%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- -module(hipe_rtl_to_llvm). -author("Chris Stavrakakis, Yiannis Tsiouris"). -export([translate/2]). % the main function of this module -export([fix_mfa_name/1]). % a help function used in hipe_llvm_main -include("../rtl/hipe_rtl.hrl"). -include("../rtl/hipe_literals.hrl"). -include("hipe_llvm_arch.hrl"). -define(WORD_WIDTH, (?bytes_to_bits(hipe_rtl_arch:word_size()))). -define(BRANCH_META_TAKEN, "0"). -define(BRANCH_META_NOT_TAKEN, "1"). -define(FIRST_FREE_META_NO, 2). -define(HIPE_LITERALS_META, "hipe.literals"). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Main function for translating an RTL function to LLVM Assembly. Takes as %% input the RTL code and the variable indexes of possible garbage %% collection roots and returns the corresponing LLVM, a dictionary with %% all the relocations in the code and a hipe_consttab() with informaton %% about data. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translate(RTL, Roots) -> Fun = hipe_rtl:rtl_fun(RTL), Params = hipe_rtl:rtl_params(RTL), Data = hipe_rtl:rtl_data(RTL), Code = hipe_rtl:rtl_code(RTL), %% Init unique symbol generator and initialize the label counter to the last %% RTL label. hipe_gensym:init(llvm), {_, MaxLabel} = hipe_rtl:rtl_label_range(RTL), put({llvm,label_count}, MaxLabel + 1), %% Put first label of RTL code in process dictionary find_code_entry_label(Code), %% Initialize relocations symbol dictionary Relocs = dict:new(), %% Print RTL to file %% {ok, File_rtl} = file:open("rtl_" ++integer_to_list(random:uniform(2000)) %% ++ ".rtl", [write]), %% hipe_rtl:pp(File_rtl, RTL), %% file:close(File_rtl), %% Pass on RTL code to handle exception handling and identify labels of Fail %% Blocks {Code1, FailLabels} = fix_code(Code), %% Allocate stack slots for each virtual register and declare gc roots AllocaStackCode = alloca_stack(Code1, Params, Roots), %% Translate Code {LLVM_Code1, Relocs1, NewData} = translate_instr_list(Code1, [], Relocs, Data), %% Create LLVM code to declare relocation symbols as external symbols along %% with local variables in order to use them as just any other variable {FinalRelocs, ExternalDecl0, LocalVars} = handle_relocations(Relocs1, Data, Fun), ExternalDecl = add_literals_metadata(ExternalDecl0), %% Pass on LLVM code in order to create Fail blocks and a landingpad %% instruction to each one LLVM_Code2 = add_landingpads(LLVM_Code1, FailLabels), %% Create LLVM Code for the compiled function LLVM_Code3 = create_function_definition(Fun, Params, LLVM_Code2, AllocaStackCode ++ LocalVars), %% Final Code = CompiledFunction + External Declarations FinalLLVMCode = [LLVM_Code3 | ExternalDecl], {FinalLLVMCode, FinalRelocs, NewData}. find_code_entry_label([]) -> exit({?MODULE, find_code_entry_label, "Empty code"}); find_code_entry_label([I|_]) -> case hipe_rtl:is_label(I) of true -> put(first_label, hipe_rtl:label_name(I)); false -> exit({?MODULE, find_code_entry_label, "First instruction is not a label"}) end. %% @doc Create a stack slot for each virtual register. The stack slots %% that correspond to possible garbage collection roots must be %% marked as such. alloca_stack(Code, Params, Roots) -> %% Find all assigned virtual registers Destinations = collect_destinations(Code), %% Declare virtual registers, and declare garbage collection roots do_alloca_stack(Destinations++Params, Params, Roots). collect_destinations(Code) -> lists:usort(lists:flatmap(fun insn_dst/1, Code)). do_alloca_stack(Destinations, Params, Roots) -> do_alloca_stack(Destinations, Params, Roots, []). do_alloca_stack([], _, _, Acc) -> Acc; do_alloca_stack([D|Ds], Params, Roots, Acc) -> {Name, _I} = trans_dst(D), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)), case hipe_rtl:is_var(D) of true -> Num = hipe_rtl:var_index(D), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_alloca(Name, WordTy, [], []), case lists:member(Num, Roots) of true -> %% Variable is a possible Root T1 = mk_temp(), BYTE_TYPE_PP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTyPtr), I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T1, bitcast, WordTyPtr, Name, BYTE_TYPE_PP), GcRootArgs = [{BYTE_TYPE_PP, T1}, {ByteTyPtr, "@gc_metadata"}], I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_call([], false, [], [], hipe_llvm:mk_void(), "@llvm.gcroot", GcRootArgs, []), I4 = case lists:member(D, Params) of false -> hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, "-5", WordTyPtr, Name, [], [], false); true -> [] end, do_alloca_stack(Ds, Params, Roots, [I1, I2, I3, I4 | Acc]); false -> do_alloca_stack(Ds, Params, Roots, [I1|Acc]) end; false -> case hipe_rtl:is_reg(D) andalso isPrecoloured(D) of true -> %% Precoloured registers are mapped to "special" stack slots do_alloca_stack(Ds, Params, Roots, Acc); false -> I1 = case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(D) of true -> FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(), hipe_llvm:mk_alloca(Name, FloatTy, [], []); false -> hipe_llvm:mk_alloca(Name, WordTy, [], []) end, do_alloca_stack(Ds, Params, Roots, [I1|Acc]) end end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Translation of the linearized RTL Code. Each RTL instruction is %% translated to a list of LLVM Assembly instructions. The relocation %% dictionary is updated when needed. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translate_instr_list([], Acc, Relocs, Data) -> {lists:reverse(lists:flatten(Acc)), Relocs, Data}; translate_instr_list([I | Is], Acc, Relocs, Data) -> {Acc1, NewRelocs, NewData} = translate_instr(I, Relocs, Data), translate_instr_list(Is, [Acc1 | Acc], NewRelocs, NewData). translate_instr(I, Relocs, Data) -> case I of #alu{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_alu(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #alub{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_alub(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #branch{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_branch(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #call{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = case hipe_rtl:call_fun(I) of %% In AMD64 this instruction does nothing! %% TODO: chech use of fwait in other architectures! fwait -> {[], Relocs}; _ -> trans_call(I, Relocs) end, {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #comment{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_comment(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #enter{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_enter(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #fconv{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fconv(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #fload{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fload(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #fmove{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fmove(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #fp{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fp(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #fp_unop{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fp_unop(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #fstore{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_fstore(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #goto{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_goto(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #label{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_label(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #load{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_load(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #load_address{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_load_address(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #load_atom{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_load_atom(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #move{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_move(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #return{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_return(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #store{} -> {I2, Relocs2} = trans_store(I, Relocs), {I2, Relocs2, Data}; #switch{} -> %% Only switch instruction updates Data {I2, Relocs2, NewData} = trans_switch(I, Relocs, Data), {I2, Relocs2, NewData}; Other -> exit({?MODULE, translate_instr, {"Unknown RTL instruction", Other}}) end. %% %% alu %% trans_alu(I, Relocs) -> RtlDst = hipe_rtl:alu_dst(I), TmpDst = mk_temp(), {Src1, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alu_src1(I)), {Src2, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alu_src2(I)), Op = trans_op(hipe_rtl:alu_op(I)), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(TmpDst, Op, WordTy, Src1, Src2, []), I4 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, RtlDst), {[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% %% alub %% trans_alub(I, Relocs) -> case hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I) of Op when Op =:= overflow orelse Op =:= not_overflow -> trans_alub_overflow(I, signed, Relocs); ltu -> %% ltu means unsigned overflow trans_alub_overflow(I, unsigned, Relocs); _ -> trans_alub_no_overflow(I, Relocs) end. trans_alub_overflow(I, Sign, Relocs) -> {Src1, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alub_src1(I)), {Src2, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alub_src2(I)), RtlDst = hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I), TmpDst = mk_temp(), Name = trans_alub_op(I, Sign), NewRelocs = relocs_store(Name, {call, remote, {llvm, Name, 2}}, Relocs), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), ReturnType = hipe_llvm:mk_struct([WordTy, hipe_llvm:mk_int(1)]), T1 = mk_temp(), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_call(T1, false, [], [], ReturnType, "@" ++ Name, [{WordTy, Src1}, {WordTy, Src2}], []), %% T1{0}: result of the operation I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_extractvalue(TmpDst, ReturnType, T1 , "0", []), I5 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, RtlDst), T2 = mk_temp(), %% T1{1}: Boolean variable indicating overflow I6 = hipe_llvm:mk_extractvalue(T2, ReturnType, T1, "1", []), {TrueLabel, FalseLabel, MetaData} = case hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I) of Op when Op =:= overflow orelse Op =:= ltu -> {mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_true_label(I)), mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_false_label(I)), branch_metadata(hipe_rtl:alub_pred(I))}; not_overflow -> {mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_false_label(I)), mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_true_label(I)), branch_metadata(1 - hipe_rtl:alub_pred(I))} end, I7 = hipe_llvm:mk_br_cond(T2, TrueLabel, FalseLabel, MetaData), {[I7, I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], NewRelocs}. trans_alub_op(I, Sign) -> Name = case Sign of signed -> case hipe_rtl:alub_op(I) of add -> "llvm.sadd.with.overflow."; mul -> "llvm.smul.with.overflow."; sub -> "llvm.ssub.with.overflow."; Op -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown alub operator", Op}}) end; unsigned -> case hipe_rtl:alub_op(I) of add -> "llvm.uadd.with.overflow."; mul -> "llvm.umul.with.overflow."; sub -> "llvm.usub.with.overflow."; Op -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown alub operator", Op}}) end end, Type = case hipe_rtl_arch:word_size() of 4 -> "i32"; 8 -> "i64" %% Other -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown type", Other}}) end, Name ++ Type. trans_alub_no_overflow(I, Relocs) -> %% alu T = hipe_rtl:mk_alu(hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I), hipe_rtl:alub_src1(I), hipe_rtl:alub_op(I), hipe_rtl:alub_src2(I)), %% A trans_alu instruction cannot change relocations {I1, _} = trans_alu(T, Relocs), %% icmp %% Translate destination as src, to match with the semantics of instruction {Dst, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I)), Cond = trans_rel_op(hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I)), T3 = mk_temp(), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), I5 = hipe_llvm:mk_icmp(T3, Cond, WordTy, Dst, "0"), %% br Metadata = branch_metadata(hipe_rtl:alub_pred(I)), True_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_true_label(I)), False_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:alub_false_label(I)), I6 = hipe_llvm:mk_br_cond(T3, True_label, False_label, Metadata), {[I6, I5, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% %% branch %% trans_branch(I, Relocs) -> {Src1, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:branch_src1(I)), {Src2, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:branch_src2(I)), Cond = trans_rel_op(hipe_rtl:branch_cond(I)), %% icmp T1 = mk_temp(), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_icmp(T1, Cond, WordTy, Src1, Src2), %% br True_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:branch_true_label(I)), False_label = mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:branch_false_label(I)), Metadata = branch_metadata(hipe_rtl:branch_pred(I)), I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_br_cond(T1, True_label, False_label, Metadata), {[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. branch_metadata(X) when X =:= 0.5 -> []; branch_metadata(X) when X > 0.5 -> ?BRANCH_META_TAKEN; branch_metadata(X) when X < 0.5 -> ?BRANCH_META_NOT_TAKEN. %% %% call %% trans_call(I, Relocs) -> RtlCallArgList= hipe_rtl:call_arglist(I), RtlCallName = hipe_rtl:call_fun(I), {I0, Relocs1} = expose_closure(RtlCallName, RtlCallArgList, Relocs), TmpDst = mk_temp(), {CallArgs, I1} = trans_call_args(RtlCallArgList), FixedRegs = fixed_registers(), {LoadedFixedRegs, I2} = load_fixed_regs(FixedRegs), FinalArgs = fix_reg_args(LoadedFixedRegs) ++ CallArgs, {Name, I3, Relocs2} = trans_call_name(RtlCallName, hipe_rtl:call_type(I), Relocs1, CallArgs, FinalArgs), T1 = mk_temp(), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)), I4 = case hipe_rtl:call_fail(I) of %% Normal Call [] -> hipe_llvm:mk_call(T1, false, "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, Name, FinalArgs, []); %% Call