%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Copyright (c) 2001 by Erik Johansson. All Rights Reserved %% ==================================================================== %% Filename : hipe_icode_primops.erl %% Module : hipe_icode_primops %% Purpose : %% Notes : %% History : * 2001-06-13 Erik Johansson (happi@it.uu.se): %% Created. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -module(hipe_icode_primops). -export([is_safe/1, fails/1, pp/2, type/1, type/2, arg_types/1]). -include("hipe_icode.hrl"). -include("hipe_icode_primops.hrl"). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Note that 'unsafe_...' operations are generally "safe", i.e., it is %% typically unsafe to use them unless you have extra information about %% the call (e.g., if the types are known). However, if they have been %% correctly introduced in the code, most of them are also OK to remove %% if the result is not used. -spec is_safe(icode_primop()) -> boolean(). is_safe('+') -> false; is_safe('/') -> false; is_safe('*') -> false; is_safe('-') -> false; is_safe('bsr') -> false; is_safe('bsl') -> false; is_safe('band') -> false; is_safe('bor') -> false; is_safe('bxor') -> false; is_safe('bnot') -> false; is_safe('div') -> false; is_safe('rem') -> false; is_safe(call_fun) -> false; is_safe(check_get_msg) -> false; is_safe(clear_timeout) -> false; is_safe(cons) -> true; %% is_safe(conv_to_float) -> false; is_safe(extra_unsafe_add) -> true; is_safe(extra_unsafe_sub) -> true; is_safe(fcheckerror) -> false; is_safe(fclearerror) -> false; is_safe(fp_add) -> false; is_safe(fp_div) -> false; is_safe(fp_mul) -> false; is_safe(fp_sub) -> false; is_safe(mktuple) -> true; is_safe(next_msg) -> false; is_safe(recv_mark) -> false; is_safe(recv_set) -> false; is_safe(redtest) -> false; is_safe(select_msg) -> false; is_safe(self) -> true; is_safe(set_timeout) -> false; is_safe(suspend_msg) -> false; is_safe(unsafe_add) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_band) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_bnot) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_bor) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_bsl) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_bsr) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_bxor) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_hd) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_sub) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_tag_float) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_tl) -> true; is_safe(unsafe_untag_float) -> true; is_safe(#apply_N{}) -> false; is_safe(#closure_element{}) -> true; is_safe(#element{}) -> false; %% is_safe(#gc_test{}) -> ??? is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_start_match, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {{bs_start_match, bitstr}, _}}) -> true; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {{bs_start_match, ok_matchstate}, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary_all, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary_all_2, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_integer, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_float, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_skip_bits, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_skip_bits_all, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_test_tail, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_restore, _}}) -> true; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_save, _}}) -> true; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_add, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_add, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_bits_to_bytes}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_bits_to_bytes2}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init_bits, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init_bits, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_binary, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_binary_all, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_float, _, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_integer, _, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_string, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_put_utf8}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_utf8_size}) -> true; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_get_utf8}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_utf16_size}) -> true; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_utf16, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_utf16, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_validate_unicode}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_validate_unicode_retract}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {unsafe_bs_put_integer, _, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_final}) -> true; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_context_to_binary}) -> true; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_test_unit, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_match_string, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_append, _, _, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_private_append, _, _}}) -> false; is_safe({hipe_bs_primop, bs_init_writable}) -> true; is_safe(#mkfun{}) -> true; is_safe(#unsafe_element{}) -> true; is_safe(#unsafe_update_element{}) -> true; is_safe(debug_native_called) -> false. -spec