%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2014. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% File : hipe_icode_fp.erl %% Author : Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se> %% Description : One pass analysis to find floating point values. %% Mapping to FP variables and creation of FP EBBs. %% %% Created : 23 Apr 2003 by Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se> %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(hipe_icode_fp). -export([cfg/1]). -include("hipe_icode.hrl"). -include("../flow/cfg.hrl"). -record(state, {edge_map = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_trees:tree(), fp_ebb_map = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_trees:tree(), cfg :: #cfg{}}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec cfg(#cfg{}) -> #cfg{}. cfg(Cfg) -> %%hipe_icode_cfg:pp(Cfg), NewCfg = annotate_fclearerror(Cfg), State = new_state(NewCfg), NewState = place_fp_blocks(State), %% hipe_icode_cfg:pp(state__cfg(NewState)), NewState2 = finalize(NewState), NewCfg1 = state__cfg(NewState2), %% hipe_icode_cfg:pp(NewCfg1), NewCfg2 = unannotate_fclearerror(NewCfg1), NewCfg2. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Annotate fclearerror with information of the fail label of the %% corresponding fcheckerror. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- annotate_fclearerror(Cfg) -> Labels = hipe_icode_cfg:reverse_postorder(Cfg), annotate_fclearerror(Labels, Cfg). annotate_fclearerror([Label|Left], Cfg) -> BB = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, Label), Code = hipe_bb:code(BB), NewCode = annotate_fclearerror1(Code, Label, Cfg, []), NewBB = hipe_bb:code_update(BB, NewCode), NewCfg = hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, Label, NewBB), annotate_fclearerror(Left, NewCfg); annotate_fclearerror([], Cfg) -> Cfg. annotate_fclearerror1([I|Left], Label, Cfg, Acc) -> case I of #icode_call{} -> case hipe_icode:call_fun(I) of fclearerror -> Fail = lookahead_for_fcheckerror(Left, Label, Cfg), NewI = hipe_icode:call_fun_update(I, {fclearerror, Fail}), annotate_fclearerror1(Left, Label, Cfg, [NewI|Acc]); _ -> annotate_fclearerror1(Left, Label, Cfg, [I|Acc]) end; _ -> annotate_fclearerror1(Left, Label, Cfg, [I|Acc]) end; annotate_fclearerror1([], _Label, _Cfg, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). lookahead_for_fcheckerror([I|Left], Label, Cfg) -> case I of #icode_call{} -> case hipe_icode:call_fun(I) of fcheckerror -> hipe_icode:call_fail_label(I); _ -> lookahead_for_fcheckerror(Left, Label, Cfg) end; _ -> lookahead_for_fcheckerror(Left, Label, Cfg) end; lookahead_for_fcheckerror([], Label, Cfg) -> case hipe_icode_cfg:succ(Cfg, Label) of [] -> exit("Unterminated fp ebb"); SuccList -> Succ = hd(SuccList), Code = hipe_bb:code(hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, Label)), lookahead_for_fcheckerror(Code, Succ, Cfg) end. unannotate_fclearerror(Cfg) -> Labels = hipe_icode_cfg:reverse_postorder(Cfg), unannotate_fclearerror(Labels, Cfg). unannotate_fclearerror([Label|Left], Cfg) -> BB = hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, Label), Code = hipe_bb:code(BB), NewCode = unannotate_fclearerror1(Code, []), NewBB = hipe_bb:code_update(BB, NewCode), NewCfg = hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, Label, NewBB), unannotate_fclearerror(Left, NewCfg); unannotate_fclearerror([], Cfg) -> Cfg. unannotate_fclearerror1([I|Left], Acc) -> case I of #icode_call{} -> case hipe_icode:call_fun(I) of {fclearerror, _Fail} -> NewI = hipe_icode:call_fun_update(I, fclearerror), unannotate_fclearerror1(Left, [NewI|Acc]); _ -> unannotate_fclearerror1(Left, [I|Acc]) end; _ -> unannotate_fclearerror1(Left, [I|Acc]) end; unannotate_fclearerror1([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Make float EBBs %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- place_fp_blocks(State) -> WorkList = new_worklist(State), transform_block(WorkList, State). transform_block(WorkList, State) -> case get_work(WorkList) of none -> State; {Label, NewWorkList} -> %%io:format("Handling ~w \n", [Label]), BB = state__bb(State, Label), Code1 = hipe_bb:butlast(BB), Last = hipe_bb:last(BB), NofPreds = length(state__pred(State, Label)), Map = state__map(State, Label), FilteredMap = filter_map(Map, NofPreds), {Prelude, NewFilteredMap} = do_prelude(FilteredMap), %% Take care to have a map without any new bindings from the %% last instruction if it can fail. {FailMap, NewCode1} = transform_instrs(Code1, Map, NewFilteredMap, []), {NewMap, NewCode2} = transform_instrs([Last], Map, FailMap, []), SuccSet0 = ordsets:from_list(hipe_icode:successors(Last)), FailSet = ordsets:from_list(hipe_icode:fails_to(Last)), SuccSet = ordsets:subtract(SuccSet0, FailSet), NewCode = NewCode1 ++ NewCode2, NewBB = hipe_bb:code_update(BB, Prelude++NewCode), NewState = state__bb_add(State, Label, NewBB), case update_maps(NewState, Label, SuccSet, NewMap, FailSet, FailMap) of fixpoint -> transform_block(NewWorkList, NewState); {NewState1, AddBlocks} -> NewWorkList1 = add_work(NewWorkList, AddBlocks), transform_block(NewWorkList1, NewState1) end end. update_maps(State, Label, SuccSet, SuccMap, FailSet, FailMap) -> {NewState, Add1} = update_maps(State, Label, SuccSet, SuccMap, []), case update_maps(NewState, Label, FailSet, FailMap, Add1) of {_NewState1, []} -> fixpoint; {_NewState1, _Add} = Ret -> Ret end. update_maps(State, From, [To|Left], Map, Acc) -> case state__map_update(State, From, To, Map) of fixpoint -> update_maps(State, From, Left, Map, Acc); NewState -> update_maps(NewState, From, Left, Map, [To|Acc]) end; update_maps(State, _From, [], _Map, Acc) -> {State, Acc}. transform_instrs([I|Left], PhiMap, Map, Acc) -> Defines = hipe_icode:defines(I), NewMap = delete_all(Defines, Map), NewPhiMap = delete_all(Defines, PhiMap), case I of #icode_phi{} -> Uses = hipe_icode:uses(I), case [X || X <- Uses, lookup(X, PhiMap) =/= none] of [] -> %% No ordinary variables from the argument have been untagged. transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap, [I|Acc]); Uses -> %% All arguments are untagged. Let's untag the destination. Dst = hipe_icode:phi_dst(I), NewDst = hipe_icode:mk_new_fvar(), NewMap1 = gb_trees:enter(Dst, NewDst, NewMap), NewI = subst_phi_uncond(I, NewDst, PhiMap), transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap1, [NewI|Acc]); _ -> %% Some arguments are untagged. Keep the destination. Dst = hipe_icode:phi_dst(I), NewI = subst_phi(I, Dst, PhiMap), transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap, [NewI|Acc]) end; #icode_call{} -> case hipe_icode:call_fun(I) of X when X =:= unsafe_untag_float orelse X =:= conv_to_float -> [Dst] = hipe_icode:defines(I), case hipe_icode:uses(I) of [] -> %% Constant transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap, [I|Acc]); [Src] -> case lookup(Src, Map) of none -> NewMap1 = gb_trees:enter(Src, {assigned, Dst}, NewMap), transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap1, [I|Acc]); Dst -> %% This is the instruction that untagged the variable. %% Use old maps. transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, Map, [I|Acc]); FVar -> %% The variable was already untagged. %% This instruction can