With Exception FailLabelNum -> TrueLabel = "L" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:call_normal(I)), FailLabel = "%FL" ++ integer_to_list(FailLabelNum), II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_invoke(T1, "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, Name, FinalArgs, [], "%" ++ TrueLabel, FailLabel), II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_label(TrueLabel), [II2, II1] end, I5 = store_fixed_regs(FixedRegs, T1), I6 = case hipe_rtl:call_dstlist(I) of [] -> []; %% No return value [Destination] -> II3 = hipe_llvm:mk_extractvalue(TmpDst, FunRetTy, T1, integer_to_list(?NR_PINNED_REGS), []), II4 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, Destination), [II4, II3] end, I7 = case hipe_rtl:call_continuation(I) of [] -> []; %% No continuation CC -> {II5, _} = trans_goto(hipe_rtl:mk_goto(CC), Relocs2), II5 end, {[I7, I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0], Relocs2}. %% In case of call to a register (closure call) with more than ?NR_ARG_REGS %% arguments we must track the offset this call in the code, in order to %% to correct the stack descriptor. So, we insert a new Label and add this label %% to the "table_closures" %% --------------------------------|-------------------------------------------- %% Old Code | New Code %% --------------------------------|-------------------------------------------- %% | br %ClosureLabel %% call %reg(Args) | ClosureLabel: %% | call %reg(Args) expose_closure(CallName, CallArgs, Relocs) -> CallArgsNr = length(CallArgs), case hipe_rtl:is_reg(CallName) andalso CallArgsNr > ?NR_ARG_REGS of true -> LabelNum = hipe_gensym:new_label(llvm), ClosureLabel = hipe_llvm:mk_label(mk_label(LabelNum)), JumpIns = hipe_llvm:mk_br(mk_jump_label(LabelNum)), Relocs1 = relocs_store({CallName, LabelNum}, {closure_label, LabelNum, CallArgsNr - ?NR_ARG_REGS}, Relocs), {[ClosureLabel, JumpIns], Relocs1}; false -> {[], Relocs} end. trans_call_name(RtlCallName, RtlCallType, Relocs, CallArgs, FinalArgs) -> case RtlCallName of PrimOp when is_atom(PrimOp) -> LlvmName = trans_prim_op(PrimOp), Relocs1 = relocs_store(LlvmName, {call, not_remote, {bif, PrimOp, length(CallArgs)}}, Relocs), {"@" ++ LlvmName, [], Relocs1}; {M, F, A} when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> LlvmName = trans_mfa_name({M, F, A}, RtlCallType), Relocs1 = relocs_store(LlvmName, {call, RtlCallType, {M, F, length(CallArgs)}}, Relocs), {"@" ++ LlvmName, [], Relocs1}; Reg -> case hipe_rtl:is_reg(Reg) of true -> %% In case of a closure call, the register holding the address %% of the closure must be converted to function type in %% order to make the call TT1 = mk_temp(), {RegName, II1} = trans_src(Reg), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TT1, inttoptr, WordTy, RegName, WordTyPtr), TT2 = mk_temp(), ArgsTypeList = lists:duplicate(length(FinalArgs), WordTy), FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)), FunType = hipe_llvm:mk_fun(FunRetTy, ArgsTypeList), FunTypeP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FunType), II3 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TT2, bitcast, WordTyPtr, TT1, FunTypeP), {TT2, [II3, II2, II1], Relocs}; false -> exit({?MODULE, trans_call, {"Unimplemented call to", RtlCallName}}) end end. %% trans_call_args(ArgList) -> {Args, I} = lists:unzip(trans_args(ArgList)), %% Reverse arguments that are passed to stack to match with the Erlang %% calling convention. (Propably not needed in prim calls.) ReversedArgs = case erlang:length(Args) > ?NR_ARG_REGS of false -> Args; true -> {ArgsInRegs, ArgsInStack} = lists:split(?NR_ARG_REGS, Args), ArgsInRegs ++ lists:reverse(ArgsInStack) end, %% Reverse I, because some of the arguments may go out of scope and %% should be killed(store -5). When two or more arguments are they %% same, then order matters! {ReversedArgs, lists:reverse(I)}. %% %% trans_comment %% trans_comment(I, Relocs) -> I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_comment(hipe_rtl:comment_text(I)), {I1, Relocs}. %% %% enter %% trans_enter(I, Relocs) -> {CallArgs, I0} = trans_call_args(hipe_rtl:enter_arglist(I)), FixedRegs = fixed_registers(), {LoadedFixedRegs, I1} = load_fixed_regs(FixedRegs), FinalArgs = fix_reg_args(LoadedFixedRegs) ++ CallArgs, {Name, I2, NewRelocs} = trans_call_name(hipe_rtl:enter_fun(I), hipe_rtl:enter_type(I), Relocs, CallArgs, FinalArgs), T1 = mk_temp(), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_call(T1, true, "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, Name, FinalArgs, []), I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_ret([{FunRetTy, T1}]), {[I4, I3, I2, I1, I0], NewRelocs}. %% %% fconv %% trans_fconv(I, Relocs) -> %% XXX: Can a fconv destination be a precoloured reg? RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fconv_dst(I), TmpDst = mk_temp(), {Src, I1} = trans_float_src(hipe_rtl:fconv_src(I)), FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TmpDst, sitofp, WordTy, Src, FloatTy), I3 = store_float_stack(TmpDst, RtlDst), {[I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% TODO: fload, fstore, fmove, and fp are almost the same with load, store, move %% and alu. Maybe we should join them. %% %% fload %% trans_fload(I, Relocs) -> RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fload_dst(I), RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:fload_src(I), _Offset = hipe_rtl:fload_offset(I), TmpDst = mk_temp(), {Src, I1} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc), {Offset, I2} = trans_float_src(_Offset), T1 = mk_temp(), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_double()), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(T1, add, WordTy, Src, Offset, []), T2 = mk_temp(), I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, FloatTyPtr), I5 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(TmpDst, FloatTyPtr, T2, [], [], false), I6 = store_float_stack(TmpDst, RtlDst), {[I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% %% fmove %% trans_fmove(I, Relocs) -> RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fmove_dst(I), RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:fmove_src(I), {Src, I1} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc), I2 = store_float_stack(Src, RtlDst), {[I2, I1], Relocs}. %% %% fp %% trans_fp(I, Relocs) -> %% XXX: Just copied trans_alu...think again.. RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fp_dst(I), RtlSrc1 = hipe_rtl:fp_src1(I), RtlSrc2 = hipe_rtl:fp_src2(I), %% Destination cannot be a precoloured register FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(), FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FloatTy), TmpDst = mk_temp(), {Src1, I1} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc1), {Src2, I2} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc2), Op = trans_fp_op(hipe_rtl:fp_op(I)), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(TmpDst, Op, FloatTy, Src1, Src2, []), I4 = store_float_stack(TmpDst, RtlDst), %% Synchronization for floating