%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as %% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %% License, or (at your option) any later version. %% %% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but %% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %% Lesser General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public %% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 %% USA %% %% @author Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com> %% @copyright 2006 Richard Carlsson %% @private %% @see eunit %% @doc Test running functionality -module(eunit_test). -export([run_testfun/1, mf_wrapper/2, enter_context/4, multi_setup/1]). -include("eunit.hrl"). -include("eunit_internal.hrl"). %% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Getting a cleaned up stack trace. (We don't want it to include %% eunit's own internal functions. This complicates self-testing %% somewhat, but you can't have everything.) Note that we assume that %% this particular module is the boundary between eunit and user code. get_stacktrace() -> get_stacktrace([]). get_stacktrace(Ts) -> eunit_lib:uniq(prune_trace(erlang:get_stacktrace(), Ts)). -dialyzer({no_match, prune_trace/2}). prune_trace([{eunit_data, _, _} | Rest], Tail) -> prune_trace(Rest, Tail); prune_trace([{eunit_data, _, _, _} | Rest], Tail) -> prune_trace(Rest, Tail); prune_trace([{?MODULE, _, _} | _Rest], Tail) -> Tail; prune_trace([{?MODULE, _, _, _} | _Rest], Tail) -> Tail; prune_trace([T | Ts], Tail) -> [T | prune_trace(Ts, Tail)]; prune_trace([], Tail) -> Tail. %% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test runner %% @spec ((any()) -> any()) -> {ok, Value} | {error, eunit_lib:exception()} %% @throws wrapperError() run_testfun(F) -> try F() of Value -> {ok, Value} catch {eunit_internal, Term} -> %% Internally generated: re-throw Term (lose the trace) throw(Term); Class:Reason -> {error, {Class, Reason, get_stacktrace()}} end. -ifdef(TEST). -dialyzer({[no_match, no_fail_call, no_return], macro_test_/0}). macro_test_() -> {"macro definitions", [{?LINE, fun () -> {?LINE, F} = ?_test(undefined), {ok, undefined} = run_testfun(F) end}, ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assert(true), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assert(false), {error,{error,{assertion_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {expected,true}, {value,false}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assert([]), {error,{error,{assertion_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {expected,true}, {value,{not_a_boolean,[]}}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNot(false), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNot(true), {error,{error,{assertion_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {expected,true}, {value,false}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertMatch(ok, ok), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertMatch([_], []), {error,{error,{assertMatch_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {pattern,"[ _ ]"}, {value,[]}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNotMatch(ok, error), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNotMatch([_], [42]), {error,{error,{assertNotMatch_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {pattern,"[ _ ]"}, {value,[42]}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertEqual(ok, ok), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertEqual(3, 1+1), {error,{error,{assertEqual_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {expected,3}, {value,2}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNotEqual(1, 0), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNotEqual(2, 1+1), {error,{error,{assertNotEqual_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {value,2}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertException(error, badarith, erlang:error(badarith)), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertException(error, badarith, ok), {error,{error,{assertException_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {pattern,_}, {unexpected_success,ok}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertException(error, badarg, erlang:error(badarith)), {error,{error,{assertException_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {pattern,_}, {unexpected_exception, {error,badarith,_}}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertError(badarith, erlang:error(badarith)), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertExit(normal, exit(normal)), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertThrow(foo, throw(foo)), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNotException(error, badarith, 42), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNotException(error, badarith, erlang:error(badarg)), {ok, ok} = run_testfun(F) end), ?