%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as %% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %% License, or (at your option) any later version. %% %% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but %% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %% Lesser General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public %% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 %% USA %% %% @author Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com> %% @copyright 2006 Richard Carlsson %% @private %% @see eunit %% @doc EUnit server process -module(eunit_server). -export([start/1, stop/1, start_test/4, watch/3, watch_path/3, watch_regexp/3]). -export([main/1]). % private -include("eunit.hrl"). -include("eunit_internal.hrl"). -define(AUTO_TIMEOUT, 60000). %% auto test time limit %% TODO: pass options to server, such as default timeout? start(Server) when is_atom(Server) -> ensure_started(Server). stop(Server) -> command(Server, stop). -record(job, {super, test, options}). %% The `Super' process will receive a stream of status messages; see %% eunit_proc:status_message/3 for details. start_test(Server, Super, T, Options) -> command(Server, {start, #job{super = Super, test = T, options = Options}}). watch(Server, Module, Opts) when is_atom(Module) -> command(Server, {watch, {module, Module}, Opts}). watch_path(Server, Path, Opts) -> command(Server, {watch, {path, filename:flatten(Path)}, Opts}). %% note that the user must use $ at the end to match whole paths only watch_regexp(Server, Regex, Opts) -> case re:compile(Regex,[anchored]) of {ok, R} -> command(Server, {watch, {regexp, R}, Opts}); {error, _}=Error -> Error end. %% This makes sure the server is started before sending the command, and %% returns {ok, Result} if the server accepted the command or {error, %% server_down} if the server process crashes. If the server does not %% reply, this function will wait until the server is killed. command(Server, Cmd) -> if is_atom(Server), Cmd /= stop -> ensure_started(Server); true -> ok end, if is_pid(Server) -> command_1(Server, Cmd); true -> case whereis(Server) of undefined -> {error, server_down}; Pid -> command_1(Pid, Cmd) end end. command_1(Pid, Cmd) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid ! {command, self(), Cmd}, command_wait(Pid, 1000, undefined). command_wait(Pid, Timeout, Monitor) -> receive {Pid, Result} -> Result; {'DOWN', Monitor, process, Pid, _R} -> {error, server_down} after Timeout -> %% avoid creating a monitor unless some time has passed command_wait(Pid, infinity, erlang:monitor(process, Pid)) end. %% Starting the server ensure_started(Name) -> ensure_started(Name, 5). ensure_started(Name, N) when N > 0 -> case whereis(Name) of undefined -> Parent = self(), Pid = spawn(fun () -> server_start(Name, Parent) end), receive {Pid, ok} -> Pid; {Pid, error} -> receive after 200 -> ensure_started(Name, N - 1) end end; Pid -> Pid end; ensure_started(_, _) -> throw(no_server). server_start(undefined = Name, Parent) -> %% anonymous server server_start_1(Name, Parent); server_start(Name, Parent) -> try register(Name, self()) of true -> server_start_1(Name, Parent) catch _:_ -> Parent ! {self(), error}, exit(error) end. server_start_1(Name, Parent) -> Parent ! {self(), ok}, server_init(Name). -record(state, {name, stopped, jobs, queue, auto_test, modules, paths, regexps}). server_init(Name) -> server(#state{name = Name, stopped = false, jobs = dict:new(), queue = queue:new(), auto_test = queue:new(), modules = sets:new(), paths = sets:new(), regexps = sets:new()}). server(St) -> server_check_exit(St), ?MODULE:main(St). %% @private main(St) -> receive {done, auto_test, _Pid} -> server(auto_test_done(St)); {done, Reference, _Pid} -> server(handle_done(Reference, St)); {command, From, _Cmd} when St#state.stopped -> From ! {self(), stopped}; {command, From, Cmd} -> server_command(From, Cmd, St); {code_monitor, {loaded, M, _Time}} -> case is_watched(M, St) of true -> server(new_auto_test(self(), M, St)); false -> server(St) end end. server_check_exit(St) -> case dict:size(St#state.jobs) of 0 when St#state.stopped -> exit(normal); _ -> ok end. server_command(From, {start, Job}, St) -> Reference = make_ref(), St1 = case proplists:get_bool(enqueue, Job#job.options) of true -> enqueue(Job, From, Reference, St); false -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St) end, server_command_reply(From, {ok, Reference}), server(St1); server_command(From, stop, St) -> %% unregister