be changed to a move. NewI = hipe_icode:mk_move(Dst, FVar), case hipe_icode:call_continuation(I) of [] -> transform_instrs(Left,NewPhiMap,NewMap,[NewI|Acc]); ContLbl -> Goto = hipe_icode:mk_goto(ContLbl), transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap, [Goto, NewI|Acc]) end end end; unsafe_tag_float -> [Dst] = hipe_icode:defines(I), [Src] = hipe_icode:uses(I), NewMap1 = gb_trees:enter(Dst, {assigned, Src}, NewMap), transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap1,[I|Acc]); _ -> {NewMap1, NewAcc} = check_for_fop_candidates(I, NewMap, Acc), transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap1, NewAcc) end; _ -> NewIns = handle_untagged_arguments(I, NewMap), transform_instrs(Left, NewPhiMap, NewMap, NewIns ++ Acc) end; transform_instrs([], _PhiMap, Map, Acc) -> {Map, lists:reverse(Acc)}. check_for_fop_candidates(I, Map, Acc) -> case is_fop_cand(I) of false -> NewIs = handle_untagged_arguments(I, Map), {Map, NewIs ++ Acc}; true -> Fail = hipe_icode:call_fail_label(I), Cont = hipe_icode:call_continuation(I), Op = fun_to_fop(hipe_icode:call_fun(I)), case Fail of [] -> Args = hipe_icode:args(I), ConstArgs = [X || X <- Args, hipe_icode:is_const(X)], try lists:foreach(fun(X) -> float(hipe_icode:const_value(X)) end, ConstArgs) of ok -> %%io:format("Changing ~w to ~w\n", [hipe_icode:call_fun(I), Op]), Uses = hipe_icode:uses(I), Defines = hipe_icode:defines(I), Convs = [X||X <- remove_duplicates(Uses), lookup(X,Map) =:= none], NewMap0 = add_new_bindings_assigned(Convs, Map), NewMap = add_new_bindings_unassigned(Defines, NewMap0), ConvIns = get_conv_instrs(Convs, NewMap), NewI = hipe_icode:mk_primop(lookup_list(Defines, NewMap), Op, lookup_list_keep_consts(Args,NewMap), Cont, Fail), NewI2 = conv_consts(ConstArgs, NewI), {NewMap, [NewI2|ConvIns]++Acc} catch error:badarg -> %% This instruction will fail at runtime. The warning %% should already have happened in hipe_icode_type. NewIs = handle_untagged_arguments(I, Map), {Map, NewIs ++ Acc} end; _ -> %% Bailing out! Can't handle instructions in catches (yet). NewIs = handle_untagged_arguments(I, Map), {Map, NewIs ++ Acc} end end. %% If this is an instruction that needs to operate on tagged values, %% which currently are untagged, we must tag the values and perhaps %% end the fp ebb. handle_untagged_arguments(I, Map) -> case [X || X <- hipe_icode:uses(I), must_be_tagged(X, Map)] of [] -> [I]; Tag -> TagIntrs = [hipe_icode:mk_primop([Dst], unsafe_tag_float, [gb_trees:get(Dst, Map)]) || Dst <- Tag], [I|TagIntrs] end. %% Add phi nodes for untagged fp values. do_prelude(Map) -> case gb_trees:lookup(phi, Map) of none -> {[], Map}; {value, List} -> %%io:format("Adding phi: ~w\n", [List]), Fun = fun ({FVar, Bindings}, Acc) -> [hipe_icode:mk_phi(FVar, Bindings)|Acc] end, {lists:foldl(Fun, [], List), gb_trees:delete(phi, Map)} end. split_code(Code) -> split_code(Code, []). split_code([I], Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), I}; split_code([I|Left], Acc) -> split_code(Left, [I|Acc]). %% When all code is mapped to fp instructions we must make sure that %% the fp ebb information going into each block is the same as the %% information coming out of each predecessor. Otherwise, we must add %% a block in between. finalize(State) -> Worklist = new_worklist(State), NewState = place_error_handling(Worklist, State), Edges = needs_fcheckerror(NewState), finalize(Edges, NewState). finalize([{From, To}|Left], State) -> NewState = add_fp_ebb_fixup(From, To, State), finalize(Left, NewState); finalize([], State) -> State. needs_fcheckerror(State) -> Cfg = state__cfg(State), Labels = hipe_icode_cfg:labels(Cfg), needs_fcheckerror(Labels, State, []). needs_fcheckerror([Label|Left], State, Acc) -> case state__get_in_block_in(State, Label) of {true, _} -> needs_fcheckerror(Left, State, Acc); false -> Pred = state__pred(State, Label), case [X || X <- Pred, state__get_in_block_out(State, X) =/= false] of [] -> needs_fcheckerror(Left, State, Acc); NeedsFcheck -> case length(Pred) =:= length(NeedsFcheck) of true -> %% All edges need fcheckerror. Add this to the %% beginning of the block instead. needs_fcheckerror(Left, State, [{none, Label}|Acc]); false -> Edges = [{X, Label} || X <- NeedsFcheck], needs_fcheckerror(Left, State, Edges ++ Acc) end end end; needs_fcheckerror([], _State, Acc) -> Acc. add_fp_ebb_fixup('none', To, State) -> %% Add the fcheckerror to the start of the block. BB = state__bb(State, To), Code = hipe_bb:code(BB), Phis = lists:takewhile(fun(X) -> hipe_icode:is_phi(X) end, Code), TailCode = lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> hipe_icode:is_phi(X) end, Code), FC = hipe_icode:mk_primop([], fcheckerror, []), NewCode = Phis ++ [FC|TailCode], state__bb_add(State, To, hipe_bb:code_update(BB, NewCode)); add_fp_ebb_fixup(From, To, State) -> FCCode = [hipe_icode:mk_primop([], fcheckerror, [], To, [])], FCBB = hipe_bb:mk_bb(FCCode), FCLabel = hipe_icode:label_name(hipe_icode:mk_new_label()), NewState = state__bb_add(State, FCLabel, FCBB), NewState1 = state__redirect(NewState, From, To, FCLabel), ToBB = state__bb(NewState, To), ToCode = hipe_bb:code(ToBB), NewToCode = redirect_phis(ToCode, From, FCLabel), NewToBB = hipe_bb:code_update(ToBB, NewToCode), state__bb_add(NewState1, To, NewToBB). redirect_phis(Code, OldFrom, NewFrom) -> redirect_phis(Code, OldFrom, NewFrom, []). redirect_phis([I|Is] = Code, OldFrom, NewFrom, Acc) -> case I of #icode_phi{} -> NewI = hipe_icode:phi_redirect_pred(I, OldFrom, NewFrom), redirect_phis(Is, OldFrom, NewFrom, [NewI|Acc]); _ -> lists:reverse(Acc, Code) end; redirect_phis([], _OldFrom, _NewFrom, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). subst_phi(I, Dst, Map) -> ArgList = subst_phi_uses0(hipe_icode:phi_arglist(I), Map, []), hipe_icode:mk_phi(Dst, ArgList). subst_phi_uses0([{Pred, Var}|Left], Map, Acc) -> case gb_trees:lookup(Var, Map) of {value, List} -> case lists:keyfind(Pred, 1, List) of {Pred, {assigned, _NewVar}} -> %% The variable is untagged, but it has been assigned. Keep it! subst_phi_uses0(Left, Map, [{Pred, Var} | Acc]); {Pred, _NewVar} = PredNV -> %% The variable is untagged and it has never been assigned as tagged. subst_phi_uses0(Left, Map, [PredNV | Acc]); false -> %% The variable is not untagged. subst_phi_uses0(Left, Map, [{Pred, Var} | Acc]) end; none -> %% The variable is not untagged. subst_phi_uses0(Left, Map, [{Pred, Var} | Acc]) end; subst_phi_uses0([], _Map, Acc) -> Acc. subst_phi_uncond(I, Dst, Map) -> ArgList = subst_phi_uses_uncond0(hipe_icode:phi_arglist(I), Map, []), hipe_icode:mk_phi(Dst, ArgList). subst_phi_uses_uncond0([{Pred, Var}|Left], Map, Acc) -> case gb_trees:lookup(Var, Map) of {value, List} -> case lists:keyfind(Pred, 1, List) of {Pred, {assigned, NewVar}} -> %% The variable is untagged! subst_phi_uses_uncond0(Left, Map, [{Pred, NewVar} | Acc]); {Pred, _NewVar} = PredNV -> %% The variable is untagged! subst_phi_uses_uncond0(Left, Map, [PredNV | Acc]); false -> %% The variable is not untagged. subst_phi_uses_uncond0(Left, Map, [{Pred, Var} | Acc]) end; none -> %% The variable is not untagged. subst_phi_uses_uncond0(Left, Map, [{Pred, Var} | Acc]) end; subst_phi_uses_uncond0([], _Map, Acc) -> Acc. place_error_handling(WorkList, State) -> case