%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as %% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %% License, or (at your option) any later version. %% %% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but %% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %% Lesser General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public %% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 %% USA %% %% @copyright 2004-2009 Mickaël Rémond, Richard Carlsson %% @author Mickaël Rémond %% [http://www.process-one.net/] %% @author Richard Carlsson %% @version {@version}, {@date} {@time} %% @doc This module is the main EUnit user interface. -module(eunit). -include("eunit.hrl"). -include("eunit_internal.hrl"). %% Official exports -export([start/0, stop/0, test/1, test/2]). %% Experimental; may be removed or relocated -export([start/1, stop/1, test/3, submit/1, submit/2, submit/3, watch/1, watch/2, watch/3, watch_path/1, watch_path/2, watch_path/3, watch_regexp/1, watch_regexp/2, watch_regexp/3, watch_app/1, watch_app/2, watch_app/3]). %% EUnit entry points %% TODO: Command line interface similar to that of edoc? %% @doc Starts the EUnit server. Normally, you don't need to call this %% function; it is started automatically. start() -> start(?SERVER). %% @private %% @doc See {@link start/0}. start(Server) -> eunit_server:start(Server). %% @doc Stops the EUnit server. Normally, you don't need to call this %% function. stop() -> stop(?SERVER). %% @private %% @doc See {@link stop/0}. stop(Server) -> eunit_server:stop(Server). %% @private watch(Target) -> watch(Target, []). %% @private watch(Target, Options) -> watch(?SERVER, Target, Options). %% @private watch(Server, Target, Options) -> eunit_server:watch(Server, Target, Options). %% @private watch_path(Target) -> watch_path(Target, []). %% @private watch_path(Target, Options) -> watch_path(?SERVER, Target, Options). %% @private watch_path(Server, Target, Options) -> eunit_server:watch_path(Server, Target, Options). %% @private watch_regexp(Target) -> watch_regexp(Target, []). %% @private watch_regexp(Target, Options) -> watch_regexp(?SERVER, Target, Options). %% @private watch_regexp(Server, Target, Options) -> eunit_server:watch_regexp(Server, Target, Options). %% @private watch_app(Name) -> watch_app(Name, []). %% @private watch_app(Name, Options) -> watch_app(?SERVER, Name, Options). %% @private watch_app(Server, Name, Options) -> case code:lib_dir(Name) of Path when is_list(Path) -> watch_path(Server, filename:join(Path, "ebin"), Options); _ -> error end. %% @equiv test(Tests, []) test(Tests) -> test(Tests, []). %% @spec test(Tests::term(), Options::[term()]) -> ok | {error, term()} %% @doc Runs a set of tests. The format of `Tests' is described in the %% section EUnit test %% representation of the overview. %% %% Example: ```eunit:test(fred)''' runs all tests in the module `fred' %% and also any tests in the module `fred_tests', if that module exists. %% %% Options: %%
Displays more details about the running tests.
%% %% Options in the environment variable EUNIT are also included last in %% the option list, i.e., have lower precedence than those in `Options'. %% @see test/1 test(Tests, Options) -> test(?SERVER, Tests, all_options(Options)). %% @private %% @doc See {@link test/2}. test(Server, Tests, Options) -> Listeners = listeners(Options), Serial = eunit_serial:start(Listeners), case eunit_server:start_test(Server, Serial, Tests, Options) of {ok, Reference} -> test_run(Reference, Listeners); {error, R} -> {error, R} end. test_run(Reference, Listeners) -> receive {start, Reference} -> cast(Listeners, {start, Reference}) end, receive {done, Reference} -> cast(Listeners, {stop, Reference, self()}), wait_until_listeners_have_terminated(Listeners), receive {result, Reference, Result} -> Result end end. cast([P | Ps], Msg) -> P ! Msg, cast(Ps, Msg); cast([], _Msg) -> ok. wait_until_listeners_have_terminated([P | Ps]) -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, P), receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, P, _} -> wait_until_listeners_have_terminated(Ps) end; wait_until_listeners_have_terminated([]) -> ok. %% TODO: functions that run tests on a given node, not a given server %% TODO: maybe some functions could check for a globally registered server? %% TODO: some synchronous but completely quiet interface function %% @private submit(T) -> submit(T, []). %% @private submit(T, Options) -> submit(?SERVER, T, Options). %% @private submit(Server, T, Options) -> Dummy = spawn(fun devnull/0), eunit_server:start_test(Server, Dummy, T, Options). listeners(Options) -> %% note that eunit_tty must always run, because it sends the final %% {result,...} message that the test_run() function is waiting for Ls = [{eunit_tty, Options} | proplists:get_all_values(report, Options)], Ps = start_listeners(Ls), %% the event_log option is for debugging, to view the raw events case proplists:get_value(event_log, Options) of undefined -> Ps; X -> LogFile = if is_list(X) -> X; true -> "eunit-events.log" end, [spawn_link(fun () -> event_logger(LogFile) end) | Ps] end. start_listeners([P | Ps]) when is_pid(P) ; is_atom(P) -> [P | start_listeners(Ps)]; start_listeners([{Mod, Opts} | Ps]) when is_atom(Mod) -> [Mod:start(Opts) | start_listeners(Ps)]; start_listeners([]) -> []. %% TODO: make this report file errors event_logger(LogFile) -> case file:open(LogFile, [write]) of {ok, FD} -> receive {start, Reference} -> event_logger_loop(Reference, FD) end; Error -> exit(Error) end. event_logger_loop(Reference, FD) -> receive {status, _Id, _Info}=Msg -> io:fwrite(FD, "~p.\n", [Msg]), event_logger_loop(Reference, FD); {stop, Reference, _ReplyTo} -> %% no need to reply, just exit file:close(FD), exit(normal) end. %% TODO: make a proper logger for asynchronous execution with submit/3 devnull() -> receive _ -> devnull() end. %% including options from EUNIT environment variable all_options(Opts) -> try os:getenv("EUNIT") of false -> Opts; S -> {ok, Ts, _} = erl_scan:string(S), {ok, V} = erl_parse:parse_term(Ts ++ [{dot,1}]), if is_list(V) -> Opts ++ V; true -> Opts ++ [V] end catch _:_ -> Opts end.