the server name and let remaining jobs finish server_command_reply(From, {error, stopped}), catch unregister(St#state.name), server(St#state{stopped = true}); server_command(From, {watch, Target, _Opts}, St) -> %% the code watcher is only started on demand %% TODO: this is disabled for now %%code_monitor:monitor(self()), %% TODO: propagate options to testing stage St1 = add_watch(Target, St), server_command_reply(From, ok), server(St1); server_command(From, {forget, Target}, St) -> St1 = delete_watch(Target, St), server_command_reply(From, ok), server(St1); server_command(From, Cmd, St) -> server_command_reply(From, {error, {unknown_command, Cmd}}), server(St). server_command_reply(From, Result) -> From ! {self(), Result}. enqueue(Job, From, Reference, St) -> case dict:size(St#state.jobs) of 0 -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St); _ -> St#state{queue = queue:in({Job, From, Reference}, St#state.queue)} end. dequeue(St) -> case queue:out(St#state.queue) of {empty, _} -> St; {{value, {Job, From, Reference}}, Queue} -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St#state{queue = Queue}) end. start_job(Job, From, Reference, St) -> From ! {start, Reference}, %% The default is to run tests in order unless otherwise specified Order = proplists:get_value(order, Job#job.options, inorder), eunit_proc:start(Job#job.test, Order, Job#job.super, Reference), St#state{jobs = dict:store(Reference, From, St#state.jobs)}. handle_done(Reference, St) -> case dict:find(Reference, St#state.jobs) of {ok, From} -> From ! {done, Reference}, dequeue(St#state{jobs = dict:erase(Reference, St#state.jobs)}); error -> St end. %% Adding and removing watched modules or paths add_watch({module, M}, St) -> St#state{modules = sets:add_element(M, St#state.modules)}; add_watch({path, P}, St) -> St#state{paths = sets:add_element(P, St#state.paths)}; add_watch({regexp, R}, St) -> St#state{regexps = sets:add_element(R, St#state.regexps)}. delete_watch({module, M}, St) -> St#state{modules = sets:del_element(M, St#state.modules)}; delete_watch({path, P}, St) -> St#state{paths = sets:del_element(P, St#state.paths)}; delete_watch({regexp, R}, St) -> St#state{regexps = sets:del_element(R, St#state.regexps)}. %% Checking if a module is being watched is_watched(M, St) when is_atom(M) -> sets:is_element(M, St#state.modules) orelse is_watched(code:which(M), St); is_watched(Path, St) -> sets:is_element(filename:dirname(Path), St#state.paths) orelse match_any(sets:to_list(St#state.regexps), Path). match_any([R | Rs], Str) -> case re:run(Str, R, [{capture,none}]) of match -> true; _ -> match_any(Rs, Str) end; match_any([], _Str) -> false. %% Running automatic tests when a watched module is loaded. %% Uses a queue in order to avoid overlapping output when several %% watched modules are loaded simultaneously. (The currently running %% automatic test is kept in the queue until it is done. An empty queue %% means that no automatic test is running.) new_auto_test(Server, M, St) -> case queue:is_empty(St#state.auto_test) of true -> start_auto_test(Server, M); false -> ok end, St#state{auto_test = queue:in({Server, M}, St#state.auto_test)}. auto_test_done(St) -> %% remove finished test from queue before checking for more {_, Queue} = queue:out(St#state.auto_test), case queue:out(Queue) of {{value, {Server, M}}, _} -> %% this is just lookahead - the item is not removed start_auto_test(Server, M); {empty, _} -> ok end, St#state{auto_test = Queue}. start_auto_test(Server, M) -> spawn(fun () -> auto_super(Server, M) end). auto_super(Server, M) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), %% Give the user a short delay before any output is produced receive after 333 -> ok end, %% Make sure output is sent to console on server node group_leader(whereis(user), self()), Pid = spawn_link(fun () -> auto_proc(Server, M) end), receive {'EXIT', Pid, _} -> ok after ?AUTO_TIMEOUT -> exit(Pid, kill), io:put_chars("\n== EUnit: automatic test was aborted ==\n"), io:put_chars("\n> ") end, Server ! {done, auto_test, self()}. auto_proc(Server, M) -> %% Make the output start on a new line instead of on the same line %% as the current shell prompt. io:fwrite("\n== EUnit: testing module ~w ==\n", [M]), eunit:test(Server, M, [enqueue]), %% Make sure to print a dummy prompt at the end of the output, most %% of all so that the Emacs mode realizes that input is active. io:put_chars("\n-> ").