get_work(WorkList) of none -> State; {Label, NewWorkList} -> BB = state__bb(State, Label), Code = hipe_bb:code(BB), case state__join_in_block(State, Label) of fixpoint -> place_error_handling(NewWorkList, State); {NewState, NewInBlock} -> {NewCode1, InBlockOut} = place_error(Code, NewInBlock, []), Succ = state__succ(NewState, Label), NewCode2 = handle_unchecked_end(Succ, NewCode1, InBlockOut), NewBB = hipe_bb:code_update(BB, NewCode2), NewState1 = state__bb_add(NewState, Label, NewBB), NewState2 = state__in_block_out_update(NewState1, Label, InBlockOut), NewWorkList1 = add_work(NewWorkList, Succ), place_error_handling(NewWorkList1, NewState2) end end. place_error([I|Left], InBlock, Acc) -> case I of #icode_call{} -> case hipe_icode:call_fun(I) of X when X =:= fp_add; X =:= fp_sub; X =:= fp_mul; X =:= fp_div; X =:= fnegate -> case InBlock of false -> Clear = hipe_icode:mk_primop([], {fclearerror, []}, []), place_error(Left, {true, []}, [I, Clear|Acc]); {true, _} -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [I|Acc]) end; unsafe_tag_float -> case InBlock of {true, Fail} -> Check = hipe_icode:mk_primop([], fcheckerror, [], [], Fail), place_error(Left, false, [I, Check|Acc]); false -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [I|Acc]) end; {fclearerror, Fail} -> case InBlock of {true, Fail} -> %% We can remove this fclearerror! case hipe_icode:call_continuation(I) of [] -> place_error(Left, InBlock, Acc); Cont -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [hipe_icode:mk_goto(Cont)|Acc]) end; {true, _OtherFail} -> %% TODO: This can be handled but it requires breaking up %% the BB in two. Currently this should not happen. exit("Starting fp ebb with different fail label"); false -> place_error(Left, {true, Fail}, [I|Acc]) end; fcheckerror -> case {true, hipe_icode:call_fail_label(I)} of InBlock -> %% No problem place_error(Left, false, [I|Acc]); NewInblock -> exit({"Fcheckerror has the wrong fail label", InBlock, NewInblock}) end; X when X =:= conv_to_float; X =:= unsafe_untag_float -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [I|Acc]); _Other -> case hipe_icode_primops:fails(hipe_icode:call_fun(I)) of false -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [I|Acc]); true -> case InBlock of {true, Fail} -> Check = hipe_icode:mk_primop([], fcheckerror, [], [], Fail), place_error(Left, false, [I, Check|Acc]); false -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [I|Acc]) end end end; #icode_fail{} -> place_error_1(I, Left, InBlock, Acc); #icode_return{} -> place_error_1(I, Left, InBlock, Acc); #icode_enter{} -> place_error_1(I, Left, InBlock, Acc); Other -> case instr_allowed_in_fp_ebb(Other) of true -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [I|Acc]); false -> case InBlock of {true, []} -> Check = hipe_icode:mk_primop([], fcheckerror, []), place_error(Left, false, [I, Check|Acc]); {true, _} -> exit({"Illegal instruction in caught fp ebb", I}); false -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [I|Acc]) end end end; place_error([], InBlock, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), InBlock}. place_error_1(I, Left, InBlock, Acc) -> case InBlock of {true, []} -> Check = hipe_icode:mk_primop([], fcheckerror, []), place_error(Left, false, [I, Check|Acc]); {true, _} -> exit({"End of control flow in caught fp ebb", I}); false -> place_error(Left, InBlock, [I|Acc]) end. %% If the block has no successors and we still are in a fp ebb we must %% end it to make sure we don't have any unchecked fp exceptions. handle_unchecked_end(Succ, Code, InBlock) -> case Succ of [] -> case