%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------ %% distrib_draw %% Shows one way of making two nodes draw on the same %% area. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------ %% HOW TO USE: %% 1) start up two nodes with same cookie. %% They can be on any machines. %% %% sid.ericsson.se> erl -cookie kaka -name hans %% %% ozzy.ericsson.se> erl -cookie kaka -name greta %% %% %% 2) Make them aware of each other. %% <greta@ozzy.ericsson.se> net:ping('hans@sid.ericsson.se'). %% %% 3) Start up distrib_draw from either node. %% <greta@ozzy.ericsson.se> distrib_draw('hans@sid.ericsson.se', %% 'greta@ozzy.ericsson.se'). %% -module(distrib_draw). -compile([{nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,canvas,3}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,config,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,line,2}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,start,0}}, {nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,window,3}}]). -export([start/2,init/0]). start(Node1,Node2) -> Pid1=spawn(Node1,distrib_draw,init,[]), Pid2=spawn(Node2,distrib_draw,init,[]), Pid1 ! {connect,red,Pid2}, Pid2 ! {connect,green,Pid1}. init() -> process_flag(trap_exit,true), S=gs:start(), receive {connect,Color,Pid} -> link(Pid), gs:window(win,S,[{buttonpress,true},{buttonrelease,true}, {configure,true},{title,Color},{map,true}]), gs:canvas(canvas,win,[{bg,grey},{width,300},{height,200}]), draw0(0,0,Color,Pid) after 3000 -> exit(timeout) end. %% not drawing state draw0(X0,Y0,Color,Pid) -> receive {gs,_,buttonpress,_,[1,X,Y|_]} -> gs:config(win,{motion,true}), draw1(X,Y,Color,Pid); {draw,Coords,Col2} -> gs:line(canvas,[{coords,Coords},{width,2},{fg,Col2}]), draw0(X0,Y0,Color,Pid); {gs,_,configure,_,[300,200|_]} -> draw0(X0,Y0,Color,Pid); {gs,_,configure,_,_} -> gs:config(win,[{width,300},{height,200}]), draw0(X0,Y0,Color,Pid); {gs,_,destroy,_,_} -> exit(normal); {'EXIT',_,_} -> exit(normal); _X -> draw1(X0,Y0,Color,Pid) end. %% i'm now drawing draw1(X0,Y0,Color,Pid) -> receive {gs,_,motion,_,[X,Y|_]} -> Pid ! {draw,[{X0,Y0},{X,Y}],Color}, gs:line(canvas,[{coords,[{X0,Y0},{X,Y}]},{width,2},{fg,Color}]), draw1(X,Y,Color,Pid); {draw,Coords,Col2} -> gs:line(canvas,[{coords,Coords},{width,2},{fg,Col2}]), draw1(X0,Y0,Color,Pid); {gs,_,buttonrelease,_,[1,X,Y|_]} -> gs:config(win,{motion,false}), draw0(X,Y,Color,Pid); {gs,_,configure,_,[300,200|_]} -> draw0(X0,Y0,Color,Pid); {gs,_,configure,_,_} -> gs:config(win,[{width,300},{height,200}]), draw0(X0,Y0,Color,Pid); {gs,_,destroy,_,_} -> exit(normal); {'EXIT',_,_} -> exit(normal); _X -> draw1(X0,Y0,Color,Pid) end. %% ------------------------------------------------------------ %% end of 'distrib_draw'