fails(icode_funcall()) -> boolean(). fails('+') -> true; fails('-') -> true; fails('*') -> true; fails('/') -> true; fails('bnot') -> true; fails('band') -> true; fails('bor') -> true; fails('bsl') -> true; fails('bsr') -> true; fails('bxor') -> true; fails('div') -> true; fails('rem') -> true; fails(call_fun) -> true; fails(check_get_msg) -> true; fails(clear_timeout) -> false; fails(cons) -> false; fails(conv_to_float) -> true; fails(extra_unsafe_add) -> false; fails(extra_unsafe_sub) -> false; fails(fcheckerror) -> true; fails(fclearerror) -> false; fails(fp_add) -> false; fails(fp_div) -> false; fails(fp_mul) -> false; fails(fp_sub) -> false; fails(mktuple) -> false; fails(next_msg) -> false; fails(recv_mark) -> false; fails(recv_set) -> false; fails(redtest) -> false; fails(select_msg) -> false; fails(self) -> false; fails(set_timeout) -> true; fails(suspend_msg) -> false; fails(unsafe_untag_float) -> false; fails(unsafe_tag_float) -> false; fails(unsafe_add) -> false; fails(unsafe_band) -> false; fails(unsafe_bnot) -> false; fails(unsafe_bor) -> false; fails(unsafe_bsl) -> false; fails(unsafe_bsr) -> false; fails(unsafe_bxor) -> false; fails(unsafe_hd) -> false; fails(unsafe_sub) -> false; %% fails(unsafe_tag_float) -> false; fails(unsafe_tl) -> false; %% fails(unsafe_untag_float) -> false; fails(#apply_N{}) -> true; fails(#closure_element{}) -> false; fails(#element{}) -> true; %% fails(#gc_test{}) -> ??? fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_start_match, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {{bs_start_match, bitstr}, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {{bs_start_match, ok_matchstate}, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary_all, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary_all_2, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_integer, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_float, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_skip_bits, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_skip_bits_all, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_test_tail, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_restore, _}}) -> false; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_save, _}}) -> false; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_context_to_binary}) -> false; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_test_unit, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_match_string, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_add, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_add, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_bits_to_bytes}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_bits_to_bytes2}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init_bits, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init_bits, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_binary, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_binary_all, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_float, _, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_integer, _, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_string, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_put_utf8}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_utf8_size}) -> false; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_get_utf8}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_utf16_size}) -> false; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_utf16, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_utf16, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_validate_unicode}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_validate_unicode_retract}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {unsafe_bs_put_integer, _, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_final}) -> false; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_append, _, _, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, {bs_private_append, _, _}}) -> true; fails({hipe_bs_primop, bs_init_writable}) -> true; fails(#mkfun{}) -> false; fails(#unsafe_element{}) -> false; fails(#unsafe_update_element{}) -> false; fails(debug_native_called) -> false; %% Apparently, we are calling fails/1 for all MFAs which are compiled. %% This is weird and we should restructure the compiler to avoid %% calling fails/1 for things that are not primops. fails({M, F, A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A), 0 =< A, A =< 255 -> %% Yes, we should move this. not erl_bifs:is_safe(M, F, A). %%===================================================================== %% Pretty printing %%===================================================================== -spec pp(io:device(), icode_primop()) -> 'ok'. pp(Dev, Op) -> case Op of #apply_N{arity = N} -> io:format(Dev, "apply_N<~w>/", [N]); #closure_element{n = N} -> io:format(Dev, "closure_element<~w>", [N]); #element{} -> io:format(Dev, "element", []); #gc_test{need = N} -> io:format(Dev, "gc_test<~w>", [N]); {hipe_bs_primop, BsOp} -> case BsOp of {bs_put_binary_all, Unit, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_put_binary_all<~w, ~w>", [Unit,Flags]); {bs_put_binary, Size} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_put_binary<~w>", [Size]); {bs_put_binary, Flags, Size} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_put_binary<~w, ~w>", [Flags, Size]); {bs_put_float, Flags, Size, _ConstInfo} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_put_float<~w, ~w>", [Flags, Size]); {bs_put_string, String, SizeInBytes} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_put_string<~w, ~w>", [String, SizeInBytes]); {bs_put_integer, Bits, Flags, _ConstInfo} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_put_integer<~w, ~w>", [Bits, Flags]); {unsafe_bs_put_integer, Bits, Flags, _ConstInfo} -> io:format(Dev, "unsafe_bs_put_integer<~w, ~w>", [Bits, Flags]); {bs_skip_bits_all, Unit, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_skip_bits_all<~w,~w>", [Unit, Flags]); {bs_skip_bits, Unit} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_skip_bits<~w>", [Unit]); {bs_start_match, Max} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_start_match<~w>", [Max]); {{bs_start_match, Type}, Max} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_start_match<~w,~w>", [Type,Max]); {bs_match_string, String, SizeInBits} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_match_string<~w, ~w>", [String, SizeInBits]); {bs_get_integer, Size, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_get_integer<~w, ~w>", [Size, Flags]); {bs_get_float, Size, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_get_float<~w, ~w>", [Size, Flags]); {bs_get_binary, Size, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_get_binary<~w, ~w>", [Size, Flags]); {bs_get_binary_all, Unit, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_get_binary_all<~w,~w>", [Unit, Flags]); {bs_get_binary_all_2, Unit, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_get_binary_all<~w,~w>", [Unit, Flags]); {bs_test_tail, NumBits} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_test_tail<~w>", [NumBits]); {bs_test_unit, Unit} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_test_unit<~w>", [Unit]); bs_context_to_binary -> io:format(Dev, "bs_context_to_binary", []); {bs_restore, Index} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_restore<~w>", [Index]); {bs_save, Index} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_save<~w>", [Index]); {bs_init, Size, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_init<~w, ~w>", [Size, Flags]); {bs_init,Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_init<~w>", [Flags]); {bs_init_bits, Size, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_init_bits<~w, ~w>", [Size, Flags]); {bs_init_bits, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_init_bits<~w>", [Flags]); {bs_add, Unit} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_add<~w>", [Unit]); {bs_add, Const, Unit} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_add<~w, ~w>", [Const, Unit]); {bs_append, X, Y, Z, W} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_append<~w, ~w, ~w, ~w>", [X, Y, Z, W]); {bs_private_append, U, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_private_append<~w, ~w>", [U, Flags]); bs_bits_to_bytes -> io:format(Dev, "bs_bits_to_bytes", []); bs_bits_to_bytes2 -> io:format(Dev, "bs_bits_to_bytes2", []); bs_utf8_size -> io:format(Dev, "bs_utf8_size", []); bs_put_utf8 -> io:format(Dev, "bs_put_utf8", []); bs_get_utf8 -> io:format(Dev, "bs_get_utf8", []); bs_utf16_size -> io:format(Dev, "bs_utf16_size", []); {bs_put_utf16, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_put_utf16<~w>", [Flags]); {bs_get_utf16, Flags} -> io:format(Dev, "bs_get_utf16<~w>", [Flags]); bs_validate_unicode -> io:format(Dev, "bs_validate_unicode", []); bs_validate_unicode_retract -> io:format(Dev, "bs_validate_unicode_retract", []); bs_final -> io:format(Dev, "bs_final", []); bs_final2 -> io:format(Dev, "bs_final2", []); bs_init_writable -> io:format(Dev, "bs_init_writable", []) end; #mkfun{mfa = {Mod, Fun, Arity}, magic_num = Unique, index = I} -> io:format(Dev, "mkfun<~w,~w,~w,~w,~w>", [Mod, Fun, Arity, Unique, I]); #unsafe_element{index = N} -> io:format(Dev, "unsafe_element<~w>", [N]); #unsafe_update_element{index = N} -> io:format(Dev, "unsafe_update_element<~w>", [N]); Fun when is_atom(Fun) -> io:format(Dev, "~w", [Fun]) end. %%===================================================================== %% Type handling %%===================================================================== -spec type(icode_funcall(), [erl_types:erl_type()]) -> erl_types:erl_type(). type(Primop, Args) -> case Primop of %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Arithops '+' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '+', 2, Args); '-' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '-', 2, Args); '*' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '*', 2, Args); '/' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '/', 2, Args); 