%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Copyright (c) 2003 by Erik Stenman. %% ==================================================================== %% Filename : hipe_icode_pp.erl %% Module : hipe_icode_pp %% Purpose : Pretty-printer for Icode. %% Notes : %% History : * 2003-04-16 (stenman@epfl.ch): Created. %% CVS : %% $Author$ %% $Date$ %% $Revision$ %% ==================================================================== %% %% @doc %% Icode Pretty-Printer. %% @end %% %% ==================================================================== -module(hipe_icode_pp). -export([pp/1, pp/2, pp_block/1]). -ifdef(DEBUG_ICODE). -export([pp_instrs/2]). -endif. -include("hipe_icode.hrl"). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec pp(#icode{}) -> 'ok'. %% @doc Prettyprints linear Icode on stdout. %% <p> Badly formed or unknown instructions are printed surrounded %% by three stars "***".</p> pp(Icode) -> pp(standard_io, Icode). -spec pp(io:device(), #icode{}) -> 'ok'. %% @doc Prettyprints linear Icode on IoDevice. %% <p> Badly formed or unknown instructions are printed surrounded by %% three stars "***".</p> pp(Dev, Icode) -> {Mod, Fun, Arity} = hipe_icode:icode_fun(Icode), Args = hipe_icode:icode_params(Icode), io:format(Dev, "~w:~w/~w(", [Mod, Fun, Arity]), pp_args(Dev, Args), io:format(Dev, ") ->~n", []), io:format(Dev, "%% Info:~p\n", [[case hipe_icode:icode_is_closure(Icode) of true -> 'Closure'; false -> 'Not a closure' end, case hipe_icode:icode_is_leaf(Icode) of true -> 'Leaf function'; false -> 'Not a leaf function' end | hipe_icode:icode_info(Icode)]]), pp_instrs(Dev, hipe_icode:icode_code(Icode)), io:format(Dev, "%% Data:\n", []), hipe_data_pp:pp(Dev, hipe_icode:icode_data(Icode), icode, ""). -spec pp_block(icode_instrs()) -> 'ok'. pp_block(Code) -> pp_instrs(standard_io, Code). -spec pp_instrs(io:device(), icode_instrs()) -> 'ok'. %% @doc Prettyprints a list of Icode instructions. pp_instrs(Dev, Is) -> lists:foreach(fun (I) -> pp_instr(Dev, I) end, Is). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------- pp_instr(Dev, I) -> case I of #icode_label{} -> io:format(Dev, "~p:~n", [hipe_icode:label_name(I)]); #icode_comment{} -> Txt = hipe_icode:comment_text(I), Str = case io_lib:deep_char_list(Txt) of true -> Txt; false -> io_lib:format("~p", [Txt]) end, io:format(Dev, " % ~s~n", [Str]); #icode_phi{} -> io:format(Dev, " ", []), pp_arg(Dev, hipe_icode:phi_dst(I)), io:format(Dev, " := phi(", []), pp_phi_args(Dev, hipe_icode:phi_arglist(I)), io:format(Dev, ")~n", []); #icode_move{} -> io:format(Dev, " ", []), pp_arg(Dev, hipe_icode:move_dst(I)), io:format(Dev, " := ", []), pp_arg(Dev, hipe_icode:move_src(I)), io:format(Dev, "~n", []); #icode_call{} -> io:format(Dev, " ", []), case hipe_icode:call_dstlist(I) of [] -> %% result is unused -- e.g. taken out by dead code elimination io:format(Dev, "_ := ", []); DstList -> pp_args(Dev, DstList), io:format(Dev, " := ", []) end, pp_fun(Dev, hipe_icode:call_fun(I), hipe_icode:call_args(I), hipe_icode:call_type(I), hipe_icode:call_in_guard(I)), case hipe_icode:call_continuation(I) of [] -> ok; CC -> io:format(Dev, " -> ~w", [CC]) end, case hipe_icode:call_fail_label(I) of [] -> io:format(Dev, "~n", []); Fail -> io:format(Dev, ", #fail ~w~n", [Fail]) end; #icode_enter{} -> io:format(Dev, " ", []), pp_fun(Dev, hipe_icode:enter_fun(I), hipe_icode:enter_args(I), hipe_icode:enter_type(I)), io:format(Dev, "~n", []); #icode_return{} -> io:format(Dev, " return(", []), pp_args(Dev, hipe_icode:return_vars(I)), io:format(Dev, ")~n", []); #icode_begin_try{} -> io:format(Dev, " begin_try -> ~w cont ~w~n", [hipe_icode:begin_try_label(I), hipe_icode:begin_try_successor(I)]); #icode_begin_handler{} -> io:format(Dev, " ", []), pp_args(Dev, hipe_icode:begin_handler_dstlist(I)), io:format(Dev, " := begin_handler()~n",[]); #icode_end_try{} -> io:format(Dev, " end_try~n", []); #icode_fail{} -> Type = hipe_icode:fail_class(I), io:format(Dev, " fail(~w, [", [Type]), pp_args(Dev, hipe_icode:fail_args(I)), case hipe_icode:fail_label(I) of [] -> io:put_chars(Dev, "])\n"); Fail -> io:format(Dev, "]) -> ~w\n", [Fail]) end; #icode_if{} -> io:format(Dev, " if ~w(", [hipe_icode:if_op(I)]), pp_args(Dev, hipe_icode:if_args(I)), io:format(Dev, ") then ~p (~.2f) else ~p~n", [hipe_icode:if_true_label(I), hipe_icode:if_pred(I), hipe_icode:if_false_label(I)]); #icode_switch_val{} -> io:format(Dev, " switch_val ",[]), pp_arg(Dev, hipe_icode:switch_val_term(I)), pp_switch_cases(Dev, hipe_icode:switch_val_cases(I)), io:format(Dev, " fail -> ~w\n", [hipe_icode:switch_val_fail_label(I)]); #icode_switch_tuple_arity{} -> io:format(Dev, " switch_tuple_arity ",[]), pp_arg(Dev, hipe_icode:switch_tuple_arity_term(I)), pp_switch_cases(Dev,hipe_icode:switch_tuple_arity_cases(I)), io:format(Dev, " fail -> ~w\n", [hipe_icode:switch_tuple_arity_fail_label(I)]); #icode_type{} -> io:format(Dev, " if is_", []), pp_type(Dev, hipe_icode:type_test(I)), io:format(Dev, "(", []), pp_args(Dev, hipe_icode:type_args(I)), io:format(Dev, ") then ~p (~.2f) else ~p~n", [hipe_icode:type_true_label(I), hipe_icode:type_pred(I), hipe_icode:type_false_label(I)]); #icode_goto{} -> io:format(Dev, " goto ~p~n", [hipe_icode:goto_label(I)]) end. pp_fun(Dev, Fun, Args, Type) -> pp_fun(Dev, Fun, Args, Type, false). pp_fun(Dev, Fun, Args, Type, Guard) -> case Type of primop -> hipe_icode_primops:pp(Dev, Fun); local -> {_,F,A} = Fun, io:format(Dev, "~w/~w", [F, A]); remote -> {M,F,A} = Fun, io:format(Dev, "~w:~w/~w", [M, F, A]) end, io:format(Dev, "(", []), pp_args(Dev, Args), case Guard of true -> case Type of primop -> io:format(Dev, ") (primop,guard)", []); _ -> io:format(Dev, ") (guard)", []) end; false -> case Type of primop -> io:format(Dev, ") (primop)", []); _ -> io:format(Dev, ")", []) end end. pp_arg(Dev, Arg) -> case hipe_icode:is_variable(Arg) of true -> case hipe_icode:is_var(Arg) of true -> N = hipe_icode:var_name(Arg), io:format(Dev, "v~p", [N]); false -> case hipe_icode:is_reg(Arg) of true -> N = hipe_icode:reg_name(Arg), io:format(Dev, "r~p", [N]); false -> N = hipe_icode:fvar_name(Arg), io:format(Dev, "fv~p", [N]) end end, case hipe_icode:is_annotated_variable(Arg) of true -> {_,Val,Fun} = hipe_icode:variable_annotation(Arg), io:format(Dev, " (~s)", [Fun(Val)]); false -> ok end; false -> Const = hipe_icode:const_value(Arg), io:format(Dev, "~p", [Const]) % ~p because it also prints "" end. pp_args(_Dev, []) -> ok; pp_args(Dev, [A]) -> pp_arg(Dev, A); pp_args(Dev, [A|Args]) -> pp_arg(Dev, A), io:format(Dev, ", ", []), pp_args(Dev, Args). pp_phi_args(_Dev, []) -> ok; pp_phi_args(Dev, [{Pred,A}]) -> io:format(Dev, "{~w, ", [Pred]), pp_arg(Dev, A), io:format(Dev, "}", []); pp_phi_args(Dev, [{Pred,A}|Args]) -> io:format(Dev, "{~w, ", [Pred]), pp_arg(Dev, A), io:format(Dev, "}, ", []), pp_phi_args(Dev, Args). pp_type(Dev, T) -> io:format(Dev, "~w", [T]). pp_switch_cases(Dev, Cases) -> io:format(Dev, " of\n",[]), pp_switch_cases(Dev, Cases,1), io:format(Dev, "",[]). pp_switch_cases(Dev, [{Val,L}], _Pos) -> io:format(Dev, " ",[]), pp_arg(Dev, Val), io:format(Dev, " -> ~w\n", [L]); pp_switch_cases(Dev, [{Val, L}|Ls], Pos) -> io:format(Dev, " ",[]), pp_arg(Dev, Val), io:format(Dev, " -> ~w;\n", [L]), NewPos = Pos, %% case Pos of %% 5 -> io:format(Dev, "\n ",[]), %% 0; %% N -> N + 1 %% end, pp_switch_cases(Dev, Ls, NewPos); pp_switch_cases(_Dev, [], _) -> ok.