%% ===================================================================== %% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as %% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %% License, or (at your option) any later version. %% %% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but %% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %% Lesser General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public %% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 %% USA %% %% $Id$ %% %% @copyright 2001-2003 Richard Carlsson %% @author Richard Carlsson <richardc@it.uu.se> %% @see edoc %% @end %% ===================================================================== %% @doc EDoc documentation extraction. -module(edoc_extract). -export([source/3, source/4, source/5, header/3, header/4, header/5, file/4, text/4]). -import(edoc_report, [report/3, warning/3]). %% %% @headerfile "edoc.hrl" (disabled until it can be made private) -include("edoc.hrl"). %% @type filename() = file:filename() %% @spec source(File::filename(), Env::edoc_env(), Options::proplist()) %% -> {ModuleName, edoc_module()} %% ModuleName = atom() %% proplist() = [term()] %% %% @doc Like {@link source/5}, but reads the syntax tree and the %% comments from the specified file. %% %% @see edoc:read_comments/2 %% @see edoc:read_source/2 %% @see source/4 source(File, Env, Opts) -> Forms = edoc:read_source(File, Opts), Comments = edoc:read_comments(File, Opts), source(Forms, Comments, File, Env, Opts). %% @spec source(Forms, Comments::[comment()], File::filename(), %% Env::edoc_env(), Options::proplist()) -> %% {ModuleName, edoc_module()} %% %% Forms = syntaxTree() | [syntaxTree()] %% comment() = {Line, Column, Indentation, Text} %% Line = integer() %% Column = integer() %% Indentation = integer() %% Text = [string()] %% ModuleName = atom() %% %% @doc Like {@link source/4}, but first inserts the given comments in %% the syntax trees. The syntax trees must contain valid position %% information. (Cf. {@link edoc:read_comments/2}.) %% %% @see edoc:read_comments/2 %% @see edoc:read_source/2 %% @see source/3 %% @see source/4 %% @see //syntax_tools/erl_recomment source(Forms, Comments, File, Env, Opts) when is_list(Forms) -> Forms1 = erl_syntax:form_list(Forms), source(Forms1, Comments, File, Env, Opts); source(Forms, Comments, File, Env, Opts) -> Tree = erl_recomment:quick_recomment_forms(Forms, Comments), source(Tree, File, Env, Opts). %% @spec source(Forms, File::filename(), Env::edoc_env(), %% Options::proplist()) -> %% {ModuleName, edoc_module()} %% %% Forms = syntaxTree() | [syntaxTree()] %% ModuleName = atom() %% edoc_module() = edoc:edoc_module() %% @type edoc_env() = edoc_lib:edoc_env() %% %% @doc Extracts EDoc documentation from commented source code syntax %% trees. The given `Forms' must be a single syntax tree of %% type `form_list', or a list of syntax trees representing %% "program forms" (cf. {@link edoc:read_source/2}. %% `Env' is an environment created by {@link %% edoc_lib:get_doc_env/4}. The `File' argument is used for %% error reporting and output file name generation only. %% %% See {@link edoc:get_doc/2} for descriptions of the `def', %% `hidden', `private', and `todo' options. %% %% @see edoc:read_comments/2 %% @see edoc:read_source/2 %% @see source/5 %% @see //syntax_tools/erl_recomment %% Note that the actual module name found in the source file will be %% used for generating the documentation, creating relative links, etc. %% INHERIT-OPTIONS: