype, Es)), E)]; [V] -> t_var(V) end, Var ++ [" = "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)). deprecated(Es) -> case get_content(deprecated, Es) of [] -> []; DeprEs -> Es2 = get_content(fullDescription, get_content(description, DeprEs)), Es3 = otp_xmlify_e(Es2), [{p, [{em, ["This function is deprecated: "]} |Es3]}, ?NL] end. fulldesc(Es) -> case get_content(fullDescription, get_content(description, Es)) of [] -> index_desc(Es); Desc -> [?NL|otp_xmlify(Desc)] ++ [?NL] end. index_desc(Es) -> Desc = get_content(description, Es), case get_content(briefDescription, Desc) of [] -> equiv(Es); % no description at all if no equiv ShortDesc -> ShortDesc end. seealso_module(Es) -> case get_elem(see, Es) of [] -> []; Es1 -> {section,[{title,["See also"]},{p,seq(fun see/1, Es1, [])}]} end. seealso_function(Es) -> case get_elem(see, Es) of [] -> []; Es1 -> [{p, [{em, ["See also:"]}, " "] ++ seq(fun see/1, Es1, ["."])}, ?NL] end. %% ELEMENT see PCDATA %% ATTLIST name PCDATA %% href PCDATA see(#xmlElement{content=Es0} = E) -> Href0 = get_attrval(href, E), {Href, Es} = otp_xmlify_a_href(Href0, Es0), [{seealso, [{marker, Href}], Es}]. equiv(Es) -> case get_content(equiv, Es) of [] -> ["\s"]; Es1 -> case get_content(expr, Es1) of [] -> []; [Expr] -> Expr1 = [Expr], Expr2 = case get_elem(see, Es1) of [] -> {c,Expr1}; [E=#xmlElement{}] -> case get_attrval(href, E) of "" -> {c,Expr1}; Ref -> {seealso, [{marker, Ref}], Expr1} end end, [{p, ["Equivalent to ", Expr2, "."]}, ?NL] end end. authors(Es) -> case get_elem(author, Es) of [] -> [?NL,{aname,["\s"]},?NL,{email,["\s"]}]; Es1 -> [?NL|seq(fun author/1, Es1, "", [])] end. author(E=#xmlElement{}) -> Name = case get_attrval(name, E) of [] -> "\s"; N -> N end, Mail = case get_attrval(email, E) of [] -> "\s"; M -> M end, [?NL,{aname,[Name]},?NL,{email,[Mail]}]. t_name([E]) -> N = get_attrval(name, E), case get_attrval(module, E) of "" -> N; M -> S = M ++ ":" ++ N, case get_attrval(app, E) of "" -> S; A -> "//" ++ A ++ "/" ++ S end end. t_utype([E]) -> t_utype_elem(E). t_utype_elem(E=#xmlElement{content = Es}) -> case get_attrval(name, E) of "" -> t_type(Es); Name -> T = t_type(Es), case T of [Name] -> T; % avoid generating "Foo::Foo" T -> [Name] ++ ["::"] ++ T end end. t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = typevar}]) -> t_var(E); t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = atom}]) -> t_atom(E); t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = integer}]) -> t_integer(E); t_type([E=#xmlElement{name = float}]) -> t_float(E); t_type([#xmlElement{name = nil}]) -> t_nil(); t_type([#xmlElement{name = list, content = Es}]) -> t_list(Es); t_type([#xmlElement{name = tuple, content = Es}]) -> t_tuple(Es); t_type([#xmlElement{name = 'fun', content = Es}]) -> t_fun(Es); t_type([#xmlElement{name = abstype, content = Es}]) -> t_abstype(Es); t_type([#xmlElement{name = union, content = Es}]) -> t_union(Es); t_type([#xmlElement{name = record, content = Es}]) -> t_record(Es). t_var(E) -> [get_attrval(name, E)]. t_atom(E) -> [get_attrval(value, E)]. t_integer(E) -> [get_attrval(value, E)]. t_float(E) -> [get_attrval(value, E)]. t_nil() -> ["[]"]. t_list(Es) -> ["["] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es)) ++ ["]"]. t_tuple(Es) -> ["{"] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, Es, ["}"]). t_fun(Es) -> ["("] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_content(argtypes, Es), [") -> "] ++ t_utype(get_elem(type, Es))). t_record([E|Es]) -> ["#", get_attrval(value, E), "{"++ seq(fun