%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(hipe_arm_pp). -export([pp/1, pp/2, pp_insn/1]). -include("hipe_arm.hrl"). pp(Defun) -> pp(standard_io, Defun). pp(Dev, #defun{mfa={M,F,A}, code=Code, data=Data}) -> Fname = atom_to_list(M)++"_"++atom_to_list(F)++"_"++integer_to_list(A), io:format(Dev, "\t.text\n", []), io:format(Dev, "\t.align 4\n", []), io:format(Dev, "\t.global ~s\n", [Fname]), io:format(Dev, "~s:\n", [Fname]), pp_insns(Dev, Code, Fname), io:format(Dev, "\t.rodata\n", []), io:format(Dev, "\t.align 4\n", []), hipe_data_pp:pp(Dev, Data, arm, Fname), io:format(Dev, "\n", []). pp_insns(Dev, [I|Is], Fname) -> pp_insn(Dev, I, Fname), pp_insns(Dev, Is, Fname); pp_insns(_, [], _) -> []. pp_insn(I) -> pp_insn(standard_io, I, ""). pp_insn(Dev, I, Pre) -> case I of #alu{aluop=AluOp, s=S, dst=Dst, src=Src, am1=Am1} -> io:format(Dev, "\t~s~s ", [alu_op_name(AluOp), s_name(S)]), pp_temp(Dev, Dst), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_am1(Dev, Am1), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #b_fun{'fun'=Fun, linkage=Linkage} -> io:format(Dev, "\tb ", []), pp_fun(Dev, Fun), io:format(Dev, " # ~w\n", [Linkage]); #b_label{'cond'=Cond, label=Label} -> io:format(Dev, "\tb~s .~s_~w\n", [cond_name(Cond), Pre, Label]); #bl{'fun'=Fun, sdesc=SDesc, linkage=Linkage} -> io:format(Dev, "\tbl ", []), pp_fun(Dev, Fun), io:format(Dev, " #", []), pp_sdesc(Dev, Pre, SDesc), io:format(Dev, " ~w\n", [Linkage]); #blx{src=Src, sdesc=SDesc} -> io:format(Dev, "\tblx ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, " # ", []), pp_sdesc(Dev, Pre, SDesc), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #cmp{cmpop=CmpOp, src=Src, am1=Am1} -> io:format(Dev, "\t~s ", [cmp_op_name(CmpOp)]), pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_am1(Dev, Am1), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #comment{term=Term} -> io:format(Dev, "\t# ~p\n", [Term]); #label{label=Label} -> io:format(Dev, ".~s_~w:~n", [Pre, Label]); #load{ldop=LdOp, dst=Dst, am2=Am2} -> io:format(Dev, "\t~w ", [ldop_name(LdOp)]), pp_temp(Dev, Dst), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_am2(Dev, Am2), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #ldrsb{dst=Dst, am3=Am3} -> io:format(Dev, "\tldrsb ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Dst), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_am3(Dev, Am3), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #move{movop=MovOp, s=S, dst=Dst, am1=Am1} -> io:format(Dev, "\t~s~s ", [mov_op_name(MovOp), s_name(S)]), pp_temp(Dev, Dst), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_am1(Dev, Am1), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #pseudo_bc{'cond'=Cond, true_label=TrueLab, false_label=FalseLab, pred=Pred} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_bc ~w, .~s_~w # .~s_~w ~.2f\n", [cond_name(Cond), Pre, TrueLab, Pre, FalseLab, Pred]); #pseudo_blr{} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_blr\n", []); #pseudo_bx{src=Src} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_bx ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #pseudo_call{funv=FunV, sdesc=SDesc, contlab=ContLab, linkage=Linkage} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_call ", []), pp_funv(Dev, FunV), io:format(Dev, " # contlab .~s_~w", [Pre, ContLab]), pp_sdesc(Dev, Pre, SDesc), io:format(Dev, " ~w\n", [Linkage]); #pseudo_call_prepare{nrstkargs=NrStkArgs} -> SP = hipe_arm_registers:reg_name_gpr(hipe_arm_registers:stack_pointer()), io:format(Dev, "\tsub ~s, ~s, ~w # pseudo_call_prepare\n", [SP, SP, (4*NrStkArgs)]); #pseudo_li{dst=Dst, imm=Imm} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_li ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Dst), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_imm(Dev, Imm), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #pseudo_move{dst=Dst, src=Src} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_move ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Dst), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #pseudo_switch{jtab=JTab, index=Index, labels=Labels} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_switch ", []), pp_temp(Dev, JTab), io:format(Dev, "[", []), pp_temp(Dev, Index), io:format(Dev, "]", []), case Labels of [] -> []; _ -> io:format(Dev, " #", []), pp_labels(Dev, Labels, Pre) end, io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #pseudo_tailcall{funv=FunV, arity=Arity, stkargs=StkArgs, linkage=Linkage} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_tailcall ", []), pp_funv(Dev, FunV), io:format(Dev, "/~w (", [Arity]), pp_args(Dev, StkArgs), io:format(Dev, ") ~w\n", [Linkage]); #pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} -> io:format(Dev, "\tpseudo_tailcall_prepare\n", []); #smull{dstlo=DstLo, dsthi=DstHi, src1=Src1, src2=Src2} -> io:format(Dev, "\tsmull ", []), pp_temp(Dev, DstLo), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_temp(Dev, DstHi), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Src1), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_temp(Dev, Src2), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); #store{stop=StOp, src=Src, am2=Am2} -> io:format(Dev, "\tstr~s ", [stop_suffix(StOp)]), pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_am2(Dev, Am2), io:format(Dev, "\n", []); _ -> exit({?MODULE, pp_insn, I}) end. to_hex(N) -> io_lib:format("~.16x", [N, "0x"]). pp_sdesc(Dev, Pre, #arm_sdesc{exnlab=ExnLab,fsize=FSize,arity=Arity,live=Live}) -> pp_sdesc_exnlab(Dev, Pre, ExnLab), io:format(Dev, " ~s ~w [", [to_hex(FSize), Arity]), pp_sdesc_live(Dev, Live), io:format(Dev, "]", []). pp_sdesc_exnlab(Dev, _, []) -> io:format(Dev, " []", []); pp_sdesc_exnlab(Dev, Pre, ExnLab) -> io:format(Dev, " .~s_~w", [Pre, ExnLab]). pp_sdesc_live(_, {}) -> []; pp_sdesc_live(Dev, Live) -> pp_sdesc_live(Dev, Live, 1). pp_sdesc_live(Dev, Live, I) -> io:format(Dev, "~s", [to_hex(element(I, Live))]), if I < tuple_size(Live) -> io:format(Dev, ",", []), pp_sdesc_live(Dev, Live, I+1); true -> [] end. pp_labels(Dev, [Label|Labels], Pre) -> io:format(Dev, " .~s_~w", [Pre, Label]), pp_labels(Dev, Labels, Pre); pp_labels(_, [], _) -> []. pp_fun(Dev, Fun) -> case Fun of #arm_mfa{m=M, f=F, a=A} -> io:format(Dev, "~w:~w/~w", [M, F, A]); #arm_prim{prim=Prim} -> io:format(Dev, "~w", [Prim]) end. pp_funv(Dev, FunV) -> case FunV of #arm_temp{} -> pp_temp(Dev, FunV); Fun -> pp_fun(Dev, Fun) end. alu_op_name(Op) -> Op. cond_name(Cond) -> case Cond of 'al' -> ""; _ -> Cond end. s_name(S) -> case S of true -> "s"; false -> "" end. cmp_op_name(Op) -> Op. mov_op_name(Op) -> Op. ldop_name(LdOp) -> LdOp. stop_suffix(StOp) -> case StOp of 'str' -> ""; 'strb' -> "b" end. imm8m_decode(Value, 0) -> Value; imm8m_decode(Value, Rot) -> (Value bsr (2 * Rot)) bor (Value bsl (2 * (16 - Rot))). pp_temp(Dev, Temp=#arm_temp{reg=Reg, type=Type}) -> case hipe_arm:temp_is_precoloured(Temp) of true -> Name = %%% case Type of %%% 'double' -> %%% hipe_arm_registers:reg_name_fpr(Reg); %%% _ -> hipe_arm_registers:reg_name_gpr(Reg) %%% end , io:format(Dev, "~s", [Name]); false -> Tag = case Type of %%% double -> "f"; tagged -> "t"; untagged -> "u" end, io:format(Dev, "~s~w", [Tag, Reg]) end. pp_hex(Dev, Value) -> io:format(Dev, "~s", [to_hex(Value)]). pp_imm(Dev, Value) -> if is_integer(Value) -> pp_hex(Dev, Value); true -> io:format(Dev, "~w", [Value]) end. pp_am1(Dev, Am1) -> case Am1 of #arm_temp{} -> pp_temp(Dev, Am1); {Src,rrx} -> pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, ", rrx", []); {Src,ShiftOp,ShiftArg} -> pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, ", ~w ", [ShiftOp]), case ShiftArg of #arm_temp{} -> pp_temp(Dev, ShiftArg); Imm5 -> io:format(Dev, "#~w", [Imm5]) end; {Imm8,Imm4} -> io:format(Dev, "#~s", [to_hex(imm8m_decode(Imm8, Imm4))]) end. pp_am2(Dev, #am2{src=Src,sign=Sign,offset=Am2Offset}) -> io:format(Dev, "[", []), pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, ",~s", [sign_name(Sign)]), case Am2Offset of #arm_temp{} -> pp_temp(Dev, Am2Offset); {Src2,rrx} -> pp_temp(Dev, Src2), io:format(Dev, ", rrx", []); {Src2,ShiftOp,Imm5} -> pp_temp(Dev, Src2), io:format(Dev, ",~w #~w", [ShiftOp,Imm5]); Imm12 -> io:format(Dev, "#~w", [Imm12]) end, io:format(Dev, "]", []). pp_am3(Dev, #am3{src=Src,sign=Sign,offset=Am3Offset}) -> io:format(Dev, "[", []), pp_temp(Dev, Src), io:format(Dev, ",~s", [sign_name(Sign)]), case Am3Offset of #arm_temp{} -> pp_temp(Dev, Am3Offset); Imm8 -> io:format(Dev, "~w", [Imm8]) end, io:format(Dev, "]", []). sign_name(Sign) -> case Sign of '+' -> ""; '-' -> "-" end. pp_arg(Dev, Arg) -> case Arg of #arm_temp{} -> pp_temp(Dev, Arg); _ -> pp_hex(Dev, Arg) end. pp_args(Dev, [A|As]) -> pp_arg(Dev, A), pp_comma_args(Dev, As); pp_args(_, []) -> []. pp_comma_args(Dev, [A|As]) -> io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_arg(Dev, A), pp_comma_args(Dev, As); pp_comma_args(_, []) -> [].