add_macro_defs/3 %% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_data:module/4 source(Forms, File, Env, Opts) when is_list(Forms) -> source(erl_syntax:form_list(Forms), File, Env, Opts); source(Tree, File0, Env, Opts) -> Forms = preprocess_forms(Tree), File = edoc_lib:filename(File0), Module = get_module_info(Tree, File), {Header, Footer, Entries} = collect(Forms, Module), Name = Module#module.name, Package = list_to_atom(packages:strip_last(Name)), Env1 = Env#env{module = Name, package = Package, root = edoc_refs:relative_package_path('', Package)}, Env2 = add_macro_defs(module_macros(Env1), Opts, Env1), Entries1 = get_tags([Header, Footer | Entries], Env2, File), Data = edoc_data:module(Module, Entries1, Env2, Opts), {Name, Data}. %% @spec header(File::filename(), Env::edoc_env(), Options::proplist()) %% -> {ok, Tags} | {error, Reason} %% Tags = [term()] %% Reason = term() %% %% @doc Similar to {@link header/5}, but reads the syntax tree and the %% comments from the specified file. %% %% @see edoc:read_comments/2 %% @see edoc:read_source/2 %% @see header/4 header(File, Env, Opts) -> Forms = edoc:read_source(File), Comments = edoc:read_comments(File), header(Forms, Comments, File, Env, Opts). %% @spec header(Forms, Comments::[comment()], File::filename(), %% Env::edoc_env(), Options::proplist()) -> %% {ok, Tags} | {error, Reason} %% Forms = syntaxTree() | [syntaxTree()] %% Tags = [term()] %% Reason = term() %% %% @doc Similar to {@link header/4}, but first inserts the given %% comments in the syntax trees. The syntax trees must contain valid %% position information. (Cf. {@link edoc:read_comments/2}.) %% %% @see header/3 %% @see header/4 %% @see //syntax_tools/erl_recomment header(Forms, Comments, File, Env, Opts) when is_list(Forms) -> Forms1 = erl_syntax:form_list(Forms), header(Forms1, Comments, File, Env, Opts); header(Forms, Comments, File, Env, Opts) -> Tree = erl_recomment:quick_recomment_forms(Forms, Comments), header(Tree, File, Env, Opts). %% @spec header(Forms, File::filename(), Env::edoc_env(), %% Options::proplist()) -> %% {ok, Tags} | {error, Reason} %% Forms = syntaxTree() | [syntaxTree()] %% Tags = [term()] %% Reason = term() %% %% @doc Extracts EDoc documentation from commented header file syntax %% trees. Similar to {@link source/5}, but ignores any documentation %% that occurs before a module declaration or a function definition. %% (Warning messages are printed if content may be ignored.) `Env' is %% assumed to already be set up with a suitable module context. %% %% @see header/5 %% @see //syntax_tools/erl_recomment header(Forms, File, Env, Opts) when is_list(Forms) -> header(erl_syntax:form_list(Forms), File, Env, Opts); header(Tree, File0, Env, _Opts) -> Forms = preprocess_forms(Tree), File = edoc_lib:filename(File0), Module = #module{name = Env#env.module}, % a dummy module record %% We take only "footer" tags, i.e., any kind of definition will %% kill all the information above it up to that point. Then we call %% this the 'header' to make error reports make better sense. {Header, Footer, Entries} = collect(Forms, Module), if Header#entry.data /= [] -> warning(File, "documentation before module declaration is ignored by @headerfile", []); true -> ok end, if Entries /= [] -> warning(File, "documentation before function definitions is ignored by @headerfile", []); true -> ok end, [Entry] = get_tags([Footer#entry{name = header}], Env, File), Entry#entry.data. %% NEW-OPTIONS: def %% DEFER-OPTIONS: source/4 