%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------ %% Basic Window Type. %% ------------------------------------------------------------ -module(gstk_window). -compile([{nowarn_deprecated_function,{gs,destroy,1}}]). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% WINDOW OPTIONS %% %% Attributes: %% x Int %% y Int %% width Int %% height Int %% bg Color %% bw Int %% relief Relief [flat|raised|sunken|ridge|groove] %% highlightbw Int %% highlightbg Color %% highlightfg Color %% map Bool %% iconify Bool %% title String %% iconname String %% iconbitmap Bitmap %% iconmask Bitmap %% data Data %% cursor arrow|busy|cross|hand|help|resize|text %% %% Commands: %% raise %% lower %% setfocus Bool %% %% Events: %% configure [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% enter [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% leave [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% motion [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% keypress [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% keyrelease [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% buttonpress [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% buttonrelease [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% focus [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% destroy [Bool | {Bool, Data}] %% %% Read options: %% children %% id %% parent %% type %% %% Not Implemented: %% screen ????????? %% map %% unmap %% iconify %% deiconify %% focusmodel [active|passive] (wm focusmodel) %% -export([create/3, config/3, read/3, delete/2, event/5,destroy_win/1]). -export([option/5,read_option/5,mk_create_opts_for_child/4]). -include("gstk.hrl"). % bind . <1> {puts "x: [expr %X - [winfo rootx .]] y: [expr %Y - [wi rooty .]]"} %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% MANDATORY INTERFACE FUNCTIONS %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Function : create/3 %% Purpose : Create a widget of the type defined in this module. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create(DB, Gstkid, Opts) -> TkW = gstk_generic:mk_tkw_child(DB,Gstkid), NGstkid=Gstkid#gstkid{widget=TkW}, case gstk_generic:make_command(transform_geometry_opts(Opts), NGstkid, TkW, "", ";", DB) of {error,Reason} -> {error,Reason}; Cmd when is_list(Cmd) -> BindCmd = gstk_generic:bind(DB, Gstkid, TkW, configure, true), % io:format("\nWINDOW1: ~p\n",[TkW]), % io:format("\nWINDOW1: ~p\n",[Cmd]), % io:format("\nWINDOW1: ~p\n",[BindCmd]), gstk:exec(["toplevel ", TkW,Cmd,$;,BindCmd]), NGstkid end. mk_create_opts_for_child(DB,Cgstkid, Pgstkid, Opts) -> gstk_generic:mk_create_opts_for_child(DB,Cgstkid,Pgstkid,Opts). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Function : config/3 %% Purpose : Configure a widget of the type defined in this module. %% Args : DB - The Database %% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget %% Opts - A list of options for configuring the widget %% %% Return : [true | {bad_result, Reason}] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% config(DB, Gstkid, Opts) -> TkW = Gstkid#gstkid.widget, SimplePreCmd = [TkW, " conf"], gstk_generic:mk_cmd_and_exec(transform_geometry_opts(Opts), Gstkid,TkW,SimplePreCmd,"",DB). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Function : read/3 %% Purpose : Read one option from a widget %% Args : DB - The Database %% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget %% Opt - An option to read %% %% Return : [OptionValue | {bad_result, Reason}] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% read(DB, Gstkid, Opt) -> gstk_generic:read_option(DB, Gstkid, Opt). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Function : delete/2 %% Purpose : Delete widget from databas and return tkwidget to destroy %% Args : DB - The Database %% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget %% %% Return : TkWidget to destroy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% delete(DB, Gstkid) -> gstk_db:delete_widget(DB, Gstkid), Gstkid#gstkid.widget. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Function : event/5 %% Purpose : Construct the event and send it to the owner of the widget %% Args : DB - The Database %% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget %% Etype - The event type %% Edata - The event data %% Args - The data from tcl/tk %% %% Return : [true | {bad_result, Reason}] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% event(DB, Gstkid, configure, Edata, Args) -> [W,H|_] = Args, gstk_db:insert_opt(DB,Gstkid,{width,W}), gstk_db:insert_opt(DB,Gstkid,{height,H}), case gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,configure) of true -> apply(gstk_generic,event,[DB,Gstkid,configure,Edata,Args]); false -> ok end; event(DB, Gstkid, destroy, Edata, Args) -> spawn(gstk_window,destroy_win,[gstk:make_extern_id(Gstkid#gstkid.id,DB)]), gstk_generic:event(DB, Gstkid, destroy, Edata, Args); event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata, Args) -> gstk_generic:event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata, Args). destroy_win(ID) -> gs:destroy(ID). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% MANDATORY FUNCTIONS %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Function : option/4 %% Purpose : Take care of options %% Args : Option - An option tuple %% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget %% TkW - The tk-widget %% DB - The Database %% %% Return : A tuple {OptionType, OptionCmd} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %-define(REGEXP,"regexp {(\\d+)x(\\d+)\\+?(-?\\d+)\\+?(-?\\d+)} "). % FIXME: Is this ok? Always positive? -define(REGEXP,"regexp {(\\d+)x(\\d+)\\+(\\d+)\\+(\\d+)} "). option(Option, Gstkid, TkW, DB,_) -> case Option of %% Bug in tcl/tk complicates setting of a single x,y,width,height. {x, X} -> {c, [?REGEXP,"[wm ge ",TkW, "] g w h x y;wm ge ", TkW, " ${w}x$h",signed(X),"+$y;update idletasks"]}; {y, Y} -> {c,[?REGEXP,"[wm ge ",TkW, "] g w h x y;wm ge ", TkW, " ${w}x$h+$x",signed(Y),"; update idletasks"]}; {width, Width} when Width >= 0 -> % FIXME: Needed test? case gstk_db:opt_or_not(DB,Gstkid,width) of {value,Width} -> none; _Q -> gstk_db:insert_opt(DB,Gstkid,{width,Width}), {c,[?REGEXP,"[wm ge ",TkW, "] g w h x y;wm ge ", TkW," ", gstk:to_ascii(Width),"x$h+$x+$y;update idletasks"]} end; {height, Height} when Height >= 0 -> % FIXME: Needed test? case gstk_db:opt_or_not(DB,Gstkid,height) of {value,Height} -> none; _Q -> % FIXME: Why different? gstk_db:insert_opt(DB,Gstkid,{height,Height}), {c, ["wm ge ",TkW, " [winfo w ", TkW, "]x",gstk:to_ascii(Height), ";update idletasks"]} end; {width_height, {W,H}} when W >= 0, H >= 0 -> case {gstk_db:opt_or_not(DB,Gstkid,width), gstk_db:opt_or_not(DB,Gstkid,height)} of {{value,W},{value,H}} -> none; _OtherSize -> gstk_db:insert_opt(DB,Gstkid,{height,H}), gstk_db:insert_opt(DB,Gstkid,{width,W}), {c, ["update idletasks;wm ge ", TkW, " ", gstk:to_ascii(W),"x",gstk:to_ascii(H), ";update idletasks"]} end; {xy, {X,Y}} -> {c, [?REGEXP,"[wm ge ",TkW, "] g w h x y;wm ge ", TkW, " ${w}x$h", signed(X),signed(Y), ";update idletasks"]}; {bg, Color} -> {s, [" -bg ", gstk:to_color(Color)]}; {map, true} -> {c, ["wm deiconify ", TkW]}; {map, false} -> {c, ["wm withdraw ", TkW]}; {configure, On} -> gstk_db:insert_opt(DB,Gstkid,{configure,On}), none; {iconify, true} -> {c, ["wm iconify ", TkW]}; {iconify, false} -> {c, ["wm deiconify ", TkW]}; {title, Title} -> {c, ["wm title ", TkW, " " , gstk:to_ascii(Title)]}; {iconname, Name} -> {c, ["wm iconn ",TkW, " ", gstk:to_ascii(Name)]}; {iconbitmap, Bitmap} -> {c, ["wm iconb ",TkW, " ", gstk:to_ascii(Bitmap)]}; {iconmask, Bitmap} -> {c, ["wm