InBlock of {true, []} -> {TopCode, Last} = split_code(Code), NewI = hipe_icode:mk_primop([], fcheckerror, []), TopCode ++ [NewI, Last]; false -> Code end; _ -> Code end. instr_allowed_in_fp_ebb(Instr) -> case Instr of #icode_comment{} -> true; #icode_goto{} -> true; #icode_if{} -> true; #icode_move{} -> true; #icode_phi{} -> true; #icode_begin_handler{} -> true; #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> true; #icode_switch_val{} -> true; #icode_type{} -> true; _ -> false end. %%============================================================= %% Help functions %%============================================================= %% ------------------------------------------------------------ %% Handling the gb_tree delete_all([Key|Left], Tree) -> delete_all(Left, gb_trees:delete_any(Key, Tree)); delete_all([], Tree) -> Tree. lookup_list(List, Info) -> lookup_list(List, fun lookup/2, Info, []). lookup_list([H|T], Fun, Info, Acc) -> lookup_list(T, Fun, Info, [Fun(H, Info)|Acc]); lookup_list([], _, _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). lookup(Key, Tree) -> case hipe_icode:is_const(Key) of %% This can be true if the same constant has been %% untagged more than once true -> none; false -> case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Tree) of none -> none; {value, {assigned, Val}} -> Val; {value, Val} -> Val end end. lookup_list_keep_consts(List, Info) -> lookup_list(List, fun lookup_keep_consts/2, Info, []). lookup_keep_consts(Key, Tree) -> case hipe_icode:is_const(Key) of true -> Key; false -> case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Tree) of none -> none; {value, {assigned, Val}} -> Val; {value, Val} -> Val end end. get_type(Var) -> case hipe_icode:is_const(Var) of true -> erl_types:t_from_term(hipe_icode:const_value(Var)); false -> case hipe_icode:is_annotated_variable(Var) of true -> {type_anno, Type, _} = hipe_icode:variable_annotation(Var), Type %%% false -> erl_types:t_any() end end. %% ------------------------------------------------------------ %% Handling the map from variables to fp-variables join_maps(Edges, EdgeMap) -> join_maps(Edges, EdgeMap, gb_trees:empty()). join_maps([Edge = {Pred, _}|Left], EdgeMap, Map) -> case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, EdgeMap) of none -> %% All predecessors have not been handled. Use empty map. gb_trees:empty(); {value, OldMap} -> NewMap = join_maps0(gb_trees:to_list(OldMap), Pred, Map), join_maps(Left, EdgeMap, NewMap) end; join_maps([], _, Map) -> Map. join_maps0([{phi, _}|Tail], Pred, Map) -> join_maps0(Tail, Pred, Map); join_maps0([{Var, FVar}|Tail], Pred, Map) -> case gb_trees:lookup(Var, Map) of none -> join_maps0(Tail, Pred, gb_trees:enter(Var, [{Pred, FVar}], Map)); {value, List} -> case lists:keyfind(Pred, 1, List) of false -> join_maps0(Tail, Pred, gb_trees:update(Var, [{Pred, FVar}|List], Map)); {Pred, FVar} -> %% No problem. join_maps0(Tail, Pred, Map); _ -> exit('New binding to same variable') end end; join_maps0([], _, Map) -> Map. filter_map(Map, NofPreds) -> filter_map(gb_trees:to_list(Map), NofPreds, Map). filter_map([{Var, Bindings}|Left], NofPreds, Map) -> case length(Bindings) =:= NofPreds of true -> case all_args_equal(Bindings) of true -> {_, FVar} = hd(Bindings), filter_map(Left, NofPreds, gb_trees:update(Var, FVar, Map)); false -> PhiDst = hipe_icode:mk_new_fvar(), PhiArgs = strip_of_assigned(Bindings), NewMap = case gb_trees:lookup(phi, Map) of none -> gb_trees:insert(phi, [{PhiDst, PhiArgs}], Map); {value, Val} -> gb_trees:update(phi, [{PhiDst, PhiArgs}|Val], Map) end, NewBinding = case bindings_are_assigned(Bindings) of