%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as %% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %% License, or (at your option) any later version. %% %% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but %% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %% Lesser General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public %% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 %% USA %% %% @author Richard Carlsson %% @copyright 2006-2009 Richard Carlsson %% @private %% @see eunit %% @doc Text-based frontend for EUnit -module(eunit_tty). -behaviour(eunit_listener). -define(NODEBUG, true). -include("eunit.hrl"). -include("eunit_internal.hrl"). -export([start/0, start/1]). -export([init/1, handle_begin/3, handle_end/3, handle_cancel/3, terminate/2]). -record(state, {verbose = false, indent = 0 }). start() -> start([]). start(Options) -> eunit_listener:start(?MODULE, Options). init(Options) -> St = #state{verbose = proplists:get_bool(verbose, Options)}, put(no_tty, proplists:get_bool(no_tty, Options)), receive {start, _Reference} -> if St#state.verbose -> print_header(); true -> ok end, St end. terminate({ok, Data}, St) -> Pass = proplists:get_value(pass, Data, 0), Fail = proplists:get_value(fail, Data, 0), Skip = proplists:get_value(skip, Data, 0), Cancel = proplists:get_value(cancel, Data, 0), if Fail =:= 0, Skip =:= 0, Cancel =:= 0 -> if Pass =:= 0 -> fwrite(" There were no tests to run.\n"); true -> if St#state.verbose -> print_bar(); true -> ok end, if Pass =:= 1 -> fwrite(" Test passed.\n"); Pass =:= 2 -> fwrite(" 2 tests passed.\n"); true -> fwrite(" All ~w tests passed.\n", [Pass]) end end, sync_end(ok); true -> print_bar(), fwrite(" Failed: ~w. Skipped: ~w. Passed: ~w.\n", [Fail, Skip, Pass]), if Cancel =/= 0 -> fwrite("One or more tests were cancelled.\n"); true -> ok end, sync_end(error) end; terminate({error, Reason}, _St) -> fwrite("Internal error: ~P.\n", [Reason, 25]), sync_end(error). sync_end(Result) -> receive {stop, Reference, ReplyTo} -> ReplyTo ! {result, Reference, Result}, ok end. print_header() -> fwrite("======================== EUnit ========================\n"). print_bar() -> fwrite("=======================================================\n"). handle_begin(group, Data, St) -> ?debugFmt("handle_begin group ~w", [Data]), Desc = proplists:get_value(desc, Data), if Desc =/= "", Desc =/= undefined, St#state.verbose -> I = St#state.indent, print_group_start(I, Desc), St#state{indent = I + 1}; true -> St end; handle_begin(test, Data, St) -> ?debugFmt("handle_begin test ~w", [Data]), if St#state.verbose -> print_test_begin(St#state.indent, Data); true -> ok end, St. handle_end(group, Data, St) -> ?debugFmt("handle_end group ~w", [Data]), Desc = proplists:get_value(desc, Data), if Desc =/= "", Desc =/= undefined, St#state.verbose -> Time = proplists:get_value(time, Data), I = St#state.indent, print_group_end(I, Time), St#state{indent = I - 1}; true -> St end; handle_end(test, Data, St) -> ?debugFmt("handle_end test ~w", [Data]), case proplists:get_value(status, Data) of ok -> if St#state.verbose -> print_test_end(Data); true -> ok end, St; Status -> if St#state.verbose -> ok; true -> print_test_begin(St#state.indent, Data) end, print_test_error(Status, Data), St end. handle_cancel(group, Data, St) -> ?debugFmt("handle_cancel group ~w", [Data]), I = St#state.indent, case proplists:get_value(reason, Data) of undefined -> %% "skipped" message is not interesting here St#state{indent = I - 1}; Reason -> Desc = proplists:get_value(desc, Data), if Desc =/= "", Desc =/= undefined, St#state.verbose -> print_group_cancel(I, Reason); true -> print_group_start(I, Desc), print_group_cancel(I, Reason) end, St#state{indent = I - 1} end; handle_cancel(test, Data, St) -> ?debugFmt("handle_cancel test ~w", [Data]), if St#state.verbose -> ok; true -> print_test_begin(St#state.indent, Data) end, print_test_cancel(proplists:get_value(reason, Data)), St. indent(N) when is_integer(N), N >= 1 -> fwrite(lists:duplicate(N * 2, $\s)); indent(_N) -> ok. print_group_start(I, Desc) -> indent(I), fwrite("~s\n", [Desc]). print_group_end(I, Time) -> if Time > 0 -> indent(I), fwrite("[done in ~.3f s]\n", [Time/1000]); true -> ok end. print_test_begin(I, Data) -> Desc = proplists:get_value(desc, Data), Line = proplists:get_value(line, Data, 0), indent(I), L = if Line =:= 0 -> ""; true -> io_lib:fwrite("~w:", [Line]) end, D = if Desc =:= "" ; Desc =:= undefined -> ""; true -> io_lib:fwrite(" (~s)", [Desc]) end, case proplists:get_value(source, Data) of {Module, Name, _Arity} -> fwrite("~s:~s ~s~s...", [Module, L, Name, D]); _ -> fwrite("~s~s...", [L, D]) end. print_test_end(Data) -> Time = proplists:get_value(time, Data, 0), T = if Time > 0 -> io_lib:fwrite("[~.3f s] ", [Time/1000]); true -> "" end, fwrite("~sok\n", [T]). print_test_error({error, Exception}, Data) -> Output = proplists:get_value(output, Data), fwrite("*failed*\n~s", [eunit_lib:format_exception(Exception)]), case Output of <<>> -> fwrite("\n\n"); <> -> fwrite(" output:<<\"~s\">>...\n\n", [Text]); _ -> fwrite(" output:<<\"~s\">>\n\n", [Output]) end; print_test_error({skipped, Reason}, _) -> fwrite("*did not run*\n::~s\n", [format_skipped(Reason)]). format_skipped({module_not_found, M}) -> io_lib:fwrite("missing module: ~w", [M]); format_skipped({no_such_function, {M,F,A}}) -> io_lib:fwrite("no such function: ~w:~w/~w", [M,F,A]). print_test_cancel(Reason) -> fwrite(format_cancel(Reason)). print_group_cancel(_I, {blame, _}) -> ok; print_group_cancel(I, Reason) -> indent(I), fwrite(format_cancel(Reason)). format_cancel(undefined) -> "*skipped*\n"; format_cancel(timeout) -> "*timed out*\n"; format_cancel({startup, Reason}) -> io_lib:fwrite("*could not start test process*\n::~P\n\n", [Reason, 15]); format_cancel({blame, _SubId}) -> "*cancelled because of subtask*\n"; format_cancel({exit, Reason}) -> io_lib:fwrite("*unexpected termination of test process*\n::~P\n\n", [Reason, 15]); format_cancel({abort, Reason}) -> eunit_lib:format_error(Reason). fwrite(String) -> fwrite(String, []). fwrite(String, Args) -> case get(no_tty) of false -> io:fwrite(String, Args); true -> ok end.