Purpose: Provide short example programs File Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ball.erl A bouncing ball in a window. Demonstrates canvas and oval. browser.erl How to program a listbox. calc.erl Simple calculator. The example shows how silly it is to always pass along object identifiers as arguments. calc2.erl Using the data field instead. color_demo.erl Shows hot to program scales. color_demo2.erl Using Motion events to select a color. distrib_draw.erl Simple drawing area shared by two nodes. entry_demo.erl How to use an entry object. event_test.erl Demonstration of events in gs. file_dialog.erl A complete(?) file browser using a listbox. focus_demo.erl A test for focus. frac.erl Joe's old pxw demo converted to gs. line_demo.erl A bouncing line in a canvas. man.erl A Manual page viewer. menu_demo.erl Menu Demo. How to create menues. rubber.erl Shows how to do rubberbanding (on a canvas) in Erlang.