_test(begin {?LINE, F} = ?_assertNotException(error, badarith, erlang:error(badarith)), {error,{error,{assertNotException_failed, [{module,_}, {line,_}, {expression,_}, {pattern,_}, {unexpected_exception, {error,badarith,_}}]}, _}} = run_testfun(F) end) ]}. -endif. %% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Wrapper for simple "named function" tests ({M,F}), which provides %% better error reporting when the function is missing at test time. %% %% Note that the wrapper fun is usually called by run_testfun/1, and the %% special exceptions thrown here are expected to be handled there. %% %% @throws {eunit_internal, wrapperError()} %% %% @type wrapperError() = {no_such_function, mfa()} %% | {module_not_found, moduleName()} mf_wrapper(M, F) -> fun () -> try M:F() catch error:undef -> %% Check if it was M:F/0 that was undefined case erlang:module_loaded(M) of false -> fail({module_not_found, M}); true -> case erlang:function_exported(M, F, 0) of false -> fail({no_such_function, {M,F,0}}); true -> rethrow(error, undef, [{M,F,0}]) end end end end. rethrow(Class, Reason, Trace) -> erlang:raise(Class, Reason, get_stacktrace(Trace)). fail(Term) -> throw({eunit_internal, Term}). -ifdef(TEST). wrapper_test_() -> {"error handling in function wrapper", [?_assertException(throw, {module_not_found, eunit_nonexisting}, run_testfun(mf_wrapper(eunit_nonexisting,test))), ?_assertException(throw, {no_such_function, {?MODULE,nonexisting_test,0}}, run_testfun(mf_wrapper(?MODULE,nonexisting_test))), ?_test({error, {error, undef, _T}} = run_testfun(mf_wrapper(?MODULE,wrapper_test_exported_))) ]}. %% this must be exported (done automatically by the autoexport transform) -dialyzer({no_missing_calls, wrapper_test_exported_/0}). wrapper_test_exported_() -> {ok, ?MODULE:nonexisting_function()}. -endif. %% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Entering a setup-context, with guaranteed cleanup. %% @spec (Setup, Cleanup, Instantiate, Callback) -> any() %% Setup = () -> any() %% Cleanup = (any()) -> any() %% Instantiate = (any()) -> tests() %% Callback = (tests()) -> any() %% @throws {context_error, Error, eunit_lib:exception()} %% Error = setup_failed | instantiation_failed | cleanup_failed enter_context(Setup, Cleanup, Instantiate, Callback) -> try Setup() of R -> try Instantiate(R) of T -> case eunit_lib:is_not_test(T) of true -> catch throw(error), % generate a stack trace {module,M} = erlang:fun_info(Instantiate, module), {name,N} = erlang:fun_info(Instantiate, name), {arity,A} = erlang:fun_info(Instantiate, arity), context_error({bad_instantiator, {{M,N,A},T}}, error, badarg); false -> ok end, try Callback(T) %% call back to client code after %% Always run cleanup; client may be an idiot try Cleanup(R) catch Class:Term -> context_error(cleanup_failed, Class, Term) end end catch Class:Term -> context_error(instantiation_failed, Class, Term) end catch Class:Term -> context_error(setup_failed, Class, Term) end. context_error(Type, Class, Term) -> throw({context_error, Type, {Class, Term, get_stacktrace()}}). %% This generates single setup/cleanup functions from a list of tuples %% on the form {Tag, Setup, Cleanup}, where the setup function always %% backs out correctly from partial completion. multi_setup(List) -> {SetupAll, CleanupAll} = multi_setup(List, fun ok/1), %% must reverse back and forth here in order to present the list in %% "natural" order to the test instantiation function {fun () -> lists:reverse(SetupAll([])) end, fun (Rs) -> CleanupAll(lists:reverse(Rs)) end}. multi_setup([{Tag, S, C} | Es], CleanupPrev) -> Cleanup = fun ([R | Rs]) -> try C(R) of _ -> CleanupPrev(Rs) catch Class:Term -> throw({Tag, {Class, Term, get_stacktrace()}}) end end, {SetupRest, CleanupAll} = multi_setup(Es, Cleanup), {fun (Rs) -> try S() of R -> SetupRest([R|Rs]) catch Class:Term -> CleanupPrev(Rs), throw({Tag, {Class, Term, get_stacktrace()}}) end end, CleanupAll}; multi_setup([{Tag, S} | Es], CleanupPrev) -> multi_setup([{Tag, S, fun ok/1} | Es], CleanupPrev); multi_setup([], CleanupAll) -> {fun (Rs) -> Rs end, CleanupAll}. ok(_) -> ok.