point exceptions I5 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(FloatTy, TmpDst, FloatTyPtr, "%exception_sync", [], [], true), T1 = mk_temp(), I6 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, FloatTyPtr, "%exception_sync", [], [], true), {[I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% %% fp_unop %% trans_fp_unop(I, Relocs) -> RtlDst = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst(I), RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_src(I), %% Destination cannot be a precoloured register TmpDst = mk_temp(), {Src, I1} = trans_float_src(RtlSrc), Op = trans_fp_op(hipe_rtl:fp_unop_op(I)), FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(), I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(TmpDst, Op, FloatTy, "0.0", Src, []), I3 = store_float_stack(TmpDst, RtlDst), {[I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% TODO: Fix fp_unop in a way like the following. You must change trans_dest, %% in order to call float_to_list in a case of float constant. Maybe the type %% check is expensive... %% Dst = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst(I), %% Src = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_src(I), %% Op = hipe_rtl:fp_unop_op(I), %% Zero = hipe_rtl:mk_imm(0.0), %% I1 = hipe_rtl:mk_fp(Dst, Zero, Op, Src), %% trans_fp(I, Relocs1). %% %% fstore %% trans_fstore(I, Relocs) -> Base = hipe_rtl:fstore_base(I), case isPrecoloured(Base) of true -> trans_fstore_reg(I, Relocs); false -> exit({?MODULE, trans_fstore ,{"Not implemented yet", false}}) end. trans_fstore_reg(I, Relocs) -> {Base, I0} = trans_reg(hipe_rtl:fstore_base(I), dst), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(), FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FloatTy), T1 = mk_temp(), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, WordTyPtr, Base, [], [], false), {Offset, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:fstore_offset(I)), T2 = mk_temp(), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(T2, add, WordTy, T1, Offset, []), T3 = mk_temp(), I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T3, inttoptr, WordTy, T2, FloatTyPtr), {Value, I5} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:fstore_src(I)), I6 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(FloatTy, Value, FloatTyPtr, T3, [], [], false), {[I6, I5, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0], Relocs}. %% %% goto %% trans_goto(I, Relocs) -> I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_br(mk_jump_label(hipe_rtl:goto_label(I))), {I1, Relocs}. %% %% label %% trans_label(I, Relocs) -> Label = mk_label(hipe_rtl:label_name(I)), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_label(Label), {I1, Relocs}. %% %% load %% trans_load(I, Relocs) -> RtlDst = hipe_rtl:load_dst(I), TmpDst = mk_temp(), %% XXX: Why translate them independently? ------------------------ {Src, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:load_src(I)), {Offset, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:load_offset(I)), T1 = mk_temp(), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(T1, add, WordTy, Src, Offset, []), %%---------------------------------------------------------------- I4 = case hipe_rtl:load_size(I) of word -> T2 = mk_temp(), II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, WordTyPtr), II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(TmpDst, WordTyPtr, T2, [], [], false), [II2, II1]; Size -> LoadType = llvm_type_from_size(Size), LoadTypeP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(LoadType), T2 = mk_temp(), II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, LoadTypeP), T3 = mk_temp(), LoadTypePointer = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(LoadType), II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T3, LoadTypePointer, T2, [], [], false), Conversion = case hipe_rtl:load_sign(I) of signed -> sext; unsigned -> zext end, II3 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TmpDst, Conversion, LoadType, T3, WordTy), [II3, II2, II1] end, I5 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, RtlDst), {[I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% %% load_address %% trans_load_address(I, Relocs) -> RtlDst = hipe_rtl:load_address_dst(I), RtlAddr = hipe_rtl:load_address_addr(I), {Addr, NewRelocs} = case hipe_rtl:load_address_type(I) of constant -> {"%DL" ++ integer_to_list(RtlAddr) ++ "_var", Relocs}; closure -> {{_, ClosureName, _}, _, _} = RtlAddr, FixedClosureName = fix_closure_name(ClosureName), Relocs1 = relocs_store(FixedClosureName, {closure, RtlAddr}, Relocs), {"%" ++ FixedClosureName ++ "_var", Relocs1}; type -> exit({?MODULE, trans_load_address, {"Type not implemented in load_address", RtlAddr}}) end, I1 = store_stack_dst(Addr, RtlDst), {[I1], NewRelocs}. %% %% load_atom %% trans_load_atom(I, Relocs) -> RtlDst = hipe_rtl:load_atom_dst(I), RtlAtom = hipe_rtl:load_atom_atom(I), AtomName = "atom_" ++ make_llvm_id(atom_to_list(RtlAtom)), AtomVar = "%" ++ AtomName ++ "_var", NewRelocs = relocs_store(AtomName, {atom, RtlAtom}, Relocs), I1 = store_stack_dst(AtomVar, RtlDst), {[I1], NewRelocs}. %% %% move %% trans_move(I, Relocs) -> RtlDst = hipe_rtl:move_dst(I), RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:move_src(I), {Src, I1} = trans_src(RtlSrc), I2 = store_stack_dst(Src, RtlDst), {[I2, I1], Relocs}. %% %% return %% trans_return(I, Relocs) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), {VarRet, I1} = case hipe_rtl:return_varlist(I) of [] -> {[], []}; [A] -> {Name, II1} = trans_src(A), {[{WordTy, Name}], II1} end, FixedRegs = fixed_registers(), {LoadedFixedRegs, I2} = load_fixed_regs(FixedRegs), FixedRet = [{WordTy, X} || X <- LoadedFixedRegs], Ret = FixedRet ++ VarRet, {RetTypes, _RetNames} = lists:unzip(Ret), Type = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(RetTypes), {RetStruct, I3} = mk_return_struct(Ret, Type), I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_ret([{Type, RetStruct}]), {[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% @doc Create a structure to hold the return value and the precoloured %% registers. mk_return_struct(RetValues, Type) -> mk_return_struct(RetValues, Type, [], "undef", 0). mk_return_struct([], _, Acc, StructName, _) -> {StructName, Acc}; mk_return_struct([{ElemType, ElemName}|Rest], Type, Acc, StructName, Index) -> T1 = mk_temp(), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_insertvalue(T1, Type, StructName, ElemType, ElemName, integer_to_list(Index), []), mk_return_struct(Rest, Type, [I1 | Acc], T1, Index+1). %% %% store %% trans_store(I, Relocs) -> {Base, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:store_base(I)), {Offset, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:store_offset(I)), {Value, I3} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:store_src(I)), T1 = mk_temp(), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(T1, add, WordTy, Base, Offset, []), I5 = case hipe_rtl:store_size(I) of word -> T2 = mk_temp(), II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, WordTyPtr), II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, Value, WordTyPtr, T2, [], [], false), [II2, II1]; Size -> %% XXX: Is always trunc correct ? LoadType = llvm_type_from_size(Size), LoadTypePointer = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(LoadType), T2 = mk_temp(), II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, WordTy, T1, LoadTypePointer), T3 = mk_temp(), II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T3, 'trunc', WordTy, Value, LoadType), II3 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(LoadType, T3, LoadTypePointer, T2, [], [], false), [II3, II2, II1] end, {[I5, I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}. %% %% switch %% trans_switch(I, Relocs, Data) -> RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:switch_src(I), {Src, I1} = trans_src(RtlSrc), Labels = hipe_rtl:switch_labels(I), JumpLabels = [mk_jump_label(L) || L <- Labels], SortOrder = hipe_rtl:switch_sort_order(I), NrLabels = length(Labels), ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)), TableType = hipe_llvm:mk_array(NrLabels, ByteTyPtr), TableTypeP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(TableType), TypedJumpLabels = [{hipe_llvm:mk_label_type(), X} || X <- JumpLabels], T1 = mk_temp(), {Src2, []} = trans_dst(RtlSrc), TableName = "table_" ++ tl(Src2), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_getelementptr(T1, TableTypeP, "@"++TableName, [{WordTy, "0"}, {WordTy, Src}], false), T2 = mk_temp(), BYTE_TYPE_PP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTyPtr), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T2, BYTE_TYPE_PP, T1, [], [], false), I4 = hipe_llvm:mk_indirectbr(ByteTyPtr, T2, TypedJumpLabels), LMap = [{label, L} || L <- Labels], %% Update data with the info for the jump table {NewData, JTabLab} = case hipe_rtl:switch_sort_order(I) of [] -> hipe_consttab:insert_block(Data, word, LMap); SortOrder -> hipe_consttab:insert_sorted_block(Data, word, LMap, SortOrder) end, Relocs2 = relocs_store(TableName, {switch, {TableType, Labels, NrLabels, SortOrder}, JTabLab}, Relocs), {[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs2, NewData}. %% @doc Pass on RTL code in order to fix invoke and closure calls. fix_code(Code) -> fix_calls(Code). %% @doc Fix invoke calls and closure calls with more than ?NR_ARG_REGS %% arguments. fix_calls(Code) -> fix_calls(Code, [], []). fix_calls([], Acc, FailLabels) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), FailLabels}; fix_calls([I | Is], Acc, FailLabels) -> case hipe_rtl:is_call(I) of true -> {NewCall, NewFailLabels} = case hipe_rtl:call_fail(I) of [] -> {I, FailLabels}; FailLabel -> fix_invoke_call(I, FailLabel, FailLabels) end, fix_calls(Is, [NewCall|Acc], NewFailLabels); false -> fix_calls(Is, [I|Acc], FailLabels) end. %% @doc When a call has a fail continuation label it must be extended with a %% normal continuation label to go with the LLVM's invoke instruction. %% FailLabels is the list of labels of all fail blocks, which are needed to %% be declared as landing pads. Furtermore, we must add to fail labels a %% call to hipe_bifs:llvm_fix_pinned_regs/0 in order to avoid reloading old %% values of pinned registers. This may happen because the result of an %% invoke instruction is not available at fail-labels, and, thus, we cannot %% get the correct values of pinned registers. Finally, the stack needs to %% be re-adjusted when there are stack arguments. fix_invoke_call(I, FailLabel, FailLabels) -> NewLabel = hipe_gensym:new_label(llvm), NewCall1 = hipe_rtl:call_normal_update(I, NewLabel), SpAdj = find_sp_adj(hipe_rtl:call_arglist(I)), case lists:keyfind(FailLabel, 1, FailLabels) of %% Same fail label with same Stack Pointer adjustment {FailLabel, NewFailLabel, SpAdj} -> NewCall2 = hipe_rtl:call_fail_update(NewCall1, NewFailLabel), {NewCall2, FailLabels}; %% Same fail label but with different Stack Pointer adjustment {_, _, _} -> NewFailLabel = hipe_gensym:new_label(llvm), NewCall2 = hipe_rtl:call_fail_update(NewCall1, NewFailLabel), {NewCall2, [{FailLabel, NewFailLabel, SpAdj} | FailLabels]}; %% New Fail label false -> NewFailLabel = hipe_gensym:new_label(llvm), NewCall2 = hipe_rtl:call_fail_update(NewCall1, NewFailLabel), {NewCall2, [{FailLabel, NewFailLabel, SpAdj} | FailLabels]} end. find_sp_adj(ArgList) -> NrArgs = length(ArgList), case NrArgs > ?NR_ARG_REGS of true -> (NrArgs - ?NR_ARG_REGS) * hipe_rtl_arch:word_size(); false -> 0 end. %% @doc Add landingpad instruction in Fail Blocks. add_landingpads(LLVM_Code, FailLabels) -> FailLabels2 = [convert_label(T) || T <- FailLabels], add_landingpads(LLVM_Code, FailLabels2, []). add_landingpads([], _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); add_landingpads([I | Is], FailLabels, Acc) -> case hipe_llvm:is_label(I) of true -> Label = hipe_llvm:label_label(I), Ins = create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels), add_landingpads(Is, FailLabels, [I | Ins] ++ Acc); false -> add_landingpads(Is, FailLabels, [I | Acc]) end. convert_label({X,Y,Z}) -> {"L" ++ integer_to_list(X), "FL" ++ integer_to_list(Y), Z}. %% @doc Create a fail block wich. create_fail_blocks(_, []) -> []; create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels) -> create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels, []). create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels, Acc) -> case lists:keytake(Label, 1, FailLabels) of false -> Acc; {value, {Label, FailLabel, SpAdj}, RestFailLabels} -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_label(FailLabel), LP = hipe_llvm:mk_landingpad(), I2 = case SpAdj > 0 of true -> StackPointer = ?ARCH_REGISTERS:reg_name(?ARCH_REGISTERS:sp()), hipe_llvm:mk_adj_stack(integer_to_list(SpAdj), StackPointer, WordTy); false -> [] end, T1 = mk_temp(), FixedRegs = fixed_registers(), FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_call(T1, false, "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, "@hipe_bifs.llvm_fix_pinned_regs.0", [], []), I4 = store_fixed_regs(FixedRegs, T1), I5 = hipe_llvm:mk_br("%" ++ Label), Ins = lists:flatten([I5, I4, I3, I2, LP,I1]), create_fail_blocks(Label, RestFailLabels, Ins ++ Acc) end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Miscellaneous Functions %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Convert RTL argument list to LLVM argument list. trans_args(ArgList) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), MakeArg = fun(A) -> {Name, I1} = trans_src(A), {{WordTy, Name}, I1} end, [MakeArg(A) || A <- ArgList]. %% @doc Convert a list of Precoloured registers to LLVM argument list. fix_reg_args(ArgList) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), [{WordTy, A} || A <- ArgList]. %% @doc Load Precoloured registers. load_fixed_regs(RegList) -> Names = [mk_temp_reg(R) || R <- RegList], WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), Fun1 = fun (X, Y) -> hipe_llvm:mk_load(X, WordTyPtr, "%" ++ Y ++ "_reg_var", [], [], false) end, Ins = lists:zipwith(Fun1, Names, RegList), {Names, Ins}. %% @doc Store Precoloured registers. store_fixed_regs(RegList, Name) -> Names = [mk_temp_reg(R) || R <- RegList], Indexes = lists:seq(0, erlang:length(RegList) - 1), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)), Fun1 = fun(X,Y) -> hipe_llvm:mk_extractvalue(X, FunRetTy, Name, integer_to_list(Y), []) end, I1 = lists:zipwith(Fun1, Names, Indexes), Fun2 = fun (X, Y) -> hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, X, WordTyPtr, "%" ++ Y ++ "_reg_var", [], [], false) end, I2 = lists:zipwith(Fun2, Names, RegList), [I2, I1]. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Translation of Names %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Fix F in MFA tuple to acceptable LLVM identifier (case of closure). -spec fix_mfa_name(mfa()) -> mfa(). fix_mfa_name({Mod_Name, Closure_Name, Arity}) -> Fun_Name = list_to_atom(fix_closure_name(Closure_Name)), {Mod_Name, Fun_Name, Arity}. %% @doc Make an acceptable LLVM identifier for a closure name. fix_closure_name(ClosureName) -> make_llvm_id(atom_to_list(ClosureName)). %% @doc Create an acceptable LLVM identifier. make_llvm_id(Name) -> case Name of "" -> "Empty"; Other -> lists:flatten([llvm_id(C) || C <- Other]) end. llvm_id(C) when C=:=46; C>47 andalso C<58; C>64 andalso C<91; C=:=95; C>96 andalso C<123 -> C; llvm_id(C) -> io_lib:format("_~2.16.0B_",[C]). %% @doc Create an acceptable LLVM identifier for an MFA. trans_mfa_name({M,F,A}, Linkage) -> N0 = atom_to_list(M) ++ "." ++ atom_to_list(F) ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(A), N = case Linkage of not_remote -> N0; remote -> "rem." ++ N0 end, make_llvm_id(N). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Creation of Labels and Temporaries %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mk_label(N) -> "L" ++ integer_to_list(N). mk_jump_label(N) -> "%L" ++ integer_to_list(N). mk_temp() -> "%t" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_gensym:new_var(llvm)). mk_temp_reg(Name) -> "%" ++ Name ++ integer_to_list(hipe_gensym:new_var(llvm)). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Translation of Operands %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- store_stack_dst(TempDst, Dst) -> {Dst2, II1} = trans_dst(Dst), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, TempDst, WordTyPtr, Dst2, [], [], false), [II2, II1]. store_float_stack(TempDst, Dst) -> {Dst2, II1} = trans_dst(Dst), FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(), FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FloatTy), II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(FloatTy, TempDst, FloatTyPtr, Dst2, [], [], false), [II2, II1]. trans_float_src(Src) -> case hipe_rtl:is_const_label(Src) of true -> Name = "@DL" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:const_label_label(Src)), T1 = mk_temp(), %% XXX: Hardcoded offset ByteTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(8), ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTy), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_getelementptr(T1, ByteTyPtr, Name, [{ByteTy, integer_to_list(?FLOAT_OFFSET)}], true), T2 = mk_temp(), FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(), FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FloatTy), I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, bitcast, ByteTyPtr, T1, FloatTyPtr), T3 = mk_temp(), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T3, FloatTyPtr, T2, [], [], false), {T3, [I3, I2, I1]}; false -> trans_src(Src) end. trans_src(A) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), case hipe_rtl:is_imm(A) of true -> Value = integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:imm_value(A)), {Value, []}; false -> case hipe_rtl:is_reg(A) of true -> case isPrecoloured(A) of true -> trans_reg(A, src); false -> {Name, []} = trans_reg(A, src), T1 = mk_temp(), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, WordTyPtr, Name, [], [], false), {T1, [I1]} end; false -> case hipe_rtl:is_var(A) of true -> RootName = "%vr" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:var_index(A)), T1 = mk_temp(), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, WordTyPtr, RootName, [], [], false), I2 = case hipe_rtl:var_liveness(A) of live -> []; dead -> NilValue = hipe_tagscheme:mk_nil(), hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, integer_to_list(NilValue), WordTyPtr, RootName, [], [], false) end, {T1, [I2, I1]}; false -> case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(A) of true -> {Name, []} = trans_dst(A), T1 = mk_temp(), FloatTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_double()), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, FloatTyPtr, Name, [], [], false), {T1, [I1]}; false -> trans_dst(A) end end end end. trans_dst(A) -> case hipe_rtl:is_reg(A) of true -> trans_reg(A, dst); false -> Name = case hipe_rtl:is_var(A) of true -> "%vr" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:var_index(A)); false -> case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(A) of true -> "%fr" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:fpreg_index(A)); false -> case hipe_rtl:is_const_label(A) of true -> "%DL" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:const_label_label(A)) ++ "_var"; false -> exit({?MODULE, trans_dst, {"Bad RTL argument",A}}) end end end, {Name, []} end. %% @doc Translate a register. If it is precoloured it must be mapped to the %% correct stack slot that holds the precoloured register value. trans_reg(Arg, Position) -> Index = hipe_rtl:reg_index(Arg), case isPrecoloured(Arg) of true -> Name = map_precoloured_reg(Index), case Position of src -> fix_reg_src(Name); dst -> fix_reg_dst(Name) end; false -> {hipe_rtl_arch:reg_name(Index), []} end. map_precoloured_reg(Index) -> case hipe_rtl_arch:reg_name(Index) of "%r15" -> "%hp_reg_var"; "%rbp" -> "%p_reg_var"; "%esi" -> "%hp_reg_var"; "%ebp" -> "%p_reg_var"; "%fcalls" -> {"%p_reg_var", ?ARCH_REGISTERS:proc_offset(?ARCH_REGISTERS:fcalls())}; "%hplim" -> {"%p_reg_var", ?ARCH_REGISTERS:proc_offset(?ARCH_REGISTERS:heap_limit())}; _ -> exit({?MODULE, map_precoloured_reg, {"Register not mapped yet", Index}}) end. %% @doc Load precoloured dst register. fix_reg_dst(Register) -> case Register of {Name, Offset} -> %% Case of %fcalls, %hplim WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), pointer_from_reg(Name, WordTy, Offset); Name -> %% Case of %p and %hp {Name, []} end. %% @doc Load precoloured src register. fix_reg_src(Register) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), case Register of {Name, Offset} -> %% Case of %fcalls, %hplim {T1, I1} = pointer_from_reg(Name, WordTy, Offset), T2 = mk_temp(), I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T2, WordTyPtr, T1, [], [] , false), {T2, [I2, I1]}; Name -> %% Case of %p and %hp T1 = mk_temp(), {T1, hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, WordTyPtr, Name, [], [], false)} end. %% @doc Load %fcalls and %hplim. pointer_from_reg(RegName, Type, Offset) -> PointerType = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(Type), T1 = mk_temp(), I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_load(T1, PointerType, RegName, [], [] ,false), T2 = mk_temp(), I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, Type, T1, PointerType), T3 = mk_temp(), %% XXX: Offsets should be a power of 2. I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_getelementptr(T3, PointerType, T2, [{Type, integer_to_list(Offset div hipe_rtl_arch:word_size())}], true), {T3, [I3, I2, I1]}. isPrecoloured(X) -> hipe_rtl_arch:is_precoloured(X). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Translation of operators %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ trans_op(Op) -> case Op of add -> add; sub -> sub; 'or' -> 'or'; 'and' -> 'and'; 'xor' -> 'xor'; sll -> shl; srl -> lshr; sra -> ashr; mul -> mul; 'fdiv' -> fdiv; 'sdiv' -> sdiv; 'srem' -> srem; Other -> exit({?MODULE, trans_op, {"Unknown RTL operator", Other}}) end. trans_rel_op(Op) -> case Op of eq -> eq; ne -> ne; gtu -> ugt; geu -> uge; ltu -> ult; leu -> ule; gt -> sgt; ge -> sge; lt -> slt; le -> sle end. trans_prim_op(Op) -> case Op of '+' -> "bif_add"; '-' -> "bif_sub"; '*' -> "bif_mul"; 'div' -> "bif_div"; '/' -> "bif_div"; Other -> atom_to_list(Other) end. trans_fp_op(Op) -> case Op of fadd -> fadd; fsub -> fsub; fdiv -> fdiv; fmul -> fmul; fchs -> fsub; Other -> exit({?MODULE, trans_fp_op, {"Unknown RTL float operator",Other}}) end. %% Misc. insn_dst(I) -> case I of #alu{} -> [hipe_rtl:alu_dst(I)]; #alub{} -> [hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I)]; #call{} -> case hipe_rtl:call_dstlist(I) of [] -> []; [Dst] -> [Dst] end; #load{} -> [hipe_rtl:load_dst(I)]; #load_address{} -> [hipe_rtl:load_address_dst(I)]; #load_atom{} -> [hipe_rtl:load_atom_dst(I)]; #move{} -> [hipe_rtl:move_dst(I)]; #phi{} -> [hipe_rtl:phi_dst(I)]; #fconv{} -> [hipe_rtl:fconv_dst(I)]; #fload{} -> [hipe_rtl:fload_dst(I)]; #fmove{} -> [hipe_rtl:fmove_dst(I)]; #fp{} -> [hipe_rtl:fp_dst(I)]; #fp_unop{} -> [hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst(I)]; _ -> [] end. llvm_type_from_size(Size) -> case Size of byte -> hipe_llvm:mk_int(8); int16 -> hipe_llvm:mk_int(16); int32 -> hipe_llvm:mk_int(32); word -> hipe_llvm:mk_int(64) end. %% @doc Create definition for the compiled function. The parameters that are %% passed to the stack must be reversed to match with the CC. Also %% precoloured registers that are passed as arguments must be stored to %% the corresonding stack slots. create_function_definition(Fun, Params, Code, LocalVars) -> FunctionName = trans_mfa_name(Fun, not_remote), FixedRegs = fixed_registers(), %% Reverse parameters to match with the Erlang calling convention ReversedParams = case erlang:length(Params) > ?NR_ARG_REGS of false -> Params; true -> {ParamsInRegs, ParamsInStack} = lists:split(?NR_ARG_REGS, Params), ParamsInRegs ++ lists:reverse(ParamsInStack) end, Args = header_regs(FixedRegs) ++ header_params(ReversedParams), EntryLabel = hipe_llvm:mk_label("Entry"), FloatTy = hipe_llvm:mk_double(), ExceptionSync = hipe_llvm:mk_alloca("%exception_sync", FloatTy, [], []), I2 = load_regs(FixedRegs), I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_br(mk_jump_label(get(first_label))), StoredParams = store_params(Params), EntryBlock = lists:flatten([EntryLabel, ExceptionSync, I2, LocalVars, StoredParams, I3]), Final_Code = EntryBlock ++ Code, FunctionOptions = [nounwind, noredzone, list_to_atom("gc \"erlang\"")], WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)), hipe_llvm:mk_fun_def([], [], "cc 11", [], FunRetTy, FunctionName, Args, FunctionOptions, [], Final_Code). header_params(Params) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), [{WordTy, "%v" ++ integer_to_list(hipe_rtl:var_index(P))} || P <- Params]. store_params(Params) -> Fun1 = fun(X) -> Index = hipe_rtl:var_index(X), {Name, _} = trans_dst(X), ParamName = "%v" ++ integer_to_list(Index), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, ParamName, WordTyPtr, Name, [], [], false) end, lists:map(Fun1, Params). fixed_registers() -> case get(hipe_target_arch) of x86 -> ["hp", "p"]; amd64 -> ["hp", "p"]; Other -> exit({?MODULE, map_registers, {"Unknown architecture", Other}}) end. header_regs(Registers) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), [{WordTy, "%" ++ X ++ "_in"} || X <- Registers]. load_regs(Registers) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), Fun1 = fun(X) -> I1 = hipe_llvm:mk_alloca("%" ++ X ++ "_reg_var", WordTy, [], []), I2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(WordTy, "%" ++ X ++ "_in", WordTyPtr, "%" ++ X ++ "_reg_var", [], [], false), [I1, I2] end, lists:map(Fun1, Registers). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Relocation-specific Stuff %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ relocs_store(Key, Value, Relocs) -> dict:store(Key, Value, Relocs). relocs_to_list(Relocs) -> dict:to_list(Relocs). %% @doc This function is responsible for the actions needed to handle %% relocations: %% 1) Updates relocations with constants and switch jump tables. %% 2) Creates LLVM code to declare relocations as external %% functions/constants. %% 3) Creates LLVM code in order to create local variables for the external %% constants/labels. handle_relocations(Relocs, Data, Fun) -> RelocsList = relocs_to_list(Relocs), %% Seperate Relocations according to their type {CallList, AtomList, ClosureList, ClosureLabels, SwitchList} = seperate_relocs(RelocsList), %% Create code to declare atoms AtomDecl = [declare_atom(A) || A <- AtomList], %% Create code to create local name for atoms AtomLoad = [load_atom(A) || A <- AtomList], %% Create code to declare closures ClosureDecl = [declare_closure(C) || C <- ClosureList], %% Create code to create local name for closures ClosureLoad = [load_closure(C) || C <- ClosureList], %% Find function calls IsExternalCall = fun (X) -> is_external_call(X, Fun) end, ExternalCallList = lists:filter(IsExternalCall, CallList), %% Create code to declare external function FunDecl = fixed_fun_decl() ++ [call_to_decl(C) || C <- ExternalCallList], %% Extract constant labels from Constant Map (remove duplicates) ConstLabels = hipe_consttab:labels(Data), %% Create code to declare constants ConstDecl = [declare_constant(C) || C <- ConstLabels], %% Create code to create local name for constants ConstLoad = [load_constant(C) || C <- ConstLabels], %% Create code to create jump tables SwitchDecl = declare_switches(SwitchList, Fun), %% Create code to create a table with the labels of all closure calls {ClosureLabelDecl, Relocs1} = declare_closure_labels(ClosureLabels, Relocs, Fun), %% Enter constants to relocations Relocs2 = lists:foldl(fun const_to_dict/2, Relocs1, ConstLabels), %% Temporary Store inc_stack and llvm_fix_pinned_regs to Dictionary %% TODO: Remove this Relocs3 = dict:store("inc_stack_0", {call, remote, {bif, inc_stack_0, 0}}, Relocs2), Relocs4 = dict:store("hipe_bifs.llvm_fix_pinned_regs.0", {call, remote, {hipe_bifs, llvm_fix_pinned_regs, 0}}, Relocs3), BranchMetaData = [ hipe_llvm:mk_meta(?BRANCH_META_TAKEN, ["branch_weights", 99, 1]) , hipe_llvm:mk_meta(?BRANCH_META_NOT_TAKEN, ["branch_weights", 1, 99]) ], ExternalDeclarations = AtomDecl ++ ClosureDecl ++ ConstDecl ++ FunDecl ++ ClosureLabelDecl ++ SwitchDecl ++ BranchMetaData, LocalVariables = AtomLoad ++ ClosureLoad ++ ConstLoad, {Relocs4, ExternalDeclarations, LocalVariables}. %% @doc Seperate relocations according to their type. seperate_relocs(Relocs) -> seperate_relocs(Relocs, [], [], [], [], []). seperate_relocs([], CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc) -> {CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc}; seperate_relocs([R|Rs], CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc) -> case R of {_, {call, _, _}} -> seperate_relocs(Rs, [R | CallAcc], AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc); {_, {atom, _}} -> seperate_relocs(Rs, CallAcc, [R | AtomAcc], ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc); {_, {closure, _}} -> seperate_relocs(Rs, CallAcc, AtomAcc, [R | ClosureAcc], LabelAcc, JmpTableAcc); {_, {switch, _, _}} -> seperate_relocs(Rs, CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, LabelAcc, [R | JmpTableAcc]); {_, {closure_label, _, _}} -> seperate_relocs(Rs, CallAcc, AtomAcc, ClosureAcc, [R | LabelAcc], JmpTableAcc) end. %% @doc External declaration of an atom. declare_atom({AtomName, _}) -> WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@" ++ AtomName, "external constant", WordTy, ""). %% @doc Creation of local variable for an atom. load_atom({AtomName, _}) -> Dst = "%" ++ AtomName ++ "_var", Name = "@" ++ AtomName, WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), WordTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(WordTy), hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(Dst, ptrtoint, WordTyPtr, Name, WordTy). %% @doc External declaration of a closure. declare_closure({ClosureName, _})-> ByteTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(8), hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@" ++ ClosureName, "external constant", ByteTy, ""). %% @doc Creation of local variable for a closure. load_closure({ClosureName, _})-> Dst = "%" ++ ClosureName ++ "_var", Name = "@" ++ ClosureName, WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)), hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(Dst, ptrtoint, ByteTyPtr, Name, WordTy). %% @doc Declaration of a local variable for a switch jump table. declare_switches(JumpTableList, Fun) -> FunName = trans_mfa_name(Fun, not_remote), [declare_switch_table(X, FunName) || X <- JumpTableList]. declare_switch_table({Name, {switch, {TableType, Labels, _, _}, _}}, FunName) -> LabelList = [mk_jump_label(L) || L <- Labels], Fun1 = fun(X) -> "i8* blockaddress(@" ++ FunName ++ ", " ++ X ++ ")" end, List2 = lists:map(Fun1, LabelList), List3 = string:join(List2, ",\n"), List4 = "[\n" ++ List3 ++ "\n]\n", hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@" ++ Name, "constant", TableType, List4). %% @doc Declaration of a variable for a table with the labels of all closure %% calls in the code. declare_closure_labels([], Relocs, _Fun) -> {[], Relocs}; declare_closure_labels(ClosureLabels, Relocs, Fun) -> FunName = trans_mfa_name(Fun, not_remote), {LabelList, ArityList} = lists:unzip([{mk_jump_label(Label), A} || {_, {closure_label, Label, A}} <- ClosureLabels]), Relocs1 = relocs_store("table_closures", {table_closures, ArityList}, Relocs), List2 = ["i8* blockaddress(@" ++ FunName ++ ", " ++ L ++ ")" || L <- LabelList], List3 = string:join(List2, ",\n"), List4 = "[\n" ++ List3 ++ "\n]\n", NrLabels = length(LabelList), ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)), TableType = hipe_llvm:mk_array(NrLabels, ByteTyPtr), ConstDecl = hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@table_closures", "constant", TableType, List4), {[ConstDecl], Relocs1}. %% @doc A call is treated as non external only in a case of a local recursive %% function. is_external_call({_, {call, not_remote, MFA}}, MFA) -> false; is_external_call(_, _) -> true. %% @doc External declaration of a function. call_to_decl({Name, {call, _, MFA}}) -> {M, _F, A} = MFA, CConv = "cc 11", WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)), {Type, Args} = case M of llvm -> {hipe_llvm:mk_struct([WordTy, hipe_llvm:mk_int(1)]), [1, 2]}; %% +precoloured regs _ -> {FunRetTy, lists:seq(1, A + ?NR_PINNED_REGS)} end, ArgsTypes = lists:duplicate(length(Args), WordTy), hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], CConv, [], Type, "@" ++ Name, ArgsTypes, []). %% @doc These functions are always declared, even if not used. fixed_fun_decl() -> ByteTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(8), ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTy), LandPad = hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], [], [], hipe_llvm:mk_int(32), "@__gcc_personality_v0", [hipe_llvm:mk_int(32), hipe_llvm:mk_int(64), ByteTyPtr, ByteTyPtr], []), GCROOTDecl = hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], [], [], hipe_llvm:mk_void(), "@llvm.gcroot", [hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(ByteTyPtr), ByteTyPtr], []), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), FunRetTy = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(lists:duplicate(?NR_PINNED_REGS + 1, WordTy)), FixPinnedRegs = hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], [], [], FunRetTy, "@hipe_bifs.llvm_fix_pinned_regs.0", [], []), GcMetadata = hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl("@gc_metadata", "external constant", ByteTy, ""), [LandPad, GCROOTDecl, FixPinnedRegs, GcMetadata]. %% @doc Declare an External Consant. We declare all constants as i8 in order to %% be able to calcucate pointers of the form DL+6, with the getelementptr %% instruction. Otherwise we have to convert constants form pointers to %% values, add the offset and convert them again to pointers. declare_constant(Label) -> Name = "@DL" ++ integer_to_list(Label), ByteTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(8), hipe_llvm:mk_const_decl(Name, "external constant", ByteTy, ""). %% @doc Load a constant is achieved by converting a pointer to an integer of %% the correct width. load_constant(Label) -> Dst = "%DL" ++ integer_to_list(Label) ++ "_var", Name = "@DL" ++ integer_to_list(Label), WordTy = hipe_llvm:mk_int(?WORD_WIDTH), ByteTyPtr = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(hipe_llvm:mk_int(8)), hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(Dst, ptrtoint, ByteTyPtr, Name, WordTy). %% @doc Store external constants and calls to dictionary. const_to_dict(Elem, Dict) -> Name = "DL" ++ integer_to_list(Elem), dict:store(Name, {'constant', Elem}, Dict). %% @doc Export the hipe literals that LLVM needs to generate the prologue as %% metadata. add_literals_metadata(ExternalDecls) -> Pairs = [hipe_llvm:mk_meta(integer_to_list(?FIRST_FREE_META_NO), ["P_NSP_LIMIT", ?P_NSP_LIMIT]) ,hipe_llvm:mk_meta(integer_to_list(?FIRST_FREE_META_NO + 1), ["X86_LEAF_WORDS", ?X86_LEAF_WORDS]) ,hipe_llvm:mk_meta(integer_to_list(?FIRST_FREE_META_NO + 2), ["AMD64_LEAF_WORDS", ?AMD64_LEAF_WORDS]) ], [hipe_llvm:mk_meta(?HIPE_LITERALS_META, Pairs) | Pairs ++ ExternalDecls].