add_macro_defs(Defs0, Opts, Env) -> Defs = proplists:append_values(def, Opts), edoc_macros:check_defs(Defs), Env#env{macros = Defs ++ Defs0 ++ Env#env.macros}. %% @spec file(File::filename(), Context, Env::edoc_env(), %% Options::proplist()) -> {ok, Tags} | {error, Reason} %% Context = overview | package %% Tags = [term()] %% Reason = term() %% %% @doc Reads a text file and returns the list of tags in the file. Any %% lines of text before the first tag are ignored. `Env' is an %% environment created by {@link edoc_lib:get_doc_env/4}. Upon error, %% `Reason' is an atom returned from the call to {@link %% //kernel/file:read_file/1}. %% %% See {@link text/4} for options. %% INHERIT-OPTIONS: text/4 file(File, Context, Env, Opts) -> case file:read_file(File) of {ok, Bin} -> {ok, text(binary_to_list(Bin), Context, Env, Opts, File)}; {error, _R} = Error -> Error end. %% @spec (Text::string(), Context, Env::edoc_env(), %% Options::proplist()) -> Tags %% Context = overview | package %% Tags = [term()] %% %% @doc Returns the list of tags in the text. Any lines of text before %% the first tag are ignored. `Env' is an environment created by {@link %% edoc_lib:get_doc_env/4}. %% %% See {@link source/4} for a description of the `def' option. %% INHERIT-OPTIONS: add_macro_defs/3 %% DEFER-OPTIONS: source/4 text(Text, Context, Env, Opts) -> text(Text, Context, Env, Opts, ""). text(Text, Context, Env, Opts, Where) -> Env1 = add_macro_defs(file_macros(Context, Env), Opts, Env), Cs = edoc_lib:lines(Text), Ts0 = edoc_tags:scan_lines(Cs, 1), Tags = sets:from_list(edoc_tags:tag_names()), Ts1 = edoc_tags:filter_tags(Ts0, Tags, Where), Single = sets:from_list(edoc_tags:tags(single)), Allow = sets:from_list(edoc_tags:tags(Context)), case edoc_tags:check_tags(Ts1, Allow, Single, Where) of true -> exit(error); false -> Ts2 = edoc_macros:expand_tags(Ts1, Env1, Where), How = dict:from_list(edoc_tags:tag_parsers()), edoc_tags:parse_tags(Ts2, How, Env1, Where) end. %% @spec (Forms::[syntaxTree()], File::filename()) -> moduleInfo() %% @doc Initialises a module-info record with data about the module %% represented by the list of forms. Exports are guaranteed to exist in %% the set of defined names. get_module_info(Forms, File) -> L = case catch {ok, erl_syntax_lib:analyze_forms(Forms)} of {ok, L1} -> L1; syntax_error -> report(File, "syntax error in input.", []), exit(error); {'EXIT', R} -> exit(R); R -> throw(R) end, {Name, Vars} = case lists:keyfind(module, 1, L) of {module, N} when is_atom(N) -> {N, none}; {module, {N, _Vs} = NVs} when is_atom(N) -> NVs; _ -> report(File, "module name missing.", []), exit(error) end, Functions = ordsets:from_list(get_list_keyval(functions, L)), Exports = ordsets:from_list(get_list_keyval(exports, L)), Attributes = ordsets:from_list(get_list_keyval(attributes, L)), Records = get_list_keyval(records, L), #module{name = Name, parameters = Vars, functions = Functions, exports = ordsets:intersection(Exports, Functions), attributes = Attributes, records = Records}. get_list_keyval(Key, L) -> case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, L) of {Key, As} -> ordsets:from_list(As); _ -> [] end. %% @spec (Forms::[syntaxTree()]) -> [syntaxTree()] %% @doc Preprocessing: copies any precomments on forms to standalone %% comments, and removes "invisible" forms from the list. preprocess_forms(Tree) -> preprocess_forms_1(erl_syntax:form_list_elements( erl_syntax:flatten_form_list(Tree))). preprocess_forms_1([F | Fs]) -> case erl_syntax:get_precomments(F) of [] -> preprocess_forms_2(F, Fs); Cs -> Cs ++ preprocess_forms_2(F, Fs) end; preprocess_forms_1([]) -> []. preprocess_forms_2(F, Fs) -> case erl_syntax_lib:analyze_form(F) of comment -> [F | preprocess_forms_1(Fs)]; {function, _} -> [F | preprocess_forms_1(Fs)]; {rule, _} -> [F | preprocess_forms_1(Fs)]; {attribute, {module, _}} -> [F | preprocess_forms_1(Fs)]; text -> [F | preprocess_forms_1(Fs)]; _ -> preprocess_forms_1(Fs) end. %% This collects the data for the header and the functions of the %% module. Note that the list of forms is assumed to have been %% preprocessed first, so that all "invisible" forms are removed, and %% the only interesting comments are those that are standalone comments %% in the list. collect(Fs, Mod) -> collect(Fs, [], [], undefined, Mod). collect([F | Fs], Cs, As, Header, Mod) -> case erl_syntax_lib:analyze_form(F) of comment -> collect(Fs, [F | Cs], As, Header, Mod); {function, Name} -> L = erl_syntax:get_pos(F), Export = ordsets:is_element(Name, Mod#module.exports), Args = parameters(erl_syntax:function_clauses(F)), collect(Fs, [], [#entry{name = Name, args = Args, line = L, export = Export, data = comment_text(Cs)} | As], Header, Mod); {rule, Name} -> L = erl_syntax:get_pos(F), Export = ordsets:is_element(Name, Mod#module.exports), Args = parameters(erl_syntax:rule_clauses(F)), collect(Fs, [], [#entry{name = Name, args = Args, line = L, export = Export, data = comment_text(Cs)} | As], Header, Mod); {attribute, {module, _}} when Header =:= undefined -> L = erl_syntax:get_pos(F), collect(Fs, [], As, #entry{name = module, line = L, data = comment_text(Cs)}, Mod); _ -> %% Drop current seen comments. collect(Fs, [], As, Header, Mod) end; collect([], Cs, As, Header, _Mod) -> Footer = #entry{name = footer, data = comment_text(Cs)}, As1 = lists:reverse(As), if Header =:= undefined -> {#entry{name = module, data = []}, Footer, As1}; true -> {Header, Footer, As1} end. %% Returns a list of simplified comment information (position and text) %% for a list of abstract comments. The order of elements is reversed. comment_text(Cs) -> comment_text(Cs, []). comment_text([C | Cs], Ss) -> L = erl_syntax:get_pos(C), comment_text(Cs, [#comment{line = L, text = [remove_percent_chars(S) || S <- erl_syntax:comment_text(C)]} | Ss]); comment_text([], Ss) -> Ss. %% @spec (string()) -> string() %% %% @doc Replaces leading `%' characters by spaces. For example, `"%%% %% foo" -> "\s\s\s foo"', but `"% % foo" -> "\s % foo"', since the %% second `%' is preceded by whitespace. remove_percent_chars([$% | Cs]) -> [$\s | remove_percent_chars(Cs)]; remove_percent_chars(Cs) -> Cs. %% Extracting possible parameter names from Erlang clause patterns. The %% atom '_' is used when no name can be found. (Better names are made up %% later, when we also may have typespecs available; see edoc_data.) parameters(Clauses) -> select_names([find_names(Ps) || Ps <- patterns(Clauses)]). patterns(Cs) -> edoc_lib:transpose([erl_syntax:clause_patterns(C) || C <- Cs]). find_names(Ps) -> find_names(Ps, []). find_names([P | Ps], Ns) -> case erl_syntax:type(P) of variable -> find_names(Ps, [tidy_name(erl_syntax:variable_name(P)) | Ns]); match_expr -> %% Right-hand side gets priority over left-hand side! %% Note that the list is reversed afterwards. P1 = erl_syntax:match_expr_pattern(P), P2 = erl_syntax:match_expr_body(P), find_names([P1, P2 | Ps], Ns); list -> P1 = erl_syntax:list_tail(P), find_names([P1 | Ps], Ns); record_expr -> A = erl_syntax:record_expr_type(P), N = list_to_atom(capitalize(erl_syntax:atom_name(A))), find_names(Ps, [N | Ns]); infix_expr -> %% this can only be a '++' operation P1 = erl_syntax:infix_expr_right(P), find_names([P1 | Ps], Ns); _ -> find_names(Ps, Ns) end; find_names([], Ns) -> lists:reverse(Ns). select_names(Ls) -> select_names(Ls, [], sets:new()). select_names([Ns | Ls], As, S) -> A = select_name(Ns, S), select_names(Ls, [A | As], sets:add_element(A, S)); select_names([], As, _) -> lists:reverse(As). select_name([A | Ns], S) -> case sets:is_element(A, S) of true -> select_name(Ns, S); false -> A end; select_name([], _S) -> '_'. %% Strip leading underscore characters from parameter names. If the %% result does not begin with an uppercase character, we add a single %% leading underscore. If the result would be empty, the atom '_' is %% returned. tidy_name(A) -> case atom_to_list(A) of [$_ | Cs] -> list_to_atom(tidy_name_1(Cs)); _ -> A end. tidy_name_1([$_ | Cs]) -> tidy_name_1(Cs); tidy_name_1([C | _]=Cs) when C >= $A, C =< $Z -> Cs; tidy_name_1([C | _]=Cs) when C >= $\300, C =< $\336, C =/= $\327-> Cs; tidy_name_1(Cs) -> [$_ | Cs]. %% Change initial character from lowercase to uppercase. capitalize([C | Cs]) when C >= $a, C =< $z -> [C - 32 | Cs]; capitalize(Cs) -> Cs. %% Collects the tags belonging to each entry, checks them, expands %% macros and parses the content. %% %This is commented out until it can be made private %% %@type tags() = #tags{names = set(atom()), %% % single = set(atom()), %% % module = set(atom()), %% % footer = set(atom()), %% % function = set(atom())} %% % set(T) = sets:set(T) -record(tags, {names,single,module,function,footer}). get_tags(Es, Env, File) -> %% Cache this stuff for quick lookups. Tags = #tags{names = sets:from_list(edoc_tags:tag_names()), single = sets:from_list(edoc_tags:tags(single)), module = sets:from_list(edoc_tags:tags(module)), footer = sets:from_list(edoc_tags:tags(footer)), function = sets:from_list(edoc_tags:tags(function))}, How = dict:from_list(edoc_tags:tag_parsers()), get_tags(Es, Tags, Env, How, File). get_tags([#entry{name = Name, data = Cs} = E | Es], Tags, Env, How, File) -> Where = {File, Name}, Ts0 = scan_tags(Cs), Ts1 = check_tags(Ts0, Tags, Where), Ts2 = edoc_macros:expand_tags(Ts1, Env, Where), Ts = edoc_tags:parse_tags(Ts2, How, Env, Where), [E#entry{data = Ts} | get_tags(Es, Tags, Env, How, File)]; get_tags([], _, _, _, _) -> []. %% Scanning a list of separate comments for tags. scan_tags([#comment{line = L, text = Ss} | Es]) -> edoc_tags:scan_lines(Ss, L) ++ scan_tags(Es); scan_tags([]) -> []. %% Check the set of found tags (depending on context). %% Completely unknown tags are filtered out with a warning. check_tags(Ts0, Tags, Where) -> Ts = edoc_tags:filter_tags(Ts0, Tags#tags.names, Where), case check_tags_1(Ts, Tags, Where) of false -> Ts; true -> exit(error) end. check_tags_1(Ts, Tags, {_, module} = Where) -> Allow = Tags#tags.module, Single = Tags#tags.single, edoc_tags:check_tags(Ts, Allow, Single, Where); check_tags_1(Ts, Tags, {_, footer} = Where) -> Allow = Tags#tags.footer, Single = Tags#tags.single, edoc_tags:check_tags(Ts, Allow, Single, Where); check_tags_1(Ts, Tags, Where) -> Allow = Tags#tags.function, Single = Tags#tags.single, edoc_tags:check_tags(Ts, Allow, Single, Where). %% Macros for modules module_macros(Env) -> [{module, atom_to_list(Env#env.module)}] ++ edoc_macros:std_macros(Env). %% Macros for reading auxiliary edoc-files file_macros(_Context, Env) -> edoc_macros:std_macros(Env).