t_field/1, Es) ++"}"]. t_field(#xmlElement{name=field, content=[Atom,Type]}) -> [get_attrval(value, Atom), "="] ++ t_utype_elem(Type). t_abstype(Es) -> case split_at_colon(t_name(get_elem(erlangName, Es)),[]) of {Mod,Type} -> [Type, "("] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_elem(type, Es), [")"]) ++ [" (see module ", Mod, ")"]; Type -> [Type, "("] ++ seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, get_elem(type, Es), [")"]) end. %% Split at one colon, but not at two (or more) split_at_colon([$:,$:|_]=Rest,Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc)++Rest; split_at_colon([$:|Type],Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),Type}; split_at_colon([Char|Rest],Acc) -> split_at_colon(Rest,[Char|Acc]); split_at_colon([],Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). t_union(Es) -> seq(fun t_utype_elem/1, Es, " | ", []). %% seq(Fun, Es) %% seq(Fun, Es, Tail) %% seq(Fun, Es, Sep, Tail) -> [string()] %% Fun = function(E) -> [string()] %% Sep = string() %% Tail = [string()] %% Applies Fun to each element E in Es and return the appended list of %% strings, separated by Sep which defaults to ", " and ended by Tail %% which defaults to []. seq(Fun, Es) -> seq(Fun, Es, []). seq(Fun, Es, Tail) -> seq(Fun, Es, ", ", Tail). seq(Fun, [E], _Sep, Tail) -> Fun(E) ++ Tail; seq(Fun, [E | Es], Sep, Tail) -> Fun(E) ++ [Sep] ++ seq(Fun, Es, Sep, Tail); seq(_Fun, [], _Sep, Tail) -> Tail. %%--Misc functions for accessing fields etc----------------------------- %% Type definitions used below: %% E = #xmlElement{} | #xmlText{} %% Es = [E] %% Tag = atom(), XHTML tag %% Name = atom(), XHTML attribute name %% Attrs = [#xmlAttribute{}] %% Ts = [#xmlText{}] %% parent(E) -> module | overview parent(E) -> Parents = E#xmlElement.parents, {Parent,_} = lists:last(Parents), Parent. %% get_elem(Tag, Es1) -> Es2 %% Returns a list of all elements in Es which have the name Tag. get_elem(Name, [#xmlElement{name = Name} = E | Es]) -> [E | get_elem(Name, Es)]; get_elem(Name, [_ | Es]) -> get_elem(Name, Es); get_elem(_, []) -> []. %% get_attr(Name, Attrs1) -> Attrs2 %% Returns a list of all attributes in Attrs1 which have the name Name. get_attr(Name, [#xmlAttribute{name = Name} = A | As]) -> [A | get_attr(Name, As)]; get_attr(Name, [_ | As]) -> get_attr(Name, As); get_attr(_, []) -> []. %% get_attrval(Name, E) -> string() %% If E has one attribute with name Name, return its value, otherwise "" get_attrval(Name, #xmlElement{attributes = As}) -> case get_attr(Name, As) of [#xmlAttribute{value = V}] -> V; [] -> "" end. %% get_content(Tag, Es1) -> Es2 %% If there is one element in Es1 with name Tag, returns its contents, %% otherwise [] get_content(Name, Es) -> case get_elem(Name, Es) of [#xmlElement{content = Es1}] -> Es1; [] -> [] end. %% get_text(Tag, Es) -> string() %% If there is one element in Es with name Tag, and its content is %% a single xmlText, return the value of this xmlText. %% Otherwise return "". get_text(Name, Es) -> case get_content(Name, Es) of [#xmlText{value = Text}] -> Text; [] -> "" end. %% get_text(E) -> string() %% Return the value of an single xmlText which is the content of E, %% possibly recursively. get_text(#xmlElement{content=[#xmlText{value=Text}]}) -> Text; get_text(#xmlElement{content=[E]}) -> get_text(E). %% text_only(Es) -> Ts %% Takes a list of xmlElement and xmlText and return a lists of xmlText. text_only([#xmlElement{} = E |Es]) -> text_only(E#xmlElement.content) ++ text_only(Es); text_only([#xmlText{} = E |Es]) -> [E | text_only(Es)]; text_only([]) -> [].