iconm ",TkW, " ", gstk:to_ascii(Bitmap)]}; raise -> {c, ["raise ", TkW]}; lower -> {c, ["lower ", TkW]}; {setfocus, true} -> {c, ["focus ", TkW]}; {setfocus, false} -> {c, ["focus {}"]}; {buttonpress, On} -> Eref = mk_eref(On, DB, Gstkid, buttonpress), {c,["bind ",TkW," <ButtonPress> ", event_onoff(["{erlsend ",Eref," %b ",xy_abs_str(TkW),"};"],On)]}; {buttonrelease, On} -> Eref = mk_eref(On, DB, Gstkid, buttonrelease), {c,["bind ",TkW," <ButtonRelease> ", event_onoff(["{erlsend ",Eref," %b ",xy_abs_str(TkW),"};"],On)]}; {motion, On} -> Eref = mk_eref(On, DB, Gstkid, motion), {c,["bind ",TkW," <Motion> ", event_onoff(["{erlsend ",Eref," ",xy_abs_str(TkW),"};"],On)]}; _ -> invalid_option end. xy_abs_str(TkW) -> ["[expr %X-[winfo rootx ",TkW,"]] [expr %Y-[winfo rooty ",TkW,"]]"]. event_onoff(Str, true) -> Str; event_onoff(_,false) -> "{}". mk_eref(false, DB, Gstkid, Etype) -> gstk_db:delete_event(DB, Gstkid, Etype), dummy; mk_eref(true,DB,Gstkid,Etype) -> gstk_db:insert_event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, []). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Function : read_option/3 %% Purpose : Take care of a read option %% Args : DB - The Database %% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget %% Option - An option %% %% Return : The value of the option or invalid_option %% [OptionValue | {bad_result, Reason}] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% read_option(Option, Gstkid, TkW, DB,_) -> case Option of x -> tcl2erl:ret_x(geo_str(TkW)); y -> tcl2erl:ret_y(geo_str(TkW)); width -> tcl2erl:ret_width(geo_str(TkW)); height -> tcl2erl:ret_height(geo_str(TkW)); configure -> gstk_db:opt(DB,Gstkid,configure); bg -> tcl2erl:ret_color([TkW," cg -bg"]); map -> tcl2erl:ret_mapped(["winfo is ", TkW]); iconify -> tcl2erl:ret_iconified(["wm st ", TkW]); title -> tcl2erl:ret_str(["wm ti ", TkW]); iconname -> tcl2erl:ret_str(["wm iconn ", TkW]); iconbitmap -> tcl2erl:ret_str(["wm iconb ", TkW]); iconmask -> tcl2erl:ret_str(["wm iconm ", TkW]); setfocus -> tcl2erl:ret_focus(TkW, "focus"); _ -> {bad_result, {Gstkid#gstkid.objtype, invalid_option, Option}} end. geo_str(TkW) -> ["update idletasks;",?REGEXP,"[wm geometry ", TkW, "] g w h x y;set tmp \"$w $h $x $y\""]. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% PRIMITIVES %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Return {+,-}Int to be used in a geometry option signed(X) when X>=0 -> [$+,integer_to_list(X)]; signed(X) when X<0 -> integer_to_list(X). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: tcl/tk: wm .window geo sets WxH+x+y at one time. %% flushing every time is expensive. Do (almost) as much as %% possible in one operation. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- transform_geometry_opts(Opts) -> {Geo,RestOpts} = collect_geo_opts(Opts,[],[]), Geo2 = make_atomic(lists:sort(Geo)), lists:append(Geo2,RestOpts). make_atomic([{height,H},{width,W},{x,X},{y,Y}]) -> [{width_height,{W,H}},{xy,{X,Y}}]; make_atomic([{height,H},{width,W}|XY]) -> [{width_height,{W,H}}|XY]; make_atomic([WH,{x,X},{y,Y}]) -> [WH,{xy,{X,Y}}]; make_atomic(L) -> L. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Returns: {(list of x,y,width,height options),list of other opts} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- collect_geo_opts([{x,X}|Opts],Geo,Rest) -> collect_geo_opts(Opts,[{x,X}|Geo],Rest); collect_geo_opts([{y,Y}|Opts],Geo,Rest) -> collect_geo_opts(Opts,[{y,Y}|Geo],Rest); collect_geo_opts([{height,H}|Opts],Geo,Rest) -> collect_geo_opts(Opts,[{height,H}|Geo],Rest); collect_geo_opts([{width,W}|Opts],Geo,Rest) -> collect_geo_opts(Opts,[{width,W}|Geo],Rest); collect_geo_opts([Opt|Opts],Geo,Rest) -> collect_geo_opts(Opts,Geo,[Opt|Rest]); collect_geo_opts([],Geo,Rest) -> {Geo,Rest}. %%% ----- Done -----