'band' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'band', 2, Args); 'bnot' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bnot', 1, Args); 'bor' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bor', 2, Args); 'bxor' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bxor', 2, Args); 'bsl' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bsl', 2, Args); 'bsr' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bsr', 2, Args); 'div' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'div', 2, Args); 'rem' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'rem', 2, Args); extra_unsafe_add -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '+', 2, Args); unsafe_add -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '+', 2, Args); unsafe_bnot -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bnot', 1, Args); unsafe_bor -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bor', 2, Args); unsafe_band -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'band', 2, Args); unsafe_bxor -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bxor', 2, Args); unsafe_sub -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '-', 2, Args); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Lists cons -> [HeadType, TailType] = Args, erl_types:t_cons(HeadType, TailType); unsafe_hd -> [Type] = Args, case erl_types:t_is_cons(Type) of true -> erl_types:t_cons_hd(Type); false -> erl_types:t_none() end; unsafe_tl -> [Type] = Args, case erl_types:t_is_cons(Type) of true -> erl_types:t_cons_tl(Type); false -> erl_types:t_none() end; %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Tuples mktuple -> erl_types:t_tuple(Args); #element{} -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, element, 2, Args); #unsafe_element{index = N} -> [Type] = Args, case erl_types:t_is_tuple(Type) of false -> erl_types:t_none(); true -> Index = erl_types:t_from_term(N), erl_bif_types:type(erlang, element, 2, [Index|Args]) end; #unsafe_update_element{index = N} -> %% Same, same erl_bif_types:type(erlang, setelement, 3, [erl_types:t_integer(N)|Args]); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Floats fclearerror -> erl_types:t_any(); fcheckerror -> erl_types:t_any(); unsafe_tag_float -> erl_types:t_float(); %% These might look surprising, but the return is an untagged %% float and we have no type for untagged values. conv_to_float -> erl_types:t_any(); unsafe_untag_float -> erl_types:t_any(); fp_add -> erl_types:t_any(); fp_sub -> erl_types:t_any(); fp_mul -> erl_types:t_any(); fp_div -> erl_types:t_any(); fnegate -> erl_types:t_any(); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_start_match, Max}} -> [Type] = Args, Init = erl_types:t_sup( erl_types:t_matchstate_present(Type), erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_bitstr(1, 0), Type)), case erl_types:t_is_none(Init) of true -> erl_types:t_none(); false -> erl_types:t_matchstate(Init, Max) end; {hipe_bs_primop, {{bs_start_match, _}, Max}} -> [Type] = Args, Init = erl_types:t_sup( erl_types:t_matchstate_present(Type), erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_bitstr(1, 0), Type)), case erl_types:t_is_none(Init) of true -> erl_types:t_none(); false -> erl_types:t_matchstate(Init, Max) end; {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_integer, Size, Flags}} -> Signed = Flags band 4, [MatchState|RestArgs] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), case RestArgs of [] -> NewBinType = match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Size), BinType), NewMatchState = erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(NewBinType, MatchState), Range = case Signed of 0 -> UpperBound = inf_add(safe_bsl_1(Size), -1), erl_types:t_from_range(0, UpperBound); 4 -> Bound = safe_bsl_1(Size - 1), erl_types:t_from_range(inf_inv(Bound), inf_add(Bound, -1)) end, erl_types:t_product([Range, NewMatchState]); [_Arg] -> NewBinType = match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(Size, 0), BinType), NewMatchState = erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(NewBinType, MatchState), erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_integer(), NewMatchState]) end; {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_float, Size, _Flags}} -> [MatchState|RestArgs] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), NewBinType = case RestArgs of [] -> match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(0,Size),BinType); [_Arg] -> erl_types:t_sup(match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 32), BinType), match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 64), BinType)) end, NewMatchState = erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(NewBinType, MatchState), erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_float(), NewMatchState]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary, Size, _Flags}} -> [MatchState|RestArgs] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), case RestArgs of [] -> NewBinType = match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Size), BinType), NewMatchState = erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(NewBinType, MatchState), erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_bitstr(0,Size), NewMatchState]); [ArgType] -> Posint = erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_non_neg_integer(), ArgType), case erl_types:t_is_none(Posint) of true -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_none(), erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present( erl_types:t_none(), MatchState)]); false -> OutBinType = erl_types:t_bitstr(Size,erl_types:number_min(Posint)*Size), NewBinType = match_bin(OutBinType,BinType), NewMatchState = erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(NewBinType, MatchState), erl_types:t_product([OutBinType, NewMatchState]) end end; {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary_all, Unit, _Flags}} -> [MatchState] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), erl_types:t_inf(BinType, erl_types:t_bitstr(Unit, 0)); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary_all_2, Unit, _Flags}} -> [MatchState] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_inf(BinType,erl_types:t_bitstr(Unit, 0)), erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present( erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 0), MatchState)]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_skip_bits_all, _Unit, _Flags}} -> [MatchState] = Args, erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(erl_types:t_bitstr(0,0),MatchState); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_skip_bits, Size}} -> [MatchState|RestArgs] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), NewBinType = case RestArgs of [] -> match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Size), BinType); [_Arg] -> match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(Size, 0), BinType) end, erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(NewBinType, MatchState); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_save, Slot}} -> [MatchState] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), erl_types:t_matchstate_update_slot(BinType, MatchState, Slot); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_restore, Slot}} -> [MatchState] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_slot(MatchState, Slot), erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(BinType, MatchState); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_context_to_binary} -> [Type] = Args, erl_types:t_sup( erl_types:t_subtract(Type, erl_types:t_matchstate()), erl_types:t_matchstate_slot( erl_types:t_inf(Type, erl_types:t_matchstate()), 0)); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_match_string,_,Bits}} -> [MatchState] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), NewBinType = match_bin(erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Bits), BinType), erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(NewBinType, MatchState); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_test_unit,Unit}} -> [MatchState] = Args, BinType = erl_types:t_matchstate_present(MatchState), NewBinType = erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_bitstr(Unit, 0), BinType), erl_types:t_matchstate_update_present(NewBinType, MatchState); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_add, _, _}} -> erl_types:t_integer(); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_add, _}} -> erl_types:t_integer(); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_bits_to_bytes} -> erl_types:t_integer(); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_bits_to_bytes2} -> erl_types:t_integer(); {hipe_bs_primop, {Name, Size, _Flags, _ConstInfo}} when Name =:= bs_put_integer; Name =:= bs_put_float -> case Args of [_SrcType, _Base, Type] -> erl_types:t_bitstr_concat(Type, erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Size)); [_SrcType,_BitsType, _Base, Type] -> erl_types:t_bitstr_concat(Type, erl_types:t_bitstr(Size, 0)) end; {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_binary, Size, _Flags}} -> case Args of [_SrcType, _Base, Type] -> erl_types:t_bitstr_concat(Type, erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Size)); [_SrcType, _BitsType, _Base, Type] -> erl_types:t_bitstr_concat(Type, erl_types:t_bitstr(Size, 0)) end; {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_binary_all, Unit, _Flags}} -> [SrcType0, _Base, Type] = Args, SrcType = erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_bitstr(Unit, 0), SrcType0), erl_types:t_bitstr_concat(SrcType,Type); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_put_string, _, Size}} -> [_Base, Type] = Args, erl_types:t_bitstr_concat(Type, erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 8*Size)); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_utf8_size} -> [_Arg] = Args, erl_types:t_from_range(1, 4); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_utf16_size} -> [_Arg] = Args, erl_types:t_from_range(2, 4); % XXX: really 2 | 4 {hipe_bs_primop, bs_final} -> [_Base, Type] = Args, Type; {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init, Size, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Size*8), erl_types:t_any(), erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 0)]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_binary(), erl_types:t_any(), erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 