true -> {assigned, PhiDst}; false -> PhiDst end, filter_map(Left, NofPreds, gb_trees:update(Var, NewBinding, NewMap)) end; false -> filter_map(Left, NofPreds, gb_trees:delete(Var, Map)) end; filter_map([], _NofPreds, Map) -> Map. bindings_are_assigned([{_, {assigned, _}}|Left]) -> assert_assigned(Left), true; bindings_are_assigned(Bindings) -> assert_not_assigned(Bindings), false. assert_assigned([{_, {assigned, _}}|Left]) -> assert_assigned(Left); assert_assigned([]) -> ok. assert_not_assigned([{_, FVar}|Left]) -> true = hipe_icode:is_fvar(FVar), assert_not_assigned(Left); assert_not_assigned([]) -> ok. %% all_args_equal returns true if the mapping for a variable is the %% same from all predecessors, i.e., we do not need a phi-node. all_args_equal([{_, FVar}|Left]) -> all_args_equal(Left, FVar). all_args_equal([{_, FVar1}|Left], FVar1) -> all_args_equal(Left, FVar1); all_args_equal([], _) -> true; all_args_equal(_, _) -> false. %% We differentiate between values that have been assigned as %% tagged variables and those that got a 'virtual' binding. add_new_bindings_unassigned([Var|Left], Map) -> FVar = hipe_icode:mk_new_fvar(), add_new_bindings_unassigned(Left, gb_trees:insert(Var, FVar, Map)); add_new_bindings_unassigned([], Map) -> Map. add_new_bindings_assigned([Var|Left], Map) -> case lookup(Var, Map) of none -> FVar = hipe_icode:mk_new_fvar(), NewMap = gb_trees:insert(Var, {assigned, FVar}, Map), add_new_bindings_assigned(Left, NewMap); _ -> add_new_bindings_assigned(Left, Map) end; add_new_bindings_assigned([], Map) -> Map. strip_of_assigned(List) -> strip_of_assigned(List, []). strip_of_assigned([{Pred, {assigned, Val}}|Left], Acc) -> strip_of_assigned(Left, [{Pred, Val}|Acc]); strip_of_assigned([Tuple|Left], Acc) -> strip_of_assigned(Left, [Tuple|Acc]); strip_of_assigned([], Acc) -> Acc. %% ------------------------------------------------------------ %% Help functions for the transformation from ordinary instruction to %% fp-instruction is_fop_cand(I) -> case hipe_icode:call_fun(I) of '/' -> true; Fun -> case fun_to_fop(Fun) of false -> false; _ -> any_is_float(hipe_icode:args(I)) end end. any_is_float(Vars) -> lists:any(fun (V) -> erl_types:t_is_float(get_type(V)) end, Vars). remove_duplicates(List) -> remove_duplicates(List, []). remove_duplicates([X|Left], Acc) -> case lists:member(X, Acc) of true -> remove_duplicates(Left, Acc); false -> remove_duplicates(Left, [X|Acc]) end; remove_duplicates([], Acc) -> Acc. fun_to_fop(Fun) -> case Fun of '+' -> fp_add; '-' -> fp_sub; '*' -> fp_mul; '/' -> fp_div; _ -> false end. %% If there is a tagged version of this variable available we don't %% have to tag the untagged version. must_be_tagged(Var, Map) -> case gb_trees:lookup(Var, Map) of none -> false; {value, {assigned, _}} -> false; {value, Val} -> hipe_icode:is_fvar(Val) end. %% Converting to floating point variables get_conv_instrs(Vars, Map) -> get_conv_instrs(Vars, Map, []). get_conv_instrs([Var|Left], Map, Acc) -> {_, Dst} = gb_trees:get(Var, Map), NewI = case erl_types:t_is_float(get_type(Var)) of true -> [hipe_icode:mk_primop([Dst], unsafe_untag_float, [Var])]; false -> [hipe_icode:mk_primop([Dst], conv_to_float, [Var])] end, get_conv_instrs(Left, Map, NewI++Acc); get_conv_instrs([], _, Acc) -> Acc. conv_consts(ConstArgs, I) -> conv_consts(ConstArgs, I, []). conv_consts([Const|Left], I, Subst) -> NewConst = hipe_icode:mk_const(float(hipe_icode:const_value(Const))), conv_consts(Left, I, [{Const, NewConst}|Subst]); conv_consts([], I, Subst) -> hipe_icode:subst_uses(Subst, I). %% _________________________________________________________________ %% %% Handling the state %% new_state(Cfg) -> #state{cfg = Cfg}. state__cfg(#state{cfg = Cfg}) -> Cfg. state__succ(#state{cfg = Cfg}, Label) -> hipe_icode_cfg:succ(Cfg, Label). state__pred(#state{cfg = Cfg}, Label) -> hipe_icode_cfg:pred(Cfg, Label). state__redirect(S = #state{cfg = Cfg}, From, ToOld, ToNew) -> NewCfg = hipe_icode_cfg:redirect(Cfg, From, ToOld, ToNew), S#state{cfg=NewCfg}. state__bb(#state{cfg = Cfg}, Label) -> hipe_icode_cfg:bb(Cfg, Label). state__bb_add(S = #state{cfg = Cfg}, Label, BB) -> NewCfg = hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, Label, BB), S#state{cfg = NewCfg}. state__map(S = #state{edge_map = EM}, To) -> join_maps([{From, To} || From <- state__pred(S, To)], EM). state__map_update(S = #state{edge_map = EM}, From, To, Map) -> FromTo = {From, To}, MapChanged = case gb_trees:lookup(FromTo, EM) of {value, Map1} -> not match(Map1, Map); none -> true end, case MapChanged of true -> NewEM = gb_trees:enter(FromTo, Map, EM), S#state{edge_map = NewEM}; false -> fixpoint end. state__join_in_block(S = #state{fp_ebb_map = Map}, Label) -> Pred = state__pred(S, Label), Edges = [{X, Label} || X <- Pred], NewInBlock = join_in_block([gb_trees:lookup(X, Map) || X <- Edges]), InBlockLabel = {inblock_in, Label}, case gb_trees:lookup(InBlockLabel, Map) of none -> NewMap = gb_trees:insert(InBlockLabel, NewInBlock, Map), {S#state{fp_ebb_map = NewMap}, NewInBlock}; {value, NewInBlock} -> fixpoint; _Other -> NewMap = gb_trees:update(InBlockLabel, NewInBlock, Map), {S#state{fp_ebb_map = NewMap}, NewInBlock} end. state__in_block_out_update(S = #state{fp_ebb_map = Map}, Label, NewInBlock) -> Succ = state__succ(S, Label), Edges = [{Label, X} || X <- Succ], NewMap = update_edges(Edges, NewInBlock, Map), NewMap1 = gb_trees:enter({inblock_out, Label}, NewInBlock, NewMap), S#state{fp_ebb_map = NewMap1}. update_edges([Edge|Left], NewInBlock, Map) -> NewMap = gb_trees:enter(Edge, NewInBlock, Map), update_edges(Left, NewInBlock, NewMap); update_edges([], _NewInBlock, NewMap) -> NewMap. join_in_block([]) -> false; join_in_block([none|_]) -> false; join_in_block([{value, InBlock}|Left]) -> join_in_block(Left, InBlock). join_in_block([none|_], _Current) -> false; join_in_block([{value, InBlock}|Left], Current) -> if Current =:= InBlock -> join_in_block(Left, Current); Current =:= false -> false; InBlock =:= false -> false; true -> exit("Basic block is in two different fp ebb:s") end; join_in_block([], Current) -> Current. state__get_in_block_in(#state{fp_ebb_map = Map}, Label) -> gb_trees:get({inblock_in, Label}, Map). state__get_in_block_out(#state{fp_ebb_map = Map}, Label) -> gb_trees:get({inblock_out, Label}, Map). new_worklist(#state{cfg = Cfg}) -> Start = hipe_icode_cfg:start_label(Cfg), {[Start], [], gb_sets:insert(Start, gb_sets:empty())}. get_work({[Label|Left], List, Set}) -> {Label, {Left, List, gb_sets:delete(Label, Set)}}; get_work({[], [], _Set}) -> none; get_work({[], List, Set}) -> get_work({lists:reverse(List), [], Set}). add_work({List1, List2, Set} = Work, [Label|Left]) -> case gb_sets:is_member(Label, Set) of true -> add_work(Work, Left); false -> %% io:format("Added work: ~w\n", [Label]), NewSet = gb_sets:insert(Label, Set), add_work({List1, [Label|List2], NewSet}, Left) end; add_work(WorkList, []) -> WorkList. match(Tree1, Tree2) -> match_1(gb_trees:to_list(Tree1), Tree2) andalso match_1(gb_trees:to_list(Tree2), Tree1). match_1([{Key, Val}|Left], Tree2) -> case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Tree2) of {value, Val} -> match_1(Left, Tree2); _ -> false end; match_1([], _) -> true.