%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
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%% %CopyrightEnd%



	 erl_send/1,erl_reg_send/1, erl_send_cookie_file/1]).

-import(runner, [get_term/1,send_term/2]).

all(suite) -> 

init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
    Dog = ?t:timetrap(?t:minutes(0.25)),
    [{watchdog, Dog}|Config].

fin_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
    Dog = ?config(watchdog, Config),

erl_send(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line P = runner:start(?interpret),
    ?line 1 = erl_connect_init(P, 42, erlang:get_cookie(), 0),
    ?line {ok,Fd} = erl_connect(P, node()),

    ?line ok = erl_send(P, Fd, self(), AMsg={a,message}),
    ?line receive AMsg -> ok end,

    ?line 0 = erl_close_connection(P,Fd),
    ?line runner:send_eot(P),
    ?line runner:recv_eot(P),

erl_send_cookie_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    case os:type() of
	vxworks ->
	    {skip,"Skipped on VxWorks"};
	_ ->
	    ?line P = runner:start(?interpret),
	    ?line 1 = erl_connect_init(P, 42, '', 0),
	    ?line {ok,Fd} = erl_connect(P, node()),
	    ?line ok = erl_send(P, Fd, self(), AMsg={a,message}),
	    ?line receive AMsg -> ok end,
	    ?line 0 = erl_close_connection(P,Fd),
	    ?line runner:send_eot(P),
	    ?line runner:recv_eot(P),

erl_reg_send(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line P = runner:start(?interpret),
    ?line 1 = erl_connect_init(P, 42, erlang:get_cookie(), 0),
    ?line {ok,Fd} = erl_connect(P, node()),

    ARegName = a_strange_registred_name,
    ?line register(ARegName, self()),
    ?line ok = erl_reg_send(P, Fd, ARegName, AMsg={another,[strange],message}),
    ?line receive AMsg -> ok end,

    ?line 0 = erl_close_connection(P,Fd),
    ?line runner:send_eot(P),
    ?line runner:recv_eot(P),

%%% Interface functions for erl_interface functions.

erl_connect_init(P, Num, Cookie, Creation) ->
    send_command(P, erl_connect_init, [Num,Cookie,Creation]),
    case get_term(P) of
	{term,Int} when is_integer(Int) -> Int

erl_connect(P, Node) ->
    send_command(P, erl_connect, [Node]),
    case get_term(P) of
	{term,{Fd,_}} when Fd >= 0 -> {ok,Fd};
	{term,{-1,Errno}} -> {error,Errno}

erl_close_connection(P, FD) ->
    send_command(P, erl_close_connection, [FD]),
    case get_term(P) of
	{term,Int} when is_integer(Int) -> Int

erl_send(P, Fd, To, Msg) ->
    send_command(P, erl_send, [Fd,To,Msg]),

erl_reg_send(P, Fd, To, Msg) ->
    send_command(P, erl_reg_send, [Fd,To,Msg]),

get_send_result(P) ->
    case get_term(P) of
	{term,{1,_}} -> ok;
	{term,{-1,Errno}} -> {error,Errno};
	    io:format("Return value: ~p\nerl_errno: ~p", [Res,Errno]),

send_command(P, Name, Args) ->
    runner:send_term(P, {Name,list_to_tuple(Args)}).