0)]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init_bits, Size, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Size), erl_types:t_any(), erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 0)]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init_bits, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_any(), erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 0)]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_private_append, _U, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_any(), erl_types:t_bitstr()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_append, _W, _R, _U, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_any(), erl_types:t_bitstr()]); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_init_writable} -> erl_types:t_bitstr(0, 0); {hipe_bs_primop, _BsOp} -> erl_types:t_any(); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Funs #mkfun{mfa = {_M, _F, A}} -> %% Note that the arity includes the bound variables in args erl_types:t_fun(A - length(Args), erl_types:t_any()); #apply_N{} -> erl_types:t_any(); Op when Op =:= call_fun orelse Op =:= enter_fun -> [Fun0|TailArgs0] = lists:reverse(Args), TailArgs = lists:reverse(TailArgs0), Fun = erl_types:t_inf(erl_types:t_fun(), Fun0), case erl_types:t_is_fun(Fun) of true -> case erl_types:t_fun_args(Fun) of unknown -> erl_types:t_any(); FunArgs -> case check_fun_args(FunArgs, TailArgs) of ok -> erl_types:t_fun_range(Fun); error -> erl_types:t_none() end end; false -> erl_types:t_none() end; %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Communication check_get_msg -> erl_types:t_any(); clear_timeout -> erl_types:t_any(); next_msg -> erl_types:t_any(); recv_mark -> erl_types:t_any(); recv_set -> erl_types:t_any(); select_msg -> erl_types:t_any(); set_timeout -> erl_types:t_any(); suspend_msg -> erl_types:t_any(); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Other #closure_element{} -> erl_types:t_any(); redtest -> erl_types:t_any(); debug_native_called -> erl_types:t_any(); {M, F, A} -> erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A, Args) end. -spec type(icode_funcall()) -> erl_types:erl_type(). type(Primop) -> case Primop of %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Arithops 'bnot' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bnot', 1); '+' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '+', 2); '-' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '-', 2); '*' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '*', 2); '/' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '/', 2); 'div' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'div', 2); 'rem' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'rem', 2); 'band' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'band', 2); 'bor' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bor', 2); 'bxor' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bxor', 2); 'bsr' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bsr', 2); 'bsl' -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bsl', 2); unsafe_add -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '+', 2); extra_unsafe_add -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '+', 2); unsafe_sub -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, '-', 2); unsafe_bor -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bor', 2); unsafe_band -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'band', 2); unsafe_bxor -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, 'bxor', 2); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Lists cons -> erl_types:t_cons(); unsafe_hd -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, hd, 1); unsafe_tl -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, tl, 1); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Tuples mktuple -> erl_types:t_tuple(); #element{} -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, element, 2); #unsafe_element{} -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, element, 2); #unsafe_update_element{} -> erl_bif_types:type(erlang, setelement, 3); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Floats fclearerror -> erl_types:t_any(); fcheckerror -> erl_types:t_any(); unsafe_tag_float -> erl_types:t_float(); %% These might look surprising, but the return is an untagged %% float and we have no type for untagged values. conv_to_float -> erl_types:t_any(); unsafe_untag_float -> erl_types:t_any(); fp_add -> erl_types:t_any(); fp_sub -> erl_types:t_any(); fp_mul -> erl_types:t_any(); fp_div -> erl_types:t_any(); fnegate -> erl_types:t_any(); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Binaries {hipe_bs_primop, bs_get_utf8} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_integer(), erl_types:t_matchstate()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_utf16, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_integer(), erl_types:t_matchstate()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_integer, _Size, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_integer(), erl_types:t_matchstate()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_float, _, _}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_float(), erl_types:t_matchstate()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary, _, _}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_matchstate()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary_all, _, _}} -> erl_types:t_bitstr(); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_get_binary_all_2, _, _}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_matchstate()]); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_final} -> erl_types:t_bitstr(); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init, _, _}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_binary(), erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_bitstr()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init, _}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_binary(), erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_bitstr()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init_bits, Size, _}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_bitstr(0, Size), erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_bitstr()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_init_bits, _}} -> erl_types:t_product([erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_bitstr()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_add, _, _}} -> erl_types:t_integer(); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_add, _}} -> erl_types:t_integer(); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_bits_to_bytes} -> erl_types:t_integer(); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_bits_to_bytes2} -> erl_types:t_integer(); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_private_append, _U, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_any(), erl_types:t_bitstr()]); {hipe_bs_primop, {bs_append, _W, _R, _U, _Flags}} -> erl_types:t_product( [erl_types:t_bitstr(), erl_types:t_any(), erl_types:t_bitstr()]); {hipe_bs_primop, bs_init_writable} -> erl_types:t_bitstr(); {hipe_bs_primop, _BsOp} -> erl_types:t_any(); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Funs #mkfun{} -> %% Note that the arity includes the bound variables in args erl_types:t_fun(); #apply_N{} -> erl_types:t_any(); call_fun -> erl_types:t_any(); enter_fun -> erl_types:t_any(); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Communication check_get_msg -> erl_types:t_any(); clear_timeout -> erl_types:t_any(); next_msg -> erl_types:t_any(); recv_mark -> erl_types:t_any(); recv_set -> erl_types:t_any(); select_msg -> erl_types:t_any(); set_timeout -> erl_types:t_any(); suspend_msg -> erl_types:t_any(); %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Other #closure_element{} -> erl_types:t_any(); redtest -> erl_types:t_any(); debug_native_called -> erl_types:t_any(); {M, F, A} -> erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A) end. %% ===================================================================== %% @doc %% function arg_types returns a list of the demanded argument types for %% a bif to succeed. -spec arg_types(icode_funcall()) -> [erl_types:erl_type()] | 'unknown'. arg_types(Primop) -> case Primop of {M, F, A} -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(M, F, A); #element{} -> [erl_types:t_pos_fixnum(), erl_types:t_tuple()]; '+' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, '+', 2); '-' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, '-', 2); '*' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, '*', 2); '/' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, '/', 2); 'band' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, 'band', 2); 'bnot' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, 'bnot', 1); 'bor' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, 'bor', 2); 'bxor' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, 'bxor', 2); 'bsl' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, 'bsl', 2); 'bsr' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, 'bsr', 2); 'div' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, 'div', 2); 'rem' -> erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, 'rem', 2); _ -> unknown % safe approximation for all primops. end. %%===================================================================== %% Auxiliary functions %%===================================================================== check_fun_args([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2]) -> Inf = erl_types:t_inf(T1, T2), case erl_types:t_inf(Inf, T2) of Inf -> check_fun_args(Left1, Left2); _ -> error end; check_fun_args([], []) -> ok; check_fun_args(_, _) -> error. match_bin(Pattern, Match) -> erl_types:t_bitstr_match(Pattern, Match). -spec safe_bsl_1(non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer() | 'pos_inf'. safe_bsl_1(Shift) when Shift =< 128 -> 1 bsl Shift; safe_bsl_1(_Shift) -> pos_inf. %% %% The following two functions are stripped-down versions of more %% general functions that exist in hipe_icode_range.erl %% inf_inv(pos_inf) -> neg_inf; inf_inv(Number) when is_integer(Number) -> -Number. inf_add(pos_inf, _Number) -> pos_inf; inf_add(Number1, Number2) when is_integer(Number1), is_integer(Number2) -> Number1 + Number2.